Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

hey dipstick. Its 12-26 and Trump is still President.
Ok then, so I guess the big question is which Christmas...the one three years from now or seven years from now.
Lol you are absurd.

Find anything in this Fake Indictment That Implicates The President directly or STFU.

"There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment,"

But the guy who pled guilty admitted to lying about his contacts with Russia. As it turns out, he was working for the campaign at the time, and knew about the Russian-hacked DNC emails before the rest of the world.

Yeah, probably just coincidence that it was revealed on the exact same day as the Manafort/Gates indictments. Yep, just a coincidence...

Hmm, no... i don't think I wil STFU. And I am begging you to keep running your mouth. Take as much rope as you need. Share it with your fellow Trumpkins. Mueller is playing chess, and you're the pawns.

looks like you got hung with your rope. You should have listened.
Uh ... what? The investigation is over? Like I said, keep running your mouths, fine by me.

For all intents and purposes, yes. And in a rare moment of honesty, you would admit to yourself it's true.

Regarding the above mentioned Nimrod who said that "Flynn lied" and this actually means doesn't.

What the Crooked FBI did was do an Ambush Interview with Flynn where Flynn was asked to recall BY MEMORY, everything he had already documented and disclosed in his disclosure documents.

And when he verbally and by memory recounted an event and a Legal Meeting that took place and he had already DISCLOSED, he Verbally by MEMORY gave Herr Mueller a different date than what was documented.

This is the VERY DEFINITION of Prosecutorial Misconduct that Mueller's associates are famous for and have had cases thrown out for.

What the FBI did is the same thing they have done to every single person they have tried to pressure in to IMO 'give false testimony' against President Trump to save their own skin.

Rather than actually be dishonest and betray the president with a lie, and to suffer further ECONOMIC RUIN fighting THE CROOKED OBAMA FBI, Flynn just plead to a petty offense, washed his hands of the whole thing, and told THE FBI to FUCK OFF.

But you won't hear that story on THE FAKE NEWS.

They did the exact same thing to this Papadoupalos kid who was just a volunteer. And neither incident showed anything at all to do with "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"

It was just THE FBI being ASSHOLES and trying to INTIMIDATE AND COERCE people in to giving testimony about a Crime that Never Existed, and things that Never Occurred.

Since when does THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA launch Billion Dollar Investigations without having any EVIDENCE OF A CRIME WHAT SO EVER?

Nazi Germany would do that!
The Soviet Union would do that!
Venezuela or Cuba or China would do that!
North Korea Operates that way!

This is where THE LEFT is taking us....and why they should be battled and resisted and stopped at all costs.


With Secret Police and NO CHECKS AND BALANCES

Searching for Crimes that Haven't Been Committed and that there is NO EVIDENCE to assume that any Crimes were Committed.

The very definition of a Corrupt Fishing Expedition and a With Hunt conducted by Leftist ZEALOTS is what Mueller is doing!


Since Clinton & Obama Happened, and since they failed to Rig the Presidential Election despite having 24-7 surveillance on the Opposition Campaign..that's when!
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Lol you are absurd.

Find anything in this Fake Indictment That Implicates The President directly or STFU.

Hmm, no... i don't think I wil STFU. And I am begging you to keep running your mouth. Take as much rope as you need. Share it with your fellow Trumpkins. Mueller is playing chess, and you're the pawns.

looks like you got hung with your rope. You should have listened.
Uh ... what? The investigation is over? Like I said, keep running your mouths, fine by me.

For all intents and purposes, yes. And in a rare moment of honesty, you would admit to yourself it's true.

Regarding the above mentioned Nimrod who said that "Flynn lied" and this actually means doesn't.

What the Crooked FBI did was do an Ambush Interview with Flynn where Flynn was asked to recall BY MEMORY, everything he had already documented and disclosed in his disclosure documents.

And when he verbally and by memory recounted an event and a Legal Meeting that took place and he had already DISCLOSED, he Verbally by MEMORY gave Herr Mueller a different date than what was documented.

This is the VERY DEFINITION of Prosecutorial Misconduct that Mueller's associates are famous for and have had cases thrown out for.

What the FBI did is the same thing they have done to every single person they have tried to pressure in to IMO 'give false testimony' against President Trump to save their own skin.

Rather than actually be dishonest and betray the president with a lie, and to suffer further ECONOMIC RUIN fighting THE CROOKED OBAMA FBI, Flynn just plead to a petty offense, washed his hands of the whole thing, and told THE FBI to FUCK OFF.

But you won't hear that story on THE FAKE NEWS.

They did the exact same thing to this Papadoupalos kid who was just a volunteer. And neither incident showed anything at all to do with "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"

It was just THE FBI being ASSHOLES and trying to INTIMIDATE AND COERCE people in to giving testimony about a Crime that Never Existed, and things that Never Occurred.

Since when does THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA launch Billion Dollar Investigations without having any EVIDENCE OF A CRIME WHAT SO EVER?

Nazi Germany would do that!
The Soviet Union would do that!
Venezuela or Cuba or China would do that!
North Korea Operates that way!

This is where THE LEFT is taking us....and why they should be battled and resisted and stopped at all costs.


With Secret Police and NO CHECKS AND BALANCES

Searching for Crimes that Haven't Been Committed and that there is NO EVIDENCE to assume that any Crimes were Committed.

The very definition of a Corrupt Fishing Expedition and a With Hunt conducted by Leftist ZEALOTS is what Mueller is doing!


Since Clinton & Obama Happened, and since they failed to Rig the Presidential Election despite having 24-7 surveillance on the Opposition Campaign..that's when!
Flynn dug his own grave, he shouldn't have been talking to the FBI without a lawyer present, that's just dumb.
Trump is still in office...just an FYI.

Is this considered a lie or fake news by OP?

How do liberals classify the untruth by OP?
With Trump in office, every day is Christmas for anyone with capital market investments of any kind. :banana:
Where are we?

Christmas +45 days?

No wonder OP has never returned to their stupid thread, huh?
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
From your lips to God's ear.
Where are those indictments that were gonna start "falling like rain"? How come Mueller's few indictments so far have *nothing* to do with Russian collusion? How come Mueller has been unable to indict Carter Page even after he was wire-tapped for a year? How come Mueller was only able to indict Papadopoulos for lying about giving the Trump campaign an exaggerated picture of the extent and level of his Russian contacts, and for lying about *legal* meetings? How could Mueller indicted Flynn for lying about *legal* meetings that had nothing to do with collusion? How come Mueller could only indict Manafort for financial stuff--financial stuff that happened years ago?
From the "Trump has no path the White House" Brigade

People on the left and right were saying that.

The best analysis I've heard of Trump: "Everything he touches, dies."

I don't think he'll ever go to prison, probably not his sons either, however... Jared might be on the "gotta give 'em someone" list
From the "Trump has no path the White House" Brigade

People on the left and right were saying that.

The best analysis I've heard of Trump: "Everything he touches, dies."

I don't think he'll ever go to prison, probably not his sons either, however... Jared might be on the "gotta give 'em someone" list

Yeah, let us know how that turns out. When all the smoke clears, Mueller's investigation will go down as one of the most embarrassing witch hunts in American history. If he couldn't get Carter Page on anything after a year of wire-tapping, if he could only get Papadoupolos on stuff that had nothing to do with Russian collusion, if he could only get Flynn on lying about two legal meetings that did not involve collusion, odds are he's got nothing on anyone in Trump's inner circle.

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