Mueller's indictments lead straight to the White House. Trump will be gone by Christmas.

Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
Tick Tock its Christmas Day and Trump is at Mara Lago on vacation and still the President.
Christmas Update.

President Don Trump is still in charge, but the Fool who made the Original Post in this thread is long gone---tucked tail and moved on. And, more importantly, three Deep State seditious Traitors--Strzok, Baker and McCabe---are no longer active in the attempted Democratic Coup to remove the President. Plus it looks like Jeff Sessions is starting to sack up and do his job.

Look for more good news for America soon.

Merry Christmas to every good soul who had sense enough NOT to vote for Hillary Clinton.
President Rubber Stamp has been craftily relegated to the one job he is qualified to do as President: sign his own name like a big boy. Suddenly the value of letting him have his tweeting becomes apparent, as it gives him an illusion of control.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

How many people here will be reposting this every Christmas between now and 2023?
The future doesn't look bright for a president with the lowest job approval in American history.

Looks pretty bright right now. You continue to be wrong about everything.
did op predict that trump would win the election? if not, why would anyone rely on his opinion?
did op predict that trump would win the election? if not, why would anyone rely on his opinion?
No one thought Trump would win. Evenhe admitted he thought he'd lose.
The only person I know of that said he'd win isMichael Moore.
No the Hannity's of the world don't count.

Actually lots of people did predict a Trump win. Ann Coulter was saying it from almost the day he announced.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
'It's only a matter of time' = NO EVIDENCE.

Thank you for playing, but you fail. Get back to me when there is evidence...

Like when you have evidence like Tony Podesta working for the KGB Bank, the chief financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, the same bank that paid Bill millions in speaking fees, the same bank that paid Hillary millions in 'donations'.... like the evidence of Hilary's server crimes
You keep asking for evidence. Have you been asleep for the past year?

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie, and all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.

And here we are many months away and none of what you said is true.
did op predict that trump would win the election? if not, why would anyone rely on his opinion?
did op predict that trump would win the election? if not, why would anyone rely on his opinion?
No one thought Trump would win. Evenhe admitted he thought he'd lose.
The only person I know of that said he'd win isMichael Moore.
No the Hannity's of the world don't count.

Actually lots of people did predict a Trump win. Ann Coulter was saying it from almost the day he announced.

yes a lot of folks seen through the liberal phony polls and new casts predicting a hillary landslide

some time it was laughable
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
'It's only a matter of time' = NO EVIDENCE.

Thank you for playing, but you fail. Get back to me when there is evidence...

Like when you have evidence like Tony Podesta working for the KGB Bank, the chief financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, the same bank that paid Bill millions in speaking fees, the same bank that paid Hillary millions in 'donations'.... like the evidence of Hilary's server crimes
You keep asking for evidence. Have you been asleep for the past year?

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie, and all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.

And here we are many months away and none of what you said is true.

you see that is what causes their leftarded extreme butt hurt

they believe their own garbage so strongly that eventually they will act out in violence
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

Yes indeed! Are you ready for President Pence with Donald Trump advising him?

That's your options, enjoy!

Jolly Christmas to you, too!
Pence would drop trump like a hot potato.

Besides, trump will be in prison as Bubba's bedmate

Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

Yes indeed! Are you ready for President Pence with Donald Trump advising him?

That's your options, enjoy!

Jolly Christmas to you, too!
Pence would drop trump like a hot potato.

Besides, trump will be in prison as Bubba's bedmate

Apparently the situation is not clear to you.

Trump is rather a Democrat/moderate.

Pence is a rightwing, Bible thumping authoritatian.

He will rule with force. Are you saying you want that?
Yep, trump out, Pence in.

Make it so

Lol you are absurd.

Find anything in this Fake Indictment That Implicates The President directly or STFU.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

You are a moron going on IGNORE immediately after just 10 messages posted here.
How many accounts have you made this year?
The Mods should ban your IP.

There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment, so go choke on Obama's rod...
I won't have to read your crap after this post.

"There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment,"

But the guy who pled guilty admitted to lying about his contacts with Russia. As it turns out, he was working for the campaign at the time, and knew about the Russian-hacked DNC emails before the rest of the world.

Yeah, probably just coincidence that it was revealed on the exact same day as the Manafort/Gates indictments. Yep, just a coincidence...

Hmm, no... i don't think I wil STFU. And I am begging you to keep running your mouth. Take as much rope as you need. Share it with your fellow Trumpkins. Mueller is playing chess, and you're the pawns.

looks like you got hung with your rope. You should have listened.
Lol you are absurd.

Find anything in this Fake Indictment That Implicates The President directly or STFU.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755

You are a moron going on IGNORE immediately after just 10 messages posted here.
How many accounts have you made this year?
The Mods should ban your IP.

There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment, so go choke on Obama's rod...
I won't have to read your crap after this post.

"There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment,"

But the guy who pled guilty admitted to lying about his contacts with Russia. As it turns out, he was working for the campaign at the time, and knew about the Russian-hacked DNC emails before the rest of the world.

Yeah, probably just coincidence that it was revealed on the exact same day as the Manafort/Gates indictments. Yep, just a coincidence...

Hmm, no... i don't think I wil STFU. And I am begging you to keep running your mouth. Take as much rope as you need. Share it with your fellow Trumpkins. Mueller is playing chess, and you're the pawns.

looks like you got hung with your rope. You should have listened.
Uh ... what? The investigation is over? Like I said, keep running your mouths, fine by me.
Associated Press (Oct. 31, 2017) Sources say Indictments will be falling like rain during monsoon season. Trump will feel the pressure and will step down, claiming he's done all he can and will go back to live at Mara Lago. Insiders in the White House say Trump is "extremely nervous" about indictments and where it leads. He knows he's guilty of collusion and wants to get out before the axe falls. Sources say Trump's close associates and legal team are informing him that it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashes down. He's trying to formulate his 'escape plan' and leave while still looking good. Insiders say he cares more about his image than the presidency.

It's only a matter of time. What a jolly Christmas it will be.
View attachment 157755
You are so wrong...The party to come out stinky as hell in the end is the Democrat party. Obama's administration was the most corrupted administration in American history. Like it or not it all will come out. The people will learn the truth and that truth will damn the democrats for years to come.

You sir, are amazingly prescient.
Lol you are absurd.

Find anything in this Fake Indictment That Implicates The President directly or STFU.
You are a moron going on IGNORE immediately after just 10 messages posted here.
How many accounts have you made this year?
The Mods should ban your IP.

There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment, so go choke on Obama's rod...
I won't have to read your crap after this post.

"There is zero mention of The Trump Campaign in Herr Mueller's indictment,"

But the guy who pled guilty admitted to lying about his contacts with Russia. As it turns out, he was working for the campaign at the time, and knew about the Russian-hacked DNC emails before the rest of the world.

Yeah, probably just coincidence that it was revealed on the exact same day as the Manafort/Gates indictments. Yep, just a coincidence...

Hmm, no... i don't think I wil STFU. And I am begging you to keep running your mouth. Take as much rope as you need. Share it with your fellow Trumpkins. Mueller is playing chess, and you're the pawns.

looks like you got hung with your rope. You should have listened.
Uh ... what? The investigation is over? Like I said, keep running your mouths, fine by me.
Yep the investigation is over. All they got was an indictment on a guy for lying that Trump fired for lying at the first part of the year. Way to go losers!

crying dims.jpg

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