Mueller's Leaky Boat, Leaks Again. Can't this guy keep his pie hole shut?

well again plea is both ways. if the plea is pulled it's both ways. it goes back to court.

It doesn't, dope.

From page 1....
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators
you have no idea he lied.

Read the link, retard!!!!
i posted the piece from it idiot....

"A plea bargain is an agreement between a defendant and a prosecutor, in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or "no contest" (nolo contendere) in exchange for an agreement by the prosecutor to drop one or more charges, reduce a charge to a less serious offense, or recommend to the judge a specific sentence ...

if the plea is dropped, the guilty piece is as well and needs to go back to court. there's no renegging.

if the plea is dropped, the guilty piece is as well and needs to go back to court. there's no renegging.

It doesn't say that, dope.

Read it!!!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators
I read it, did you? if you actually read it you'd know that he made the plea agreement to avoid a second trial. guess what that means, that isn't sentencing that a second trial. here's the quote from the link. You should take your own advice sometimes idiot.

"Manafort reached a plea agreement with Mueller's office on Sept. 14 to avoid a second trial on additional charges in D.C. District Court."
he plead guilty as part of the plea you fking idiot.

Sure, dope. That's why he's about to be sentenced.

Mueller pleaded guilty. Not cooperating further does not change his plea, only what benefits he would have gotten for further testimony.
well again plea is both ways. if the plea is pulled it's both ways. it goes back to court.

It doesn't, dope.

From page 1....
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators
The Basics of a Plea Bargain
"A plea bargain is an agreement between a defendant and a prosecutor, in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or "no contest" (nolo contendere) in exchange for an agreement by the prosecutor to drop one or more charges, reduce a charge to a less serious offense, or recommend to the judge a specific sentence ..."
Exactly. So tell us.....when did Manafort recind his guilty plea?
he didn't. And I think Mueller will have to prove Manafort lied. how do you supposed he's gonna do that? Because, if they already have information, why do they need Manafort? come on, you can't be that stupid.
Dear The Original Tree, thank you for appreciating my post, I have to admit: I was surprised. I 100% agree with you: information is the only strong weapons against propaganda. I disagree Kremlin wanted Hillary to win, everybody in Russia was sure: if Hillary wins she’ll start a hot war with Russia. In fact, I know several Russians in USA (American citizens) who have never voted but went ahead, got registered and voted for Trump. One of them has even washed her kitchen with champagne after Trump’s victory. Kremlin celebrated his victory as well. They kept saying: "We have a careful optimism about US/Russia relationship" because Trump was the only candidate who declared good relationship with Russia. Sure enough, Deep State puppets in US Congress immediately hobbled him with all kinds of means.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

US intercepts captured senior Russian officials celebrating Donald's Trump election win

Clinton was (and is) a lot more Deep State’s bi*ch than Kremlin’s. Deep State has been keeping her on a huge hook for a lot of her crimes. Clinton Body Count, her emails, even that is enough to blackmail her and to make her do what Deep State needs. Everybody knows that, including Kremlin, they are smart people and had no illusions about any possibilities to make Hillary “behave”. For years Kremlin keeps saying: “It’s a lot easier to work with Republicans than with Democrats, Dems are unpredictable and unreliable.” Easy to prove. Remember, Obama’s famous phrase “I’ll be more flexible after elections”? Guess what, he lied as always. He started harming Russia as never before (doing what his Deep State bosses were telling him to). The most harmful to Russia was the coup in my home country of Ukraine and installing anti-Russian puppet regime there, which has been successfully causing problems for Russia (an incident in Black sea just recently) and demanding the whole world to keep punishing Russia for Kiev’s crimes.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016

Zakharova wrote that the outgoing president did not manage to leave “any” major foreign policy achievements as part of his legacy and instead of “putting an elegant period” to his two presidential terms has “made a huge blot” with his latest decision to impose more sanctions on Russia, expelling 35 Russian diplomats and closing two diplomatic compounds in the US.

“Today America, the American people were humiliated by their own president. Not by international terrorists, not by [the] enemy’s troops. This time Washington was slapped by own master, who has complicated the urgent tasks for the incoming team in the extreme,” Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”
Zakharova: ‘Obama team are foreign policy losers, humiliate Americans with anti-Russia sanctions’
Clinton would be even worse than Obama.

It took me quite a while but I’ve found some important information about Putin, Trump, Clinton you may be interesting in and some Putin’s quotes about Trump. I have been watching Putin since 2000, know all his speeches and by my observation Putin always does what he says or promises. He’s a very reliable politician and would be a great ally for Trump. That’s the worst Deep State’s nightmare though.

If Trump moves to heal ties with Russia, establishment will oppose him fiercely – Stephen Cohen

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

"In contrast to Russia a number of leaders of countries which are US allies were openly campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Very active in that respect were Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May and the leaders of other European states.

"European countries’ officials went as far as demonizing Donald Trump," Lavrov said.

Lavrov said Russia had invariably expressed its readiness to work together with any US president the American people might vote for .
Lavrov says EU countries’ leaders openly interfered in US election campaign

Stephen Cohen: an “Intelligence Community Assessment” and the anti-Trump dossier” compiled by a retired UK intelligence officer, Christopher Steele. The “core narrative” of both was, of course, that Putin’s Kremlin had intervened in the 2016 presidential election—essentially an “attack on America”—in order to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and abet Trump’s. At the time, a few critics questioned the authenticity of the ICA and the dossier, but for political and media Russiagaters, they instantly became, and have remained, canons, despite their deficit of facts and logic. Reread today, in light of what is now known, they are examples of the adage “rubbish in, rubbish out.

Anyone who has studied Putin as a leader closely and objectively over nearly 20 years understands there is little if any logic in these explanations for the motives attributed to him. He may have intensely disliked Mrs. Clinton, and thought she acted highly improperly in 2011 by meddling in Russia’s elections, but nothing in his long-observed political character suggests he would have acted petulantly to get “payback” with such a risk involved. Undertaking such a Russiagate operation in the United States on behalf of Trump would surely become known and thereby greatly favor Clinton electorally. A man said to be an exceedingly cunning “former KGB officer” would certainly have understood that—and even if he so favored Trump, would never have authorized it.

But the larger fallacy derives from failing to understand Putin’s mission ever since he came to power in 1999–2000, and which he has never ceased stating: to rebuild Russia, whose state had collapsed twice in the 20th century, as a stable, prosperous great power, foremost at home but also abroad. Despite the new Cold War and all that has disrupted Russia’s relations with the West, Putin persists in this goal, to the great consternation of his hard-line critics. In May, for example, he said: “To attract capital from friendly companies and countries, we need good relations with Europe and with the whole world, including the United States.” And in June, amid heightened tensions over Russiagate and other scandals, he amplified: “It is not our aim to divide anything or anybody in Europe…. On the contrary, we want to see a united and prosperous European Union because the European Union is our biggest trade and economic partner. The more problems there are within the European Union, the greater the risk and uncertainties for us.” Is this really a Russian leader who would risk his entire mission and legacy on tawdry “kompromat” on behalf of an American candidate and then president whose caprice had unnerved the Kremlin only slightly less than it did Washington? A leader who would consider that he had “won” as a result of Russiagate?
Russiagate’s ‘core narrative’ has always lacked actual evidence - Stephen Cohen

Stephen Cohen: We do know, however, that there has been fierce opposition in the US political-media establishment to President Trump’s policy of “cooperating with Russia,” including in US intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI - and at high levels of his own administration.
‘US Congress has no Russian policy other than sanctions’ – Stephen Cohen

Russia’s reemergence under Putin as a conservative country in which national traditions and the Orthodox Church are respected has led to a bitter sense of betrayal. That makes Putin, as articulatedby Hillary Clinton, leader of the worldwide “authoritarian, white-supremacist, and xenophobic movement”who is “emboldening right-wing nationalists, separatists, racists, and even neo-Nazis.” No Soviet leader, not even Joseph Stalin, was ever portrayed in such diabolical fashion in US media and government circles the way Putin is.
US establishment in hysterics that Trump-Putin summit might succeed

Putin talking about dossier: People who order these kinds of fabrications , which are now being used to smear the US President-elect, and use it to advance their political agenda are worse than prostitutes.They have no moral constraints at all.
Joint news conference with President of Moldova Igor Dodon

Despite the fact that elections in the US are over and ended with a "solid win" for the Republican candidate, an intense political struggle continues in the US, the Russian president observed, adding that there are certain forces that aim "to undermine the legitimacy of the president-elect."

"I have an impression they practiced in Kiev and are ready to organize a Maidan in Washington, just to not let Trump take office," Putin said, apparently referring to anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital in 2014, which resulted in the leadership being ousted.

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.

People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.
‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

Megyn Kelly: Let me ask you about President Trump.

Vladimir Putin: I think he is an experienced person, a businessman with very extensive experience and he understands that if you need to partner with someone, you must treat your future or current partner with respect, otherwise nothing will come of it. I think this is a purely pragmatic approach. This is my first point.

Second, even though this is his first term as President, he is a quick study, and he understands perfectly well that trading accusations or insults at our level is a road to nowhere. It would just mean depriving our countries of their last chance for dialogue, simply the last chance. This would be extremely unfortunate.

You may have noticed that I, for my part, show respect to him . There is one thing I would like to say: like it or not – we may dislike certain things as well – he does his best to keep the election promises that he made to the American people. So, he is consistent in this sense. I think that, in fact, this is the only proper way to show respect for the people who voted for him.

He has strong leadership qualities, of course, because he takes responsibility when he makes decisions. To reiterate, whether some people like his decisions or not, he still goes ahead and does it. This, of course, is a sign of leadership qualities.
Interview to American TV channel NBC

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Hopefully, you'll find this worth of your attention.

I do not have time right now to give you a proper response worthy of your post. But I will make a small comment where I have a slight disagreement with you.

Magicians will use slight of hand to distract you in one area while doing something else in another. Like Youngstown's Tim Ryan who came out along with Sherrod Brown against NAFTA renegotiations, and the following legislation which would go with that which would incentivize American companies staying in America, and make it harder for companies like GM to go to Mexico.

Immediately after the Midterms, GM announces it is closing 5 plants, possibly 6...or to be more not assigning a model to be built at those plants in 2019.

GM invested a lot of money in Mexico plants and therefore was completely against The NAFTA Renegotiation and the subsequent legislation that was to come to Congress.

Knowing this.....why was Tim Ryan on TV chastizing The Trump Administration and Berating GM for it's potential closing of The Lordstown plan?

Slight of hand. Prestidigitation.

Ryan could give a shit about Lordstown or the GM Employees. He cares more about GM giving him large donations to get elected again. He did what GM asked him to do, and that was to oppose NAFTA renegotiations which would have kept GM in Lordstown, and then publicly act butt hurt over their leaving, and try to blame The Trump Administration for it.

What did Russia get from Clinton and Obama?

  • Missiles removed from it's Western Border
  • The Denuclearization of The Ukraine
  • Clinton & Obama selling them 20% of our Uranium
  • Obama looking the other way while Russia took The Crimea.
  • Obama also looking the other way while Russia tried to swing the election for Clinton imo, through using the Dirty Dossier in the Media, FBI, DOJ and FISA court to try to torpedo the Trump Campaign and Presidency.
The sanctions which were a small slap on the wrist and expelling some diplomats were nothing but political theater. Obama didn't do dick while in office for 8 years. In fact, he made a mess out of everything he touched, and corrupted the rest by politicizing some of our most honored institutions. No one trusts The FBI, DOJ, IRS, nor do they trust The State Department. That's Obama's TRUE LEGACY.

The only thing Obama Bin Lying was good at was spying on people, and Political Theater, being a puppet for whomever had the deepest pockets and being a Dirty Bold faced Liar and someone Putin could work crooked deals with. And Hillary Clinton was cut from the same rotten cloth.

The reactions of a few Russians captured intentionally on film on election night are just more political theater. I don't buy it, not one bit, and neither do I buy Mueller's political theater and his hoax investigation.
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The long and short of Mueller pulls The Plea Deal.....then the Manafort case has to be tried all over again. At which point, if I am Manafort's attorneys, I ask for a change of Venue.

Know why I think Herr Mueller pulled the Plea Bargain? He wants to stretch this out until the 2020 election. The entire witch hunt is based on a hoax and is a political smoke screen to cover up Clinton and Obama crimes and collusion with Russia, and Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, McCabe and associates Defrauding The FISA Court for an Illegal Warrant based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama.
I didn't think about that. hmmmm interesting point you made there tree.
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Manafort violating the plea deal isn't a 'leak'. Its from court filings.

"After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel's Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement," prosecutors said in a joint status report filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

This from the very article you linked to. Which you obviously never read.

Dude. You wallow in willful ignorance like a pig in mud.
he plead guilty as part of the plea you fking idiot.

Sure, dope. That's why he's about to be sentenced.

Mueller pleaded guilty. Not cooperating further does not change his plea, only what benefits he would have gotten for further testimony.
well again plea is both ways. if the plea is pulled it's both ways. it goes back to court.

here you fking idiot.

"A plea bargain is an agreement between a defendant and a prosecutor, in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or "no contest" (nolo contendere) in exchange for an agreement by the prosecutor to drop one or more charges, reduce a charge to a less serious offense, or recommend to the judge a specific sentence ..."

The Basics of a Plea Bargain
There are two sets of charges. Manafort has already been tried and convicted of the first, and he's awaiting sentencing. What's holding up sentencing is - was - potential plea deal with Mueller on the second set of charges. If Mueller was satisified with the cooperation, he COULD have filed a motion allowing very lenient sentencing on the first set of charges. (Manafort may only have been convicted of one of the charges, I forget. But it doesn't matter. He's so old that 5 years to serve is pretty much guaranteed to leave him dead or mumbling.)

Mueller has now said he will not ask for leniency in Manafort's sentencing. So absent a pardon, he will die in prison.
View attachment 231199

Are you drunk already?
Drunk on Leftist Propaganda.....

Impeach 44!
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Exactly. So tell us.....when did Manafort recind his guilty plea?
Manafort never denied committing the crime of money laundering with fellow accomplice and ex-Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta, who Mueller gave Immunity to, decades ago, before Obama was ever elected President, which had nothing to do with the false accusations of non-existent Trump collusion with the Russians.

Manafort is saying that he has told the truth, which was what he thought his plea deal entailed, but now has found out that Mueller demands he lie and make statements Mueller wants to hear in exchange for leniency. Basically, Manafort is telling everyone Mueller is back to his old documented tricks of tying to send innocent people to jail.
Mueller still cannot find the money Manafort supposedly was paid btw. If he'd look at The Podesta Group which he immunized, that's where it is. Manafort never got those fees. He only got his salary, which according to some things I read he took too many deductions on, so Mueller tried to accuse him of tax fraud on some technicalities.

In other words, Herr Mueller is a DemNazi piece of shit trying to railroad yet another person to justify his end game.
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Manafort violating the plea deal isn't a 'leak'. Its from court filings.

"After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel's Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement," prosecutors said in a joint status report filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

This from the very article you linked to. Which you obviously never read.

Dude. You wallow in willful ignorance like a pig in mud.

What did he lie about? If Mueller is going to claim someone lied, then why is what Manafort allegedly lied about a BIG BIG SUPER DOUBLE SECRET SECRET?

I mean, we are talking about Manafort not paying his taxes and taking a few too many deductions a decade before he worked for Trump.....and while he was working for Podesta and Clinton....

So what is the big super duper top secret secret all about?

So we are only allowed to watch Manafort being smeared in Public by Mueller & being branded a liar by Mueller, but we aren't allowed to know about what Mueller said Manafort allegedly lied about?

Does anyone actually believe Herr Mueller then?
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.

Duh, yeah, he said it in a "court filing"...
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Manafort violating the plea deal isn't a 'leak'. Its from court filings.

"After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel's Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement," prosecutors said in a joint status report filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

This from the very article you linked to. Which you obviously never read.

Dude. You wallow in willful ignorance like a pig in mud.

What did he lie about? If Mueller is going to claim someone lied, then why is what Manafort allegedly lied about a BIG BIG SUPER DOUBLE SECRET SECRET?

I mean, we are talking about Manafort not paying his taxes and taking a few too many deductions a decade before he worked for Trump.....and while he was working for Podesta and Clinton....

So what is the big super duper top secret secret all about?

So we are only allowed to watch Manafort being smeared in Public by Mueller & being branded a liar by Mueller, but we aren't allowed to know about what Mueller said Manafort allegedly lied about?

Does anyone actually believe Herr Mueller then?

Your entire thread is premised on your own ignorance. You babble for *paragraphs* about the 'leaky boat' and are laughably disproven by your own article. Which clearly demonstrates that the claims regarding Manafort are from *court filings* regarding sentencing recommendations.

Just exploding the entire premise of your thread.

And now with your 'leaky boat' gibberish disproven by your own link, you just shit out a brand new conspiracy. Manafort is a convicted felon who has already admitted to his guilt. 'Smearing his name' is an empty barn with the door wide open.
So wait, People who take too many deductions on their taxes are "Convicted Felons" ?

Well, SHIT, we should lock up Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Corey Booker Pronto.

Mueller has leaked every part of his investigation except for any exculpatory information that would help his victims.

In fact, he even went further than that by Immunizing and Exonerating people like The Podestas and their Russian CEOS managing The PODESTA Group so that MANAFORT and his attorneys could never question them.

Mueller is a RUSSIAN MOLE and COLLABORATOR who is actively participating in the "INSURANCE POLICY" plot to disrupt our Democracy, thwart the will of We The People, and to Obstruct The President's Agenda just like his Corrupt friend James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Oher and Page etc. did.
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There are two sets of charges. Manafort has already been tried and convicted of the first, and he's awaiting sentencing. What's holding up sentencing is - was - potential plea deal with Mueller on the second set of charges. If Mueller was satisified with the cooperation, he COULD have filed a motion allowing very lenient sentencing on the first set of charges. (Manafort may only have been convicted of one of the charges, I forget. But it doesn't matter. He's so old that 5 years to serve is pretty much guaranteed to leave him dead or mumbling.)

Mueller has now said he will not ask for leniency in Manafort's sentencing. So absent a pardon, he will die in prison.

There's actually a lot more to this. If Manafort was feeding lies to Mueller and thought Mueller was buying into them...he may have fed those lies to Trump who may have repeated them in his written responses to Mueller's questions.

Ooops. That could be why Trump has been freaking out these last couple days. Notice...Mueller filed with the court right after Trump returned that "questionnaire"...

It's also a "Whitaker Workaround" in case Whitaker tries to stifle Mueller's report. The sentencing statement could well spell out the entire case...
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Manafort violating the plea deal isn't a 'leak'. Its from court filings.

"After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel's Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement," prosecutors said in a joint status report filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

This from the very article you linked to. Which you obviously never read.

Dude. You wallow in willful ignorance like a pig in mud.

What did he lie about? If Mueller is going to claim someone lied, then why is what Manafort allegedly lied about a BIG BIG SUPER DOUBLE SECRET SECRET?

I mean, we are talking about Manafort not paying his taxes and taking a few too many deductions a decade before he worked for Trump.....and while he was working for Podesta and Clinton....

So what is the big super duper top secret secret all about?

So we are only allowed to watch Manafort being smeared in Public by Mueller & being branded a liar by Mueller, but we aren't allowed to know about what Mueller said Manafort allegedly lied about?

Does anyone actually believe Herr Mueller then?

Your entire thread is premised on your own ignorance. You babble for *paragraphs* about the 'leaky boat' and are laughably disproven by your own article. Which clearly demonstrates that the claims regarding Manafort are from *court filings* regarding sentencing recommendations.

Just exploding the entire premise of your thread.

And now with your 'leaky boat' gibberish disproven by your own link, you just shit out a brand new conspiracy. Manafort is a convicted felon who has already admitted to his guilt. 'Smearing his name' is an empty barn with the door wide open.

what else would you expect from Twig brain ?
Dear The Original Tree, thank you for appreciating my post, I have to admit: I was surprised. I 100% agree with you: information is the only strong weapons against propaganda. I disagree Kremlin wanted Hillary to win, everybody in Russia was sure: if Hillary wins she’ll start a hot war with Russia. In fact, I know several Russians in USA (American citizens) who have never voted but went ahead, got registered and voted for Trump. One of them has even washed her kitchen with champagne after Trump’s victory. Kremlin celebrated his victory as well. They kept saying: "We have a careful optimism about US/Russia relationship" because Trump was the only candidate who declared good relationship with Russia. Sure enough, Deep State puppets in US Congress immediately hobbled him with all kinds of means.

Watch Russian parliament burst into applause at the news Donald Trump is US president

US intercepts captured senior Russian officials celebrating Donald's Trump election win

Clinton was (and is) a lot more Deep State’s bi*ch than Kremlin’s. Deep State has been keeping her on a huge hook for a lot of her crimes. Clinton Body Count, her emails, even that is enough to blackmail her and to make her do what Deep State needs. Everybody knows that, including Kremlin, they are smart people and had no illusions about any possibilities to make Hillary “behave”. For years Kremlin keeps saying: “It’s a lot easier to work with Republicans than with Democrats, Dems are unpredictable and unreliable.” Easy to prove. Remember, Obama’s famous phrase “I’ll be more flexible after elections”? Guess what, he lied as always. He started harming Russia as never before (doing what his Deep State bosses were telling him to). The most harmful to Russia was the coup in my home country of Ukraine and installing anti-Russian puppet regime there, which has been successfully causing problems for Russia (an incident in Black sea just recently) and demanding the whole world to keep punishing Russia for Kiev’s crimes.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016

Zakharova wrote that the outgoing president did not manage to leave “any” major foreign policy achievements as part of his legacy and instead of “putting an elegant period” to his two presidential terms has “made a huge blot” with his latest decision to impose more sanctions on Russia, expelling 35 Russian diplomats and closing two diplomatic compounds in the US.

“Today America, the American people were humiliated by their own president. Not by international terrorists, not by [the] enemy’s troops. This time Washington was slapped by own master, who has complicated the urgent tasks for the incoming team in the extreme,” Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”
Zakharova: ‘Obama team are foreign policy losers, humiliate Americans with anti-Russia sanctions’
Clinton would be even worse than Obama.

It took me quite a while but I’ve found some important information about Putin, Trump, Clinton you may be interesting in and some Putin’s quotes about Trump. I have been watching Putin since 2000, know all his speeches and by my observation Putin always does what he says or promises. He’s a very reliable politician and would be a great ally for Trump. That’s the worst Deep State’s nightmare though.

If Trump moves to heal ties with Russia, establishment will oppose him fiercely – Stephen Cohen

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

"In contrast to Russia a number of leaders of countries which are US allies were openly campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Very active in that respect were Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May and the leaders of other European states.

"European countries’ officials went as far as demonizing Donald Trump," Lavrov said.

Lavrov said Russia had invariably expressed its readiness to work together with any US president the American people might vote for .
Lavrov says EU countries’ leaders openly interfered in US election campaign

Stephen Cohen: an “Intelligence Community Assessment” and the anti-Trump dossier” compiled by a retired UK intelligence officer, Christopher Steele. The “core narrative” of both was, of course, that Putin’s Kremlin had intervened in the 2016 presidential election—essentially an “attack on America”—in order to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and abet Trump’s. At the time, a few critics questioned the authenticity of the ICA and the dossier, but for political and media Russiagaters, they instantly became, and have remained, canons, despite their deficit of facts and logic. Reread today, in light of what is now known, they are examples of the adage “rubbish in, rubbish out.

Anyone who has studied Putin as a leader closely and objectively over nearly 20 years understands there is little if any logic in these explanations for the motives attributed to him. He may have intensely disliked Mrs. Clinton, and thought she acted highly improperly in 2011 by meddling in Russia’s elections, but nothing in his long-observed political character suggests he would have acted petulantly to get “payback” with such a risk involved. Undertaking such a Russiagate operation in the United States on behalf of Trump would surely become known and thereby greatly favor Clinton electorally. A man said to be an exceedingly cunning “former KGB officer” would certainly have understood that—and even if he so favored Trump, would never have authorized it.

But the larger fallacy derives from failing to understand Putin’s mission ever since he came to power in 1999–2000, and which he has never ceased stating: to rebuild Russia, whose state had collapsed twice in the 20th century, as a stable, prosperous great power, foremost at home but also abroad. Despite the new Cold War and all that has disrupted Russia’s relations with the West, Putin persists in this goal, to the great consternation of his hard-line critics. In May, for example, he said: “To attract capital from friendly companies and countries, we need good relations with Europe and with the whole world, including the United States.” And in June, amid heightened tensions over Russiagate and other scandals, he amplified: “It is not our aim to divide anything or anybody in Europe…. On the contrary, we want to see a united and prosperous European Union because the European Union is our biggest trade and economic partner. The more problems there are within the European Union, the greater the risk and uncertainties for us.” Is this really a Russian leader who would risk his entire mission and legacy on tawdry “kompromat” on behalf of an American candidate and then president whose caprice had unnerved the Kremlin only slightly less than it did Washington? A leader who would consider that he had “won” as a result of Russiagate?
Russiagate’s ‘core narrative’ has always lacked actual evidence - Stephen Cohen

Stephen Cohen: We do know, however, that there has been fierce opposition in the US political-media establishment to President Trump’s policy of “cooperating with Russia,” including in US intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI - and at high levels of his own administration.
‘US Congress has no Russian policy other than sanctions’ – Stephen Cohen

Russia’s reemergence under Putin as a conservative country in which national traditions and the Orthodox Church are respected has led to a bitter sense of betrayal. That makes Putin, as articulatedby Hillary Clinton, leader of the worldwide “authoritarian, white-supremacist, and xenophobic movement”who is “emboldening right-wing nationalists, separatists, racists, and even neo-Nazis.” No Soviet leader, not even Joseph Stalin, was ever portrayed in such diabolical fashion in US media and government circles the way Putin is.
US establishment in hysterics that Trump-Putin summit might succeed

Putin talking about dossier: People who order these kinds of fabrications , which are now being used to smear the US President-elect, and use it to advance their political agenda are worse than prostitutes.They have no moral constraints at all.
Joint news conference with President of Moldova Igor Dodon

Despite the fact that elections in the US are over and ended with a "solid win" for the Republican candidate, an intense political struggle continues in the US, the Russian president observed, adding that there are certain forces that aim "to undermine the legitimacy of the president-elect."

"I have an impression they practiced in Kiev and are ready to organize a Maidan in Washington, just to not let Trump take office," Putin said, apparently referring to anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital in 2014, which resulted in the leadership being ousted.

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin added. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.

By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.

People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes."

"They have no moral scruples," he said.
‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

Megyn Kelly: Let me ask you about President Trump.

Vladimir Putin: I think he is an experienced person, a businessman with very extensive experience and he understands that if you need to partner with someone, you must treat your future or current partner with respect, otherwise nothing will come of it. I think this is a purely pragmatic approach. This is my first point.

Second, even though this is his first term as President, he is a quick study, and he understands perfectly well that trading accusations or insults at our level is a road to nowhere. It would just mean depriving our countries of their last chance for dialogue, simply the last chance. This would be extremely unfortunate.

You may have noticed that I, for my part, show respect to him . There is one thing I would like to say: like it or not – we may dislike certain things as well – he does his best to keep the election promises that he made to the American people. So, he is consistent in this sense. I think that, in fact, this is the only proper way to show respect for the people who voted for him.

He has strong leadership qualities, of course, because he takes responsibility when he makes decisions. To reiterate, whether some people like his decisions or not, he still goes ahead and does it. This, of course, is a sign of leadership qualities.
Interview to American TV channel NBC

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Hopefully, you'll find this worth of your attention.

I do not have time right now to give you a proper response worthy of your post. But I will make a small comment where I have a slight disagreement with you.

Magicians will use slight of hand to distract you in one area while doing something else in another. Like Youngstown's Tim Ryan who came out along with Sherrod Brown against NAFTA renegotiations, and the following legislation which would go with that which would incentivize American companies staying in America, and make it harder for companies like GM to go to Mexico.

Immediately after the Midterms, GM announces it is closing 5 plants, possibly 6...or to be more not assigning a model to be built at those plants in 2019.

GM invested a lot of money in Mexico plants and therefore was completely against The NAFTA Renegotiation and the subsequent legislation that was to come to Congress.

Knowing this.....why was Tim Ryan on TV chastizing The Trump Administration and Berating GM for it's potential closing of The Lordstown plan?

Slight of hand. Prestidigitation.

Ryan could give a shit about Lordstown or the GM Employees. He cares more about GM giving him large donations to get elected again. He did what GM asked him to do, and that was to oppose NAFTA renegotiations which would have kept GM in Lordstown, and then publicly act butt hurt over their leaving, and try to blame The Trump Administration for it.

What did Russia get from Clinton and Obama?

  • Missiles removed from it's Western Border
  • The Denuclearization of The Ukraine
  • Clinton & Obama selling them 20% of our Uranium
  • Obama looking the other way while Russia took The Crimea.
  • Obama also looking the other way while Russia tried to swing the election for Clinton imo, through using the Dirty Dossier in the Media, FBI, DOJ and FISA court to try to torpedo the Trump Campaign and Presidency.
The sanctions which were a small slap on the wrist and expelling some diplomats where nothing but political theater. Obama didn't do dick while in office for 8 years. In fact he made a mess of everything he touched, and corrupted the rest by politicizing some of our most honored institutions.

The only think Obama Bin Lying was good at was spying on people, and Political Theater, being a puppet for whomever had the deepest pockets and being a Dirty Bold faced Liar and someone Putin could work crooked deals with. And Hillary Clinton was cut from the same rotten cloth.

The reactions of a few Russians captured intentionally on film on election night are just more political theater. I don't buy it, not one bit, and neither do I buy Mueller's political theater and his hoax investigation.
Sure, take your time.

You may be right about many things, but not about everything. Obama could NOT stand in Crimea's way to go back to Russia. In fact, if our areas [in Ukraine] were allowed to have referendums as well, we would overwhelmingly vote for coming back to Russia, both 5 years ago and now. Besides, (too bad your Media failed to inform you about that) Ukrainian Nazis openly promised to "sink Crimea in blood" after the coup, so, Putin literally, saved the lives of 3 million people in Crimea. Otherwise there would have been a war worse than in Donbass (who also had a referendum and with over 70% voted to separate from Ukraine; after that official Kiev brought its troops to Donbass, started a civil war and blamed Putin for that. Your Media has not said a word of truth about that war).

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.

Thierry Mariani: Better to be Crimean Tatar than Russian in Baltics
France confirms it does not recognize annexation of Crimea
Crimea referendum reflected people’s will – French delegation head
Italian separatizm: Resolution recognizing Crimea part of the Rusian Ferderation (06.07.16 17:53) « World | Censor.NET

WaPo: Italy's Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini :

Q. What did you think of the recent meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin?

A. It was a very positive sign — a rapprochement between the U.S. and Russia is good news for Italy and for Europe.

Q. Why do you want to lift the sanctions on Russia?

A. Because they didn’t prove to be useful, and according to the data, they hurt Italian exports.

Q. You said that Russia had a right to annex Crimea?

A. There was a referendum.

Q. It was a fake referendum.

A. [That is your] point of view. . . . There was a referendum, and 90 percent of the people voted for the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Q. What kind of referendum was it with Russian soldiers there?

A. Compare it to the fake revolution in Ukraine, which was a pseudo-revolution funded by foreign powers — similar to the Arab Spring revolutions. There are some historically Russian zones with Russian culture and traditions which legitimately belong to the Russian Federation.
Perspective | ‘Italy has done a lot — maybe too much’

The American Conservative, July 17 By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN
Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did.
Russia annexed Crimea bloodlessly
. But did not the U.S. bomb Serbia for 78 days to force Belgrade to surrender her cradle province of Kosovo?
How was that more moral than what Putin did in Crimea?
Trump Calls Off Cold War II

When Ukraine exited USSR, it annexed a lot of Russian lands (where I live as well), too bad your Media did NOT report to you guys about that. Now after Soros+Obama+McCain have arranged the coup and installed anti-Russian puppet regime in Ukraine, we all want back home, to mother Russia, with our historical Russian lands. Why did USA recognize Kosovo's separation but keeps ignoring people's will in Crimea? BTW, there was NO referendum in Kosovo, just a parliament decision. Meanwhile, Russia has observed International Law in Crimea without violating any little item of it. That's why Obama could do nothing.


Yes, Clinton is a prostitute, but she is Deep State's prostitute and will be protecting and serving their interests, not yours or Kremlin's. Also she said once: "We'll never allow Russia to create another USSR", remember? And I'm sure she would do her best to prevent it, I still remember how she was enjoying a video of tearing Qaddafi apart.

But it should be actually, up to us to be with Russia or not, we are more than brothers: we are the same people artificially separated by 3 drunks: Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevitch in 1991. Neither Clinton, nor Obama or other Americans shouldn't have ANY business in our countries, don't you think? But they do. And my everyday's prayers are about getting rid of Ukrainian Nazis/Americans who have occupied our lands and are telling us whom to be with, whom to love and whom to hate, we need them OUT. - Coup in Ukraine Illustrates America’s Addiction to Meddling and Regime Change

Besides, why would you care about Ukrainians, who colluded with Clinton against Trump, who betrayed their brothers Russians (who have been selling them gas for 20 years cheaper than to Russian citizens) just because Soros+Obama's administration promised them something better than Russia (and lied). When time comes, they will betray you same way, you'll see....
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Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Manafort violating the plea deal isn't a 'leak'. Its from court filings.

"After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel's Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement," prosecutors said in a joint status report filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

This from the very article you linked to. Which you obviously never read.

Dude. You wallow in willful ignorance like a pig in mud.

What did he lie about? If Mueller is going to claim someone lied, then why is what Manafort allegedly lied about a BIG BIG SUPER DOUBLE SECRET SECRET?

I mean, we are talking about Manafort not paying his taxes and taking a few too many deductions a decade before he worked for Trump.....and while he was working for Podesta and Clinton....

So what is the big super duper top secret secret all about?
Are you insinuating Mueller knows manafort lied because he already has the information? too funny. why would he deal with Manafort then?
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.

Duh, yeah, he said it in a "court filing"...
then he said it right? Why do you care where he said it?
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.

Duh, yeah, he said it in a "court filing"...
then he said it right? Why do you care where he said it?

because it wasnt a leak GOMER

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