Mueller's Leaky Boat, Leaks Again. Can't this guy keep his pie hole shut?

So wait, People who take too many deductions on their taxes are "Convicted Felons" ?

Well, SHIT, we should lock up Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Corey Booker Pronto.

Mueller has leaked every part of his investigation except for any exculpatory information that would help his victims.

In fact, he even went further than that by Immunizing and Exonerating people like The Podestas and their Russian CEOS managing The PODESTA Group so that MANAFORT and his attorneys could never question them.

Mueller is a RUSSIAN MOLE and COLLABORATOR who is actively participating in the "INSURANCE POLICY" plot to disrupt our Democracy, thwart the will of We The People, and to Obstruct The President's Agenda just like his Corrupt friend James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Oher and Page etc. did.

People who plead to multiple felonies in court, are convicted felons. Manafort has plead guilty. There is no debate that he is guilty, as he's admitted to it in open court. All that's left is sentencing.

He was also convicted of multiple felonies in a court by a jury of his peers. Which again, makes one a convicted felon.

How do you *not* know this?

I've never known a person so gleeful to not know what the fuck he's talking about than you, Tree. You delight in having no idea what's going on. Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the quintessential Trump supporter.
So wait, People who take too many deductions on their taxes are "Convicted Felons" ?

Well, SHIT, we should lock up Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Corey Booker Pronto.

Mueller has leaked every part of his investigation except for any exculpatory information that would help his victims.

In fact, he even went further than that by Immunizing and Exonerating people like The Podestas and their Russian CEOS managing The PODESTA Group so that MANAFORT and his attorneys could never question them.

Mueller is a RUSSIAN MOLE and COLLABORATOR who is actively participating in the "INSURANCE POLICY" plot to disrupt our Democracy, thwart the will of We The People, and to Obstruct The President's Agenda just like his Corrupt friend James Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Oher and Page etc. did.

People who plead to multiple felonies in court, are convicted felons. Manafort has plead guilty. There is no debate that he is guilty, as he's admitted to it in open court. All that's left is sentencing.

He was also convicted of multiple felonies in a court by a jury of his peers. Which again, makes one a convicted felon.

How do you *not* know this?

I've never known a person so gleeful to not know what the fuck he's talking about than you, Tree. You delight in having no idea what's going on. Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the quintessential Trump supporter.

the demographic study of Trump voters was completely accurate - 100% spot on.

white, uneducated, middle age ---------HEAVY ON UNEDUCATED.
Mueller's team didn't leak anything. The information is in public viewable court documents. it says in Tree's own link. But as is so stupidly typical of our Panty Shitter in Residence, Tree never bothered to read the very article he linked to.

And remains dumbfounded how someone convicted of multiple felonies could be a convicted felon.

You can't fix stupid.
Mueller and his team, UNHAPPY with the information Manafort has given them with the plea deal for a decades old tax evasion charge, has decided that Manafort has violated his plea deal and are claiming Manafort lied.

Have you ever wondered how "WE" the public always seem to know about what Mueller is going to do even before he does it? He leaks to the media, just like Comey did, just like The Corrupt FBI and DOJ leaked details of The PUTIN PROPAGANDA known as The Dirty Dossier so they could plan their attacks on the president with their scam "secret investigations" about Nothing Burgers.

And have you ever wondered why all Mueller seems to be able to do is charge people with "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller is not actually part of The FBI, nor is he running it? Or is he? And lastly, why when Mueller charges someone with "Lying to the FBI" why do we always know about THE CHARGE but are NEVER.....NEVER given details about what anyone "ALLEGEDLY LIED" about? Why are we only allowed to know about the accusations, but never are allowed to know about the details of the accusations so they can be checked out?

Mueller's scam investigation, born from Putin Propaganda and paid for with Clinton and Obama's money, stinks to high heaven.

Just remember kids, if you tell the truth, and Mueller doesn't like your answers, you are lying to him. Everyone is lying. A bunch of lying liars those Republicans are...but not The Democrats..... Hell, we don't even have to ask a single person about FISA abuse, Russian Propaganda, Money Laundering, Dealing with Foreign Agents and how Russian Propaganda became the focal point for an "Insurance Policy" against President Trump just because Lefty Lost.

Christopher Steele, Skirpal, Sid Blumenthal, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm? Nevah Heard Of Em!

Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators

Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.

Duh, yeah, he said it in a "court filing"...
then he said it right? Why do you care where he said it?

because it wasnt a leak GOMER
sure it was, it was reported through the news right?
Manafort plea decision represents setback for Mueller

The Hill ^

The breaking down of Paul Manafort’s plea deal has dealt a blow to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

A witness to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer predicated on damaging information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Manafort was seen as a valuable potential witness in Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The decision to call him out as a liar effectively takes his testimony off the table, removing a valuable asset for the government. It comes after a lengthy trial where prosecutors won guilty verdicts against Trump’s former campaign chairman.

“They viewed him as giant prize and that’s why they were willing to take the risk of exposing parts of the investigation by going to trial,” said Seth Waxman, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor in D.C. “To lose the cooperation of Manafort is a devastating loss for the government.”

The government has accused Manafort of breaching his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to federal investigators. It asked a federal judge on Monday to move forward with Manafort’s sentencing just more than two months after he began cooperating.

Mueller’s prosecutors wrote that Manafort lied to the FBI and the special counsel’s office “on a variety of subject matters,” saying they would file a “detailed sentencing submission” to the probation department and federal court laying out the nature of his lies.

While the details are unknown, experts say the development signals Manafort is lying about something significant, though it’s not necessarily information that’s key to the Russia investigation.

Glen Kopp, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Manafort could have lied about a number of smaller items

Well Mueller just pooped in his bed. Manafort is no longer a witness, he can’t be trusted. How did you allow that to happen Mr. “I am the smartness guy in the room.” ? Besides burning Managory, Corsi is calling you out for wanting him to agree to perjury. Well he’s burnt too. So much fun.
Mueller didn't say shit. We only know this because of a court filing.
Mueller says Manafort violated plea agreement by lying to investigators yes he did. another leftist that can't read.

Duh, yeah, he said it in a "court filing"...
then he said it right? Why do you care where he said it?

because it wasnt a leak GOMER
sure it was, it was reported through the news right?
Wow, you're stupid. Deliberately obtuse and stupid.
Manafort plea decision represents setback for Mueller

The Hill ^

The breaking down of Paul Manafort’s plea deal has dealt a blow to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

A witness to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer predicated on damaging information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Manafort was seen as a valuable potential witness in Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The decision to call him out as a liar effectively takes his testimony off the table, removing a valuable asset for the government. It comes after a lengthy trial where prosecutors won guilty verdicts against Trump’s former campaign chairman.

“They viewed him as giant prize and that’s why they were willing to take the risk of exposing parts of the investigation by going to trial,” said Seth Waxman, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor in D.C. “To lose the cooperation of Manafort is a devastating loss for the government.”

The government has accused Manafort of breaching his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to federal investigators. It asked a federal judge on Monday to move forward with Manafort’s sentencing just more than two months after he began cooperating.

Mueller’s prosecutors wrote that Manafort lied to the FBI and the special counsel’s office “on a variety of subject matters,” saying they would file a “detailed sentencing submission” to the probation department and federal court laying out the nature of his lies.

While the details are unknown, experts say the development signals Manafort is lying about something significant, though it’s not necessarily information that’s key to the Russia investigation.

Glen Kopp, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Manafort could have lied about a number of smaller items

Well Mueller just pooped in his bed. Manafort is no longer a witness, he can’t be trusted. How did you allow that to happen Mr. “I am the smartness guy in the room.” ? Besides burning Managory, Corsi is calling you out for wanting him to agree to perjury. Well he’s burnt too. So much fun.

Laughing.....all that "I am the smartness guy in the room' gibberish is just your imagination. Mueller is a pragmantic investigator doing a job. And Manafort's suitability as a witness is determined by how reliable Manafort is. Not by Mueller.

And shocker......yet another one of Trump's 'best people', handpicked by the Donald himself, turns out to be a shameless liar. And of course, a convicted felon.
Manafort plea decision represents setback for Mueller

The Hill ^

The breaking down of Paul Manafort’s plea deal has dealt a blow to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

A witness to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer predicated on damaging information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Manafort was seen as a valuable potential witness in Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The decision to call him out as a liar effectively takes his testimony off the table, removing a valuable asset for the government. It comes after a lengthy trial where prosecutors won guilty verdicts against Trump’s former campaign chairman.

“They viewed him as giant prize and that’s why they were willing to take the risk of exposing parts of the investigation by going to trial,” said Seth Waxman, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor in D.C. “To lose the cooperation of Manafort is a devastating loss for the government.”

The government has accused Manafort of breaching his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to federal investigators. It asked a federal judge on Monday to move forward with Manafort’s sentencing just more than two months after he began cooperating.

Mueller’s prosecutors wrote that Manafort lied to the FBI and the special counsel’s office “on a variety of subject matters,” saying they would file a “detailed sentencing submission” to the probation department and federal court laying out the nature of his lies.

While the details are unknown, experts say the development signals Manafort is lying about something significant, though it’s not necessarily information that’s key to the Russia investigation.

Glen Kopp, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Manafort could have lied about a number of smaller items

Well Mueller just pooped in his bed. Manafort is no longer a witness, he can’t be trusted. How did you allow that to happen Mr. “I am the smartness guy in the room.” ? Besides burning Managory, Corsi is calling you out for wanting him to agree to perjury. Well he’s burnt too. So much fun.

Laughing.....all that "I am the smartness guy in the room' gibberish is just your imagination. Mueller is a pragmantic investigator doing a job. And Manafort's suitability as a witness is determined by how reliable Manafort is. Not by Mueller.

And shocker......yet another one of Trump's 'best people', handpicked by the Donald himself, turns out to be a shameless liar. And of course, a convicted felon.
Yes, 6 weeks of running Donald's campaign makes him the perfect witness....ROTFLMFAO,
Oh my.....

Paul Manafort has responded to the outlandish claims that he had “secret meetings” with Julian Assange, saying that they are “totally false and deliberately libelous.”

The Guardian, who originally published the absurd allegations, has been back peddling extremely hard and trying to stealth edit the article after WikiLeaks announced they would be filing a lawsuit.

“This story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to Wikileaks, either directly or indirectly,” Manafort said in a statement released on Tuesday.

REPORT: Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed an indictment against 13 Russian operatives for interfering our electoral process.

DIPSHIT: There he goes leaking again!

REPORT: Special counsel Robert Mueller filed a court document today accusing Paul Manafort of committing the crime of perjury.

DIPSHIT: Mueller's fucking leaking like a boat now!!! :crybaby:

FOX NEWS: The district attorney has filed an indictment against two black men for robbery.

DIPSHIT: The motherfucking is that? Negroes behaving badly again!
Last edited:
I LOVE IT when an ABNORMALS PLAN falls apart right before our eyes!....My job is done here.... next!
Manafort plea decision represents setback for Mueller

The Hill ^

The breaking down of Paul Manafort’s plea deal has dealt a blow to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

A witness to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and a Russian lawyer predicated on damaging information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Manafort was seen as a valuable potential witness in Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The decision to call him out as a liar effectively takes his testimony off the table, removing a valuable asset for the government. It comes after a lengthy trial where prosecutors won guilty verdicts against Trump’s former campaign chairman.

“They viewed him as giant prize and that’s why they were willing to take the risk of exposing parts of the investigation by going to trial,” said Seth Waxman, a lawyer and former federal prosecutor in D.C. “To lose the cooperation of Manafort is a devastating loss for the government.”

The government has accused Manafort of breaching his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to federal investigators. It asked a federal judge on Monday to move forward with Manafort’s sentencing just more than two months after he began cooperating.

Mueller’s prosecutors wrote that Manafort lied to the FBI and the special counsel’s office “on a variety of subject matters,” saying they would file a “detailed sentencing submission” to the probation department and federal court laying out the nature of his lies.

While the details are unknown, experts say the development signals Manafort is lying about something significant, though it’s not necessarily information that’s key to the Russia investigation.

Glen Kopp, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Manafort could have lied about a number of smaller items

Well Mueller just pooped in his bed. Manafort is no longer a witness, he can’t be trusted. How did you allow that to happen Mr. “I am the smartness guy in the room.” ? Besides burning Managory, Corsi is calling you out for wanting him to agree to perjury. Well he’s burnt too. So much fun.

Laughing.....all that "I am the smartness guy in the room' gibberish is just your imagination. Mueller is a pragmantic investigator doing a job. And Manafort's suitability as a witness is determined by how reliable Manafort is. Not by Mueller.

And shocker......yet another one of Trump's 'best people', handpicked by the Donald himself, turns out to be a shameless liar. And of course, a convicted felon.
Yes, 6 weeks of running Donald's campaign makes him the perfect witness....ROTFLMFAO,

It was a very important 6 weeks. As Manafort was in the room when Jared and Don Jr. invited a russian operative into Trump Tower to collect information on Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

Which, of course, Trump lied repeatedly to try and cover up. And compelled others to lie. And tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting he tried to cover up.

Manafort's tenure is also when the Russian's attacked the DCCC servers. Manafort's tenure was also when a senior campaign official told Trump's foreign policy advisor to go to Moscow to collect dirt on Hillary from Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance really won't matter.
Oh my.....

Paul Manafort has responded to the outlandish claims that he had “secret meetings” with Julian Assange, saying that they are “totally false and deliberately libelous.”

The Guardian, who originally published the absurd allegations, has been back peddling extremely hard and trying to stealth edit the article after WikiLeaks announced they would be filing a lawsuit.

“This story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to Wikileaks, either directly or indirectly,” Manafort said in a statement released on Tuesday.


Ecuadorian intelligence has VIDEO of Manafort at the Embassy meeting with Assange. They even described what he was wearing. BTW - The Gateway Pundit has zero credibility. Hilarious!
That million dollars lawsuit against the leaker Guardian should be fun to watch!..ROTFLMFAO!
Oh my.....

Paul Manafort has responded to the outlandish claims that he had “secret meetings” with Julian Assange, saying that they are “totally false and deliberately libelous.”

The Guardian, who originally published the absurd allegations, has been back peddling extremely hard and trying to stealth edit the article after WikiLeaks announced they would be filing a lawsuit.

“This story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to Wikileaks, either directly or indirectly,” Manafort said in a statement released on Tuesday.


Ecuadorian intelligence has VIDEO of Manafort at the Embassy meeting with Assange. They even described what he was wearing.
Oh my.....

Paul Manafort has responded to the outlandish claims that he had “secret meetings” with Julian Assange, saying that they are “totally false and deliberately libelous.”

The Guardian, who originally published the absurd allegations, has been back peddling extremely hard and trying to stealth edit the article after WikiLeaks announced they would be filing a lawsuit.

“This story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to Wikileaks, either directly or indirectly,” Manafort said in a statement released on Tuesday.


Ecuadorian intelligence has VIDEO of Manafort at the Embassy meeting with Assange. They even described what he was wearing. BTW - The Gateway Pundit has zero credibility. Hilarious!
No, they don't. Or It would have been used months ago against Manafort!


Yes, LINK!!!

I think she has it mixed up with the Saudi Arabian in Turkey....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
BTW, if anyone wants to know how Skirpal and his daughter ended up in the UK, here is the reason:

Skirpal was being held in Russia for being a double agent, and he was exchanged for Russian Spy Anna Chapman.



She apparently seduced Eric Snowden in to defecting to Russia.


She could have seduced me to move to Russia too!

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