Mueller's report may be done this March.....Question....

You are the one that is assuming that it will be harmful to Trump.

Would a the VERY LEAST....admit that Trump surrounded himself with low-life criminals????

Remember who this orange piece of lard hired: Manafort, Flynn, Gates,
A report on Trump can never be completed with him in the White House. He provides evidence on a daily basis.
Rosentine's announcement that he is leaving the DOJ may be the preamble to the conclusion of Mueller's report to Justice.......

Prior to last November's elections, the probability was rather high that Trump and his cronies in Congress could have squashed the release of Mueller's findings to the public....but, that probability is now GONE.

Given the new House majority and its subpoena powers, there is NO chance that the report will be shelved.

The question then arises for Trump sycophants: Should Trump and his dozens of lawyers even make a lame and ineffective attempt to abolish transparency and revert to the courts to hide Mueller's findings?

Muller requested and was granted a 6 months extension for his grand jury.

If he was going to write his report by March, he wouldn't have requested 6 more months.

When it is done, of course trump and republicans will try to keep it or parts of it from the public.

We will see how effective they are with that.
That's interesting to me. First I noticed that the Russian lady spy in Trump Tower is being prosecuted by the NY office, not Mueller.

But Barr and the DOJ cannot redact any indictment Mueller files. He puts in factual assertions of who did what.
Rosentine's announcement that he is leaving the DOJ may be the preamble to the conclusion of Mueller's report to Justice.......

Prior to last November's elections, the probability was rather high that Trump and his cronies in Congress could have squashed the release of Mueller's findings to the public....but, that probability is now GONE.

Given the new House majority and its subpoena powers, there is NO chance that the report will be shelved.

The question then arises for Trump sycophants: Should Trump and his dozens of lawyers even make a lame and ineffective attempt to abolish transparency and revert to the courts to hide Mueller's findings?

Meh, Mueller was done before he even started. It’s a nothingburger. Watch and learn.
Rosentine's announcement that he is leaving the DOJ may be the preamble to the conclusion of Mueller's report to Justice.......

Prior to last November's elections, the probability was rather high that Trump and his cronies in Congress could have squashed the release of Mueller's findings to the public....but, that probability is now GONE.

Given the new House majority and its subpoena powers, there is NO chance that the report will be shelved.

The question then arises for Trump sycophants: Should Trump and his dozens of lawyers even make a lame and ineffective attempt to abolish transparency and revert to the courts to hide Mueller's findings?

Meh, Mueller was done before he even started. It’s a nothingburger. Watch and learn.
Virtual Kreskin
Rosentine's announcement that he is leaving the DOJ may be the preamble to the conclusion of Mueller's report to Justice.......

Prior to last November's elections, the probability was rather high that Trump and his cronies in Congress could have squashed the release of Mueller's findings to the public....but, that probability is now GONE.

Given the new House majority and its subpoena powers, there is NO chance that the report will be shelved.

The question then arises for Trump sycophants: Should Trump and his dozens of lawyers even make a lame and ineffective attempt to abolish transparency and revert to the courts to hide Mueller's findings?
lol There is no reason to try to squash Mueller's report. The only prob lem the President had with Mueller was that his faux investigation generated so much political propaganda for the Democrats, and with the end of his "investigation" he is no longer a problem.
That pretty much sounds like all Mueller will have to say.
Then stop asking stupid questions

You could have just stayed in bed clutching your MAGA hat instead of reading this thread, no?????........LMAO

That would require me missing work and owning a maga hat wouldn’t it?

You realize that no matter what the report says Trump will be on twitter saying it proves he is innocent right?

And he is going to be right
Anyone else seeing a pattern?

MORON.....did you notice that I preface my post based on Rosenstein's retirement as a basis for Mueller having completed most of his investigation????

Probably may be best for you to go back to
So your use of the word moron is your best attempt to convince Maxdeath that he is wrong and you are right? Your reasoning is good, your social skills need work.
Trump cult members cannot address the question posed........So, what are these poor sheep to do??? LOL

The DOJ as written policies on what can and can't be released. Are you going to cry and moan they way you did when Comey violated those policies if the DOJ follows them now? Personally I'm very sure you will, hypocrite.

Mueller has already admitted he has nothing and asked for six months more to make something up. The earliest report might be June or July .
Rosentine's announcement that he is leaving the DOJ may be the preamble to the conclusion of Mueller's report to Justice.......

Prior to last November's elections, the probability was rather high that Trump and his cronies in Congress could have squashed the release of Mueller's findings to the public....but, that probability is now GONE.

Given the new House majority and its subpoena powers, there is NO chance that the report will be shelved.

The question then arises for Trump sycophants: Should Trump and his dozens of lawyers even make a lame and ineffective attempt to abolish transparency and revert to the courts to hide Mueller's findings?

Well they can try to revert to the courts, but it sure didn't work for Richard Nixon.

The house has already issued several subpoenas. First up to bat is Michael Cohen, who will be testifying in an open public hearing, then it will be one right after the other. Just like Nixon.

I imagine it won't be long before Senate Republicans will be begging Pelosi to start impeachment proceedings.

There s no place for Trump to hide now. Not even Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or any other will be able to protect him.

I totally agree with you, now that Rosenstein is leaving, that Mueller is wrapping this up & will deliver everything to the house.
Muller requested and was granted a 6 months extension for his grand jury.

If he was going to write his report by March, he wouldn't have requested 6 more months.

Actually, I believe that the grand jury time period was about to expire, and a 6 months' extension is pro forma.....My humble guess is that Mueller is done investigating by the end of February and March will be the culling/writing/editing period.

I hope you're right.

I'm so sick of all this whining from republicans about how long this is taking. Even though they had no problem with the non stop investigations into the Clintons and Obama.
hope you're right.

I'm so sick of all this whining from republicans about how long this is taking. Even though they had no problem with the non stop investigations into the Clintons and Obama.

The average period for a special counsel investigation is 22 months.....this upcoming March will be just about that time frame for Mueller's.

For Trump's corrupt administration, the storm clouds are on the horizon; this Spring, expect some "new" screen names on this forum from current Trump sycophants.
Muller requested and was granted a 6 months extension for his grand jury.

If he was going to write his report by March, he wouldn't have requested 6 more months.

Actually, I believe that the grand jury time period was about to expire, and a 6 months' extension is pro forma.....My humble guess is that Mueller is done investigating by the end of February and March will be the culling/writing/editing period.

I hope you're right.

I'm so sick of all this whining from republicans about how long this is taking. Even though they had no problem with the non stop investigations into the Clintons and Obama.
The Clinton “investigation” was bullshit.
You are the one that is assuming that it will be harmful to Trump.

Would a the VERY LEAST....admit that Trump surrounded himself with low-life criminals????

Remember who this orange piece of lard hired: Manafort, Flynn, Gates,
I see you are still acting like a petulant child. Are you willing to admit that Pelosi, Watters and others have not only surrounded themselves with bad actors but at times defended them? Are you willing to admit that 44 had the CIA spying on congress because he wanted to be a tyrant?
See how that works. We can point to all kinds of people and say that they were involved with questionable people.
You probably talked with a killer or robber or rapist at some time but don't want to be held responsible for what they did.
I see you are still acting like a petulant child. Are you willing to admit that Pelosi, Watters and others have not only surrounded themselves with bad actors but at times defended them? Are you willing to admit that 44 had the CIA spying on congress because he wanted to be a tyrant?

Stay a fucking delusional, ignorant idiot......I don't give a shit........LOL

(but thanks for the thread's bump........see, you ARE good for something.)
I see you are still acting like a petulant child. Are you willing to admit that Pelosi, Watters and others have not only surrounded themselves with bad actors but at times defended them? Are you willing to admit that 44 had the CIA spying on congress because he wanted to be a tyrant?

Stay a fucking delusional, ignorant idiot......I don't give a shit........LOL

(but thanks for the thread's bump........see, you ARE good for something.)
You stay the silly little spoiled child having your temper tantrum. Love that you are useless. Hang in there with that hope. What will you be hanging on to in 2022? Maybe Muellers report coming out?

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