Zone1 Muhammad Ali's Opinions On Race. Right? Wrong?

Who gives a fuck about boxing?
Obviously you don't, which is your prerogative.

However, the subject of the thread is about someone who was a boxer, and had he not been a famous boxer, his personal beliefs would not have even been a topic here.
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I think like Lincoln the best solution for our racial problems would be to set up a colony in Africa for American blacks....they should not be forced to return but a place for them to live peacefully and productively ih Africa should be of the highest priority.
1. Many people (including me) respectfully disagree.

2. Before the Civil War, Caucasians set up Liberia in Africa. Most slaves did NOT want to go there.

3. Liberia has turned out to be one of the most unjust societies in Africa.

4. Furthermore, African Americans are NOT African. They are 100% American. Most of their families have been here longer than the families of most Caucasians or Asians or even Hispanics.

5. I hear tell that Africans who come to this country are shocked by how African Americans think and act.

6. I agree with those Americans who predict that sometime in the next century, Americans will agree to divide up this large country into SAFE ZONES for each of the five major ethnicities. (Maybe Native Americans will finally get genuine independence.)
We lived quite peacefully for a long time under least down south though there were many unfortunate incidents.

Though what you say sounds good I do not think it can possibly be achieved.

I think like Lincoln the best solution for our racial problems would be to set up a colony in Africa for American blacks....they should not be forced to return but a place for them to live peacefully and productively ih Africa should be of the highest priority.

I think most Americans would be supportive of financially supporting such a would be expensive but we have and continue to waste tons of money trying to make integration never has and never will...goes against human nature.

Unfortunately we as a society we would have to udergo some major changes to make that possible...thus I remain convinced that America is headed for the dustbin of history.

I am convinced that America will be destroyed either by some great catastrophe aka the eruption of a huge volcano in Yellowston Park, or a nuclear attack by one of our enemies....even tiny little N. Korea could now destroy America.

I think unfortunately the best hope now is for China to allow us to live as a subserviant nation...essentially slaves to produce the food they need.

The whole of the Western World as we now know it will change radically....Europe the Catholic Church and the muslim nations will come to some sort of agreement ....where China fits into this I cannot understand.

The only real hope we have is for prophecied return of the Messiah....the world is too far gone for anything else to work.

James Monroe gave it his best shot with Liberia. I believe Abe Lincoln was later on board with the idea. I'm not certain what put the plans to a halt, but I agree that the “diverse” differences between the two groups is likely insurmountable. We've given full on integration plenty of time to work, but it simply hasn't worked. The true solution falls outside the realm of the official, politically correct narrative.
Following is a 3-minute clip revealing Muhammad Ali's beliefs concerning racial relations (in general). What's your best critique of what he has to say. Is he right? Is he wrong? Has your opinion of him changed as a result of the video?

This is not new information. Ali was a sucker for a stupid, racist cult for a long time. He seemed to have gotten his shit together to a degree later in life. Great boxer though.
I think Ali's statements are a product of his experiences in his time. Much different than the current time.
This is not new information. Ali was a sucker for a stupid, racist cult for a long time. He seemed to have gotten his shit together to a degree later in life. Great boxer though.
Are you saying he got it together when he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease?
Somewhere in the mix is LOVE between a man and a woman.............................and not minding other people's business.

"We" don't know it. It is stupid, outdated "thinking."
No, it is not outdated but the truth that is denied today. Bums stay with bums, homosexuals stay with homosexuals, blacks stay with blacks, nazis stay with nazis, ect. This is of course not a rule, but a choice. Blacks do also stay with whites but mostly with blacks. It is a simple fact. If you are in denial you lost touch with reality.
1. Many people (including me) respectfully disagree.

2. Before the Civil War, Caucasians set up Liberia in Africa. Most slaves did NOT want to go there.

3. Liberia has turned out to be one of the most unjust societies in Africa.

4. Furthermore, African Americans are NOT African. They are 100% American. Most of their families have been here longer than the families of most Caucasians or Asians or even Hispanics.

5. I hear tell that Africans who come to this country are shocked by how African Americans think and act.

6. I agree with those Americans who predict that sometime in the next century, Americans will agree to divide up this large country into SAFE ZONES for each of the five major ethnicities. (Maybe Native Americans will finally get genuine independence.)
Nonsense....Colonization could work if operated properly....your remedy lacks any merit and you seem completely to fail to understand that blacks ....most particuarly young black males commit horrendous numbers of violent crimes....out of proportion to all other races....thus blacks are the problem ....all other races get along with each other in America.....blacks do not in a general sense get along with anyone.
.your remedy lacks any merit and you seem completely to fail to understand that blacks ....most particuarly young black males commit horrendous numbers of violent crimes....out of proportion to all other races.
Oh, I understand that.

Since the 1960s, I have been the victim of violence or threats initiated by those young fellows.

But the fact remains: They are Americans, and the government has no right to force them to "return" to Africa.
Oh, I understand that.

Since the 1960s, I have been the victim of violence or threats initiated by those young fellows.

But the fact remains: They are Americans, and the government has no right to force them to "return" to Africa.
I agree that they who would wish to remain should do so. But the ones who hate America and what it stands for should be offered a one-way ticket to a "better" nation of their choice. Back in the 60s there was a saying: "America -- Love It Or Leave It." That's just as true today as its ever been.
Ali was not all that intelligent but he had several gifts besides his boxing abilities....he had good common sense, very charismatic and I think he would have made a great black politician or even President....he would have been much, much better than it would have most anyone.

It was unfortunate that it took time for him to evolve from his earlier beliefs and association with the black racists.

I do think it is impossible though for Blacks and Whites to ever live peacefully and equitably in the same society as Abraham Lincoln also understood.

The most we can hope for is to prolong as long as possible our descent into racial chaos where it appears we are headed which will result in the demise of America....the real racists are using blacks to destroy America....we have gone too far down that road to be able to recover and return to the beliefs that made America great.

You call people black racists, but they actually were blacks rracting to white racism. The type of racism you express with your comment about blacks and whites not being able to live together peacefully and equitably. As long as whites like you have that attitude and can't recignize that YOU ARE THE RACIST, instead of calling black wgo are reacting to your racism the racists, there will always be problems.
We lived quite peacefully for a long time under least down south though there were many unfortunate incidents.

Though what you say sounds good I do not think it can possibly be achieved.

I think like Lincoln the best solution for our racial problems would be to set up a colony in Africa for American blacks....they should not be forced to return but a place for them to live peacefully and productively ih Africa should be of the highest priority.

I think most Americans would be supportive of financially supporting such a would be expensive but we have and continue to waste tons of money trying to make integration never has and never will...goes against human nature.

Unfortunately we as a society we would have to udergo some major changes to make that possible...thus I remain convinced that America is headed for the dustbin of history.

I am convinced that America will be destroyed either by some great catastrophe aka the eruption of a huge volcano in Yellowston Park, or a nuclear attack by one of our enemies....even tiny little N. Korea could now destroy America.

I think unfortunately the best hope now is for China to allow us to live as a subserviant nation...essentially slaves to produce the food they need.

The whole of the Western World as we now know it will change radically....Europe the Catholic Church and the muslim nations will come to some sort of agreement ....where China fits into this I cannot understand.

The only real hope we have is for prophecied return of the Messiah....the world is too far gone for anything else to work.

There was never any peace during segregation.
Oh, I understand that.

Since the 1960s, I have been the victim of violence or threats initiated by those young fellows.

But the fact remains: They are Americans, and the government has no right to force them to "return" to Africa.
And I have been the victim of threats and violence initiated by whites my whole life. Whites like you are deluded. You ignore the history and tradition of white violence in this country and how your racist beliefs enables that violence to continue.
I hate it when whites take something someone black says out of context to use in order to justify their racist beliefs.
You call people black racists, but they actually were blacks rracting to white racism. The type of racism you express with your comment about blacks and whites not being able to live together peacefully and equitably. As long as whites like you have that attitude and can't recignize that YOU ARE THE RACIST, instead of calling black wgo are reacting to your racism the racists, there will always be problems.
Nothing is ever your fault, is it?
I did have some personal observations, I assumed that you wanted some documented proof, so my mistake.

When I first met Ali in 1967 when I was an amateur boxer, it was during the time that he was exiled from the ring, and it was obviously a turbulent time in the country.

He was 25 years old at the time, and angry at not being able to make a living.

His only source of income were his speaking engagements, where he spoke on behalf of the Nation of Islam and during that time he was generally hated by many.

The next time that I saw him and spoke to him was after his fight against George Foreman in Zaire, in 1974.

He had matured, and within that time frame, when his license to box was reinstated in 1971, he had become close friends with a White bare knuckle fighter in the UK named Paddy Monaghen, who worked tirelessly to help him return to the ring.

Through that association he made many trips to the UK to visit Paddy and his family.

Paddy has since passed away, however I am very good friends with his son to this day.

Years later after Ali retired, I saw him for the last time in 2008, and what stood out most during that conversation was how he had matured and saw the world differently at that time versus when we first met in 1967 over
40 years prior.

He spoke at length about love for his fellow man and wanting world peace. He had a genuine belief in all people being able to coexist peacefully and without hatred for one another.

He even playfully punched me in the chest and said "See, I've still got it, and I'm going shock the world by coming back and winning the title again".

That is a fond memory that I always enjoy thinking about.
Thanks for sharing that, very interesting! Was he hard to understand or could he still speak pretty well? My understanding was that the Parkinsons was pretty devastating to him.

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