Multiculturalism and Sharia

"The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ?One Nation Under Allah? |
Better pull up your big girl panties. There is more than one religion in the world, and more than one language.
"The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ?One Nation Under Allah? |

Because all good haters don't understand that no Pledge of Allegiance is any good unless it's recited in English, even though we are Americans..

Does anyone but me, know how many languages the English language is derived from?.
It will be interesting to hear all the riotous silence from the 'angry atheist' crowd. It's one thing to spit in the face of Christians they know won't hurt them, but as liberals they are scared to death of Muslims.
It will be interesting to hear all the riotous silence from the 'angry atheist' crowd. It's one thing to spit in the face of Christians they know won't hurt them, but as liberals they are scared to death of Muslims.

They don't scare them, just like you don't, but they don't want them running the world either. None of you nutters should be higher on the chain than dog catcher.
It will be interesting to hear all the riotous silence from the 'angry atheist' crowd. It's one thing to spit in the face of Christians they know won't hurt them, but as liberals they are scared to death of Muslims.

I am not, unless they are violent, and they don't want to wake the evil monster in me..

I live by a town with a Muslim community..They are hard working, quiet people that have businesses and a makeshift Mosque, yet no racial tension is active.They are mostly from Africa..and they let their women drive by themselves and walk around town, by themselves...
Does anyone but me, know how many languages the English language is derived from?.

English has been influenced by many languages and contains many loan-words, but it is derived from Proto-Germanic, or if you want to go back reeeeallly far, from Indo-European.
It will be interesting to hear all the riotous silence from the 'angry atheist' crowd. It's one thing to spit in the face of Christians they know won't hurt them, but as liberals they are scared to death of Muslims.

They don't scare them...

They are scared shitless of them, that's why they reserve all their banal histrionics for Christianity.
I supposed the New York city counsel will pass this?

Muslims Want Halal Food in NYC Schools


Proposed legislation was introduced into New York City Council to require that the city's public schools provide Islamic-compliant food - halal - as an option in the cafeterias. The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) joined forces with council member Rafael L. Espinal, Jr. (Brooklyn) to support Resolution 54 at a press conference on the steps of New York City Hall on Wednesday, March 26.

Fourteen other city councilmembers co-sponsored Espinal's Resolution.

The Resolution goes into explicit detail about what Islamic-observant students are permitted to eat and what they must avoid eating, as well as stating who made those determinations.
Whereas, The practice of Islam is determined by the Islamic teachings as guided by the holy book Quran and the Hadith, and sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, which includes observing dietary laws; and Whereas, Islamic dietary laws delineate foods that are halal, meaning lawful or permitted, and those that are haram, meaning not permitted; and Whereas, Haram foods include pork and its by-products, meat and poultry not slaughtered according to the Islamic dietary law, alcohol and foods prepared with and containing alcohol, foods containing blood and blood by-products, and foods containing whey prepared with non-microbial enzyme, rennet, animal shortening, monoglycerides and diglycerides from an animal source, sodium stearoyl lactylate, and L-cysteine.

The proposed Resolution concedes that there is no accurate way to determine how many New York City schoolchildren are Muslim, and of those who are Muslim, how many observe strict halal guidelines. The best estimate they have is that approximately 12 percent of the school system's children are Muslim.

Undeterred by the lack of hard information, the legislators pointed to the Detroit public school system where 35 percent of the students are estimated to be Muslim. In Detroit, the school district began a halal pilot program in 2001 which has expanded to 35 schools in the district.

Printed from The Jewish Press » Blog Archive » Muslims Want Halal Food in NYC Schools ? Kosher Not Option

This could be remedied by going back to that old antiquated system in which most kids brought their lunches to school and there was a limited school cafeteria for those who just preferred to use that or who forgot their lunch that day. That way the school doesn't have to accommodate anybody's food preferences and pretty much everybody got a lunch they liked.

Does anybody else see the dichotomy when some get their panties in a bunch over ANYTHING religious allowed into the public schools, but see nothing wrong with the school cafeteria being required to accommodate religious dietary laws?
It works so well? What's the last western democracy to become a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy?

All western democracies have been founded under the strong influence of the Church that successfully put down Islamic efforts to overtake it. And it is that same Church that is holding militant Islamic ambitions at bay now. Islam can coexist quite peacefully alongside Christianity. Christianity has not been so blessed, however, when it becomes subject to Islamic extremism.

So those who relentless criticize and attack and belittle and demean and ridicule the Church while promoting Islam under the mantle of political correctness are indeed, by inches at a time, bringing us closer and closer to the loss of our constitutional republic as we know it, and ever closer to something else. And should Islam manage to attain a majority here, at least some aspects of Sharia Law will become the law of the land just as it is in every other nation with a Muslim majority.

The U.K. and France have already changed their laws to allow some aspects of Sharia and, as Muslim populations increase in those countries, there will be increased pressure for more and more of that. Going along to get along can be a very dangerous process if one values liberty and self determination, two things Sharia does not promote or recognize.

You realize Jewish people already do this in our nation right?



You realize Westernized beliefs have been the guiding light of our country since the founding of our Constitution....?

So when ANTI-Western beliefs ramp up their intrusiveness why aren't you concerned....?
It will be interesting to hear all the riotous silence from the 'angry atheist' crowd. It's one thing to spit in the face of Christians they know won't hurt them, but as liberals they are scared to death of Muslims.

They don't scare them...

They are scared shitless of them, that's why they reserve all their banal histrionics for Christianity.
No, they argue against the Christians trying to turn the place into a Christian Nation here. And you guys already beat up Islam, unfairly and constantly, so there's no reason to bother and the one thing they are scared of is being thought of as anything like you. That is what might might keep them up at night. The Muslims are just like any other sorts of religious nutters, but for the most part they are over there and not a big concern.
They don't scare them...

They are scared shitless of them, that's why they reserve all their banal histrionics for Christianity.
No, they argue against the Christians trying to turn the place into a Christian Nation here. .

"Christians" aren't trying to do that here, and these lefties know it. They also know they are unlikely to face burning cars and global death-threats over their antics. Such lefties are essentially cowards performing a little act for their own self-satisfaction. If there is so much as a hint of real repercussions, they keep their big mouths shut tight, as we see with the above-mentioned story.
They are scared shitless of them, that's why they reserve all their banal histrionics for Christianity.
No, they argue against the Christians trying to turn the place into a Christian Nation here. .

"Christians" aren't trying to do that here, and these lefties know it. They also know they are unlikely to face burning cars and global death-threats over their antics. Such lefties are essentially cowards performing a little act for their own self-satisfaction. If there is so much as a hint of real repercussions, they keep their big mouths shut tight, as we see with the above-mentioned story.

It is true that so-called political correctness is decidedly mostly anti-Christian and opposes any public expression or recognition of Christianity unless it is something insulting or hateful re Christianity which is deemed 'art' and therefore is okay. The same group supports anything Muslim as being okay and should be protected. The rational for that is beyond my feeble ability to make sense of it, but it does appear to be that way.

Christians aren't trying to make the USA a Christian nation. But most Americans subscribe to the Christian religion in some way and they simply want to be able to be who and what they are, i.e. Christians, in their own country. And that means being able to think, speak, and act out their Christian beliefs. So long as that requires no contribution or participation from anybody else, liberty requires they be able to do that with impunity just as Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Atheists or anybody else should be able to be who and what they are with impunity.
No, they argue against the Christians trying to turn the place into a Christian Nation here. .

"Christians" aren't trying to do that here, and these lefties know it. They also know they are unlikely to face burning cars and global death-threats over their antics. Such lefties are essentially cowards performing a little act for their own self-satisfaction. If there is so much as a hint of real repercussions, they keep their big mouths shut tight, as we see with the above-mentioned story.

It is true that so-called political correctness is decidedly mostly anti-Christian and opposes any public expression or recognition of Christianity unless it is something insulting or hateful re Christianity which is deemed 'art' and therefore is okay. The same group supports anything Muslim as being okay and should be protected. The rational for that is beyond my feeble ability to make sense of it, but it does appear to be that way.

Christians aren't trying to make the USA a Christian nation. But most Americans subscribe to the Christian religion in some way and they simply want to be able to be who and what they are, i.e. Christians, in their own country. And that means being able to think, speak, and act out their Christian beliefs. So long as that requires no contribution or participation from anybody else, liberty requires they be able to do that with impunity just as Jews or Muslims or Buddhists or Atheists or anybody else should be able to be who and what they are with impunity.

all totalitarians have ANTI-Western values...

Islam is ANTI-Western.....theocrats = totalitarians

China is ANTI-Western......commies = totalitarians

Russia is ANTI-Western....commies = totalitarians

lefties are ANTI-Western....commies/theocrat supporters = totalitarians
It is true that so-called political correctness is decidedly mostly anti-Christian and opposes any public expression or recognition of Christianity unless it is something insulting or hateful re Christianity which is deemed 'art' and therefore is okay. The same group supports anything Muslim as being okay and should be protected. The rational for that is beyond my feeble ability to make sense of it, but it does appear to be that way.
The answer is simple Foxfyre.

The liberal left can't stand Christians because most of them are conservatives and generally Republicans.

They know that the Conservative Right doesn't like Islam and muslims for various reasons.

So the Liberals support Muslims as a way to poke the Conservative religious right in the eye. .. :cool:
It is true that so-called political correctness is decidedly mostly anti-Christian and opposes any public expression or recognition of Christianity unless it is something insulting or hateful re Christianity which is deemed 'art' and therefore is okay. The same group supports anything Muslim as being okay and should be protected. The rational for that is beyond my feeble ability to make sense of it, but it does appear to be that way.
The answer is simple Foxfyre.

The liberal left can't stand Christians because most of them are conservatives and generally Republicans.

They know that the Conservative Right doesn't like Islam and muslims for various reasons.

So the Liberals support Muslims as a way to poke the Conservative religious right in the eye. .. :cool:

LOL. Well that's as good and rational a reason as any I guess.

But whatever the reason, it sucks. I love my Muslim neighbors who are good, gracious, and giving people, and I would highly resent it if anybody discriminated against them for any reason because they do nothing to deserve discrimination. Certainly it would be wrong--be evil--to discriminate against them for just being Muslim.

Same for the gay couple living next door to us and who helps us out every single time we ask, and we them. . . . or the Jewish family down the street, or those folks who never go to church and are probably Atheists so far as I know. We all get along just fine as long as we allow each other to be who and what we are.

But the day that any of us demands that the others accommodate us with their persons and property in ways that they choose not to participate or contribute, the harmony will end. And something very ugly and sinister will replace it.
As a muslim I just silently laugh that the lefty liberals want to support us.

We are a very conservative group and are opposed their fruit cake homo loving agenda.

But hey, if they want to be useful idiots and champion muslim causes just to spite the conservatives.

I'm all for it...... :thup:
As a muslim I just silently laugh that the lefty liberals want to support us.

We are a very conservative group and are opposed their fruit cake homo loving agenda.

But hey, if they want to be useful idiots and champion muslim causes just to spite the conservatives.

I'm all for it...... :thup:

I do wish you had chosen a different phrase though than 'homo loving' and used a characterization more descriptive of what you probably intended. The closest thing I have to a godson is gay. We have come to have a deep affection, even love, for our neighbors next door. I hold my gay colleagues over the years in high esteem. So 'homo loving' grates against me just as much as terms like 'towel heads' or 'camel jockeys' offends me.

At the same time I can strongly oppose and push back against what I consider wrong and liberty-destroying initiatives from the militant gay community, the militant Muslin community, and the militant Christian community. All are equally wrong when they demand what requires unwilling contribution or participation by others.
The liberal left will be in for a rude awaking if they ever have their backs to the wall and expect muslims to come to their rescue.

We really don't have anything in common.

Muslims are conservative and opposed to abortion, homosexuality and homo marriage, marijuana and other drugs, alcohol, etc.

Which are all things that the liberal agenda supports. .. :cool:

Now if they could only get over their deep hatred of Westerners, the killing of all other religious believers in the ME, and their suicidal tendencies when it comes to cultish beliefs, they would be almost perfect neighbors!

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