Multiculturalism and Sharia

The true religion of America is Capitalism. Anyone who lives here figures that out in short order. Stop worrying about their secondary faiths like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, they well soon pay as little attention to those things as most here do. A few times a year they will pray to God but daily they will pray to Greed.

That would happen if we were diligent in protecting our rights to language, borders, and culture and our unalienable right to choose our own destiny.

But even the American dream--that which you characterize as 'greed'--is under assault via the same forces promoting multiculturalism and accommodation of Sharia Law. Not only do they scorn respect for a unified common language, borders, culture, those who have achieved material success are also under assault. Class envy is strongly promoted and the financially successful are characterized as 'greedy' and not something anyone would aspire to be. And there is more and more approval for taking what the rich have acquired and distributing it to the less affluent.

All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Allah. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Islam when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Islam promotes.
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The true religion of America is Capitalism. Anyone who lives here figures that out in short order. Stop worrying about their secondary faiths like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, they well soon pay as little attention to those things as most here do. A few times a year they will pray to God but daily they will pray to Greed.

That would happen if we were diligent in protecting our rights to language, borders, and culture and our unalienable right to choose our own destiny.

But even the American dream--that which you characterize as 'greed'--is under assault via the same forces promoting multiculturalism and accommodation of Sharia Law. Not only do they scorn respect for a unified common language, borders, culture, those who have achieved material success are also under assault. Class envy is strongly promoted and the financially successful are characterized as 'greedy' and not something anyone would aspire to be. And there is more and more approval for taking what the rich have acquired and distributing it to the less affluent.

All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Allah. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Islam when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Islam promotes.
Imagine, a people who actually believe and do what their faith demands of them? No wonder it scares you to death since Christianity here is just a ticket to heaven and on with business as usual.
All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Jesus. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Christianity when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Christianity promotes.

See how that works? That's why the very first words of the First Amendment to the US Constitution make sure that NO religion will ever be in control in America.
The true religion of America is Capitalism. Anyone who lives here figures that out in short order. Stop worrying about their secondary faiths like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, they well soon pay as little attention to those things as most here do. A few times a year they will pray to God but daily they will pray to Greed.

That would happen if we were diligent in protecting our rights to language, borders, and culture and our unalienable right to choose our own destiny.

But even the American dream--that which you characterize as 'greed'--is under assault via the same forces promoting multiculturalism and accommodation of Sharia Law. Not only do they scorn respect for a unified common language, borders, culture, those who have achieved material success are also under assault. Class envy is strongly promoted and the financially successful are characterized as 'greedy' and not something anyone would aspire to be. And there is more and more approval for taking what the rich have acquired and distributing it to the less affluent.

All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Allah. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Islam when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Islam promotes.
Imagine, a people who actually believe and do what their faith demands of them? No wonder it scares you to death since Christianity here is just a ticket to heaven and on with business as usual.

I suppose you folks who are defending, even promoting, multiculturalism would adopt that point of view. Don't look now, but I am also doing what my faith requires of me--pushing for recognition and defense of unalienable rights, self-governance, and allowing everybody, Muslims too, the right to be who and what they are - IF - and it is a huge IF - being who and what we are does not require others to give up their unalienable rights, choices, options, and opportunities.

I do not require you or even ask you to adopt or participate in my religious beliefs. All I ask that I be allowed to have them. My faith requires nothing other than non interference from others. I would be leading the pack to resist any effort for practice of my faith to be made the law of the land.

I love dearly my Muslim neighbors, colleagues, friends. I accept their good natured teasing that if I was really smart, I would be going to the mosque instead of to the church. And I can give as good as I get. But the day they joined a movement that would force me to not only allow them their religion, but require me to participate in it as a matter of law, then they will have a huge problem with me. I sincerely hope they would have a huge problem with you too.

The whole point of this thread is that there is a faction of Islam with that very goal.
Don't look now, but I am also doing what my faith requires of me--pushing for recognition and defense of unalienable rights, self-governance, and allowing everybody, Muslims too, the right to be who and what they are - IF - and it is a huge IF - being who and what we are does not require others to give up their unalienable rights, choices, options, and opportunities.
I've read all the Holy Books and that's not in there anywhere so what exactly do you call your faith?
All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Jesus. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Christianity when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Christianity promotes.

See how that works? That's why the very first words of the First Amendment to the US Constitution make sure that NO religion will ever be in control in America.

If you had militant Muslims in a majority in government, how long do you think the First Amendment would survive?
Don't look now, but I am also doing what my faith requires of me--pushing for recognition and defense of unalienable rights, self-governance, and allowing everybody, Muslims too, the right to be who and what they are - IF - and it is a huge IF - being who and what we are does not require others to give up their unalienable rights, choices, options, and opportunities.
I've read all the Holy Books and that's not in there anywhere so what exactly do you call your faith?

First you will have to show how that is pertinent in any way to the thread topic, And since you won't be able to do that we'll just set that aside as your intention to derail the thread, okay?
Don't look now, but I am also doing what my faith requires of me--pushing for recognition and defense of unalienable rights, self-governance, and allowing everybody, Muslims too, the right to be who and what they are - IF - and it is a huge IF - being who and what we are does not require others to give up their unalienable rights, choices, options, and opportunities.
I've read all the Holy Books and that's not in there anywhere so what exactly do you call your faith?

First you will have to show how that is pertinent in any way to the thread topic, And since you won't be able to do that we'll just set that aside as your intention to derail the thread, okay?
You said you had a faith that requires such things? What faith is that, or did you just make it up?
All this plays right into the hands of those with ambitions of bringing the whole world under the authority of Jesus. The more the people can be trained to see a higher human authority as the dictator of rules and what society shall be, the less resistance there will be to Christianity when it is finally imposed upon them. Self-governance, unalienable rights, individual choice and opportunity is not something Christianity promotes.

See how that works? That's why the very first words of the First Amendment to the US Constitution make sure that NO religion will ever be in control in America.

If you had militant Muslims in a majority in government, how long do you think the First Amendment would survive?
Militant Muslims as a Majority here? Just what kind of fantsayland do you live in exactly? The Mormons have better numbers and they couldn't manage to get Mitt and the Dancing Horse elected.
Don't look now, but I am also doing what my faith requires of me--pushing for recognition and defense of unalienable rights, self-governance, and allowing everybody, Muslims too, the right to be who and what they are - IF - and it is a huge IF - being who and what we are does not require others to give up their unalienable rights, choices, options, and opportunities.
I've read all the Holy Books and that's not in there anywhere so what exactly do you call your faith?
It must be Islam. Creeping shariah is attempting to give Americans freedom of choice, and we simply can't have that.

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.

109:6 Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.


See how that works? That's why the very first words of the First Amendment to the US Constitution make sure that NO religion will ever be in control in America.

If you had militant Muslims in a majority in government, how long do you think the First Amendment would survive?
Militant Muslims as a Majority here? Just what kind of fantsayland do you live in exactly? The Mormons have better numbers and they couldn't manage to get Mitt and the Dancing Horse elected.

I think I will just ignore your posts until you improve your reading comprehension sufficiently to understand what has been said instead of your own--shall we say unique? (cough)--interpretation of what was said.
Like the Arizona bill allowing freedom of religion to discriminate...

Like this:

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

Then why did the founders and many states not ever pass laws that English is the language of the land??

The founders flawed the individual rights of man when they allowed slavery to exist when the nation was formed....

Well, knowing a little about our nation's history, I'd say that our foundation was established from the original 13 "English" colonies. They didn't see a need to cater to one particular group of immigrants like we do today, and catering to them we do. We have turned to the greater need of appealing to a particular voting block, while ignoring the fact that we have become.... and are.... a nation of MANY immigrants, each with a desire to become an American citizen while none of them subject to a standard of "favoritism" that is the slap-in-the-face of every hard working foreigner who strives to meet the standards of a Federal Immigration Law.... including the task of learning a foreign language. We are not a nation that speaks and posts road signs in German, nor Russian, nor Italian. nor Arabic. However, we have become that nation which places one foreign ethnic group far above the rest, justifying our actions at every turn, for the simple need of acquiring a block of voters to vote a certain way.... and no other reason. Such is the nature of power in the realm of politics.
Like this:

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

Then why did the founders and many states not ever pass laws that English is the language of the land??

The founders flawed the individual rights of man when they allowed slavery to exist when the nation was formed....

Well, knowing a little about our nation's history, I'd say that our foundation was established from the original 13 "English" colonies. They didn't see a need to cater to one particular group of immigrants like we do today, and catering to them we do. We have turned to the greater need of appealing to a particular voting block, while ignoring the fact that we have become.... and are.... a nation of MANY immigrants, each with a desire to become an American citizen while none of them subject to a standard of "favoritism" that is the slap-in-the-face of every hard working foreigner who strives to meet the standards of a Federal Immigration Law.... including the task of learning a foreign language. We are not a nation that speaks and posts road signs in German, nor Russian, nor Italian. nor Arabic. However, we have become that nation which places one foreign ethnic group far above the rest, justifying our actions at every turn, for the simple need of acquiring a block of voters to vote a certain way.... and no other reason. Such is the nature of power in the realm of politics.
I'm not real keen on having this many Mexicans up here as Illegal Aliens myself.
If you had militant Muslims in a majority in government, how long do you think the First Amendment would survive?
Militant Muslims as a Majority here? Just what kind of fantsayland do you live in exactly? The Mormons have better numbers and they couldn't manage to get Mitt and the Dancing Horse elected.

I think I will just ignore your posts until you improve your reading comprehension sufficiently to understand what has been said instead of your own--shall we say unique? (cough)--interpretation of what was said.
I think you fear Muslims under your wet bed, so Teddy the Bear must protect you.
How about when the GOP changed the status of corporations to that of an individual, that move was directly against the wishes of the FF's yet I hear no right wingers or repubs saying it was the downfall of the economy by allowing corporations more freedom to be enter into lobby efforts, and govt. positions of elect to conform laws that favor their interests.

How is that any different from AFL-CIO's lobbing efforts and political contributions to the DNC? I'd say allowing corporations to also have their say, balances out both sides. It's amazing how those who complain about corporations having a say, grow amazingly silent about the unions long influential edge in the political process. Quite simply, what's good for the goose.....
One need look no further than the trouble that much of Europe has had with its immigrant Muslim populations, to comprehend the range of concerns.

We don't need to look under our beds for Shariah-touting Muslims...

We need look no further than city halls and state houses and Congress and the White House, to identify the vulnerabilities and potential future sites for contention.

Continuing to talk about the possibilities makes very good sense.

Militant Muslims as a Majority here? Just what kind of fantsayland do you live in exactly? The Mormons have better numbers and they couldn't manage to get Mitt and the Dancing Horse elected.

I think I will just ignore your posts until you improve your reading comprehension sufficiently to understand what has been said instead of your own--shall we say unique? (cough)--interpretation of what was said.
I think you fear Muslims under your wet bed, so Teddy the Bear must protect you.
This discussion is still retarded. Sharia law does not have any chance of ever becoming US law, no matter how many radical Muslims move into the US and vote for it.

you're the one who's retarded.......but that's why stealth jihad works so don't realize the problem until it's too late....

It works so well? What's the last western democracy to become a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy?

don't delude yourself.....Islam is a totalitarian theocracy and it will not bow to western beliefs....the goal of their never-ending Holy War is simply your submission....stealth jihad is a form of invasion...

Europe is destined to become Eurabia in the near future simply through demographics....don't kid yourself that Islam will take second seat to western democracy as it grows in power....creeping sharia law will be instituted in place of western law because the two are's already happening incrementally....for example Michigan muslim protestors are calling for blashphemy laws in the the UK dozens of sharia courts have already been established in Londonistan...'no go' zones have effectively become imported muslim countries....

i'll ask you believe the Islamic culture is equal to Western culture.....?
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I supposed the New York city counsel will pass this?

Muslims Want Halal Food in NYC Schools


Proposed legislation was introduced into New York City Council to require that the city's public schools provide Islamic-compliant food - halal - as an option in the cafeterias. The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) joined forces with council member Rafael L. Espinal, Jr. (Brooklyn) to support Resolution 54 at a press conference on the steps of New York City Hall on Wednesday, March 26.

Fourteen other city councilmembers co-sponsored Espinal's Resolution.

The Resolution goes into explicit detail about what Islamic-observant students are permitted to eat and what they must avoid eating, as well as stating who made those determinations.
Whereas, The practice of Islam is determined by the Islamic teachings as guided by the holy book Quran and the Hadith, and sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, which includes observing dietary laws; and Whereas, Islamic dietary laws delineate foods that are halal, meaning lawful or permitted, and those that are haram, meaning not permitted; and Whereas, Haram foods include pork and its by-products, meat and poultry not slaughtered according to the Islamic dietary law, alcohol and foods prepared with and containing alcohol, foods containing blood and blood by-products, and foods containing whey prepared with non-microbial enzyme, rennet, animal shortening, monoglycerides and diglycerides from an animal source, sodium stearoyl lactylate, and L-cysteine.

The proposed Resolution concedes that there is no accurate way to determine how many New York City schoolchildren are Muslim, and of those who are Muslim, how many observe strict halal guidelines. The best estimate they have is that approximately 12 percent of the school system's children are Muslim.

Undeterred by the lack of hard information, the legislators pointed to the Detroit public school system where 35 percent of the students are estimated to be Muslim. In Detroit, the school district began a halal pilot program in 2001 which has expanded to 35 schools in the district.

Printed from The Jewish Press » Blog Archive » Muslims Want Halal Food in NYC Schools ? Kosher Not Option
"The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ?One Nation Under Allah? |
you're the one who's retarded.......but that's why stealth jihad works so don't realize the problem until it's too late....

It works so well? What's the last western democracy to become a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy?

All western democracies have been founded under the strong influence of the Church that successfully put down Islamic efforts to overtake it. And it is that same Church that is holding militant Islamic ambitions at bay now. Islam can coexist quite peacefully alongside Christianity. Christianity has not been so blessed, however, when it becomes subject to Islamic extremism.

So those who relentless criticize and attack and belittle and demean and ridicule the Church while promoting Islam under the mantle of political correctness are indeed, by inches at a time, bringing us closer and closer to the loss of our constitutional republic as we know it, and ever closer to something else. And should Islam manage to attain a majority here, at least some aspects of Sharia Law will become the law of the land just as it is in every other nation with a Muslim majority.

The U.K. and France have already changed their laws to allow some aspects of Sharia and, as Muslim populations increase in those countries, there will be increased pressure for more and more of that. Going along to get along can be a very dangerous process if one values liberty and self determination, two things Sharia does not promote or recognize.

You realize Jewish people already do this in our nation right?


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