Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
Your ancestors tried that already. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

Stop hollering at the clouds, grandpa.
My ancestors built this country, bitch.
Before it was America, even.
You and all leftists can fuck right the hell off.
You fucks don't even know what it is to do a day of work.
What the fuck do you know about how hard I worked, asshole? Fuck you.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

No, lunatic gun nuts are responsible for this reaction. And them alone.

How so? Do elucidate. Oh nm.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, bitchboy!
You ain't good for a fucking thing!

Well, that's an incisive argument! Maybe next time you could actually make an intelligent argument? Oh, wait, probably not...

Lemme know when you have an intelligent assertion to argue, fucktard. And Oh yes I will.
"Multiple armed gunmen storm Michigan’s State House, State police are protecting"

Let me assure you, a photograph and later a bio will be drawn up on everyone there.
We Now See You Too
Be proud
your in the history books
we see you
This post seems like it's from a Russian troll.
If an elected official begins abusing and overreaching their authority granted to them by the people, the people are not obligated to bend over and take it until the next scheduled election. They have a right to protest it and if they choose, they have a right to show up armed and put an immediate stop to it.
The people are the the ones in charge...... it's not a "coup" for them to fire an employee who gets out of line.

(Where do you people get this stupid shit from, anyway?)

You're responding to Tainted Tommy, who, unlike us, is not a citizen of a free country, where government exists to serve the people, but a subject of a backward shithole nation, in which people are essentially property of the government—the same backward shithole, in fact, against which the great men who founded this country rebelled in order to do so.

It should be no surprise that he has no understanding of the principles on which this country is founded, in which the people are supposed to be the rightful masters over our government, instead of the other way around; and he feels entitled to tell us how we should run our country, though he has no say at all in it.

Sometimes, I think that perhaps the UK is getting way over due for a serious ass-kicking, much like we gave them twice in past history when they presumed to tell us how to run our country.

Not one shot was fired but I'm sure that Whitmer was soiling her frilly panties.... Good!!!
You're responding to Tainted Tommy, who, unlike us, is not a citizen of a free country, where government exists to serve the people, but a subject of a backward shithole nation, in which people are essentially property of the government—the same backward shithole, in fact, against which the great men who founded this country rebelled in order to do so.

It should be no surprise that he has no understanding of the principles on which this country is founded, in which the people are supposed to be the rightful masters over our government, instead of the other way around; and he feels entitled to tell us how we should run our country, though he has no say at all in it.

Sometimes, I think that perhaps the UK is getting way over due for a serious ass-kicking, much like we gave them twice in past history when they presumed to tell us how to run our country. funny bobby boy. soooo funny. Being a Deplorable you probably even believe the drivel you just typed. RATFLMAO!!
You are a lame commie faggot, Dr Grump.

Glad to see you're living up to your avatar MM.

"Strode recounted that Ford "kept needling Duke about his failure to make it as a football player." He also ridiculed Wayne for failing to enlist during World War II, during which Ford filmed a series of widely praised combat documentaries for the OSS and was wounded at the Battle of Midway and Stewart served with distinction as a bomber pilot and commanded a bomber group. "How rich did you get while Jimmy was risking his life?" Ford demanded. Wayne's avoidance of wartime service was a major source of guilt for him in his later years.

Who is this "Ford"?
You are a lame commie faggot, Dr Grump.

Glad to see you're living up to your avatar MM.

"Strode recounted that Ford "kept needling Duke about his failure to make it as a football player." He also ridiculed Wayne for failing to enlist during World War II, during which Ford filmed a series of widely praised combat documentaries for the OSS and was wounded at the Battle of Midway and Stewart served with distinction as a bomber pilot and commanded a bomber group. "How rich did you get while Jimmy was risking his life?" Ford demanded. Wayne's avoidance of wartime service was a major source of guilt for him in his later years.

Who is this "Ford"?

Fairlane? Pick-Up? Focus?

Reading this thread reveals just how this generation have failed America.

Failing wars, declining living standards in real terms even before the virus, a dysfunctional political system. A sociopath President and rather incompetent too. An Democratic opposition party running a man clearly in cognitive decline.

A social welfare and health system that is a disaster, one the rest of the developed world sees as a warning not an example.

A disastrous response to a global pandemic and ranting fools demanding they do what ever they want, not thinking of their fellow citizens health.

Anger, always anger, no solutions, simply ranting anger.

As seen on this very thread.

You are the United States of Anger.

Yet, all you have is anger and no solutions. Thanks for the rant.

I have solutions, do what Australia and New Zealand are doing.

But America cannot, because it has a dysfunctional political class, an ever angry social fabric, a failed stimulus answer and asocial welfare system and a generation who demand their "rights" without any concept of common or social responsibility.

The solution is there, but naval gazing America never looks to the rest of the world for them.

You are lost in your very own national Jerry Springer show.

So you have insults and that is it. Come on, be specific, if you can’t communicate beyond insults, l really have no use for discussing anything with you.

Yes I have a solution, do not be a self centred half wit, slack jawed moron and storm state capitols in moronic mobs spreading the virus.

If the people want to protest, I’ll defend the right, I don’t agree with them however we have the right to protest. You are free to live the way you like, go for it. I’m not sure why you believe your way is any better, besides this is not your business.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

Hmm..., I wonder how many Boston citizens wondered and thought the same as you in 1770

But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?

Miss half witt was taken into state police protection.
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.

Fatty Mcfatterson is a bull dyke not a his. It's got no gun

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