Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.
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Reading this thread reveals just how this generation have failed America.

Failing wars, declining living standards in real terms even before the virus, a dysfunctional political system. A sociopath President and rather incompetent too. An Democratic opposition party running a man clearly in cognitive decline.

A social welfare and health system that is a disaster, one the rest of the developed world sees as a warning not an example.

A disastrous response to a global pandemic and ranting fools demanding they do what ever they want, not thinking of their fellow citizens health.

Anger, always anger, no solutions, simply ranting anger.

As seen on this very thread.

You are the United States of Anger.

Yet, all you have is anger and no solutions. Thanks for the rant.

I have solutions, do what Australia and New Zealand are doing.

But America cannot, because it has a dysfunctional political class, an ever angry social fabric, a failed stimulus answer and asocial welfare system and a generation who demand their "rights" without any concept of common or social responsibility.

The solution is there, but naval gazing America never looks to the rest of the world for them.

You are lost in your very own national Jerry Springer show.
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
You know who else that also applies to?
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.
You can stop proving how totally ignorant you are. No one treated their guns as toys, there were no meth pipes on display and I saw no bar hag. Perhaps you could fill that position? Plus how could you tell any of those weapons were loaded? My God you are a loon!
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
You know who else that also applies to?
It's easy to see who the America hating traitors are here.
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.
You can stop proving how totally ignorant you are. No one treated their guns as toys, there were no meth pipes on display and I saw no bar hag. Perhaps you could fill that position? Plus how could you tell any of those weapons were loaded? My God you are a loon!
So they brought empty weapons?!?!?! Of course they did, lol.

I ain't so looney as to think showing up at the statehouse, prepared for mowing down large groups of people, is going to change anything. Because that's just some stupid ass shit right there.

I wonder why law enforcement didn't stop them? Probably because they know these guys are nothing but cowards hiding behind big penis guns. And their bullets are at home, safely tucked away in Mommy's panty drawer
Why would LE stop people from doing something that's completely legal?
There's a quote, popularly misattributed to Freud, the true origin of which is unknown; which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

It's not known who really first said or wrote it, but there certainly are plenty of examples to be seen, that prove the truth of it, aren't there?

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Hooowee, I must have hit a nerve! Men have been compensating for their small penises since forever. Women know this. We discuss it. No need for firsthand experience when braver women than I have already paid that price.

Bless your naive precious hearts if you don't think women discuss every single minute aspect of the male body and behavior, and compare notes.
There's a quote, popularly misattributed to Freud, the true origin of which is unknown; which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity.

It's not known who really first said or wrote it, but there certainly are plenty of examples to be seen, that prove the truth of it, aren't there?

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Hooowee, I must have hit a nerve! Men have been compensating for their small penises since forever. Women know this. We discuss it. No need for firsthand experience when braver women than I have already paid that price.
Bless your naive precious hearts if you don't think women discuss every single minute aspect of the male body and behavior, and compare notes.

You think I'm afraid of weapons? Sorry. Been around them all my life. It's how I know men who require people-mowing weapons are compensating. Maybe you can find a misattributed quote for that.
Why do so many of these hoplophobes see a person with a firearm and just immediately start thinking about dick?

WTF is that about?

Because there is no other explanation. Seriously. Who thinks they may need to mow down so many people so fast that they will need such a large weapon?

A man with a small penis. You can take that to the bank. I'm surprised you didn't know this already.
Just how many of these guys have you sucked off in order to gather this data, anyway?
Hooowee, I must have hit a nerve! Men have been compensating for their small penises since forever. Women know this. We discuss it. No need for firsthand experience when braver women than I have already paid that price.

Bless your naive precious hearts if you don't think women discuss every single minute aspect of the male body and behavior, and compare notes.
Oh, I'm aware that you do, I got a bunch of great Yelp reviews on my dick, lol.
You're welcome.
Sure Jan.
That reminds me.... I watched my very first porno movie the other day.

I looked so young back then lol.
Hahaha! Okay I don't care where you come from, that is funny.
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.

Are you saying you’re against strip clubs? What kind of an unAmerican monster are you?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

???? No Sorry but this is NOT the "way of Trump."

Trump's way is to "mouth off on Twitter" using free speech as a weapon.

Whatever this armed revolt is, it's coming from people who don't feel empowered but feel oppressed.

Trump feels so entitled he doesn't ask anyone's permission, and certainly doesn't need to hold anyone at gunpoint. He just says and does it! That's the "age of Trump."
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
Why? I'm not afraid of them. Let them keep their guns. It makes them feel like fierce, bad warriors. They are likely incels with nothing else to comfort them except their large penis guns.

Like I said, they look like scared little bitches.
Your modern day interpretation
Not at all. You can read up on this. The primary function was to prevent the need for a standing federal army.

The "modern" interpretation here is when Cletus says it was included so that he could have all the guns he wants, of any type. So basically you have it 100% ass backwards.
Well, aren't you quite the indoctrinated tard of the day?
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.
That has nothing to do with how patriotic Americans will not stand for leftist douches trying to push them around.

Chk-Chk! Bar Hag.

The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
Your ancestors tried that already. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

Stop hollering at the clouds, grandpa.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Why are a few people trying to undo the MIchigan Governor's election of 2018?
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
Your ancestors tried that already. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

Stop hollering at the clouds, grandpa.
My ancestors built this country, bitch.
Before it was America, even.
You and all leftists can fuck right the hell off.
You fucks don't even know what it is to do a day of work.
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The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
Why is that people who have no idea, just zero fucking clue at all, what being in a war is like, are the ones always egging on people to start one?

WTF is that about?

It's like some bitch at a club trying to get guys to fight over her without realizing the level of carnage that is likely to result..... I hate that kind of sorry shit. (SMH)

Stupid motherfuckers.....carry a football
No, it's like a stupid hick ignoramus, who doesn't know anything except how to grunt and light a meth pipe, all loaded up with deadly weapons he treat like toys, running down to the state capitol to holler and pretend-threaten a domestic war because he can't go to the strip club anymore. All that testosterone chest-beating and what did they accomplish? Nothing.

I hate that kind of sorry macho bullshit. I also hate the kind of stupid motherfuckers who allow themselves to be manipulated by a bar hag. And pity them. And laugh at their stupid sorry selves.
That has nothing to do with how patriotic Americans will not stand for leftist douches trying to push them around.

Chk-Chk! Bar Hag.


Didn't those gun-toten pantyweights lose the last election?
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
Your ancestors tried that already. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

Stop hollering at the clouds, grandpa.
My ancestors founded this country. With guns. Next!
The Second Amendment is the best remedy against tyranny. Always had been, always will be.

That's why the Great men who wrote the Bill of Rights included it, and that is why modern-day tyrants are so determined to undermine and violate it.

Tyrannical pieces of shit like Ms. Whitmer know that the greatest threat to their criminality is people having the power to resist them, by force of arms, if necessary.
But they did not resist by force of arms. They played dress up and hollered a little bit. Ms. Whitmer did not back down, that I am aware of.

So when will this armed resistance actually start resisting? Or are they just FAKE RESISTERS?
If you leftists bastards really wanna push're gonna have a really really bad time.
Your ancestors tried that already. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

Stop hollering at the clouds, grandpa.
My ancestors built this country, bitch.

Hey, no backsies!

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