Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

... the last war America ever won....

Says the turncoat hiding in a country that has NEVER won a war...

Actually Australia was fighting the Nazi Germany while America was hiding between her oceans hoping it would all just go away.

Indeed Australia was the very first nation to defeat the Japanese in a land battle in the entire war at Kakoda.

And of course in the Iraq War Australia's special forces actually knew what they were doing.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.

You are the "subject at hand" now, boy. Don't you even try to think you can possibly be better than Americans when your country was started as a penal colony. Your ancestors were sent there to rot by the UK. Ours kicked the UK right on outta here..with guns.

Well we are better in so many ways, and we are a small country.

Our health care system gets much better macro results than America and does not spend anywhere near the same amount per person, revealing how more efficient and rational it is.

Our social welfare system is vastly superior to the US system, which is a chaotic mess, Australia delivers benefits far more quickly and humanely.

Our unemployment rate is half that of America despite having far more restrictive lock downs because our government effectively cushioned small business to keep people employed, while the American stimulus is being grabbed by large corporations and not getting to people in a timely manner.

Our political system is vastly superior, none of the circus like ranting that has turned American politics into the joke of the entire democratic world. Our parties actually work together in a crises in the national interest.

Our virus infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world where America is chocking up death and infection rates that has shocked the entire world.

Our educational system gets better macro results than America and our universities are funded in a manner that students do not have to go into the sort of debt American students are saddled with.

Though every country has racial issues we do not have the deep racial divides that torment America, or anywhere near the crime rates.

Our suicide rates are dramatically lower than America.

Our wage system and labour laws actually mean there is still a blue collar middle class in Australia, where as America's has been decimated in the last 20 years or is living off credit.

Oh and our national debt is much lower than the United States of Anger.

We are better in almost every way.
Well, what in your vastly, superior intelligence, is the US to do?

It has nothing to due with intelligence, I am just stating facts.

Something the Fox News saturated crowd and your President are not concerned with what so ever.

It is hard to say what The United States of Anger can do as you are a failing republic caught between deluded and dysfunctional President and a weak and muddle Democratic opposition.

Your one saving grace in an ever failing federal system is federalism itself, which at least allows the states to pick up where the federal government has failed.

Some states will, others will not.

But the problems The United States of Anger have are much older than the pandemic.

You cannot figure out health care, you have the most expensive system in the world with some of the worst macro results. Even the Democrats cannot pull it off. Your economy is always measured in a half wit, simplistic way. Simple unemployment numbers with no serious analysis of what those jobs pay in relation to the cost of living, hence you have the largest working population just above the poverty line and a declining middle class.

Your political class, both parties are owned by large economic interests hence the inability to pursue any progressive social reforms for the benefit of the majority.

You have more people in prison than any other democratic country due to an idiot and failed war on drugs.

I do not know that America can do, the culture is so divided, angry and distracted from what really matters.

The solution will come from some of the more courageous and progressive leaders in some of the states, if there are any?

I reckon America is going to be wrestling with this virus storm most of the year given the chaos or your response, decline and then spikes of infection and the social aftermath of your unemployment rates combined with a totally dysfunctional social welfare system is going to see you have some of the highest poverty rates in the democratic world.

And Trump nor Biden have any clue about what to do about it?
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I know free enterprise is hectic and hard to control. People all over ever where. Out goes the system.
I see a bunch of dudes posing for a pic.
Right, because i spent 3 seconds finding the image you say you worked hard to find...ya goddamn embarrassing little weasel....

Look, I need to be over about a couple dozen threads when I come in here.. So doing this "with 2/3rds of my brain tied behind my back" --- I think I'm doing pretty well...

And I saw LOTS of pics.,. But in the VIDEOS -- no armed citizens in the screaming crowd that I could find.. And I watched the VIDEO -- because it's far harder to FAKE the actual action AND there is more CONTEXT to the images...
Can you carry a gun in Michigan?
The Michigan State Police describe Michigan's open carry law as follows: "In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a firearm in public as long as the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed. You will not find a law that states it is legal to openly carry a firearm.

The highest law of all in the United States (including Michigan) is the Constitution.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

There it is, in hard, undeniable, unambiguous writing. The people have a right to keep and bear (that is, to possess and carry) arms, and government is forbidden from infringing this right. Not that this stops various corrupt parts of various corrupt levels of government from infringing this right, but every instance of it doing so is flat-out illegal.
Thanks for this informative post Bob Blaylock :)
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
... the last war America ever won....

Says the turncoat hiding in a country that has NEVER won a war...

Actually Australia was fighting the Nazi Germany while America was hiding between her oceans hoping it would all just go away.

Indeed Australia was the very first nation to defeat the Japanese in a land battle in the entire war at Kakoda.

And of course in the Iraq War Australia's special forces actually knew what they were doing.
Indeed and when the going got really tough, you ran and hid.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.

You are the "subject at hand" now, boy. Don't you even try to think you can possibly be better than Americans when your country was started as a penal colony. Your ancestors were sent there to rot by the UK. Ours kicked the UK right on outta here..with guns.

Well we are better in so many ways, and we are a small country.

Our health care system gets much better macro results than America and does not spend anywhere near the same amount per person, revealing how more efficient and rational it is.

Our social welfare system is vastly superior to the US system, which is a chaotic mess, Australia delivers benefits far more quickly and humanely.

Our unemployment rate is half that of America despite having far more restrictive lock downs because our government effectively cushioned small business to keep people employed, while the American stimulus is being grabbed by large corporations and not getting to people in a timely manner.

Our political system is vastly superior, none of the circus like ranting that has turned American politics into the joke of the entire democratic world. Our parties actually work together in a crises in the national interest.

Our virus infection and death rates are some of the lowest in the world where America is chocking up death and infection rates that has shocked the entire world.

Our educational system gets better macro results than America and our universities are funded in a manner that students do not have to go into the sort of debt American students are saddled with.

Though every country has racial issues we do not have the deep racial divides that torment America, or anywhere near the crime rates.

Our suicide rates are dramatically lower than America.

Our wage system and labour laws actually mean there is still a blue collar middle class in Australia, where as America's has been decimated in the last 20 years or is living off credit.

Oh and our national debt is much lower than the United States of Anger.

We are better in almost every way.
A rising third world country that does nothing for it's people but restrict them.
Well, what in your vastly, superior intelligence, is the US to do?

It has nothing to due with intelligence, I am just stating facts.

Something the Fox News saturated crowd and your President are not concerned with what so ever.

It is hard to say what The United States of Anger can do as you are a failing republic caught between deluded and dysfunctional President and a weak and muddle Democratic opposition.

Your one saving grace in an ever failing federal system is federalism itself, which at least allows the states to pick up where the federal government has failed.

Some states will, others will not.

But the problems The United States of Anger have are much older than the pandemic.

You cannot figure out health care, you have the most expensive system in the world with some of the worst macro results. Even the Democrats cannot pull it off. Your economy is always measured in a half wit, simplistic way. Simple unemployment numbers with no serious analysis of what those jobs pay in relation to the cost of living, hence you have the largest working population just above the poverty line and a declining middle class.

Your political class, both parties are owned by large economic interests hence the inability to pursue any progressive social reforms for the benefit of the majority.

You have more people in prison than any other democratic country due to an idiot and failed war on drugs.

I do not know that America can do, the culture is so divided, angry and distracted from what really matters.

The solution will come from some of the more courageous and progressive leaders in some of the states, if there are any?

I reckon America is going to be wrestling with this virus storm most of the year given the chaos or your response, decline and then spikes of infection and the social aftermath of your unemployment rates combined with a totally dysfunctional social welfare system is going to see you have some of the highest poverty rates in the democratic world.

And Trump nor Biden have any clue about what to do about it?
Facts? You idiots spew your bullshit and call it facts.
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
Why? I'm not afraid of them. Let them keep their guns. It makes them feel like fierce, bad warriors. They are likely incels with nothing else to comfort them except their large penis guns.

Like I said, they look like scared little bitches.
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
Why? I'm not afraid of them. Let them keep their guns. It makes them feel like fierce, bad warriors. They are likely incels with nothing else to comfort them except their large penis guns.

Like I said, they look like scared little bitches.
Go take them then
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
Why? I'm not afraid of them. Let them keep their guns. It makes them feel like fierce, bad warriors. They are likely incels with nothing else to comfort them except their large penis guns.

Like I said, they look like scared little bitches.
Go take them then
I will just tell them the Golden Corral re opened. The fat hillbillies will drop them and run.
I looked HARD for anyone INSIDE that building that LOOKED armed
No you didn't. Just shut the hell up for once.

I bet they spent hours picking out their outfits. Mr. Khaki Pants even coordinated with the color of his gun. AND he manscaped his mohawk just for the occasion. Everything about him says WINNING!

The two fools on either end are sporting their super seekrit hand signals that mean something stupid, I forget what.

Fatty McFatterson, second from left, forgot to bring his big gun. There's always one dumbass to ruin to photograph.

The 'Look Ma, no hands!' guy, third from the left, has what looks like a can of tuna fish hanging off the end of his gun. And he's not sharing either, so the other guys are on their own for snacks.

What a sad group of scared little bitches.
Go take their guns, nazi.
Why? I'm not afraid of them. Let them keep their guns. It makes them feel like fierce, bad warriors. They are likely incels with nothing else to comfort them except their large penis guns.

Like I said, they look like scared little bitches.
Go take them then
I will just tell them the Golden Corral re opened. The fat hillbillies will drop them and run.
You worked on proving how stupid you are into an art.
So people cannot protest in the rest of the world ? I will come back when you have finished your limited education.
People can and do protest many places. The French in Paris and you shits, the Brits, when Brexit was raising
passions there (sorry if Brexit triggers you...not really, though).

The Venezuelans come to mind too, though they got shot and run over by military vehicles for their efforts, just like in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square.

Even in good old orderly Germany. Dozens arrested in anti-COVID-19 lockdown protest in Germany

We have no monopoly on protests though we are the only nation where some people bring guns as an indicator they are very pissed off being ordered to stay cooped up in their homes while people slowly run out of money and hope.

I don't need to be educated. I already am educated.
Funny thing too, because I haven't changed my ways of living at all except for the mask and gloves when needed, be it at work or at play, and we've had no problems at our house, our families houses or at our friends houses. We have family members on the front lines, and everyone is ok. We visit, we have grands over, work in the yards, build things, create, and do all things deemed abnormal after covid-19 hit. In fact we don't even know anybody who has the virus or have had the virus, so I can understand these protest around the nation where the same is the case for many. If states are low in the numbers, and after everyone takes precautions and take safety measures to keep those numbers low, then it's time to open back up while protecting the most vulnerable in our societies. Much cheaper and rational solution than shutting down a complete economy. Unbelievable really.

Now I will say that for most, it took some getting used to on the wearing of the mask and gloves, otherwise when going into town shopping and stuff, but the last time we went it appeared that most are doing the right thing, even with the companies that are open or had remained open.

Yes it took a few minutes to get people trained up, but for the most part people are in compliance now. Time to open with some common sense rules, and everything will be ok.
We do miss going to auctions, but due to the gathering of people in close contact, most auctions closed down. Hopefully they will survive the shutdown and re-open, because those things are tons of fun, and great deals too. We actually went to the auctions until the Covid pressure got so ramped up that they had to close. Funny thing though, because no one got sick from the auctions and/or due to the close contact up until or after there closing.

It's really weird how all this has gone, but we are always counting our blessings for sure.

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