Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

A guy was arrested in SoCal for being out in the ocean and violating social distancing rules.
It doesn't matter he was the only person there besides Nazi beach cops.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Protesting is part of the American system, its enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

Waiting for 2 1/2 years for another governor's election will result in many of the protesters losing their livelihoods,and possibly their homes and lives. Further, this broad who rules Michigan didn't run on a platform of shutting down the state indefinitely and destroying people's rights. I don't think she would have been elected if she had been up front about her intentions. I don't think a lot of D's like it either.
Protesting is not an American virtue. ...

It sure as hell is. It’s closely tied to our kicking your sorry asses out of our continent.
I think you will find that the French were there before you and the British were there before the French. In fact the Romans were a very vexed people at times and kicked up a stink over the price of bread amongst other things. You should check out your history books.
Protesting is not an American virtue. Every country in the world protests and has always done so.
Americans have not always seen protesting as a virtue though. Why is that the case ?
It's in our Bill of Rights, genius. Being able to protest without the King of England having you shot or thrown in prison was one of the lessons we learned very well. Your ignorance is like a cup that is never's endless.
So people cannot protest in the rest of the world ? I will come back when you have finished your limited education.
A guy was arrested in SoCal for being out in the ocean and violating social distancing rules.
It doesn't matter he was the only person there besides Nazi beach cops.
Ridiculous. Wonder what the long term overall goal is of these authoritarians ? I bet it's a sinister one betcha. Something more sinister than coronavirus too. Either that or they are just trying to convince everyone that they know best, and everyone else are just complete imbeciles/idiots.
So people cannot protest in the rest of the world ? I will come back when you have finished your limited education.
People can and do protest many places. The French in Paris and you shits, the Brits, when Brexit was raising
passions there (sorry if Brexit triggers you...not really, though).

The Venezuelans come to mind too, though they got shot and run over by military vehicles for their efforts, just like in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square.

Even in good old orderly Germany. Dozens arrested in anti-COVID-19 lockdown protest in Germany

We have no monopoly on protests though we are the only nation where some people bring guns as an indicator they are very pissed off being ordered to stay cooped up in their homes while people slowly run out of money and hope.

I don't need to be educated. I already am educated.
Ridiculous. Wonder what the long term overall goal is of these authoritarians ? I bet it's a sinister one betcha. Something more sinister than coronavirus too. Either that or they are just trying to convince everyone that they know best, and everyone else are just complete imbeciles/idiots.
The cops in some places seem relatively cool under the circumstances. While some cops act like power
mad clowns throwing their weight around when it's absolutely unnecessary.
I notice that one imbecile mayor in Greenville, Mississippi has backed down and reversed his idiotic edict.
The US Justice Department helped him see the error of his ways.

Some governors are sharp (Georgia, S.Dakota) while others are absolute morons (California, New York, Illinois, Michigan). The inconsistent application of ad hoc rules is what drives people crazy.

If Trump wants to take on somebody he should be calling out some of these jerks by name.
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In the end, this really isn't a good look for these protesters, and, no doubt, they are turning off and keeping away a lot of people who may agree with them, to some degree or another. They would do better to spend their energy organizing phone campaigns and appealing to their state reps.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Protesting is part of the American system, its enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

Waiting for 2 1/2 years for another governor's election will result in many of the protesters losing their livelihoods,and possibly their homes and lives. Further, this broad who rules Michigan didn't run on a platform of shutting down the state indefinitely and destroying people's rights. I don't think she would have been elected if she had been up front about her intentions. I don't think a lot of D's like it either.
Protesting is not an American virtue. ...

It sure as hell is. It’s closely tied to our kicking your sorry asses out of our continent.
I think you will find that the French were there before you and the British were there before the French. ....

Were where?
Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. .

Of course not, they got their asses handed to them in a handbasket. They are embarrased.
The English are okay, some noticeable cases not included (ahem).
I don't think punching down in this case is advisable. After two hundred years our case has been made.
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Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She cannot legally make it illegal to buy vegetable seeds. As a govenor, she has NO legislative power or authority. What she is doing is frivolous, arbitrary and constitutionally illegal as hell and tyrannical. The armed people storming the state house is precisely why and the intended purpose the founders put the 2nd amendment in our constitution. Its sole purpose is to prevent a tyrannical government from taking root in this nation.

She didn't.
Though the governor requires that large stores cut off some sections of stores concerning gardening and home improvement, these supplies can be bought online. We rate this claim false because it is not supported by our research.

Even though I'm sure no one here is interested, here's the truth, for what it's worth.

You can't get the truth from the media.

They used the Emergency Order as a resource.
I know you get your truth from a Ouija Board, but I prefer the truth.

You don't know where I get anything. The media are proven liars, just like in the news link in the OP, no one stormed anything, but that's what the liars said so they can make it sound more dangerous. lmao

Yeah, it was the Daily Mail and them, and another paper put out the truth that it was staying calm.
How did YOU know any of this, sitting in Texas, if you were not listening to media? That's my point, mike. It's ALL media.

If you had more than a 67 IQ you might could figure it out. I do frequent several media sites, but not for news because they rarely have any "news" that is not biased. I see mostly what's going on from places like this, while fools like you are parroting media BS.
And what citizenship do you claim, big mouth?

I am dual Australian American citizenship.

Indeed I served in the US military well over a decade.

And then moved to a better country.

Then stay there and STFU
So people cannot protest in the rest of the world ? I will come back when you have finished your limited education.
People can and do protest many places. The French in Paris and you shits, the Brits, when Brexit was raising
passions there (sorry if Brexit triggers you...not really, though).

The Venezuelans come to mind too, though they got shot and run over by military vehicles for their efforts, just like in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square.

Even in good old orderly Germany. Dozens arrested in anti-COVID-19 lockdown protest in Germany

We have no monopoly on protests though we are the only nation where some people bring guns as an indicator they are very pissed off being ordered to stay cooped up in their homes while people slowly run out of money and hope.

I don't need to be educated. I already am educated.
So it isnt exclusively American. Ok we got there in the end.
You are new here and welcome a board but don't waste your time with the no good faggy Tommy the Englishman DemoncRat

Allow me, Freyasman, to echo what the lady said.

Tainted Tommy is a British ignoramus, who knows nothing about the United States, who is solidly representative of the degenerate ideology against which the great men who founded this country were rebelling to do so, and yet he feels qualified to preach to us Americans about how he thinks we should run our country.

The only useful purpose that he serves is as a vivid reminder to us Americans of why we kicked the British filth out of our country more than two centuries ago, and to demonstrate that our reasons for having done so remain valid to this day.

He is worthy of no better response, from any American, than the cruelest and most disrespectful mockery that you can muster.

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