Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.

You are the "subject at hand" now, boy. Don't you even try to think you can possibly be better than Americans when your country was started as a penal colony. Your ancestors were sent there to rot by the UK. Ours kicked the UK right on outta here..with guns.
As a general rule, cops tend to lose fights with aggressive attackers.
Not to ones that announce ahead of time they are going to show up in soldier drag.
Cops don't engage with large groups of armed Americans, and usually avoid them like the damn plague. They will call for overwhelming numbers of backup officers for the most trivial of things rather than risk anything like an equitable encounter. When they have to be there, they are very polite and not the least bit aggressive, because they realize they are easy meat for the rest of us, and the last thing they want is to piss us off.

Cops exist because we allow them too, and unlike politicians, they almost all understand this, even if they don't like to admit it, or even think about it.

I don’t think the boys at the capital were any threat. They were just there playing dress up for the most part. Like little boys playing GI Joe.

It’s okay to let them have their fun as long as they don’t get in the way of the adults.
And the cops in their clown suits and shiny tin badges and "Respect ma authoritah!!!" attitudes are doing the same thing...... until the shooting starts anyway.
Then we'll see who's who, and what's what.

Yeah, not really. The protesting kids aren’t going to be shooting anything. They went home that night after their little group therapy and nothing changed.

Speaking of therapy, is insulting people who are willing to risk violence by LE against themselves in order to exercise their right to protest and to be heard, is that how you self-soothe? Does it keep you from feeling shame at the knowledge that these people are both more principled, as well as braver than you are? I think you despise them because you know they are better than you.

I don't think they went there with the intent of shooting anyone, do you? They went to protest, and they went armed to let the dumbfucks who like to give illegal directives know that any attempt to forcibly stop them was going to go badly.

I've run into a lot of folks with the same dismissive, disrespectful, and derisive attitude you have, and like you, they are all too foolish to understand how stupid they are being with their flippant bullshit.

Fools like you end up starting a lot of violence, mostly by being too ignorant and arrogant to realize that they don't know shit. And unfortunately, you are not the ones bearing the brunt of that violence you help to cause, nearly enough, IMO.

People like you are just cowardly, stupid, shit-talking trash.
Government or the controlling of government by bad people is what makes everything go wrong. Then the good people end up with the burden of sorting it all back out. For way to long now, bad people have been targeting government jobs for the power to change the country through government force into what they perceive the nation should be to them. The problem, is that they are not always right about what they want, and yet they push forward in an abusive way against the majority who don't agree with everything they want, and they use government force to get their way. Our government wasn't suppose to allow these things, but they twisted it into what they want, and the majority have suffered greatly for it.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.
The police officers who prevented any physical violence against ELECTED members represent the interests of people who voted for, and against, the Governer and who have chosen not to act as part of an armed gang.

I have been involved in many protests at my local Guildhall. I have never felt that I needed a machine gun to do so. But I live in a more mature democracy than you do and we have had to fight to preserve our democratic rights from those who would take them.

The US has never been under threat of invasion so perhaps those rights mean less to you. The advocates of mob rule are short of thinking capacity. What happens next ?

A different group takes up arms to make sure their interests become paramount. And then people get hurt and the side with most guns wins and they impose their views on the rest of us. Its the law of the jungle and you had better be on the winning side.

A democratic process may not deliver what you want but that is unfortunate. You will still have more of a voice than you do in the fascist alternative.

Democracy protects the meek and the weak. Mob rule seemingly protects people who want to buy garden furniture. Which side are you on ?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Here it is:


  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries."

Again, read the thread. Garden centers are not the only place you can buy seeds.

Notice it also says plant nurseries? What about fertilizer?
And everyone needs to quit trying to make it about seeds. That was just an example someone used. Any gardening needs are being denied access to, such as fertilizer, which you can not order and have shipped. And the cost to ship soil or mulch? Please.
The gardening schedule published by the state of Michigan-
9 Prepare supply list for garden, including fertilizer, tools, transplants, materials for staking, and mulch.
9 Take a soil sample for a soil test as soon as it has thawed.
9 Prepare soil when it is dry enough. Take a handful of soil and squeeze. If the soil crumbles when you open your hand, it is ready for planting.
9 Fertilize based on soil test recommendations.
9 Plant cool season crops; onion, beets, lettuce, spinach, carrots and radishes.
9 Plant seeds of cool weather crops for the second and third times, approximately two weeks apart.
9 Thin seedlings of crops planted earlier to their proper spacing.
9 Harden off transplants by setting them outdoors during the day for seven to 14 days before you intend to plant them. Plants should be in shade and protected from wind for a few days during this process. Maintain soil moisture so transplants do not wilt.
9 Plant warm season seeds after the danger of frost is past (link to frost dates table), including cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and melons.
9 Plant the hardened-off transplants of peppers, tomatoes and eggplant.
9 Harvest early plantings of radishes, spinach and lettuce.
9 For succession plantings, plant warm season crops where cool season crops have been harvested.
9 Mulch around plants and in rows to keep soil moist and reduce soil compaction.
9 Monitor crops for insect and disease problems regularly. If you discover a problem, identify its source and take control measures if needed. Contact your local Extension office.
Continued on page 2

I'm sorry for the gardeners. I am. I always liked gardening when I was able to do it, and I know a lot of people have BIG gardens and grow a lot of vegetables that they can. Or sell.
This thing sucked in a lot of ways for a lot of people. High schoolers will have no graduation. Neither will most college students. Do you think THAT is not a huge disappointment to some of them that worked hard and were proud of their achievement? County fairs are already being cancelled. How many 4-H'ers have been raising their BESTEST damned pig or sheep to win a blue ribbon on? There are thousands of elderly who died alone without their loved ones beside them because of the restrictions. Women have had to give up their dream of a big wedding in a fancy dress--or postpone the wedding indefinitely. How many people had to cancel once-in-a-lifetime trips or give up celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary or spending two weeks with their first grandbaby?
IT SUCKS FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE. NOT JUST GARDENERS. No one is going to starve because of any of this. It is just heartbreaking but sometimes heartbreaking things happen.
Michigan is 3rd in the country with Covid cases and deaths; only NYC and NJ have more. The governor wanted everyone to stay home and she restricted everything she could think of, praying for those cases to go down.
Have they? I don't know. But the pics of the protesters yesterday, a lot weren't wearing masks. That wasn't smart! The governor has banned groups of ANY number and I suppose she could have sent in the riot police to send them packing, but she didn't. They had their say. I hope they don't end up sick.

THere's a lot of pain and suffering that's not from this disease.. EVERYWHERE you look.... It's not the gardening.. It's what the gardening represents to these people.. People hoarding BOTTLED WATER for pete's sake.. Having a garden is something to look forward.. An easy way to FEEL more secure.. When you remove those havens of perceived safety -- you're really pissing people off. I don't think that was the BIGGEST arbitrary and capricious edict the gov'ner farted out.. Landscapers only work about 5 or 6 months of the year in Mich.. This is a WHOLE YEAR of loss for them.. Especially the small lawnmowing and spraying independents she shut down..

Bottom line kiddo?? Should have locked down the 15% of the population that are being KILLED by this thing... That's anyone over 60 -- or anyone with severe "co-morbidities" that would affect the doctors ability to TREAT them or their ability to get thru it without high risk..

That 15% includes a miniscule number of people BELOW age 60... The avg age of ALL covid deaths was about 80 when we first started getting data on this.. And it's STILL about 80...

If you had put all energies focused into protecting that 15%
-- the other 85% would get it and develop the "herd immunity" to make it NOT a recurring threat. The VAST MAJORITY of them probably wouldn't KNOW that they had it.. This is being confirmed with the anti-body testing.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.... But that's not what happened and we've got what we've got. This thread is about protesters with rifles intimidating their duly elected legislators and governor. People keep referring to the Revolution: We did NOT elect the King or the British Parliament that was passing all those laws we didn't like. That government did whatever it felt like and threw objectors in jail. We fought a war and created a form of government that would not be able to do that, and THAT is what we've got. This is an EMERGENCY, a natural disaster such as we have not seen in a hundred years. Yes, it's tough. People can be disappointed, annoyed, inconvenienced, whatever you want to call it. And in Michigan, they used the rights granted to us in our Constitution to voice their displeasure. The guns is a whole 'nother ball of wax. That was inappropriate. This is not the Revolutionary War.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ??????
You possess the logical reasoning of a fence post. Those 200 people are representative of a much greater, equally outraged population.
For example, during our Revolutionary War approximately 2% of the populous actually played an active role.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Depends on what the rogue leader does right ?? Do you think that Hitler could be removed by non-violent means ?? The example is extreme, but it all depends on how far the individual goes, and as to what measures are taken to remove the individual from power. Look throughout history, and you will see how extreme tyrants were dealt with eventually.

We don't have that situation in America, and yes we can deal with what goes on in America in non-violent ways. Yes, impeach, recall or vote them out.
As a general rule, cops tend to lose fights with aggressive attackers.
Not to ones that announce ahead of time they are going to show up in soldier drag.
Cops don't engage with large groups of armed Americans, and usually avoid them like the damn plague. They will call for overwhelming numbers of backup officers for the most trivial of things rather than risk anything like an equitable encounter. When they have to be there, they are very polite and not the least bit aggressive, because they realize they are easy meat for the rest of us, and the last thing they want is to piss us off.

Cops exist because we allow them too, and unlike politicians, they almost all understand this, even if they don't like to admit it, or even think about it.

I don’t think the boys at the capital were any threat. They were just there playing dress up for the most part. Like little boys playing GI Joe.

It’s okay to let them have their fun as long as they don’t get in the way of the adults.
And the cops in their clown suits and shiny tin badges and "Respect ma authoritah!!!" attitudes are doing the same thing...... until the shooting starts anyway.
Then we'll see who's who, and what's what.

Yeah, not really. The protesting kids aren’t going to be shooting anything. They went home that night after their little group therapy and nothing changed.

Speaking of therapy, is insulting people who are willing to risk violence by LE against themselves in order to exercise their right to protest and to be heard, is that how you self-soothe? Does it keep you from feeling shame at the knowledge that these people are both more principled, as well as braver than you are? I think you despise them because you know they are better than you.

I don't think they went there with the intent of shooting anyone, do you? They went to protest, and they went armed to let the dumbfucks who like to give illegal directives know that any attempt to forcibly stop them was going to go badly.

I've run into a lot of folks with the same dismissive, disrespectful, and derisive attitude you have, and like you, they are all too foolish to understand how stupid they are being with their flippant bullshit.

Fools like you end up starting a lot of violence, mostly by being too ignorant and arrogant to realize that they don't know shit. And unfortunately, you are not the ones bearing the brunt of that violence you help to cause, nearly enough, IMO.

People like you are just cowardly, stupid, shit-talking trash.
Government or the controlling of government by bad people is what makes everything go wrong. Then the good people end up with the burden of sorting it all back out. For way to long now, bad people have been targeting government jobs for the power to change the country through government force into what they perceive the nation should be to them. The problem, is that they are not always right about what they want, and yet they push forward in an abusive way against the majority who don't agree with everything they want, and they use government force to get their way. Our government wasn't suppose to allow these things, but they twisted it into what they want, and the majority have suffered greatly for it.
This dynamic occurs in every organization;
"Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people":

First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.
Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.
The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization."
As a general rule, cops tend to lose fights with aggressive attackers.
Not to ones that announce ahead of time they are going to show up in soldier drag.
Cops don't engage with large groups of armed Americans, and usually avoid them like the damn plague. They will call for overwhelming numbers of backup officers for the most trivial of things rather than risk anything like an equitable encounter. When they have to be there, they are very polite and not the least bit aggressive, because they realize they are easy meat for the rest of us, and the last thing they want is to piss us off.

Cops exist because we allow them too, and unlike politicians, they almost all understand this, even if they don't like to admit it, or even think about it.

I don’t think the boys at the capital were any threat. They were just there playing dress up for the most part. Like little boys playing GI Joe.

It’s okay to let them have their fun as long as they don’t get in the way of the adults.
And the cops in their clown suits and shiny tin badges and "Respect ma authoritah!!!" attitudes are doing the same thing...... until the shooting starts anyway.
Then we'll see who's who, and what's what.

Yeah, not really. The protesting kids aren’t going to be shooting anything. They went home that night after their little group therapy and nothing changed.

Speaking of therapy, is insulting people who are willing to risk violence by LE against themselves in order to exercise their right to protest and to be heard, is that how you self-soothe? Does it keep you from feeling shame at the knowledge that these people are both more principled, as well as braver than you are? I think you despise them because you know they are better than you.

I don't think they went there with the intent of shooting anyone, do you? They went to protest, and they went armed to let the dumbfucks who like to give illegal directives know that any attempt to forcibly stop them was going to go badly.

I've run into a lot of folks with the same dismissive, disrespectful, and derisive attitude you have, and like you, they are all too foolish to understand how stupid they are being with their flippant bullshit.

Fools like you end up starting a lot of violence, mostly by being too ignorant and arrogant to realize that they don't know shit. And unfortunately, you are not the ones bearing the brunt of that violence you help to cause, nearly enough, IMO.

People like you are just cowardly, stupid, shit-talking trash.
Government or the controlling of government by bad people is what makes everything go wrong. Then the good people end up with the burden of sorting it all back out. For way to long now, bad people have been targeting government jobs for the power to change the country through government force into what they perceive the nation should be to them. The problem, is that they are not always right about what they want, and yet they push forward in an abusive way against the majority who don't agree with everything they want, and they use government force to get their way. Our government wasn't suppose to allow these things, but they twisted it into what they want, and the majority have suffered greatly for it.
This dynamic occurs in every organization;
"Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people":

First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.
Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.
The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization."
It is why demoncrats are desperate to take back power, because they want to abuse the citizens by way of their control. Proven over time.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.

How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.

Easy enough to explain, once you familiarize yourself with gun-toting, rightarded nitwit-logic.

Democrats won 50.25% of the votes for the State Senate, but the GOP holds 58% of the Senate seats.

Democrats won 52.73% of the votes for the State House, but the GOP holds 53% of the House seats.

Democrats won 53.3% of the votes for governor, but ... oops, something went wrong here, the Democrat actually happens to reside in the governor's mansion.

So, that has to be reversed, and if nothing else works, an insurrection over tomato seeds will do it. It is THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!! For the will of the people is, always has been, and always will be, the main guiding light for the GOP, and it demands no less than that accidentally elected governor be replaced.

Savvy now?
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Depends on what the rogue leader does right ?? Do you think that Hitler could be removed by non-violent means ?? The example is extreme, but it all depends on how far the individual goes, and as to what measures are taken to remove the individual from power. Look throughout history, and you will see how extreme tyrants were dealt with eventually.

We don't have that situation in America, and yes we can deal with what goes on in America in non-violent ways. Yes, impeach, recall or vote them out.
None of those measures has been tried in this instance.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.
The police officers who prevented any physical violence against ELECTED members represent the interests of people who voted for, and against, the Governer and who have chosen not to act as part of an armed gang.

I have been involved in many protests at my local Guildhall. I have never felt that I needed a machine gun to do so. But I live in a more mature democracy than you do and we have had to fight to preserve our democratic rights from those who would take them.

The US has never been under threat of invasion so perhaps those rights mean less to you. The advocates of mob rule are short of thinking capacity. What happens next ?

A different group takes up arms to make sure their interests become paramount. And then people get hurt and the side with most guns wins and they impose their views on the rest of us. Its the law of the jungle and you had better be on the winning side.

A democratic process may not deliver what you want but that is unfortunate. You will still have more of a voice than you do in the fascist alternative.

Democracy protects the meek and the weak. Mob rule seemingly protects people who want to buy garden furniture. Which side are you on ?
Democracy is mob rule.

And you sound like a neutered dog proclaiming himself morally superior to the hound that just mounted the bitch he shares a yard with.

You're not morally superior to anyone, you're just too scared to risk physical violence and ashamed of it.... as you should be.

Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.

How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.

Easy enough to explain, once you familiarize yourself with gun-toting, rightarded nitwit-logic.

Democrats won 50.25% of the votes for the State Senate, but the GOP holds 58% of the Senate seats.

Democrats won 52.73% of the votes for the State House, but the GOP holds 53% of the House seats.

Democrats won 53.3% of the votes for governor, but ... oops, something went wrong here, the Democrat actually happens to reside in the governor's mansion.

So, that has to be reversed, and if nothing else works, an insurrection over tomato seeds will do it. It is THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!! For the will of the people is, always has been, and always will be, the main guiding light for the GOP, and it demands no less than that accidentally elected governor be replaced.

Savvy now?
I am picking it up slowly. There is a fuckwit on here explaining how a handful of gun totin thugs are actually representative of millions of others who choose not to attend. Thats an exciting twist on the "will of the people"

"There miight be jus 3 of us here but there are 80 million of us who couldnt cum today. We r the peeple bud an we got guns 2 back it up"
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Protesting is part of the American system, its enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

Waiting for 2 1/2 years for another governor's election will result in many of the protesters losing their livelihoods,and possibly their homes and lives. Further, this broad who rules Michigan didn't run on a platform of shutting down the state indefinitely and destroying people's rights. I don't think she would have been elected if she had been up front about her intentions. I don't think a lot of D's like it either.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.
The police officers who prevented any physical violence against ELECTED members represent the interests of people who voted for, and against, the Governer and who have chosen not to act as part of an armed gang.

I have been involved in many protests at my local Guildhall. I have never felt that I needed a machine gun to do so. But I live in a more mature democracy than you do and we have had to fight to preserve our democratic rights from those who would take them.

The US has never been under threat of invasion so perhaps those rights mean less to you. The advocates of mob rule are short of thinking capacity. What happens next ?

A different group takes up arms to make sure their interests become paramount. And then people get hurt and the side with most guns wins and they impose their views on the rest of us. Its the law of the jungle and you had better be on the winning side.

A democratic process may not deliver what you want but that is unfortunate. You will still have more of a voice than you do in the fascist alternative.

Democracy protects the meek and the weak. Mob rule seemingly protects people who want to buy garden furniture. Which side are you on ?
Democracy is mob rule.

And you sound like a neutered dog proclaiming himself morally superior to the hound that just mounted the bitch he shares a yard with.

You're not morally superior to anyone, you're just too scared to risk physical violence and ashamed of it.... as you should be.

I could shit something that would be "morally superior" to you. It would smell better as well.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Depends on what the rogue leader does right ?? Do you think that Hitler could be removed by non-violent means ?? The example is extreme, but it all depends on how far the individual goes, and as to what measures are taken to remove the individual from power. Look throughout history, and you will see how extreme tyrants were dealt with eventually.

We don't have that situation in America, and yes we can deal with what goes on in America in non-violent ways. Yes, impeach, recall or vote them out.
Always preferable to use non-violent means, but if they ever forget the iron fist in the velvet glove, you will absolutely have to use violence, sooner or later.

What every whiny little bitch on here fails to understand, is that a show of force is an attempt to avert violence...... it's a warning to stop fucking around before someone gets hurt. People intent on violence don't warn you first and you never see them coming, (mostly because you ignored and dismissed all the warnings, stupid.)
(That's a general "you" rather than specifically "you".)
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Like Brexit, right?
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.
The police officers who prevented any physical violence against ELECTED members represent the interests of people who voted for, and against, the Governer and who have chosen not to act as part of an armed gang.

I have been involved in many protests at my local Guildhall. I have never felt that I needed a machine gun to do so. But I live in a more mature democracy than you do and we have had to fight to preserve our democratic rights from those who would take them.

The US has never been under threat of invasion so perhaps those rights mean less to you. The advocates of mob rule are short of thinking capacity. What happens next ?

A different group takes up arms to make sure their interests become paramount. And then people get hurt and the side with most guns wins and they impose their views on the rest of us. Its the law of the jungle and you had better be on the winning side.

A democratic process may not deliver what you want but that is unfortunate. You will still have more of a voice than you do in the fascist alternative.

Democracy protects the meek and the weak. Mob rule seemingly protects people who want to buy garden furniture. Which side are you on ?
Democracy is mob rule.

And you sound like a neutered dog proclaiming himself morally superior to the hound that just mounted the bitch he shares a yard with.

You're not morally superior to anyone, you're just too scared to risk physical violence and ashamed of it.... as you should be.

I could shit something that would be "morally superior" to you. It would smell better as well.
Weaker still, lol.

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