Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Like Brexit, right?
Absolutely. No gun totin thugs were needed. But we are a more mature democracy than you.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.
How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.
The police officers who prevented any physical violence against ELECTED members represent the interests of people who voted for, and against, the Governer and who have chosen not to act as part of an armed gang.

I have been involved in many protests at my local Guildhall. I have never felt that I needed a machine gun to do so. But I live in a more mature democracy than you do and we have had to fight to preserve our democratic rights from those who would take them.

The US has never been under threat of invasion so perhaps those rights mean less to you. The advocates of mob rule are short of thinking capacity. What happens next ?

A different group takes up arms to make sure their interests become paramount. And then people get hurt and the side with most guns wins and they impose their views on the rest of us. Its the law of the jungle and you had better be on the winning side.

A democratic process may not deliver what you want but that is unfortunate. You will still have more of a voice than you do in the fascist alternative.

Democracy protects the meek and the weak. Mob rule seemingly protects people who want to buy garden furniture. Which side are you on ?
Democracy is mob rule.

And you sound like a neutered dog proclaiming himself morally superior to the hound that just mounted the bitch he shares a yard with.

You're not morally superior to anyone, you're just too scared to risk physical violence and ashamed of it.... as you should be.

I could shit something that would be "morally superior" to you. It would smell better as well.
Weaker still, lol.
You are new here and welcome a board but don't waste your time with the no good faggy Tommy the Englishman DemoncRat
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

Not possible. Nobody offered worth a fuck.Never is.
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.

How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.

Easy enough to explain, once you familiarize yourself with gun-toting, rightarded nitwit-logic.

Democrats won 50.25% of the votes for the State Senate, but the GOP holds 58% of the Senate seats.

Democrats won 52.73% of the votes for the State House, but the GOP holds 53% of the House seats.

Democrats won 53.3% of the votes for governor, but ... oops, something went wrong here, the Democrat actually happens to reside in the governor's mansion.

So, that has to be reversed, and if nothing else works, an insurrection over tomato seeds will do it. It is THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!! For the will of the people is, always has been, and always will be, the main guiding light for the GOP, and it demands no less than that accidentally elected governor be replaced.

Savvy now?
You really think the posters here are this stupid ? Your name must be Gavin Newsome.

Undoubtedly just as it is with any Democrat, they need people to believe themselves as to be complete idiots, and this way the demoncrats can exert total authoritarian power over them... Give it up already, because the Democrats are done.
Last edited:
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Depends on what the rogue leader does right ?? Do you think that Hitler could be removed by non-violent means ?? The example is extreme, but it all depends on how far the individual goes, and as to what measures are taken to remove the individual from power. Look throughout history, and you will see how extreme tyrants were dealt with eventually.

We don't have that situation in America, and yes we can deal with what goes on in America in non-violent ways. Yes, impeach, recall or vote them out.
Always preferable to use non-violent means, but if they ever forget the iron fist in the velvet glove, you will absolutely have to use violence, sooner or later.

What every whiny little bitch on here fails to understand, is that a show of force is an attempt to avert violence...... it's a warning to stop fucking around before someone gets hurt. People intent on violence don't warn you first and you never see them coming, (mostly because you ignored and dismissed all the warnings, stupid.)
(That's a general "you" rather than specifically "you".)
Good points... You are right that the protest are warnings, but the Democrat's/leftist want to play it as being an act of violence or threat there of. That don't work for them, and thank God people are smarter than that so it don't work for them.

A general me, and not specifically me ??? Meaning what ?
Absolutely. No gun totin thugs were needed. But we are a more mature democracy than you.
Ninety year olds in rest homes are more mature than most people and that just means they are tired,
cranky, forgetful and incontinent.
There is really no virtue in being old and tired but I guess you have to sell what you've got.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.
Depends on what the rogue leader does right ?? Do you think that Hitler could be removed by non-violent means ?? The example is extreme, but it all depends on how far the individual goes, and as to what measures are taken to remove the individual from power. Look throughout history, and you will see how extreme tyrants were dealt with eventually.

We don't have that situation in America, and yes we can deal with what goes on in America in non-violent ways. Yes, impeach, recall or vote them out.
Always preferable to use non-violent means, but if they ever forget the iron fist in the velvet glove, you will absolutely have to use violence, sooner or later.

What every whiny little bitch on here fails to understand, is that a show of force is an attempt to avert violence...... it's a warning to stop fucking around before someone gets hurt. People intent on violence don't warn you first and you never see them coming, (mostly because you ignored and dismissed all the warnings, stupid.)
(That's a general "you" rather than specifically "you".)
Good points... You are right that the protest are warnings, but the Democrat's/leftist want to play it as being an act of violence or threat there of. That don't work for them, and thank God people are smarter than that so it don't work for them.

A general me, and not specifically me ??? Meaning what ?
Meaning I wasn't calling you "stupid"..... wanted to be clear on that.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

Lol, yeh like that really works, and in the meantime how many more jobs are you going to be ok with being lost? How many businesses ruined? How many families ruined? How many?

I am not O.K. with one.

But you really think this sails ?

It's counter to what we need.

The left wing fuckers on this board are only going to use this against us.

Believe me, I am not for the lockdown.

I am for her the ballot box.

Stop being worried about what traitor left wingers are doing and fight the bastards!
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Protesting is part of the American system, its enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

Waiting for 2 1/2 years for another governor's election will result in many of the protesters losing their livelihoods,and possibly their homes and lives. Further, this broad who rules Michigan didn't run on a platform of shutting down the state indefinitely and destroying people's rights. I don't think she would have been elected if she had been up front about her intentions. I don't think a lot of D's like it either.
Protesting is not an American virtue. Every country in the world protests and has always done so.
Americans have not always seen protesting as a virtue though. Why is that the case ?

Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Like Brexit, right?
Absolutely. No gun totin thugs were needed. But we are a more mature democracy than you.

So you accept the results of the vote and didn’t spend months crying like a little bitch about it and wishing disease and death on everyone who voted differently than you?
Over 2 million people voted for the Governer and maybe 200 were protesting against her.

How that equates to the will of the people ?????? Well the maths of that argument defeat me.

Easy enough to explain, once you familiarize yourself with gun-toting, rightarded nitwit-logic.

Democrats won 50.25% of the votes for the State Senate, but the GOP holds 58% of the Senate seats.

Democrats won 52.73% of the votes for the State House, but the GOP holds 53% of the House seats.

Democrats won 53.3% of the votes for governor, but ... oops, something went wrong here, the Democrat actually happens to reside in the governor's mansion.

So, that has to be reversed, and if nothing else works, an insurrection over tomato seeds will do it. It is THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!! For the will of the people is, always has been, and always will be, the main guiding light for the GOP, and it demands no less than that accidentally elected governor be replaced.

Savvy now?
Nobody gets to being as stupid as you are without actively working at it.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Protesting is part of the American system, its enshrined in the 1st Amendment.

Waiting for 2 1/2 years for another governor's election will result in many of the protesters losing their livelihoods,and possibly their homes and lives. Further, this broad who rules Michigan didn't run on a platform of shutting down the state indefinitely and destroying people's rights. I don't think she would have been elected if she had been up front about her intentions. I don't think a lot of D's like it either.
Protesting is not an American virtue. ...

It sure as hell is. It’s closely tied to our kicking your sorry asses out of our continent.
Protesting is not an American virtue. Every country in the world protests and has always done so.
Americans have not always seen protesting as a virtue though. Why is that the case ?
It's in our Bill of Rights, genius. Being able to protest without the King of England having you shot or thrown in prison was one of the lessons we learned very well. Your ignorance is like a cup that is never's endless.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Like Brexit, right?
Absolutely. No gun totin thugs were needed. But we are a more mature democracy than you.

So you accept the results of the vote and didn’t spend months crying like a little bitch about it and wishing disease and death on everyone who voted differently than you?

Leftists worldwide now seem to ONLY accept election results that go their way, they are retarded and display ALL the characteristics of 4 year olds throwing a tantrum, they are NOT mature adults, which is why everyone should essentially ignore them EVEN when they are out there SCREAMING their heads off.
Protesting is not an American virtue. Every country in the world protests and has always done so.
Americans have not always seen protesting as a virtue though. Why is that the case ?
It's in our Bill of Rights, genius. Being able to protest without the King of England having you shot or thrown in prison was one of the lessons we learned very well. Your ignorance is like a cup that is never's endless.

Very soon it will be the Leftists who demand that ANYONE who breaks House Arrest aka COVID-19 lockdown should be shot on sight. The situation is the SHTF by I would say September IF most places are still under this irrational lockdown you will see HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS saying fuck this I'm going out with my friends or I'm going to go to the park or to the beach etc There are NOT enough police to get control of this type of situation involving MASSIVE amounts of peoples and so it will ONLY be the Leftists who will be SCREAMING to just shoot them on sight, you know because they are a Danger To Society and by being OUT they are going to KILL EVERYONE with the COVID-19 they probably DO NOT have and so to stop them killing EVERYONE with a virus they probably DO NOT have they should be shot on sight to Protect The Community.
Characterizing my post to another as a logical fallacy when, INDEED, a significant possibility exists when opposing factions confront each other with the stupidity quotient running high from the knuckle dragging, penis envying, low IQ idiots looking for sport and displays of daring do! Do study up some on fallacies though!

My crude rhetoric? What complaint do you have of my prose directly above, ya bloody wanker?
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.

Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?

Founding fathers had to toss English tea into Boston harbor. Whitmer should be bright enough to think, hey, wait a minute! Why are these people so pissed off. But she isn't up to that.
It's moronic and sophomoric just like your contention that at any moment the OK Corral shoot out
was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house.
So you stoop to lying and purposeful misrepresentation now...pitiful coward's dodge!

I never came even close to contending an, "OK Corral shoot out was likely to break out on the steps of the Michigan state house." I stand by what I wrote, your faulty and petty "interpretations" notwithstanding!
Why not stop all the b.s. for a moment and honestly ask yourself why citizens of Michigan feel like they have to show up at the state house, probably disobeying all sorts of Whitmer imperial edicts, with firearms to get the
governor's attention?
Funny me! 56 years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. The odd thing is there was no expiration date on that oath! The point is that the thought of taking up arms against a State or the Federal government would require me to violate that oath. You obviously have conflicted loyalties given you side with the Michigander Thugs rather than the Rule of LAW! It must suck to live in your skin!

There are lawful means to resolve grievances

And when the authorities break their oaths and become playtime gods, turning on the people and refusing to resolve said grievances, what then?
You vote them out. Thats a central part of democracy.

Like Brexit, right?
Absolutely. No gun totin thugs were needed. But we are a more mature democracy than you.

So you accept the results of the vote and didn’t spend months crying like a little bitch about it and wishing disease and death on everyone who voted differently than you?

Leftists worldwide now seem to ONLY accept election results that go their way, they are retarded and display ALL the characteristics of 4 year olds throwing a tantrum, they are NOT mature adults, which is why everyone should essentially ignore them EVEN when they are out there SCREAMING their heads off.
Never ignore them, because the next thing you know they shockingly gain power in government, then they make policy that goes against any and everything you ever believed or were taught in life. No never ignore them, but instead learn them, and then beat them at the ballot box everytime.

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