Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

If any of them die it would be like the Minuteman at Lexington and Concord.

Ah the dangers of the deluded and mistaken historical analogy.

This virus is not the British Empire, it is a global threat to all of humanity and civilisation itself, as such maybe America's response during World War Two is more apt.

Mass drafts to fight, whether you liked it or not, industry conscripted by the government for war production, many economic controls put on private companies by government, calls for everyone to put their selfish self interest aside for a time and think of the country as a whole.

But they were the Greatest Generation of Americans.

Your generation are not.

You are paranoid, angry, have an every failing standard of living even prior to the virus storm (medium incomes have been falling in real terms for decades) a dysfunctional health care system, the most expensive in the world with the worst macro outcomes in the developed world, a chaotic social support system that does not offer the unemployed civilised or sane relief and your political system is divided, full of circus like performances and the joke of the democratic world now.

Oh and what you used to be able to do, win a war, you can no longer do.

Two failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This sort of self indulgent anger in a pandemic, an America with the most amount of infections and highest amount of deaths does not astonish me, but it is sad to behold an every failing republic.

"it is a global threat to all of humanity and civilisation itself"

What hysterical horsecrap the above comment is. WTF?! Get a grip.

Oh I get it mate, Americans really do not do civilisation anymore.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.

Oh I get it mate, Americans really do not do civilisation [sic] anymore.

And what citizenship do you claim, big mouth?

I am dual Australian American citizenship.

Indeed I served in the US military well over a decade.

And then moved to a better country.

I trust you'll have the decency to stay the fuck away then. If you think that irrelevant sandbox full of giggling fools is a "better country" then you are no longer worthy or welcome in the United States of America. Thank you for your service (if true), but if you have become the douche bag you present yourself as: :fu:

Be sure to ask China to be gentle as you bend over.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.

You sound like the kind of fool who would equate the American men who volunteered to join the US military in WWII with those Americans thrown into concentration camps by the scumbag fdr.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.
Aka ............sit back while CLOWNS like you destroy this country.

Blow me.
THere's a lot of pain and suffering that's not from this disease.. EVERYWHERE you look.... It's not the gardening.. It's what the gardening represents to these people.. People hoarding BOTTLED WATER for pete's sake.. Having a garden is something to look forward.. An easy way to FEEL more secure.. When you remove those havens of perceived safety -- you're really pissing people off. I don't think that was the BIGGEST arbitrary and capricious edict the gov'ner farted out.. Landscapers only work about 5 or 6 months of the year in Mich.. This is a WHOLE YEAR of loss for them.. Especially the small lawnmowing and spraying independents she shut down..

Bottom line kiddo?? Should have locked down the 15% of the population that are being KILLED by this thing... That's anyone over 60 -- or anyone with severe "co-morbidities" that would affect the doctors ability to TREAT them or their ability to get thru it without high risk..

That 15% includes a miniscule number of people BELOW age 60... The avg age of ALL covid deaths was about 80 when we first started getting data on this.. And it's STILL about 80...

If you had put all energies focused into protecting that 15%
-- the other 85% would get it and develop the "herd immunity" to make it NOT a recurring threat. The VAST MAJORITY of them probably wouldn't KNOW that they had it.. This is being confirmed with the anti-body testing.

This shutdown WILL kill people. I know of three suicides from the shutdown (not the virus the shutdown) already, all of whom were facing financial ruin. My neighbor has crawled into a bottle and will probably be checking out soon.
There are a lot of laws that are simply wrong..... some things that are illegal, shouldn't be.
I don't think people should be doing life for creating a website, or for doing time for smoking a plant they grew in their attic.
If you're job is to take a guy like that and cuff him up and drag him into a cage, then you're not the good guy and I ain't going to pretend you are.

He's a closet fascist. I suspect he dreams of strutting around in a fancy uniform terrorizing people.
But back to the subject at hand, the Michigan protesters remind me of draft dodgers during WWII.

Their country needs them to sacrifice some of their personal liberty for a short time for the good of the nation, but they will not bare any burden, they will pay no personal price, endure any hardship, it is all about them.

They are selfish, self indulgent cowards with the intellects of children.
Just how stupid does one have to be to squat and squeeze out a jewel like this?
You mean the ones released by Anthony Gerbels Fauci?
No, sorry. The ones released by the man in charge: Trump. You might need to read more news.
Fauci is the man..Trump is not the expert right?..Wasn't that the argument?..Didn't the commie left say,he needs to shut-up and let the doctors speak.You know the same doctors who said not to panic or worry it was a low risk virus.Face it, the Democrats have twisted themselves in knots trying to make political hay of this overblown crisis.Thinking people see it....the only hope the commie left has is mail in ballots where they can work their magic.....It ain't gonna happen pal.Fuck you commie red bastards.
There are a lot of laws that are simply wrong..... some things that are illegal, shouldn't be.
I don't think people should be doing life for creating a website, or for doing time for smoking a plant they grew in their attic.
If you're job is to take a guy like that and cuff him up and drag him into a cage, then you're not the good guy and I ain't going to pretend you are.

He's a closet fascist. I suspect he dreams of strutting around in a fancy uniform terrorizing people.

Except it will be peoples like me who will be strutting around in a fancy uniform terrorising Leftist Communists, of course I already look GREAT in black and when I'll be strutting about in my fancy uniform I will in one hand have a bullwhip and in the other hand have a Martini :smoke:

If any of them die it would be like the Minuteman at Lexington and Concord.

Ah the dangers of the deluded and mistaken historical analogy.

This virus is not the British Empire, it is a global threat to all of humanity and civilisation itself, as such maybe America's response during World War Two is more apt.

Mass drafts to fight, whether you liked it or not, industry conscripted by the government for war production, many economic controls put on private companies by government, calls for everyone to put their selfish self interest aside for a time and think of the country as a whole.

But they were the Greatest Generation of Americans.

Your generation are not.

You are paranoid, angry, have an every failing standard of living even prior to the virus storm (medium incomes have been falling in real terms for decades) a dysfunctional health care system, the most expensive in the world with the worst macro outcomes in the developed world, a chaotic social support system that does not offer the unemployed civilised or sane relief and your political system is divided, full of circus like performances and the joke of the democratic world now.

Oh and what you used to be able to do, win a war, you can no longer do.

Two failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This sort of self indulgent anger in a pandemic, an America with the most amount of infections and highest amount of deaths does not astonish me, but it is sad to behold an every failing republic.

"it is a global threat to all of humanity and civilisation itself"

What hysterical horsecrap the above comment is. WTF?! Get a grip.

Oh I get it mate, Americans really do not do civilisation anymore.

Leftists are FANATICAL about destroying Western Civilisation, getting into bed with the Mooselimbs and demanding No Borders and the unlimited importing of Third World Shit Holers into ONLY Western nations for Gibs Me Dat so that in approx 15 years they HOPE that Western nations are turned into Third World nations.

So GTFO saying ANYONE who is NOT a Leftist Commie POS does not care about civilisation.

The situation is the whole COVID-19 reaction is beyond hysterical, yes it is a problem but it is NOT a disaster more peoples across the planet have already died of the regular flu, this occur EVERY year and we don't have this one third of the world put into lockdown, the systematic attempt to DESTROY businesses both small, medium and large, the ONLY businesses that are going to come out of this not affected will be Big Corporations.

Swine Flu is 100% more deadly than COVID-19 but we did NOT have the order to put one third of the planet in lockdown and have BILLIONS under effective House Arrest and effectively banned from meeting friends and family. The situation is that probably 80% of the planet has ALREADY had COVID-19 and not shown ANY symptoms and have fully recovered without even knowing about it.

These Technocrat Scientists are full of fearmongering horsecrap, they babble about a Second Wave of COVID-19 about it mutating. Hello? We get Second Waves of the regular flu already, it is SEASONAL, COVID-19 will end up SEASONAL also and ALL viruses mutate and when then do they USUALLY are mutating down into something less potent than pre-mutating, the majority of viruses do NOT mutate into something WORSE.

The world population is being manipulated and played and all this Stay At Home order is basically Psychological Warfare put into place by basic Psychopaths to train populations to be emotionally traumatised so they can be ruled by Fear of....Fear of The Virus, Fear of the person standing next to them etc

We all know that 90% of those who have died of COVID-19 have had existing health issues with the lungs, heart, Cancer, Obesity or Type 2 Diabetes. We all know that the majority then of those who do NOT have these existing health problems are not in danger of dying from COVID-19 just like they are not in danger of dying of the flu. There is logically NO reason then to demand that the ENTIRE population stay under effective House Arrest and remain in prison 23/7 and ONLY go out for one hour a day etc

The ONLY conclusion we can arrive at is that there is an ulterior motive to this Tyranny being DEMANDED by these Technocrat Scientists, a majority of world leaders are even reluctant to continue this outrageous lockdown for longer now than June, but if anyone notices it is the Technocrat Scientists who are the ONLY crowd who are DEMANDING this outrageous lockdown has NO expiry date ie. to them it SHOULD be a PERMANENT lockdown.

Most of them IF you listen to them do not even appear to know WTF they are babbling about, they babble things like:

"Well less are getting infected by COVID-19 and more are recovering from COVID-19 BUT we MUST still remain in LOCKDOWN because of the possibility of a Second Wave and mutation"

What they FAIL to say is that ALL viruses have a Second Wave and ALL viruses have mutation but the mutation is ALWAYS less potent than the Pre-Mutation.

The world population is being manipulated and played and YOU Jake Wingler Frogen are the PERFECT SHEEP, these Totalitarian Technocrat Scientists LOVE SHEEP like YOU because YOU are the type if YOU were multiplied by a Billion who WOULD HELP them destroy this Civilisation to REPLACE it by a Totalitarian Technocratic Dictatorship.
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Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Here it is:


  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries."

Again, read the thread. Garden centers are not the only place you can buy seeds.

Notice it also says plant nurseries? What about fertilizer?
And everyone needs to quit trying to make it about seeds. That was just an example someone used. Any gardening needs are being denied access to, such as fertilizer, which you can not order and have shipped. And the cost to ship soil or mulch? Please.
The gardening schedule published by the state of Michigan-
9 Prepare supply list for garden, including fertilizer, tools, transplants, materials for staking, and mulch.
9 Take a soil sample for a soil test as soon as it has thawed.
9 Prepare soil when it is dry enough. Take a handful of soil and squeeze. If the soil crumbles when you open your hand, it is ready for planting.
9 Fertilize based on soil test recommendations.
9 Plant cool season crops; onion, beets, lettuce, spinach, carrots and radishes.
9 Plant seeds of cool weather crops for the second and third times, approximately two weeks apart.
9 Thin seedlings of crops planted earlier to their proper spacing.
9 Harden off transplants by setting them outdoors during the day for seven to 14 days before you intend to plant them. Plants should be in shade and protected from wind for a few days during this process. Maintain soil moisture so transplants do not wilt.
9 Plant warm season seeds after the danger of frost is past (link to frost dates table), including cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and melons.
9 Plant the hardened-off transplants of peppers, tomatoes and eggplant.
9 Harvest early plantings of radishes, spinach and lettuce.
9 For succession plantings, plant warm season crops where cool season crops have been harvested.
9 Mulch around plants and in rows to keep soil moist and reduce soil compaction.
9 Monitor crops for insect and disease problems regularly. If you discover a problem, identify its source and take control measures if needed. Contact your local Extension office.
Continued on page 2

I'm sorry for the gardeners. I am. I always liked gardening when I was able to do it, and I know a lot of people have BIG gardens and grow a lot of vegetables that they can. Or sell.
This thing sucked in a lot of ways for a lot of people. High schoolers will have no graduation. Neither will most college students. Do you think THAT is not a huge disappointment to some of them that worked hard and were proud of their achievement? County fairs are already being cancelled. How many 4-H'ers have been raising their BESTEST damned pig or sheep to win a blue ribbon on? There are thousands of elderly who died alone without their loved ones beside them because of the restrictions. Women have had to give up their dream of a big wedding in a fancy dress--or postpone the wedding indefinitely. How many people had to cancel once-in-a-lifetime trips or give up celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary or spending two weeks with their first grandbaby?
IT SUCKS FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE. NOT JUST GARDENERS. No one is going to starve because of any of this. It is just heartbreaking but sometimes heartbreaking things happen.
Michigan is 3rd in the country with Covid cases and deaths; only NYC and NJ have more. The governor wanted everyone to stay home and she restricted everything she could think of, praying for those cases to go down.
Have they? I don't know. But the pics of the protesters yesterday, a lot weren't wearing masks. That wasn't smart! The governor has banned groups of ANY number and I suppose she could have sent in the riot police to send them packing, but she didn't. They had their say. I hope they don't end up sick.

Regardless of the situation, and no matter how bad it is, the only thing the government should being doing is to educate people to take precautions in order to keep themselves and others safe. That's it, nothing more and nothing less.

If people are doing things unsafe, like ignoring the few safety measures that are needed to keep others safe while in their immediate presence, then (fine/punish) the person in order to get their attention, but leave everyone else alone.

Making over reaching rules to apply to those citizens in which we see that (within such rules), it is being found that the rules are considered droconian or are oppressive to those individuals that are not at risk or for whom are abiding by the basic common sense measures/rules that are already in place, then it is definitely an un-exceptable thing, and it is an unprecedented thing to allow such abuses to take place against those not at risk..... It is just wrong, and such things might have alternative political reasons if being orchastrated by certain individuals in government, so stay sharp people.

We have seen government do such things in the past, and we have spoken out about it with results throughout time, and this time is no different even if it does involve a virus.

It's time to open back up, but have in place penalties that are applied if someone is endangering others without regard to their Independence found in their freedoms or worse endangering their lives through disrespect being used as a weapon in this thing.

Put your mask on if going to be in a group of more than two people while out in the public spaces (i.e..while out shopping or doing business with the public as is involved). Wear safety gloves at your own choice while in the public spaces (not required). If sick stay home from work and away from the public space (don't go out while sick with a fever or having symptoms of a corona virus). Practice clean habbits or hygiene in your personal lives as no one wants to be around people who don't keep themselves clean at the least to a proper degree.

Stay out of confined spaces where people frequent without proper safety precautions taken. Example - porta-potties etc. Keep a small can of Lysol with you if possible, and hand sanitizer as well.

Get a check up or seek doctors care if think you've been exposed, and do it "immediately". Don't procrastinate or feel embarassed or shamed because you are experiencing symptoms but your friends and family aren't. Get help as your life and other's lives depend on you to taking swift action.

Companies - Make policy regarding sick days, and don't pressure people to work if they are under doctors care or if they are experiencing symptoms of any corona virus. If think someone is faking it, then order that employee to see a doctor immediately, otherwise if the excuse used was symptoms of a corona virus, then order the employee to see a doctor for the test and an evaluation.

We have been educated as a nation, now it's time to back off other than to apply action to those who are blatantly violating the rules themselves, while not doing ignorant things like punishing anyone else who is in compliance.
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