Multiple fake electors are cooperating with Georgia criminal election probe of trump

2016 Georgia Code
Title 21 - Elections
Chapter 2 - Elections and Primaries Generally
Article 15 - Miscellaneous Offenses
§ 21-2-604. Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud; penalties​

Universal Citation: GA Code § 21-2-604 (2016)
(a) (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(2) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a misdemeanor under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(b) (1) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years.

(2) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.

(c) It is no defense to a prosecution for criminal solicitation to commit election fraud that the person solicited could not be guilty of the crime solicited.

(d) The provisions of subsections (a) through (c) of this Code section are cumulative and shall not supersede any other penal law of this state.

He was blatantly requesting Raffensperger to commit a felony. And he was using the power of the Presidential office to intimidate him.
Thanks for posting the law.
got news for you jimmy...many of those asswipes you follow without question are pretty fucked too.....but you dont care about that do you?....
i guess surada thinks they are all just wonderful people....another one they stuck a flag in
I'm not as partisan as you. Trump wants to win no matter what it costs or who he has to destroy.
I honestly believe that if Hillary had won in 2016, he would have gone on his "massive voter fraud" campaign then. I think it would have been dismissed. But since he had the purse strings of government in 2020, his false claim was aided by his efforts to use his position to overturn the election. The man will never admit that he lost. He is what the founding fathers warned about. His ego is more important than our electoral system or this country. He is a Cancer on democracy.
I honestly believe that if Hillary had won in 2016, he would have gone on his "massive voter fraud" campaign then. I think it would have been dismissed. But since he had the purse strings of government in 2020, his false claim was aided by his efforts to use his position to overturn the election. The man will never admit that he lost. He is what the founding fathers warned about. His ego is more important than our electoral system or this country. He is a Cancer on democracy.
Megalomaniac? Trump is very much like Gaddafi.

The rats are jumping ship. Obviously, trump tried to distort the vote count in Georgia.
They should be arresting the felons they have on video. you know the mules who stuffed drop boxes. It is now a proven fact. When will the arrests start?
I'm not as partisan as you. Trump wants to win no matter what it costs or who he has to destroy.
no you are more.....i cant stand both parties....lets see you say this.....'i hope the republicans and democrat parties go straight to hell"....your serve....
It was fraud, and it has been proven.
Update!! There was criminality alright. Just not the kind that you are claiming

It was fraud, and it has been proven.

Trump is the fraud and he is fucked!
no you are more.....i cant stand both parties....lets see you say this.....'i hope the republicans and democrat parties go straight to hell"....your serve....
Typical moral equivalency argument whenever the Democrats are in power; The Republicans are just as bad!
Read the law three posts up. That doesn't constitute a conspiracy theory.
Dude you leftists have been pushing conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory since 2016 starting with Russia Russia Russia.
Typical moral equivalency argument whenever the Democrats are in power; The Republicans are just as bad!
you cant see that they are j because you are one of them.....and im the same way when the republicans are in power....

Trump is the fraud and he is fucked!
Well, whether or not he is "fucked" remains to be seen. The audio definitively shows criminal intent. Whether or not criminal charges or a conviction are secured against a former president remains to be seen.

Trump is the fraud and he is fucked!

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