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Multiple states activating Emergency operations center Pilots told avoid flying over area NUKE SITE


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................
but progress and independence can only be achieved by more work on Nuclear everything Matthew !!
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Oh yeah these companies and their Nuke waste they care so much about humanity

Radioactive Waste 55 ā€“ Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in England 1

ā€¦.Here we have a government agency, the U.K. Ministry of Defense, breaking rules about nuclear waste safety at a government waste repository, Driggs. It is bad enough when unscrupulous companies conspire to with the Mafia illegally dump nuclear waste as I covered in recent posts. But when government agencies are mishandling nuclear waste, where is the public supposed to turn to rectify the situation?ā€¦.

By phoenix | 2/11/14

Yesterday, I blogged about illegal dumping of radioactive waste in a national nuclear repository in France. Continuing my focus on illegal radioactive waste dumping, todayā€™s blog is about illegal dumping in the United Kingdom. The UK Ministry of Defense has shipped waste from nuclear submarines based at Devenport in Plymouth to Driggs in Cumbria on the west coast of England for decades. Recently the Observer newspaper learned and reported that since 1990, the waste being shipped to Driggs from Devenport has been exceeding the strict safety limits set by UK law for radioactivity.
Radioactive Waste 55 ā€“ Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in England 1

We can only imagine how more than half the world hasn't any clue what half the chit is they dump into the oceans. and if you like Sea Food you EAT IT.
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4. Nuclear Waste is Dangerous for Thousands of Years.

Since nuclear waste will be dangerous for thousands of years, we are dumping our energy problems on future generations instead of using the benign methods of creating energy that are available to us.

The currently favored "solution" of burying the waste in bedrock and sealing off access forever is desperate and irresponsible.

5. Plants and Waste Storage are Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack.

Because of their potential of mass destruction, nuclear power stations are a major target for terrorists. The 9/11 atrocity would be tiny by comparison. If a large plane were flown into a nuclear power station, the disaster would be immeasurably worse than Chernobyl.

John Large, an international independent expert on nuclear power, has said that if a plane was flown into the nuclear waste storage tanks at Sellafield, the whole of the English Midlands could be catastrophically contaminated.

Safety studies of Sellafield carried out for local authorities tell us that a direct hit by a passenger jet on the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant would contaminate Britain with two and a half times more radioactivity than the amount that escaped during the Chernobyl disaster.

The studies also inform us that up to 2,646 pounds of the highly radioactive and long-lasting isotope caesium-137 would be released into the atmosphere, contaminating Britain, Ireland, continental Europe and beyond, making huge swathes of the country uninhabitable and causing more than two million cancers.

In the light of the twin towers atrocity, this is a completely unacceptable risk.

6. They Epitomize the Centralization of Power.

There is a burgeoning awareness among citizens that they are more free and more in control of their lives if facilities and decision-making occur at the local level, that national government should only control those matters that cannot be dealt with locally. Nuclear power is the ultimate way of centralizing power, putting it in the hands of experts, multinational corporations and national - often distant - government. In complete contrast to this, benign methods of supplying power, such as wind and water turbines, solar energy and heat pumps can be in the control of local communities and even, for some provisions, households.

7. Poor countries are made dependent on rich ones.

Ten Urgent Reasons to Reject Nuclear Power Now
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area

A working fusion reactor would make the nuclear waste problem mute. Too bad that we have been ten years from a working model for the last fifty years.

What are those people doing up there at Princeton?
Needs test fusion reactor in space but Obama killed our shuttle and we'd rather not share our tests with the Russians during "car" pool heh
Officials on alert after tunnel collapse at Hanford nuclear waste site in Washington state

About half a dozen cleanup employees were evacuated from the immediate area of the collapse, and more than 4,700 other workers at the Hanford Site were at one point ordered to shelter inside in case any radiation was released, according to emergency officials.

By Tuesday afternoon, all nonessential employees had been cleared to leave the area and were sent home for the day, with no decisions announced on whether normal work would resume Wednesday.

The site is about seven miles northwest of the town of Richland, population 53,000, which has not been affected. Federal officials have instituted a five-mile no-fly zone around the site up to 5,000 feet in altitude, which is lower than that typically flown by commercial airliners.

Officials are still on the scene investigating.

The Hanford complex produced the plutonium for the worldā€™s first nuclear explosion, in New Mexico, and also for the atomic bomb that devastated Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. The facility went on to produce plutonium for decades, producing hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid waste that was poured or buried in the ground.

This is a real mess, result of non-scientists making decisions concerning the waste. One thing needs pointed out, the site lies in the area of the Olympic-Wallowa Linement, and active fault zone. A strong quake in the area could result in real problems for all downstream on the Colombia.
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.

Sorry, Mindless posts so much panicky, doomsday crap, it's difficult to find the occasional fact.
Officials on alert after tunnel collapse at Hanford nuclear waste site in Washington state

About half a dozen cleanup employees were evacuated from the immediate area of the collapse, and more than 4,700 other workers at the Hanford Site were at one point ordered to shelter inside in case any radiation was released, according to emergency officials.

By Tuesday afternoon, all nonessential employees had been cleared to leave the area and were sent home for the day, with no decisions announced on whether normal work would resume Wednesday.

The site is about seven miles northwest of the town of Richland, population 53,000, which has not been affected. Federal officials have instituted a five-mile no-fly zone around the site up to 5,000 feet in altitude, which is lower than that typically flown by commercial airliners.

Officials are still on the scene investigating.

The Hanford complex produced the plutonium for the worldā€™s first nuclear explosion, in New Mexico, and also for the atomic bomb that devastated Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. The facility went on to produce plutonium for decades, producing hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid waste that was poured or buried in the ground.

This is a real mess, result of non-scientists making decisions concerning the waste. One thing needs pointed out, the site lies in the area of the Olympic-Wallowa Linement, and active fault zone. A strong quake in the area could result in real problems for all downstream on the Colombia.

Hanford & the Columbia River aren't all that far from the Pacific Ocean at that point.....so let's just hope there is no earthquake any time soon.
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.

Sorry, Mindless posts so much panicky, doomsday crap, it's difficult to find the occasional fact.

Google is your friend :thup:
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.

Sorry, Mindless posts so much panicky, doomsday crap, it's difficult to find the occasional fact.

Awwww are you a little to weak minded to handle all the scary stuff. You should find a near by safe space.
Since the events of REAL FKN LIFE is a little too hard for you to handle let alone accept.

Oh so scaryeeee BALL LESS CYKA.
Nuclear power is good when it is properly extracted and produced.

The problem is that for-profit corporations will always cut corners where they think that they can get away with it as well as lazy bureaucrats.
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.

Sorry, Mindless posts so much panicky, doomsday crap, it's difficult to find the occasional fact.

I got more mined that you could ever dream of, that's why real information can't fit into that useless head of yours it can't hold enough to fill it with anything but SNOPES, and CNN as you pray to your media gawds to tell you who BEYONCE screwed last night, and who Kim K laid in bed with last.

I bet you can tell us what WHOOPIE said yesterday though.
I don't think Nuclear energy is safe no matter how it's taken, how it's used or how we put it down in the ground. If it were safe it wouldn't need put however many feet down in the ground, if it were safe it wouldn't have to be delt with so carefully when exposing it.

Soon we will have no place to put this nuclear bs then what will we do. Just about every Nuclear plan in the IS is leaking already.

Fukushima is causing many other Countries to dump Nuclear energy because accidents happen like Japan's .

They can't even get ppl to go in and work those plants any more they hire ppl who don't even know what they are doing.

Germany and Switzerland are suppose to dump using Nuclear energy.
BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS)
KING 5 News, May 9, 2017 (emphasis added): Hundreds of workers were told to take cover at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation after a tunnel full of highly contaminated materials collapsedā€¦ Officials say a collapsed patch of ground above the tunnel was larger than first believed. The U.S. Department of Energy said the collapse covered about 400 square feet instead of the 16 square feet first reportedā€¦ A source said ā€œtake coverā€ status was expanded to the entire site at 10:35 a.mā€¦ Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the Department of Energy and The White House reached out to his office after the incident. ā€œThis is a serious situationā€¦ Our understanding is that the site went into immediate lockdownā€œā€¦

BREAKING: Emergency at US nuclear site after collapse ā€” TV: ā€œFears of radioactive contaminationā€ ā€” Expert: ā€œCould lead to considerable radiological releaseā€ ā€” Multiple states activating Emergency Operations Center ā€” Pilots told to avoid flying over area (VIDEOS) Ā« ENENews.com ā€“ Energy News

Oh well wonder how many dumbasses think it's all not true LOL................

Pilots told to avoid flying over area


Maybe read the link before making jokes....

Tri-City Herald, May 9, 2017: Private pilots in the area have been told to avoid flying over Hanford. The Hanford Patrol is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to put a formal air restriction in place until the FAA can confirm there is no danger.

Sorry, Mindless posts so much panicky, doomsday crap, it's difficult to find the occasional fact.

Awwww are you a little to weak minded to handle all the scary stuff. You should find a near by safe space.
Since the events of REAL FKN LIFE is a little too hard for you to handle let alone accept.

Oh so scaryeeee BALL LESS CYKA.


Are you posting this from your bunker?

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