Multiple states had repubs send in fake cerification documenrs

I am afraid the DOJ will never charge a former president, even if he does deserve it. But a state will....stay tuned.
Well that has to be seen. We've never had a president (not receiving a pardon) who committed so many felonies, and co-conspiracies. It would be difficult to prosecute all but one of the indicted conspirators.
What party used lawyers to go around the legislative process in the swing states to get Biden elected?
Biden got more electoral votes than trump. That is the way it works....IMBECILE!
"They were caught. The system works. Nothing to see here."
Ah, good poster Nostra. You are partially right. The scheme is being revealed.....but not exactly 'caught'. But let's not quibble.

However, I'd feel better if they were arrested and charged before I sign on to your "Nothing-to-see-here" club.

And speaking of that, and so you won't become discombobulated over this developing story I'd suggest you may not want to look at it anymore (until, of course, if or when charges do come down).

After all, as you say yourself........there is nothing (for you) to see here.

But I suspect adult observers with a keen and non-partisan interest in our national politics will watch these disturbing events with some interest.

But you be you. :thup:
If you announce a crime before you do it are you absolved?
Not what happened. Based upon active lawsuits and filing of electoral votes for Biden, the outcome wouldn't be known until the lawsuits were finished. If they were found in Trumps favor (regardless of what anyone's opinion on that is) the cast Biden votes wouldn't count. So, on a contingent basis, if Trump succeeded in court, Trump electors filed their votes, as indicated, based upon legal advice.
Biden got more electoral votes than trump. That is the way it works....IMBECILE!
Then why is the left wanting to do away with the electoral college?

Oh, yes -- so the liberal enclaves can dictate to the rest of the country.
So, attempting to burn down government buildings with government employees locked inside doesn't count?

Hint: It does. Don't be stupid.
The people inside were law enforcement officers to protect the building. It was in the middle of the night and there were no lawmakers or judges inside. So no, not the same as storming the Capitol while lawmakers were in session. You're stupid enough to attempt to compare attacking a building with attacking the government. Your desperation speaks volumes.
Not what happened. Based upon active lawsuits and filing of electoral votes for Biden, the outcome wouldn't be known until the lawsuits were finished. If they were found in Trumps favor (regardless of what anyone's opinion on that is) the cast Biden votes wouldn't count. So, on a contingent basis, if Trump succeeded in court, Trump electors filed their votes, as indicated, based upon legal advice.
Nope, not how the law works. States have to submit their slates by the Safe Harbor deadline. As we witnessed in Bush v. Gore, there is no alternate remedy if suits aren't settled by then.
Nope, not how the law works. States have to submit their slates by the Safe Harbor deadline. As we witnessed in Bush v. Gore, there is no alternate remedy if suits aren't settled by then.
This elector crap is a nothing story. You defending it like it matters is another nothing.
The people inside were law enforcement officers to protect the building. It was in the middle of the night and there were no lawmakers or judges inside. So no, not the same as storming the Capitol while lawmakers were in session. You're stupid enough to attempt to compare attacking a building with attacking the government. Your desperation speaks volumes.
See? I told you it was different. Somehow. It just is!
And yet it was Republicans who tried to steal the election Trump lost.
Then why is the left wanting to do away with the electoral college?

Oh, yes -- so the liberal enclaves can dictate to the rest of the country.
Please stay in topic. Your efforts at deflection are not working. The fake elector certificates were just one of the many illegal efforts the trump regime attempted to destroy this country.

trump is nothing more that a Mafia Boss...who Putin helped elect. Now Putin is staging a build up near Ukraine to make Biden look bad.

Why do repubs Love Putin?
Nope, not how the law works. States have to submit their slates by the Safe Harbor deadline. As we witnessed in Bush v. Gore, there is no alternate remedy if suits aren't settled by then.
I'm not so sure about that. It was looked into, legally. I'm not going to attempt to argue Eastman's views. I'm sure it will weigh in at sometime in the future, if anything ever comes of this, other than attempting to fire up the dem base.

From the Byron York piece:

Now, there is another element of the story and that is what happened to the slates when law professor John Eastman, working with the Trump team, made the slates the focus for his memos on whether Vice President Mike Pence had the authority to overturn the election.

Eastman wrote two memos, a short one and a long one. Both rely entirely on the existence of "dual slates of electors" in several states. The short memo begins this way: "7 states have transmitted dual slates of electors to the President of the Senate." The longer memo outlines irregularities in the states and says: "Because of these illegal actions by state and local election officials ... the Trump electors in the above 6 states (plus in New Mexico) met on December 14, cast their electoral votes, and transmitted those votes to the President of the Senate (Vice President Pence). There are thus dual slates of electors from 7 states."
Lawrence Eastman short memo:

Lawrence Eastman Long memo:

Illegal conduct by election official

Quite apart from outright fraud (both traditional ballot stuffing, and electronic
manipulation of voting tabulation machines), important state election laws were altered
or dispensed with altogether in key swing states and/or cities and counties. When the
laws at issue were specifically designed to reduce the risk of fraud in absentee voting,
those violations are particularly troubling. A sampling of the more significant violations
is as follows:

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