
No, YOU mean that. Why are you so goddamn weird??

I'm not the weirdo. It takes an intelligent being to create the EMS. How did big bang do that haha? You can't explain diddly.

What does that have to do with anything? Damn man, you are fucking nuts.

You're the numb nuts who said a multiverse is natural. Magic isn't natural. Magic is trickery. Thus, a universe from nothing. Multiverses as an offshoot. Both are feces.
It takes an intelligent being to create the EMS.
Yes, you said that already. Again, YOU said that. Please try to achieve the very simple task of knowing which thoughts are yours and which are mine. Thanks.
You're the numb nuts who said a multiverse is natural.

Actually, I never once said that. We were talking about "something from nothing", when that comment was made. Pleasedo better to follow a discussion in simple English sentences.

But yes, of course, a multiverse can be natural. In fact, its possibility arises from our physics, which is precisely what deems it possible and natural.

So, now I have said it. And you have no argument to the contrary not based in "Because I, Mr. Religious Nutball, say so".
Yes, you said that already. Again, YOU said that. Please try to achieve the very simple task of knowing which thoughts are yours and which are mine. Thanks.

You never said that in this thread. God is the one who said it first which makes it so. All of it leads back to you can't explain how big bang did that microseconds during the cosmic expansion. Not only do you believe in trickery, you believe in feces such as multiverses.

Actually, I never once said that. We were talking about "something from nothing", when that comment was made. Pleasedo better to follow a discussion in simple English sentences.

But yes, of course, a multiverse can be natural. In fact, its possibility arises from our physics, which is precisely what deems it possible and natural.

No, "something from nothing" and multiverses are not natural. It's just imagination from the feces in the athests/evos/your head.
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
This is what I believe. A google number of universes in an infinite amount of dark matter.

Like a lava lamp.
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?
I am a believer but I know we can not have the answer, no one can. but I like to try to get an answer. I talk a lot about this issue to the people around me, but they are in their own world, I respect it too, but it is an essential and important question it is my opinion
I hate it when I tell people mind blowing stuff I learned on how the universe works and they don’t care
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?
I am a believer but I know we can not have the answer, no one can. but I like to try to get an answer. I talk a lot about this issue to the people around me, but they are in their own world, I respect it too, but it is an essential and important question it is my opinion
I hate it when I tell people mind blowing stuff I learned on how the universe works and they don’t care
Most people do not even know that black holes exist then in terms of multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?

You're certainly free to believe that the universe(s) caused itself to come into existence because you KNOW that there is NO WAY that there might be a powerful, all-intelligent being out there that created the universe and us. That's certainly a reasonable position.
You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.

Even if there is a multiverse, that too needed a creator. I don't believe it could have caused itself to come into existence. Most atheists are ABG theorists meaning, they'll go alone with any theory, as long as it doesn't include a creator, aka "God", hence "Anything but God" theory.
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?
I am a believer but I know we can not have the answer, no one can. but I like to try to get an answer. I talk a lot about this issue to the people around me, but they are in their own world, I respect it too, but it is an essential and important question it is my opinion
I hate it when I tell people mind blowing stuff I learned on how the universe works and they don’t care
They are not ready to hear it
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?

God created the universe, not multiverses. There is no evidence for it. Multiverses were made up by the evos because they found the fine tuning facts in the universe while researching their big bang theory. Fine tuning means that life is rare. It means no aliens. It means life doesn't just develop like evolution says it does in THIS universe. You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.
I find it humorous you disavow one theory for no evidence while believing in another with no evidence.
A bit inconsistent
If you aren't doing drugs yet, start

Frannie I don't have a scrambled brain like you. What weird science are you going to bore people with next?
Tell us more about the multiverse...…………..where did it come from? Did God create all the multi universes together

See kid the weird science is all on you as all you do is babble like a schitzo does, that said you will never know
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?

God created the universe, not multiverses. There is no evidence for it. Multiverses were made up by the evos because they found the fine tuning facts in the universe while researching their big bang theory. Fine tuning means that life is rare. It means no aliens. It means life doesn't just develop like evolution says it does in THIS universe. You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.
I find it humorous you disavow one theory for no evidence while believing in another with no evidence.
A bit inconsistent

The poster is correct, the multiverse and computer simulation theories are both offshoots of the fact that the math of the cosmological constant yields no way for speeded expansion to be achieved. So they create more fake variables to plug the holes in an embarrassingly useless math equation.
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?

God created the universe, not multiverses. There is no evidence for it. Multiverses were made up by the evos because they found the fine tuning facts in the universe while researching their big bang theory. Fine tuning means that life is rare. It means no aliens. It means life doesn't just develop like evolution says it does in THIS universe. You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.
I find it humorous you disavow one theory for no evidence while believing in another with no evidence.
A bit inconsistent

The poster is correct, the multiverse and computer simulation theories are both offshoots of the fact that the math of the cosmological constant yields no way for speeded expansion to be achieved. So they create more fake variables to plug the holes in an embarrassingly useless math equation.
I get there is no evidence. My point was he used that as a reason to disregard it while hanging on to another theory with no evidence. IE god.
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
If I say "God did it", can I stop thinking?

God created the universe, not multiverses. There is no evidence for it. Multiverses were made up by the evos because they found the fine tuning facts in the universe while researching their big bang theory. Fine tuning means that life is rare. It means no aliens. It means life doesn't just develop like evolution says it does in THIS universe. You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.
I find it humorous you disavow one theory for no evidence while believing in another with no evidence.
A bit inconsistent

The poster is correct, the multiverse and computer simulation theories are both offshoots of the fact that the math of the cosmological constant yields no way for speeded expansion to be achieved. So they create more fake variables to plug the holes in an embarrassingly useless math equation.
I get there is no evidence. My point was he used that as a reason to disregard it while hanging on to another theory with no evidence. IE god.

I see God only as a requirement for DNA as it did not write itself
If you aren't doing drugs yet, start

Frannie I don't have a scrambled brain like you. What weird science are you going to bore people with next?
Tell us more about the multiverse...…………..where did it come from? Did God create all the multi universes together

See kid the weird science is all on you as all you do is babble like a schitzo does, that said you will never know
Nothing funnier than watching two head cases arguing with each other on USMB about whose BS pseudo-science is more correct. Keep it coming girls!
The multiverse, also known as a maniverse, megaverse, metaverse, omniverse, or meta-universe, is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternate universes.


So, that could explain the big bang? because the big Bang came from somewhere our universe would have been created like the other universes?

What do you think? Give your opinion.

Brian Greene: Welcome to the Multiverse
Multiverse is not a real topic to discuss.
Frannie has spoken and everyone must comply. Fuck that noise Jack. This was a great thread until you and dipshit james bond showed up.
You got famous atheist physicists believing in multiverses without any evidence.

Even if there is a multiverse, that too needed a creator. I don't believe it could have caused itself to come into existence. Most atheists are ABG theorists meaning, they'll go alone with any theory, as long as it doesn't include a creator, aka "God", hence "Anything but God" theory.

Stop it. There is no multiverse. If there was, then God woulda told us.

I'm starting to understand the atheists/evos now going through this exercise. It's men playing God. They could not appreciate what the real God did, so instead created a false story make themselves look like a god. They created a wrong, stupid science to allow them to say anything and people will believe it. These are highly intelligent scientists like Hawking, Greene, Linde, Tyson, etc. Even stupid, low-life cretins like Bill Nye hahahahahahahahahahaha!

I think what it boils down to is people with God like us and people without God like the atheists/evos. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy that they had to make their own gods in order for their lives to have meaning. smh. We live in a fallen world.
I find it humorous you disavow one theory for no evidence while believing in another with no evidence.
A bit inconsistent

The evidence for God is we're here aren't we?

God said, "Let their be light." And there was light. He created the EMS first. He created a universe with supreme intelligence behind it. We're still trying to figure it out. No big bang could put together something like what he did in less than 20 mins. But these God-playing scientists believe it happened hahahahaahahaha. It is evidence for Satan hee hee.

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