Mulvaney says Trup's rscism is OK

On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.

Isn't it odd.

Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.


RealDave, sweetie, I have noticed from your previous posts that you have a very low IQ, and you have my condolences for that as it eliminates any possibility that you will ever be able to understand the world around you. It's the luck of the draw, you know.

That being said, it would be helpful if you were to state what he DID actually say, as others here have levels of comprehension well beyond your own and may wish to read for themselves rather than rely on the paraphrasing of one as benightedly incapable as yourself.

Thanks in advance
Here's the transcript of the interview, Dog, since you were too lazy to take five seconds to do it yourself.

MARGARET BRENNAN: This is being perceived as racist, do you understand why?

MULVANEY: I understand why but that doesn't mean that it's racist. The president is pushing back against what he sees as wrong. It's how he's done in the past and he'll continue to do in the future.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you think this is just hyperbolic?

MULVANEY: I absolutely do. And I hope the folks actually pay attention to it and realize what Democrats in Congress are doing. Instead of helping people back home, they're focusing on scandal in Washington D.C. which is the exact opposite of what they said they would do when they ran for election in 2018.

Transcript: Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on "Face the Nation," July 28, 2019 - CBS News

I am not lazy, I am simply frugal with my time.

Speaking of lazy, you are apparently too lazy intellectually to realize that what he said was in no way what Dave claimed.

Do you REALLY think that the words "that doesn't mean it's racist" means "it's racist"?
Bill Clinton came to the White House a failed lawyer with a sexual problem and without a dime in his pocket. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama came to the White House as a 3rd rate community agitator without a dime in his pocket. Donald Trump had to take a cut in pay to become president. During his lifetime in real estate and construction he met a payroll and paid good wages to more Blacks and Hispanics than LBJ's "great society" but the left is afflicted with TDS and hates him for making America great again. The worst thing you can do to a politician is to label him a racist and that's all the democrat party has left.
On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.

Isn't it odd.

Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.


RealDave, sweetie, I have noticed from your previous posts that you have a very low IQ, and you have my condolences for that as it eliminates any possibility that you will ever be able to understand the world around you. It's the luck of the draw, you know.

That being said, it would be helpful if you were to state what he DID actually say, as others here have levels of comprehension well beyond your own and may wish to read for themselves rather than rely on the paraphrasing of one as benightedly incapable as yourself.

Thanks in advance
Here's the transcript of the interview, Dog, since you were too lazy to take five seconds to do it yourself.

MARGARET BRENNAN: This is being perceived as racist, do you understand why?

MULVANEY: I understand why but that doesn't mean that it's racist. The president is pushing back against what he sees as wrong. It's how he's done in the past and he'll continue to do in the future.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you think this is just hyperbolic?

MULVANEY: I absolutely do. And I hope the folks actually pay attention to it and realize what Democrats in Congress are doing. Instead of helping people back home, they're focusing on scandal in Washington D.C. which is the exact opposite of what they said they would do when they ran for election in 2018.

Transcript: Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on "Face the Nation," July 28, 2019 - CBS News

I am not lazy, I am simply frugal with my time.

Speaking of lazy, you are apparently too lazy intellectually to realize that what he said was in no way what Dave claimed.

Do you REALLY think that the words "that doesn't mean it's racist" means "it's racist"?
I was sick of listening to ALL of you argue over something you hadn't heard. Now you've heard his words, you can argue about what matters. Is Trump a racist?
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.


so it's not what he actually tweeted, it's peoples opinion of what he tweeted?
No. He's very careful to avoid being overt to allow you folks to defend him with deliberate "misinterpretations", but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.
On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.
Isn't it odd.
Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.

Go suck a wooden egg with splinters, butthole. I SAW that interview and that is NOT what he said. When you have to MAKE STUFF UP to attack the Right on, that just goes to show how weak your case really is.
Democrat congresspeople are on record as hating Jews and White people but the crazy left calls the President a racist for securing the borders. No surprise here.
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.


so it's not what he actually tweeted, it's peoples opinion of what he tweeted?
No. He's very careful to avoid being overt to allow you folks to defend him with deliberate "misinterpretations", but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

no, it's an opinion, not a fact.

It depends on interpretation
On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.

Isn't it odd.

Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.


Did he say “Trump’s Tweets” or Trump’s Racist Tweets?
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.


so it's not what he actually tweeted, it's peoples opinion of what he tweeted?
No. He's very careful to avoid being overt to allow you folks to defend him with deliberate "misinterpretations", but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

no, it's an opinion, not a fact.

It depends on interpretation
Only if you're trying to defend him.
Bill Clinton came to the White House a failed lawyer with a sexual problem and without a dime in his pocket. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama came to the White House as a 3rd rate community agitator without a dime in his pocket. Donald Trump had to take a cut in pay to become president. During his lifetime in real estate and construction he met a payroll and paid good wages to more Blacks and Hispanics than LBJ's "great society" but the left is afflicted with TDS and hates him for making America great again. The worst thing you can do to a politician is to label him a racist and that's all the democrat party has left.
On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.

Isn't it odd.

Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.


RealDave, sweetie, I have noticed from your previous posts that you have a very low IQ, and you have my condolences for that as it eliminates any possibility that you will ever be able to understand the world around you. It's the luck of the draw, you know.

That being said, it would be helpful if you were to state what he DID actually say, as others here have levels of comprehension well beyond your own and may wish to read for themselves rather than rely on the paraphrasing of one as benightedly incapable as yourself.

Thanks in advance
Here's the transcript of the interview, Dog, since you were too lazy to take five seconds to do it yourself.

MARGARET BRENNAN: This is being perceived as racist, do you understand why?

MULVANEY: I understand why but that doesn't mean that it's racist. The president is pushing back against what he sees as wrong. It's how he's done in the past and he'll continue to do in the future.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you think this is just hyperbolic?

MULVANEY: I absolutely do. And I hope the folks actually pay attention to it and realize what Democrats in Congress are doing. Instead of helping people back home, they're focusing on scandal in Washington D.C. which is the exact opposite of what they said they would do when they ran for election in 2018.

Transcript: Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on "Face the Nation," July 28, 2019 - CBS News

Saying that Trump is running on hyperbole is not impressive even if you dismiss the racist argument.

Are there (D)'s failing their constituents by concentrating solely on Trump as opposed to ideas? Yes, I would say there are.

Could this be considered the opposite of what they ran on? Maybe, but no Trump supporter can make this accusation without also looking in the mirror.
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.

I see your point but to me it needs to be pretty overt because I feel as though we are becoming too PC and your fellow Democrat, Bill Maher, agrees btw, Crep.
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.

If he said:

"Slavery gives me a calming feeling" or "Some people did something to black people in the South before the civil war"...I would agree with you.
Would someone please post on racist tweet from Trump? Thank you.
Just because tRump hasn't tweeted "I hate ni**ers and sp*cs!" Doesn't mean his tweets aren't racist.


so it's not what he actually tweeted, it's peoples opinion of what he tweeted?
No. He's very careful to avoid being overt to allow you folks to defend him with deliberate "misinterpretations", but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

but it isn't in question, and it isn't an opinion. It's a fact.

no, it's an opinion, not a fact.

It depends on interpretation
Only if you're trying to defend him.

facts are a bitch, aren't they?

He didn't say it, so you have to pretend he did.
On Face the Nation just now, Mulvaney says Trump is using hyperbole & racist tweets because that is just how he reacts when he thinks he is being unfairly attacked.

Isn't it odd.

Republicans are defending racism. They defend president's lying.


RealDave, sweetie, I have noticed from your previous posts that you have a very low IQ, and you have my condolences for that as it eliminates any possibility that you will ever be able to understand the world around you. It's the luck of the draw, you know.

That being said, it would be helpful if you were to state what he DID actually say, as others here have levels of comprehension well beyond your own and may wish to read for themselves rather than rely on the paraphrasing of one as benightedly incapable as yourself.

Thanks in advance
Here's the transcript of the interview, Dog, since you were too lazy to take five seconds to do it yourself.

MARGARET BRENNAN: This is being perceived as racist, do you understand why?

MULVANEY: I understand why but that doesn't mean that it's racist. The president is pushing back against what he sees as wrong. It's how he's done in the past and he'll continue to do in the future.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you think this is just hyperbolic?

MULVANEY: I absolutely do. And I hope the folks actually pay attention to it and realize what Democrats in Congress are doing. Instead of helping people back home, they're focusing on scandal in Washington D.C. which is the exact opposite of what they said they would do when they ran for election in 2018.

Transcript: Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on "Face the Nation," July 28, 2019 - CBS News

I am not lazy, I am simply frugal with my time.

Speaking of lazy, you are apparently too lazy intellectually to realize that what he said was in no way what Dave claimed.

Do you REALLY think that the words "that doesn't mean it's racist" means "it's racist"?
I was sick of listening to ALL of you argue over something you hadn't heard. Now you've heard his words, you can argue about what matters. Is Trump a racist?
Typical for you extreme partisans, you don't give a shit that Dave flat out lied. He's one of your own.

Truth or lack thereof simply does not concern you, merely agenda.

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