Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

BLM supporters are deprived people. They simply don’t give a damn about poor white people in this country. Many of them are selfish. They are monsters. Some of them are good people but they are brainwashed.

The great majority of Americans, black and white reject BLM, and they don’t want to see someone like Derek chauvin go to jail for decades ….. George Floyd was a career criminal who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach…. according to the autopsy, he died of a drug overdose. He was committing illegal acts on the day he was arrested.

Shame on the republican governor of Texas for giving George Floyd a State funeral …. One of the most embarrassing moments in American history.

Actually, Fyodor, most Americans are fine with Chauvin being in prison, except for the Blue Lives Matters assholes.

Floyd never held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly. This is a right-wing lie.

The reason why BLM doesn't concern itself with poor white people is even the poorest white trash from the trailer park gets more privilege than a black person in a nice car with a nice job.
No, but it doesn’t prove that’s what killed Floyd either.

In my opinion, Chauvin wasn’t convicted on evidence, he was convicted on bad optics,

Did you hear about the evidence in the trial? Three medical experts testified that it was Chauvin’s actions that killed Floyd. So what evidence was ignored? What was missing?
I really don't think it's too much to ask to not do it in a manner that results in the death of someone passing bad $20s. Time and time again when we take a look at these police departments we see the aren't spending their time finding your stolen car or who broke into your house. They're spending their time collecting tax revenue by way of fines from mostly poor black and brown communities, roughing up petty criminals five at a time and then standing back during a school shooting because going home to their families is apparently mission number one. That's what we pay them for after all. To go home to their families at night.

Good point. I've only had to call 911 a few times in my life. None of these the cops showed any sense of urgency to get there.

In one case, the 911 operator tried to talk me into solving the problem. (A young man had passed out in the hallway of my Condo building. Turns out he was drunk and sleeping it off. )
Nothing about this punk's death justified the 2020 riots killing 50 people, injuring 60,000 police and wrecking 350 cities doing 2 billion in damages.

I agree. If we had addressed police brutality 10 years ago when black people were asking NICELY to clean up their acts, we wouldn't have had riots.
We also wouldn't have had riots if you didn't have a racist mutant like Trump encouraging police misconduct and calling the for execution of innocent black men.
We probably wouldn't have had riots if Trump hadn't fumbled the response to Covid where everyone was out of work and at a heightened level of anxiety.
Youre a moron dodging is not a good tactic to use when you can't win an argument.
I'm not dodging, I'm explaining. Drugs aren't one size fits all. The same amount of drugs for you might affect someone half your size differently. If your body has built up a tolerance to a drug you might need more than what someone else who's body hasn't for the same affect. These are basic facts of chemistry and biology.
I'm not dodging, I'm explaining. Drugs aren't one size fits all. The same amount of drugs for you might affect someone half your size differently. If your body has built up a tolerance to a drug you might need more than what someone else who's body hasn't for the same affect. These are basic facts of chemistry and biology.
I don't need your failed explanation junior. I believe I have more experience in this subject than a civilian like you.
I don't need your failed explanation junior. I believe I have more experience in this subject than a civilian like you.

Excellent. Then you can explain why no edema was found in Floyd when one would expect to see it in the case of an overdose.
You expect an answer to a bullshit question coming from someone who believed the lie Floyd was killed by a knee on the neck????

Page ten of the autopsy report.

No Edema present. Edema is present in 96% of overdose victims. Unless the death is virtually instantaneous.

So the science says that given how long Floyd was in custody that an instant death is unlikely. Thus there should be Edema present.
Page ten of the autopsy report.

No Edema present. Edema is present in 96% of overdose victims. Unless the death is virtually instantaneous.

So the science says that given how long Floyd was in custody that an instant death is unlikely. Thus there should be Edema present.

Three Doctors testified that it was. A Coroner. A Cardiologist. And a Forensic Pathologist. Even the defense expert said that what Chauvin was doing was dangerous and not recommended.

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