Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

That's you're problem, you never shut up. Takes a good man like Derek Chauvin to get the job done. Lots more where he came from.
Sure. Get yourselves locked in prison for the rest of your lives while getting black families mutil million dollar pay outs. I suppose to an ignorant cuck like you that's what "getting the job done" looks like. 😄
How's that going for you? Jails are full of your kind. PS: I don't lay down for no one. I also obey the law.

Unlike George Floyd.
Now that we're becoming the majority we're filling them with your kind. 😄
Sure. Get yourselves locked in prison for the rest of your lives while getting black families mutil million dollar pay outs.
George finally did some good in life by dying and making his deadbeat family rich. Winners all around.

Now that we're becoming the majority
Come again? Blacks are 18% of the population. THere are more Latinos than you. And Latinos hate blacks for the lazy asses they are.
You'll always be a cuck.

And George Floyd is perma-retired for good.

Bye bye, George. Nightie Night.

George finally did some good in life by dying and making his deadbeat family rich. Winners all around.
Well except Chauvin, his family and the legion of cuck whites who let themselves be bullied for the benefit of black people of course.
Come again? Blacks are 18% of the population. THere are more Latinos than you. And Latinos hate blacks for the lazy asses they are.
You cuck whites should find a better lie. For some reason I don't feel all this hate coming from my Dominican and Cuban sisters in law.... 😄

Black and Latino and Asian and non racist whites are going to live together and breed together until everyone is brown and the only people salty over that inevitable future are you cuck whites.
That's not how odds work you dipshit. Lots of people take illegal drugs and don't end up murdered by police. I should know, I live in the illegal drug capital of the United States. Half the people down here in Miami are doing cocaine for lunch and that's after they have cafecito for breakfast which is strong enough that it probably should be illegal itself.
Not when he had 3 times the amount of fentanyl in his body.
You created this reality. Black folks are suffering and getting slaughtered by other black folks because cockroaches like you are eager to crucify white cops who naturally don't want to do their jobs. I commend their self preservation. The monolithic crime and murder rates in black shitholes isn't my problem. If you don't like it get off your ass and off of this forum and go fix it, asshole.

Black people are being killed because the gun industry has flooded these cities with guns. In fact, they went to court for the right to overturn sensible gun laws in these cities in order to flood the streets with guns. (Heller and McDonald)

99% of cops are good guys. Unfortunately, 1% of them are mutants like Chauvin, Wilson, Van Dyke, and Loehmann, who never should have been given a gun and a badge to start with. Whenever you get a case like this, it's never the outstanding officer who gets commendations; it's the officer who has a boatload of complaints by civilians for using excessive force. The problem is, the police feel an obligation to defend the 1% no matter what they get caught doing.

In an ideal world, someone would have taken a hard look at Chauvin when he put a 14-year-old child in the same chokehold he put Floyd in and passed out.
The only drug that killed Floyd was that new synthetic drug called kneeneck.

Um, okay. In the interest of both sides.

Floyd's chronic drug use was absolutely a contributor to his death. The fact the drugs were making him freak out at the thought of being arrested caused the cops to use force to control him. None of this excuses what Chauvin did, but George Floyd was NOT a model citizen. At the rate he was going, he was going to probably end up on a slab within a year, regardless.
Floyd was stoned on fentanyl and god knows what else. He resisted arrest after committing a felony forcing them to drag the counterfeiting, drug-dealing bitch-slapping fucker out of his car and hold him down and got what he deserved.

Chauvin was framed just to shut the blacks up.

Interesting. Framed. There seems to be a lot of video showing Chauvin doing it. His own statements seem to indicate he did it. So framed doesn’t seem to fit.
Chauvin is a convicted murderer. Too bad racists, your racist hero didn't get away this time.

I guess. The murder rate in cities like Chicago and Minneapolis are higher than they have ever been because the police are afraid to engage suspects, lest they become the next sacrificial lamb.


And this is the pendulum. Crime gets really bad, and we demand the cops do something about it. The cops do something about it, and people complain they are being too brutal and back off. Crime goes back up and people demand we do something about it.
Just remember to think of me the next time a bunch of black kids kill each other and know that I'm somewhere laughing my ass off!

Why would you laugh your ass off? That sounds like something a very damaged person would do.

And you call yourself a "Christian".

Look, we need better law enforcement, but we also need police reform. We also need to address the underlying causes of crime, which include gun proliferation, poverty, lack of treatment for addiction, lack of programs for the mentally ill, and, of course, racism.
No, but it doesn’t prove that’s what killed Floyd either.

In my opinion, Chauvin wasn’t convicted on evidence, he was convicted on bad optics,

Well, your opinion doesn't count, does it.

Riddle me this. If the police had just impounded Floyd's car, wrote him a ticket, and let him go on his way (which is really all the supposed offense really merited) do you think he would have died that afternoon? He might have died in a month or a year, because he was in poor health, but clearly, Chauvin's actions caused his death, either by choking him or putting him under so much stress his heart gave out.
I guess. The murder rate in cities like Chicago and Minneapolis are higher than they have ever been because the police are afraid to engage suspects, lest they become the next sacrificial lamb.

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And this is the pendulum. Crime gets really bad, and we demand the cops do something about it. The cops do something about it, and people complain they are being too brutal and back off. Crime goes back up and people demand we do something about it.
I really don't think it's too much to ask to not do it in a manner that results in the death of someone passing bad $20s. Time and time again when we take a look at these police departments we see the aren't spending their time finding your stolen car or who broke into your house. They're spending their time collecting tax revenue by way of fines from mostly poor black and brown communities, roughing up petty criminals five at a time and then standing back during a school shooting because going home to their families is apparently mission number one. That's what we pay them for after all. To go home to their families at night.

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