Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

It’s adorable that you still think your opinion is important.

I expressed an opinion, that’s it. It was not an assertion and neither did I say the ME was wrong.
The guy who did the autopsy says it was a homicide. I’d say his opinion is the important one.
It was certainly more important to the prosecution.

I’m not convinced he wasn’t pressured either by superiors, public sentiment or both.
There is no Mr Floyd.... There was only a lowlife, drugged out rapist who once held a shotgun to a pregnant woman's stomach. Using the word Mister in relation to that piece of garbage makes you a piece of garbage. You want to live in the world with no law enforcement??; Be my guest from what I understand England is well on its way to that condition. Chauvin's prosecution is yet another bone thrown to the politically correct totalitarians who protect the criminal element that supports them.
Damn whatever happened to the Good Ole Days of Slave Patrols, we you could just beat, shoot and lynch these lowlife blacks.
It's amazing that this is the same court that had enough moxie to overturn roe v Wade. When it comes to skin color issues they have the veriest of cowards.

Welcome to the world of democrat-sanctioned race riots, gunmen riding by your family home's doxxed address, and personal threats made against justices by heads of the federal government now. Democrats and ISIS both take different paths but both seek to attain the exact same results.

You are the only joke here. Autopsy reports show that Floyd died of drugs and not due to any pressure on his neck restricting either his airway or carotid blood flow.

Actually. The autopsy showed the exact opposite. The Autopsy showed definitely that it was not an overdose. The autopsy is why there hasn’t been one coroner or Doctor come forward claiming it was an overdose.
Actually. The autopsy showed the exact opposite. The Autopsy showed definitely that it was not an overdose. The autopsy is why there hasn’t been one coroner or Doctor come forward claiming it was an overdose.

Say what? I had a copy of the coroner's report, I know what it said. George Floyd's blood was a pharmacopeia of drugs that day.
Yep.... When it comes to the mob mentality that put Chauvin in jail yes.
And you're just going to let us bully the American people into putting Chauvin in prison? Stealing an election? Putting Trump on trial during his campaign (and you know what the verdicts going to be 😄). Aren't you cuck whites supposed to be made of stronger stuff than that? 😄
Say what? I had a copy of the coroner's report, I know what it said. George Floyd's blood was a pharmacopeia of drugs that day.

Excellent. Then you have the proof in your hands. Figuratively Speaking.

Just to be sure we are on the same sheet of music.

Look to the bottom of page nine and the top of page ten. No edema fluid was present. That is important.

In 96% of Opioid Overdoses which are fatal significant Edema is present. The lugs and heart are full of fluid. They swell. The times when this is not found the death was virtually instantaneous. You know the guy dies with the needle still in his arm.

We know Floyd died after minutes of being knelt on. More than enough time for the Edema to form. So that’s why not one of the Million Medical Doctors in this nation will not say Overdose was the cause of death. It’s why even the expert witness refused to rule it an overdose.

So as I said. It has been conclusively proven that Floyd did not die of an overdose. And you have had the proof in your hand the entire time.
Excellent. Then you have the proof in your hands.

Chauvin was framed.


Nothing about this punk's death justified the 2020 riots killing 50 people, injuring 60,000 police and wrecking 350 cities doing 2 billion in damages.
So you are admitting it wasn’t an overdose.

Floyd was stoned on fentanyl and god knows what else. He resisted arrest after committing a felony forcing them to drag the counterfeiting, drug-dealing bitch-slapping fucker out of his car and hold him down and got what he deserved.

Chauvin was framed just to shut the blacks up.
Floyd was stoned on fentanyl and god knows what else. He resisted arrest after committing a felony forcing them to drag the counterfeiting, drug-dealing bitch-slapping fucker out of his car and hold him down and got what he deserved.

Chauvin was framed just to shut the blacks up.
It didn't shut us up. It's emboldened us while you cuck whites have laid down to take it.
It didn't shut us up.
That's you're problem, you never shut up. Takes a good man like Derek Chauvin to get the job done. Lots more where he came from.

It's emboldened us while you cuck whites have laid down to take it.
How's that going for you? Jails are full of your kind. PS: I don't lay down for no one. I also obey the law.

Unlike George Floyd.

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