Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

BLM supporters are deprived people. They simply don’t give a damn about poor white people in this country. Many of them are selfish. They are monsters. Some of them are good people but they are brainwashed.

The great majority of Americans, black and white reject BLM, and they don’t want to see someone like Derek chauvin go to jail for decades ….. George Floyd was a career criminal who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach…. according to the autopsy, he died of a drug overdose. He was committing illegal acts on the day he was arrested.

Shame on the republican governor of Texas for giving George Floyd a State funeral …. One of the most embarrassing moments in American history.

Its a joke that he was allowed to appeal his sentence for murdering Mr Floyd. It must have been awful for the Floyds to relive this.
We all saw what happened. They should incrase the sentence for wasting court time.
No appeals for anyone ?
This is a good time to remind all of our resident right wingers of something :

You all like to call george floyd a scumbag. Well at best he was only the second biggest scumbag there that day. A murderer was there, too.

Naaaahh! The lifelong criminal and drug addict was definitely the biggest scumbag.

Yep, the truth is out there for those willing to look, so I can only assume once again that the court denied Chauvin a redress of his charges leaving him to rot in jail for the good of the court, afraid of the social and personal impact to the Justices who would likely suffer riots, threats and personal attacks for giving Chauvin a new hearing.

Its a joke that he was allowed to appeal his sentence for murdering Mr Floyd. It must have been awful for the Floyds to relive this.
We all saw what happened. They should incrase the sentence for wasting court time.
There is no Mr Floyd.... There was only a lowlife, drugged out rapist who once held a shotgun to a pregnant woman's stomach. Using the word Mister in relation to that piece of garbage makes you a piece of garbage. You want to live in the world with no law enforcement??; Be my guest from what I understand England is well on its way to that condition. Chauvin's prosecution is yet another bone thrown to the politically correct totalitarians who protect the criminal element that supports them.
Yep, the truth is out there for those willing to look, so I can only assume once again that the court denied Chauvin a redress of his charges leaving him to rot in jail for the good of the court, afraid of the social and personal impact to the Justices who would likely suffer riots, threats and personal attacks for giving Chauvin a new hearing.
It's amazing that this is the same court that had enough moxie to overturn roe v Wade. When it comes to skin color issues they have the veriest of cowards.
Yep, the truth is out there for those willing to look, so I can only assume once again that the court denied Chauvin a redress of his charges leaving him to rot in jail for the good of the court, afraid of the social and personal impact to the Justices who would likely suffer riots, threats and personal attacks for giving Chauvin a new hearing.
So even Republicans on the highest court in the country are complete pussies? 😄
Shit for brains take illegal drugs chances are you will die Floyd would had died that day.
That's not how odds work you dipshit. Lots of people take illegal drugs and don't end up murdered by police. I should know, I live in the illegal drug capital of the United States. Half the people down here in Miami are doing cocaine for lunch and that's after they have cafecito for breakfast which is strong enough that it probably should be illegal itself.
No, but it doesn’t prove that’s what killed Floyd either.

In my opinion, Chauvin wasn’t convicted on evidence, he was convicted on bad optics,
It’s adorable that you still think your opinion is important.

The guy who did the autopsy says it was a homicide. I’d say his opinion is the important one.

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