Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

I didn’t say it proves him right.

But you used the fallacy anyway.
I said I’m more likely to believe his word over yours for the same reason you’re more likely to listen to your doctor instead of your janitor friend.

And I said I’m not inclined to take his word because of the pressure he was under. So?
I proved my accusation against you.

Bullshit. You accused me of lying before any of that. You accused me of lying without cause when I said I didn’t question Baker’s competence.
Showed you a post that proves you lied. You’re not fooling anyone.
Neither are you. You’re just as full of shit as anyone here.

You avoided a simple question three times and then accused me without cause of lying just to avoid it again.

This was after hounding me for days for not answering a question. That’s what’s known as hypocrisy.
But you used the fallacy anyway.
Your doctor says you have cancer. Your janitor friend says you don’t. Is it a fallacy for you to believe your doctor over your janitor friend? You’ve proven that you will make bullshit claims even when you know you’re wrong.
Bullshit. You accused me of lying before any of that. You accused me of lying without cause when I said I didn’t question Baker’s competence.

You avoided a simple question three times and then accused me without cause of lying just to avoid it again.
1. I simply disagreed with you about your claim. I disagree with you about you not questioning his competence.

2. You’ve proven that you have a tendency to lie.

3. Keep crying, liar.
Three guys were holding him down because he kept resisting.

It's very telling how much you have to lie to prop up your bullshit position. In reality, he resisted for only about 30-40 seconds.

I don’t have a Youtube account.

Who knows why you think you need a youtube account to watch that video? :dunno:

Regardless of whether you watch it or not, it doesn't alter my description of what it shows.

Didn’t I just say that?

You did, but oddly enough, despite saying he should be properly punished, you deny he was responsible.

Do you reserve any judgment for others who throw that word around first?

I was called “idiot”, “stupid”, “retarded”, “racist”, and “Grand Kleagle” long before I ever used the word and no one said shit.

It is quite telling that people here are more upset by my denying I called anyone “idiot” than by my being called even worse for no fucking reason other than that they disagree with my argument.

I don't care who calls who what. Most people here resort to name calling. Myself included. I took exception to you lying yet again.
Your premise is wrong.
No, it's exactly the same. You fail to acknowledge it's the same because you have proven over and over again that you would rather argue a point that you know is wrong than admit that you're wrong. It's not fooling anyone. You're just proving that you're a liar with a delicate ego.
1. I simply disagreed with you about your claim.

I disagree with you about you not questioning his competence.

By saying I lied.
2. You’ve proven that you have a tendency to lie.

So have you.
3. Keep crying, liar.

Says the baby flooding the discussion with multiple posts when one will suffice.

You’re wasting server space you moron.

By saying I lied.

So have you.

Says the baby flooding the discussion with multiple posts when one will suffice.

You’re wasting server space you moron.
If you don’t want to be called a liar, then stop lying. Or keep crying about it like a little bitch. That’s fine with me too. :)
No, it's exactly the same.

No, it’s not,
You fail to acknowledge it's the same because you have proven over and over again that you would rather argue a point that you know is wrong than admit that you're wrong.

This may surprise you but I actually do think my take on this is possible.

You are so stubborn and arrogant that, not only do you disagree with my argument (which I don’t even have a problem with) you feel you have to disagree for me, i.e. try to convince me I don’t believe my own argument.
It's not fooling anyone. You're just proving that you're a liar with a delicate ego.

Yeah, my whole purpose here of arguing that maybe Floyd died of a drug- and stress-induced heart attack was to prove I’m a liar.

What a dolt.
I don't care who calls who what. Most people here resort to name calling. Myself included. I took exception to you lying yet again.
But not Xpo’s lying? Or what about JoeB? Or Curried Goats?

All three of these assholes lied and/or pushed false information in this discussion and no one said jack shit.
No, it’s not,
Yes it is. That’s why you can’t refute what I said.

This may surprise you but I actually do think my take on this is possible.
Possible, sure. Likely, no. I asked you who is more likely to be correct about the cause of death - Baker or you. The answer is obvious.

You are so stubborn and arrogant that, not only do you disagree with my argument (which I don’t even have a problem with) you feel you have to disagree for me, i.e. try to convince me I don’t believe my own argument.
I believe that you believe in your stupid argument. I believe that you know you got caught lying multiple times and, rather than address your lies, you’re trying to pretend that you didn’t lie. It’s not working.

Yeah, my whole purpose here of arguing that maybe Floyd died of a drug- and stress-induced heart attack was to prove I’m a liar.

What a dolt.
Not what I said. Your purpose here isn’t to prove that you’re a liar. But in this discussion, you have proven that you’re a liar.
Yes it is. That’s why you can’t refute what I said.

How am I supposed to prove I really do question Baker’s competence?
Possible, sure. Likely, no. I asked you who is more likely to be correct about the cause of death - Baker or you. The answer is obvious.

With all the other things factored in like overwhelming bias towards neck compression and mutiple people pressuring him to add it to the autopsy report? No, it is anything but obvious.
I believe that you believe in your stupid argument.

Does that mean you now believe me when I say I don’t question Baker’s competence?
I believe that you know you got caught lying multiple times and, rather than address your lies, you’re trying to pretend that you didn’t lie. It’s not working.

I frankly don’t give a loose shit in a high wind about that. It’s irrelevant to the discussion.
Not what I said. Your purpose here isn’t to prove that you’re a liar. But in this discussion, you have proven that you’re a liar.
So have you. So?
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How am I supposed to prove I really do question Baker’s competence?
No. You can’t answer whether you’re more likely to listen to your doctor or your janitor friend because it shuts down your stupid argument.

With all the other things factored in like overwhelming bias towards neck compression and mutiple people pressuring him to add it to the autopsy report? No, it is anything but obvious.
It is obvious. The medical examiner is more credible than you are. He’s more likely to be correct about the cause of death than you are. For you to argue otherwise is beyond retarded.

Does that mean you now believe me when I say I don’t question Baker’s competence?
No. And I encourage you to continue to whine about that all you like.

I frankly don’t give a loose shit in a high wind about that. It’s irrelevant to the discussion.
See. You got caught in multiple lies and your delicate ego won’t allow you to admit it. You tried to argue that you didn’t make a conclusion about whether Chauvin killed Floyd until after the trial and I proved that you’re COMPLETELY full of shit about that. That was your argument. Your argument was a complete fucking lie. And you come up with bullshit excuses to avoid addressing that. You and I both know you’re wrong. You would rather cling to a lie that you know is a lie than admit you were wrong.

So have you. So?
No. You’re doing it again. You’re making bullshit up. You know you’re making bullshit up. And you have no intention of admitting to your lies even when it’s proven to you.

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