Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

No. You can’t answer whether you’re more likely to listen to your doctor or your janitor friend because it shuts down your stupid argument.

Irrelevant. You’ve changed the fucking question like four times now and I have no reason or desire to answer any of them.

I’m still talking about Baker’s competence: I don’t question it.
It is obvious. The medical examiner is more credible than you are. He’s more likely to be correct about the cause of death than you are. For you to argue otherwise is beyond retarded.

So you disagree. I get that. But what is the point in telling me this thirty times when you know I won’t change my position?
No. And I encourage you to continue to whine about that all you like.

You just said: “I believe that you believe in your stupid argument.”

Do you think I believe my argument or not?
See. You got caught in multiple lies and your delicate ego won’t allow you to admit it.

You haven’t admitted your lies or hypocrisy so why should I?
You tried to argue that you didn’t make a conclusion about whether Chauvin killed Floyd until after the trial and I proved that you’re COMPLETELY full of shit about that. That was your argument. Your argument was a complete fucking lie. And you come up with bullshit excuses to avoid addressing that. You and I both know you’re wrong. You would rather cling to a lie that you know is a lie than admit you were wrong.

And you lied when you said I question Baker’s competence. So?
No. You’re doing it again. You’re making bullshit up. You know you’re making bullshit up. And you have no intention of admitting to your lies even when it’s proven to you.
See above. You also just contradicted yourself.
And you think that’s an intelligent belief too, I bet. Your half-baked retarded opinions can use some critical thought.
Oh for fuck’s sake. I was being facetious you idiot.
Are you claiming that I’m a liar because I said I disagree with you about that?

You didn’t say you disagree, you just said I do question his competence when I said I don’t.
So I need to agree with you about all the things you say or else that makes me a liar?
Irrelevant. You avoided a question three times and only said that to avoid the question because you knew it was not relevant.

And yes, telling me I question his competence when I say I don’t is calling me a liar.
Irrelevant. You’ve changed the fucking question like four times now and I have no reason or desire to answer any of them.

It's not irrelevant. I’m countering your argument and you’re running away from it. Because your argument, once again, is stupid.

So you disagree. I get that. But what is the point in telling me this thirty times when you know I won’t change my position?
It’s a discussion board. I’m discussing. If you don't like that, tough shit.

You just said: “I believe that you believe in your stupid argument.”

Do you think I believe my argument or not?
I believe that you believe Baker is wrong. I also believe that you're questioning Baker's competence. Go ahead and cry some more about that. Not my problem.

You haven’t admitted your lies or hypocrisy so why should I?

And you lied when you said I question Baker’s competence. So?
So if I disagree with you, I'm lying? Lmao, you're so fucking stupid. I haven't lied. Disagreeing with you about what you think is not me lying.

See above. You also just contradicted yourself.
No, you're just lying as you have shown a tendency to do. You make bullshit up. You know you make bullshit up. And you have no intention of admitting to your lies even when it’s proven to you.

Oh for fuck’s sake. I was being facetious you idiot.
Were you also being facetious when you said you didn't form an opinion about Chauvin's innocence until after the trial? Whoops, you can't answer for that fucking lie of yours now can you.
It's not irrelevant. I’m countering your argument and you’re running away from it. Because your argument, once again, is stupid.

How many times do you need to tell me my argument is stupid before you’re convinced my argument is stupid?
It’s a discussion board. I’m discussing. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Is it a “Repeat yourself thirty times” type of discussion board?

I believe that you believe Baker is wrong. I also believe that you're questioning Baker's competence. Go ahead and cry some more about that. Not my problem.

So now you don’t believe I believe my stupid argument?
So if I disagree with you, I'm lying? Lmao, you're so fucking stupid. I haven't lied. Disagreeing with you about what you think is not me lying.

There was nothing to disagree with, dumbass. I withheld an opinion about Baker’s competence because I don’t know.

Do you at least agree with me that I don’t know if Baker is competent or not? For that matter, would you agree if I said he was competent?
No, you're just lying as you have shown a tendency to do. You make bullshit up. You know you make bullshit up. And you have no intention of admitting to your lies even when it’s proven to you.

Blah blah blah
Were you also being facetious when you said you didn't form an opinion about Chauvin's innocence until after the trial? Whoops, you can't answer for that fucking lie of yours now can you.
Can you answer for your hypocrisy and self contradiction?

Keep in mind that you avoided a question three times and then lied about what I think before the issue of me lying ever came up.

You’re full of shit.
Pay attention you moron. You said that I lied. You called me a liar. Am I a liar if I don't agree with you about all the things you say? It's a simple question.
You’re a liar for stating a falsehood. If nothing else, you used it as a deflection from the stated premise so you wouldn’t have to address the premise.

You’re a coward and a hypocrite.
Is it a “Repeat yourself thirty times” type of discussion board?
Keep in mind that you avoided a question three times and then lied about what I think before the issue of me lying ever came up.
Once again with your lack of self-awareness. How many times have you repeated this line? I answered your question and you're still throwing a whiny hissy fit about it. Keep crying about it you little bitch.
There was nothing to disagree with, dumbass. I withheld an opinion about Baker’s competence because I don’t know.
And I disagree with you about you withholding an opinion on Baker's competence. In my opinion, you have articulated points that reflect that you think very negatively of Baker's competence in the handling of Floyd's death. You've stated that you think he's wrong, that he was not objective in his analysis, and that he allowed outside pressure to influence him into into screwing Chauvin over. If all of this is true, then an innocent man was ultimately thrown in prison for a very long time over Baker's mistakes. That, to me, describes incompetence. So I disagree with you on your claim that you have withheld an opinion about Baker's competence. That's my honest answer. Am I a liar for not agreeing with you?
Once again with your lack of self-awareness. How many times have you repeated this line?

What line?
I answered your question and you're still throwing a whiny hissy fit about it. Keep crying about it you little bitch.

You avoided it three times after criticizing me for doing the same thing (little bitch).
So if I disagree with what you say, that means I'm stating a falsehood, which makes me a liar. Is that accurate? LoL
You didn’t disagree with what I said, you told me I don’t think what I think.

And I disagree with you about you withholding an opinion on Baker's competence. In my opinion, you have articulated points that reflect that you think very negatively of Baker's competence in the handling of Floyd's death. You've stated that you think he's wrong, that he was not objective in his analysis, and that he allowed outside pressure to influence him into into screwing Chauvin over. If all of this is true, then an innocent man was ultimately thrown in prison for a very long time over Baker's mistakes. That, to me, describes incompetence. So I disagree with you on your claim that you have withheld an opinion about Baker's competence. That's my honest answer. Am I a liar for not agreeing with you?
You avoided another question: Do you agree that I don’t know whether Baker is competent or not?
You avoided another question: Do you agree that I don’t know whether Baker is competent or not?
Kind of a weird question. I'm not sure how anyone can know something like that in the first place. For the sake of argument, despite you being a proven liar who refuses to acknowledge your lies, sure.
What lies have they told?
JoeB lies as a matter of course but in this discussion he lied about the Michael Brown case when we touched on that as he always does. And of course he calls me racist, which is not true.

Curried Goats lied about details regarding the ME, prosecutors and the autopsy report. Though in his case it could just be ignorance of facts, which I’ve noticed with him before.
He also calls me a deplorable racist, which is a lie.

Xpo lied when he said I question the ME’s competence when I specifically said I don’t.
"Is it a “Repeat yourself thirty times” type of discussion board?" :laugh: Cry some more. I still answered it.
No you didn’t. You responded to it but you didn’t tell me why it was relevant.
I think you're questioning his competence.

Which is not true.
Kind of a weird question. I'm not sure how anyone can know something like that in the first place.

Then the answer is obvious, isn’t it?
For the sake of argument, despite you being a proven liar who refuses to acknowledge your lies, sure.
So you agree I don’t know that he’s competent or incompetent?
In the same way you withheld an opinion about whether you believe Chauvin killed Floyd or not until after the trial? Liar.
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Maybe you should try crying some more about it. I answered it, liar.

In that case, tell me again why it’s relevant because I must have missed it.

So we both agree I don’t know if he’s competent or not but you believe I think he’s incompetent? Does that make any sense?
So you can't address your lie about withholding an opinion about Chauvin's innocence until after the trial. Liar.

Address your hypocrisy.

If you can’t acknowledge that you did exactly what you criticized me for - avoiding a question - then I guess there’s nothing else to say.

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