Murders of environmental activists rose 20 percent in 2014


Darwin was a pastafarian
Jul 24, 2013
We never hear about anti-environmental activists getting murdered, do we?

Killings of environmental activists rose 20 percent in 2014 report -

WASHINGTON, April 21 (UPI) -- Worldwide killings of land and environmental activists increased by 20 percent last year, mostly in Central and South America.

The "How Many More?" report by U.K-based Global Witness found that at least 116 activists were killed worldwide in 2014. The organization said the death toll could be much higher, since many murders in remote areas may go unreported.
"A shocking 40 percent of victims were indigenous, with most people dying amid disputes over hydropower, mining and agri-business," according to the report. "Nearly three-quarters of the deaths we found information on were in Central and South America."
Brazil had 29 activists murdered, Colombia had 25 murders and the Philippines had 15. Brazil has had the most activists murdered since 2002 with 477.

More at the link.
I would think these environutbags would learn to stay the hell out of south america.
It appears to be bad for their health.
Now, if these environmentalist were murdered by Blacks, this thread would have been hopping. :cranky:

Nothing compared to the mayhem we'd see if the environuts were black and the killers white.
But since it's in s. america there is little chance it will get traction in the LSM.
Ya know there's a lot left out of the article, one thing is it mentions police killed some during protests, doesn't say if the protest was peaceful or violent, if it was violent were those killed really environmental activists or radical instigators with no affiliation with environmental groups/causes. Heck, the article raises even more questions unless the goal was to upset and impassion readers to act not think. :dunno:
One basic principle often overlooked in the training of protestors:

The human body makes, at best, an ineffective speed bump.
Ya know there's a lot left out of the article, one thing is it mentions police killed some during protests, doesn't say if the protest was peaceful or violent, if it was violent were those killed really environmental activists or radical instigators with no affiliation with environmental groups/causes. Heck, the article raises even more questions unless the goal was to upset and impassion readers to act not think. :dunno:

When indigenous peoples are killed for defending their lands (Honduras alone has seen 101 such deaths between 2010 and 2014), I think everyone should be upset. But then, when we look at what was/is done to our own indigenous people and their lands, it is hardly surprising that we see the kind of spurious, inconsiderate responses we've seen in this thread.
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In America human life is of no value.

If it had then Obama would have brought all the troops home straight away as he promised.
I bet all of them were white and all the perps were no biggie. This isnt a good thread for name calling and wondering about upbringing
it's ironic that this thread is considered bizarre by the racists and the ignorant.
it's farce at it's finest!

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