Murthen Emerys Lenns


Aug 6, 2011
I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?

I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?

Population issues might come under the environment.
Depopulation by force or means of WOMDs should be discussed with an agent at FBI — Homepage

Welcome to USMB, MELenns.

The deer ate all my melons. Sorry. I had to say it. :D
I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?


Humor of course! Where else would you expect to post comedy!
I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?


Well the Georgia Guidestones says 500 million is the ideal so who knows.


I am a newbie too. :)
Well the Georgia Guidestones says 500 million is the ideal so who knows.

Yo Sam,
There is a completely straight and serious webpage that says that five hundred million is the minimum that would be desirable, and that two billion is the maximum that would be sustainable.

I'm convinced that the human specie is NOT from the planet earth. The species that originated here are the ones that don't pollute.

If humans were from here, we wouldn't pollute either.

Welcome, I am a newbie too. :)


I found USMB by Googling "Plan to depopulate the earth", and the reference was about the Denver International Airport.

The fact is that there's no way to tell what is real and what is BS.

My client "The Seer" is quite an unusual old gentleman. He is a very mystical person, and has a somewhat wider view of the world than most. He is making the case for there actually being a plan afoot to depopulate the planet to save it, its biosphere, and a relatively small contingent of humans. He and I have discussed this at some length.

There are two possible sources of the depopulation plan.

The first one being that the earth itself is beginning to respond to the mess that the humans have made and are making. Being a living organism, the earth has an immune system that has a formidable array of weapons at its disposal.

The other possible source of the origin of the plan to depopulate the planet is a small group of very wealthy individuals who plan to rid the planet of the poor, the ill, and the elderly.

Their plan has a somewhat lengthy history, leading up to the present time when it appears that the plan is finally being implemented.

The "Arab Spring" uprising against Egypt's Mubarak, Libya's Gaddafi, Syria's Assad, and now surprisingly, Israel's leaders, are all back-lashes against the measures implementing the plan.

The thing that they all have in common is that they are attributed to the economic situations in those countries.

And while Mubarak, Gaddafi, and Assad are being thrown under the bus, their regimes are still in power and are still being controlled by the ultra-rich of the world.

Additionally, the economic problems that are occurring in Europe, and the USA are attributed to the ultra-rich's hoarding of the wealth (i.e. the top two percent of the population have amassed ninety-seven percent of the money), and to the ultra-rich having taken control of the governments of the world by buying the administrations, legislatures, and judiciaries of the nations of the world.

It doesn't really matter to the ultra-rich if the people of the world revolt against their plan, as that will only hasten the demise of the revolutionaries.

The ultra-rich are basically invisible, since we don't actually know who they are, and they have safely buffered themselves from the chaos by dint of their being able to distance themselves physically from any insurrection. They are protected by mercenaries paid to defend them from anyone who might try to harm them physically.

It's a strange time in which to spend one's "Golden Years". Fortunately, I don't have all that much longer to live, but was hoping that the actual tipping point of the plan was still some time off, so that I wouldn't have to go through the imminent tribulation that is apparently facing the human population on the planet. Alas, it seems that the plan is already in motion and is coming to the point where it is ready to go to critical mass, and everything is ready to hell in a shopping cart.

Some want to blame the Republicans/Tea Party. Some want to blame the Democrats, but the GOP and Dems are but small fry, engaged in the good-guy/bad-guy game being foisted on the the American people in the form of political theater.

The political parties are just whores who have sold their allegiance to those who supply them with the funding that enables them to gain the positions of power that they have attained in order to do the will of the ultra-wealthy.

I'm afraid that the best that can be hoped for is that the demise of those who are slated for depopulation is not terribly long and painful.

I talked with The Seer early this morning, and he said to expect the break up of the United States in the very near future. It has already happened to the Soviet Union. The European Union is nearing the beginning of its demise, and the US is next on the agenda.

I sometimes think that if I were not so old (I'm almost seventy-five), and not so ill (I have a terminal illness) that heading out into the wilderness would be the thing to do. But in actuality, the only real way out of this is a quick and painless suicide.

So that's about it. Things don't seem to be going very well in the REAL world, do they?

I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?

Stick it up your .......
Yo Sam,
There is a completely straight and serious webpage that says that five hundred million is the minimum that would be desirable, and that two billion is the maximum that would be sustainable.

I'm convinced that the human specie is NOT from the planet earth. The species that originated here are the ones that don't pollute.

Yes, we were transported here by aliens.

If humans were from here, we wouldn't pollute either.

No, I still think they would.

I found USMB by Googling "Plan to depopulate the earth", and the reference was about the Denver International Airport.

The fact is that there's no way to tell what is real and what is BS.

My client "The Seer" is quite an unusual old gentleman. He is a very mystical person, and has a somewhat wider view of the world than most. He is making the case for there actually being a plan afoot to depopulate the planet to save it, its biosphere, and a relatively small contingent of humans. He and I have discussed this at some length.

There are two possible sources of the depopulation plan.

The first one being that the earth itself is beginning to respond to the mess that the humans have made and are making. Being a living organism, the earth has an immune system that has a formidable array of weapons at its disposal.

The other possible source of the origin of the plan to depopulate the planet is a small group of very wealthy individuals who plan to rid the planet of the poor, the ill, and the elderly.

Their plan has a somewhat lengthy history, leading up to the present time when it appears that the plan is finally being implemented.

The "Arab Spring" uprising against Egypt's Mubarak, Libya's Gaddafi, Syria's Assad, and now surprisingly, Israel's leaders, are all back-lashes against the measures implementing the plan.

The thing that they all have in common is that they are attributed to the economic situations in those countries.

And while Mubarak, Gaddafi, and Assad are being thrown under the bus, their regimes are still in power and are still being controlled by the ultra-rich of the world.

Additionally, the economic problems that are occurring in Europe, and the USA are attributed to the ultra-rich's hoarding of the wealth (i.e. the top two percent of the population have amassed ninety-seven percent of the money), and to the ultra-rich having taken control of the governments of the world by buying the administrations, legislatures, and judiciaries of the nations of the world.

It doesn't really matter to the ultra-rich if the people of the world revolt against their plan, as that will only hasten the demise of the revolutionaries.

The ultra-rich are basically invisible, since we don't actually know who they are, and they have safely buffered themselves from the chaos by dint of their being able to distance themselves physically from any insurrection. They are protected by mercenaries paid to defend them from anyone who might try to harm them physically.

It's a strange time in which to spend one's "Golden Years". Fortunately, I don't have all that much longer to live, but was hoping that the actual tipping point of the plan was still some time off, so that I wouldn't have to go through the imminent tribulation that is apparently facing the human population on the planet. Alas, it seems that the plan is already in motion and is coming to the point where it is ready to go to critical mass, and everything is ready to hell in a shopping cart.

Some want to blame the Republicans/Tea Party. Some want to blame the Democrats, but the GOP and Dems are but small fry, engaged in the good-guy/bad-guy game being foisted on the the American people in the form of political theater.

The political parties are just whores who have sold their allegiance to those who supply them with the funding that enables them to gain the positions of power that they have attained in order to do the will of the ultra-wealthy.

I'm afraid that the best that can be hoped for is that the demise of those who are slated for depopulation is not terribly long and painful.

I talked with The Seer early this morning, and he said to expect the break up of the United States in the very near future. It has already happened to the Soviet Union. The European Union is nearing the beginning of its demise, and the US is next on the agenda.

I sometimes think that if I were not so old (I'm almost seventy-five), and not so ill (I have a terminal illness) that heading out into the wilderness would be the thing to do. But in actuality, the only real way out of this is a quick and painless suicide.

So that's about it. Things don't seem to be going very well in the REAL world, do they?


I am fully aware of all you talked about. You seem very knowledgeable about many things. Perhaps you should start creating threads. I would be interested to read your thoughts.
Yes, we were transported here by aliens.

Yo Sam,
We ARE the aliens.

I am fully aware of all you talked about.

It seems that there are quite a few who are aware of the idea, but it seems that they think that it is improbable that anyone would be planning such a thing.

Still, while the rest of the world is engaged in the present economic situation, it is being reported that 12,000,000 people in Somalia are in need of aid, and that 30,000 children have starved to death recently. And no one seems to be doing much about it. If there really isn't a plan to depopulate the earth, it seems to be happening none the less.

You seem very knowledgeable about many things. Perhaps you should start creating threads.

It was not my idea to use the USMB as a pulpit. I was more looking for information concerning the depopulation that wasn't beyond the pale of rationality.

I would be interested to read your thoughts.

As I mentioned in my OP, I am a literary agent for a writer who uses the pen name "The Seer", and most of what I've written here so far is actually of HIS origin.

Are you aware of the writings of Georges I. Gurdjieff, Piet D. Ouspensky, Robert S. DeRopp, or James P. Karse?

The Seer is of that genre' of writing, having spent since the early '60s studying the subject of heightened awareness and advanced consciousness. My association with him has convinced me that he has attained what the above mentioned writers are writing about, that is a higher than usual awareness or consciousness.

Have you ever heard of solipsism? That's an interesting subject. It is the third explanation for our existence.

The first explanation is the religious explanation (God created everything).
The second explanation is the scientific explanation (the Big Bang created everything). The third explanation is that existence is solipsistic, that it, that existence is a purely psychological event.

In other words, what we perceive as reality is all a dream, in which we are the characters in the dream.

The Seer is a solipsist. And here is something that he has written:

"Within the mind of the cosmic soul of the universe,
Resides the eternal, infinite void,
Into which ever expands the eidolon* of solipsistic reality,
Perceived as the time/space, energy/matter, life/mind continuum."
*(good word, look it up)

So hope you are staying cool, and hanging in there.

I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?


In a casket. Preferably with your body.
I am M. E. Lenns, literary agent for "The Seer" who is the most advanced life master presently writing.

I found the US Message Board while looking for information on the subject of the plan to depopulate the planet.

Was completely surprised at the sheer number of sights containing various conspiracy theories concerning the depopulation of the earth.

The Seer has recently been seeing that there is in progress a "necessary" operation to take the population of the planet from its present nearly seven billion humans down to two billion.

The Seer has come to this conclusion independently and is not connected to any conspiracy theory. Just the conditions and situations that are presently occurring make it clear that some huge operation is taking place.

So I have one question: Where on the US Message Board would be the appropriate place to post this information?


We obviously need a delusion forum.
Let me say this clearly... I am going to attempt to make the case that: The BIGGEST conspiracy presently being foisted on the world is: THE DEPOPULATION OF THE EARTH FROM NEARLY SEVEN BILLION TO AROUND TWO BILLION SOULS.

Plainly stated: The BIGGEST problem on the planet is that: THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE for our fragile planet to support.

There HAS to be a culling of the human population, and the first groups to go will be: THE POOR; THE ILL; and THE ELDERLY, for they present the biggest drain on resources and funding, and are the least necessary.

I don't disagree with the premise that it is necessary to lessen the burden put on the planet by over-population. I can see that it is absolutely necessary. What concerns me most is that the methods that are going to used are going to cause unnecessary anguish, suffering, and pain. There HAS to be a better way to get rid of five billion people than to make them just go away and die of disease, starvation, and neglect.

So what is first going to be done, is to collect and connect the dots as they are found.

So this morning's dot... Another piece of THE CONSPIRACY TO DEPOPULATE THE EARTH is in this morning's news.

It was reported this morning that there is an ever growing shortage of medications necessary for therapy of the planet's most common illness. The main one being hepatitis which is presently epidemic on the planet.

It now becomes clear why the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit was pushed through even though it was unfunded.

What easier way to identify the poor, ill, and elderly that are slated for disposal than to have them sign up for medications at very low cost?

Then all that has to be done to rid the system of those chosen to be eradicated is to have the pharmaceutical companies skimp on the production of the medications necessary to deal with the disease.

Pretty slick wouldn't you say? And all this is done with plausible denial. "It's no one's fault that there isn't enough stuff with which to make the medications."

For all of you who will be following this thread and deeming the premise that there is in progress a plan to depopulate the earth to be delusional, all I ask is that you keep an open mind. I'm not going to make up stuff. I'm just going to collect the pieces of the puzzle and present them to you in an organized manner. You are the jury. I am the prosecution. I have to make the case to you to get your verdict.

The fact that you think that the idea that depopulation of the earth is a paranoid delusion is but tantamount to the assumption of innocence on the part of the conspiracy.

I welcome that attitude.

BTW, there will be no defense, for those who would defend this premise are those who are fomenting the conspiracy. They can't defend against the prosecution without acknowledging that there is, in fact, such a conspiracy afoot.

All I ask is a fair hearing on the evidence which will be presented piece by piece, and little by little.

Also, part of the prosecution's case will be the manner in which the case is presented. It will be well written, properly punctuated, with correct syntax. It will be succinct, documented, main points delineated, and even though it may become evident that yes, there is some amount of paranoia involved, remember this: Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't such a conspiracy afoot.

Will see you back here next time with the next dot to connect.

Isn't this fun, you guys?

Well, if there's to be a cull, you're a sure fire candidate for the head of the queue!
Editec's gutless/guiltless way to depopulate the planet:

Convince and/or coerce the leaders of the world's economies and goverments to operate based on the principles of free market capitalism. Convince enough of the people that dog-eat-dog social darwinism is the nature of mankind's most efficently run societies.

The terrible beauty of this system is that it incentivizes a whole lot of people to play their part in it without having to include them in any secret conspiracy.

This other genius of this system is that it can be done openly and in plain sight. In fact it must be done openly to insure that it will attract enough supporters from the general population to work

Then, as billions squabble over the scraps as things like natural disasters, droughts, shortages, pollutions and whatnot, make it virtully impossible for most people to survive, the Well heeled and better prepared survivors can tell themselves (as so many already do) that they were not responsible for what the invisible hand of the indifferent market is doing to their fellow human beings.

Oh wait...I'm sorry...that's not a really either a conspiracy OR a theory, is it?

My bad.
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Well, if there's to be a cull, you're a sure fire candidate for the head of the queue!

Yo Mr. C,
EXACTLY! I'm poor, I'm ill, and I'm elderly. I don't have long to live, and if what I think is going to happen really IS going to happen, I will die an extended and agonizing death.

I would be eternally grateful if the "Next World Order" would start "The Euthanization Agency" (TEA).

Since they are getting ready to do away with the poor, the ill, and the elderly, I qualify for the service. It is my patriotic duty to the United States and to the economy for which it stands, AND my moral duty to my beloved Mother Earth to be first on the list. In fact, in the post to which you responded I wrote:

What concerns me most is that the methods that are going to used are going to cause unnecessary anguish, suffering, and pain. There HAS to be a better way to get rid of five billion people than to make them just go away and die of disease, starvation, and neglect.

I've written extensively about euthanasia on my blog "Behind the Veil". Google that, and go read the whole story.

Nonetheless, thanks for the comment. It is thoughtful and appreciated.


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