Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
So... anonymous, yes?
Talk about joke son. You know everything you need to know and dare not expose yourself to anything that contradicts your bullshit pseudo-reality.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
So... anonymous, yes?
Possibly... I don't have her personal information. I am willing to bet that the airline has her contact info.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
I read it you dumb fuck. The actual post is there and she did not use her name.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
So... anonymous, yes?
Possibly... I don't have her personal information. I am willing to bet that the airline has her contact info.
A bet you would lose. Upon what do you base that asinine conclusion?
I used her faith to differentiate between her and the woman who contradicted her account.

Yes a witness has contradicted her. See post #1 this thread. The airline more or less has to issue an apology regardless. Let her try to sue, however, and you will see 100 witnesses and 4 flight attendants take the stand if the claim is paddymurphy I mean bullshit.
You use her faith to explain why you think she lied. What faith was the flight attendant?
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
I read it you dumb fuck. The actual post is there and she did not use her name.
They quoted a post and did not include her personal info. Had they, she would by now, own the site, or don't you believe in the right to privacy?

I'm betting that the airline has her contact info should they need it in a civil action.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
So... anonymous, yes?
Possibly... I don't have her personal information. I am willing to bet that the airline has her contact info.
A bet you would lose. Upon what do you base that asinine conclusion?
You seem to think that an airline doesn't monitor their own airline's forum pages, yet you characterize my conclusions as asinine... It's a simple matter to contact a poster privately and ask if she would be available for a deposition in a future lawsuit.
I used her faith to differentiate between her and the woman who contradicted her account.

Yes a witness has contradicted her. See post #1 this thread. The airline more or less has to issue an apology regardless. Let her try to sue, however, and you will see 100 witnesses and 4 flight attendants take the stand if the claim is paddymurphy I mean bullshit.
You use her faith to explain why you think she lied. What faith was the flight attendant?
No. I didn't... ever.... nowhere.

Why would that matter?
Deport to where?? . :dunno:

She is an American citizen who grew up in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School. ..... :cool:
We can put all the Muslim countries on a Wheel Of Fortune and have her give it a big spin to find out what shit hole she'll be sent to.
How about we send you to whatever incest laden village you emerged from?
Why tip toe around the line, asshole? Out with it. Be a man.
Only a mentally ill or one with diminished mental functioning can be a bigot like you. This woman is a far better person; a far better American than you are. You know nothing about her other than the fact that she is a Muslim. And, to your damaged brain, that makes her somehow inferior to you. And that is the most laughable part; that you think you are better than her. You do not have her education; her accomplishments. All you have is you not being a Muslim. And that means nothing.
You know jack shit about me, asshole. Come on shit head! Man up!
This common nickel jack wagon is making a lot of enemies here.
"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger who sat near the Muslim woman on the plane shreds her story to pieces, and given the fact that she’s a known “social justice” activist, it’s not a stretch to believe the newly revealed details, even though they haven’t yet been confirmed."

I don't know if this women was being overly dramatic/looking for trouble or not? That being said, I am not willing to just believe an article whose evidence consists of a post on an airplane forum and is presently unconfirmed.

Hey! Someone said this lady was a liar - AND she's an activist. We know all those activists are prejudiced.
No one in a position to know has said she is a liar; only the fools on here condemning her solely because of her faith. And she is a chaplain at Northwestern.
Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
Labeling people as bigots is a waste of time...We don't care....Your accusations are false. Stick it where the sun don't shine.
We can put all the Muslim countries on a Wheel Of Fortune and have her give it a big spin to find out what shit hole she'll be sent to.
How about we send you to whatever incest laden village you emerged from?
Why tip toe around the line, asshole? Out with it. Be a man.
Only a mentally ill or one with diminished mental functioning can be a bigot like you. This woman is a far better person; a far better American than you are. You know nothing about her other than the fact that she is a Muslim. And, to your damaged brain, that makes her somehow inferior to you. And that is the most laughable part; that you think you are better than her. You do not have her education; her accomplishments. All you have is you not being a Muslim. And that means nothing.
You know jack shit about me, asshole. Come on shit head! Man up!
This common nickel jack wagon is making a lot of enemies here.
I respect my enemies. It will be a cold day in hell before I respect anyone with the intellect of a garden slug.
"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger who sat near the Muslim woman on the plane shreds her story to pieces, and given the fact that she’s a known “social justice” activist, it’s not a stretch to believe the newly revealed details, even though they haven’t yet been confirmed."

I don't know if this women was being overly dramatic/looking for trouble or not? That being said, I am not willing to just believe an article whose evidence consists of a post on an airplane forum and is presently unconfirmed.

Hey! Someone said this lady was a liar - AND she's an activist. We know all those activists are prejudiced.
No one in a position to know has said she is a liar; only the fools on here condemning her solely because of her faith. And she is a chaplain at Northwestern.
Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
How about we send you to whatever incest laden village you emerged from?
Why tip toe around the line, asshole? Out with it. Be a man.
Only a mentally ill or one with diminished mental functioning can be a bigot like you. This woman is a far better person; a far better American than you are. You know nothing about her other than the fact that she is a Muslim. And, to your damaged brain, that makes her somehow inferior to you. And that is the most laughable part; that you think you are better than her. You do not have her education; her accomplishments. All you have is you not being a Muslim. And that means nothing.
You know jack shit about me, asshole. Come on shit head! Man up!
This common nickel jack wagon is making a lot of enemies here.
I respect my enemies. It will be a cold day in hell before I respect anyone with the intellect of a garden slug.
That would still make me smarter than you.
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
I read it you dumb fuck. The actual post is there and she did not use her name.
They quoted a post and did not include her personal info. Had they, she would by now, own the site, or don't you believe in the right to privacy?

I'm betting that the airline has her contact info should they need it in a civil action.
You just make more shit up. It was as anonymous as your posts here. If a person is not willing to verify who they are and prove they were there, they have no credibility.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
Labeling people as bigots is a waste of time...We don't care....Your accusations are false. Stick it where the sun don't shine.
My accusations are based on you claiming she made this up based solely on her faith.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
How do you know? You weren't there. And if she weren't invoking her protected class status as a Muslim, why then did she scream at the FA about using the can as a weapon?....Of course she was using her religion to get one over on the FA.....
The bigots around her? There you go again. So now everyone on that aircraft that day that happened to be non muslim is a bigot....
Dude, you cannot even define bigot without looking it up. It's a lib word of choice when they are getting their twat kicked in an argument.
How long have you been so God damned stupid? Do you have to work at it?
Facebook is anything but anonymous. Most people use their full name, however this was posted on an airline forum.
You would have known that had you bothered to read the linked article, but God forbid you read something that is unlikely to fit your pansy assed narrative.
I read it you dumb fuck. The actual post is there and she did not use her name.
They quoted a post and did not include her personal info. Had they, she would by now, own the site, or don't you believe in the right to privacy?

I'm betting that the airline has her contact info should they need it in a civil action.
You just make more shit up. It was as anonymous as your posts here. If a person is not willing to verify who they are and prove they were there, they have no credibility.
That is you opinion...And your hope.

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