Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered not actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?

You are dumb.

You don't have to prove damages in a discrimination suit fool. You only have to proof that you were discriminated against.
Actually, you do. At least you do if you hope to recover anything. Still trying to figure out what "facts" you base your claim that she lied on other than her being an American who happens to be Muslim?

I didn't claim she lied moron

I claimed that this case is no doubt like most he said she cases and both sides made their story seem a little more sympathetic.
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered not actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?

You are dumb.

You don't have to prove damages in a discrimination suit fool. You only have to proof that you were discriminated against.
Actually, you do. At least you do if you hope to recover anything. Still trying to figure out what "facts" you base your claim that she lied on other than her being an American who happens to be Muslim?

I didn't claim she lied moron

I claimed that this case is no doubt like most he said she cases and both sides made their story seem a little more sympathetic.
Sure. Anything you say. Good thing for you that there is no way for anyone to go back and review the numerous comments where you did claim that it did not occu the way Ms. Ahmad claimed. That would really be embarrassing for you; to be shown to be a liar.
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered no actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?
One could ask you since all you are doing is rendering an opinion.....Ahh that's right! Your opinion is right and everyone who has a different opinion is wrong..
You must be a pisser at family gatherings...Or are you that boastful loudmouth that after a couple of belts who verbally beats everyone into submission until they walk out of the room in disgust?.....And you sit there all alone thinking you've won.....
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered no actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?
One could ask you since all you are doing is rendering an opinion.....Ahh that's right! Your opinion is right and everyone who has a different opinion is wrong..
You must be a pisser at family gatherings...Or are you that boastful loudmouth that after a couple of belts who verbally beats everyone into submission until they walk out of the room in disgust?.....And you sit there all alone thinking you've won.....
You are the idiot crowing at the end of every comment that you won the debate. Throughout this thread I have asked you and the others calling her a liar what facts lead you to that opinion. Your inability to offer anything leaves it pretty clear what fact you rely upon. And I don't have any family members as ignorant, hateful and downright stupid as you have proven yourself to be. A woman reports rude and discriminatory treatment that no one has disputed and, on a message board where you don't have to look far to find anti-Islamic screeds, like the one from the moron who suggested that the airline apologized so Muslims would not shoot their planes down, you call her a liar. What a worthless piece of shit you turned out to be. XXXXXXXXXX
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Discrimination my ass. They should deport her ass to whatever shithole she came from where she can get beaten, raped and treated like a damned slave and has no rights at all.
Deport to where?? . :dunno:

She is an American citizen who grew up in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School. ..... :cool:
We can put all the Muslim countries on a Wheel Of Fortune and have her give it a big spin to find out what shit hole she'll be sent to.
You are the idiot crowing at the end of every comment that you won the debate. Throughout this thread I have asked you and the others calling her a liar what facts lead you to that opinion. Your inability to offer anything leaves it pretty clear what fact you rely upon. And I don't have any family members as ignorant, hateful and downright stupid as you have proven yourself to be. A woman reports rude and discriminatory treatment that no one has disputed and, on a message board where you don't have to look far to find anti-Islamic screeds, like the one from the moron who suggested that the airline apologized so Muslims would not shoot their planes down, you call her a liar. What a worthless piece of shit you turned out to be. XXXXXXXXXX
You got edited by the mods.....Another indication you lost the argument.
Keep it up and you may end up with an early time out. Rookie..
Oh, now that you've hurled insults at me for the 458th time, do you feel like a bigger person now?....
Does it make you feel powerful?
LOL......Whiny little person, you are.
Enjoy your impending time out.
You are the idiot crowing at the end of every comment that you won the debate. Throughout this thread I have asked you and the others calling her a liar what facts lead you to that opinion. Your inability to offer anything leaves it pretty clear what fact you rely upon. And I don't have any family members as ignorant, hateful and downright stupid as you have proven yourself to be. A woman reports rude and discriminatory treatment that no one has disputed and, on a message board where you don't have to look far to find anti-Islamic screeds, like the one from the moron who suggested that the airline apologized so Muslims would not shoot their planes down, you call her a liar. What a worthless piece of shit you turned out to be. XXXXXXXXXX
You got edited by the mods.....Another indication you lost the argument.
Keep it up and you may end up with an early time out. Rookie..
Oh, now that you've hurled insults at me for the 458th time, do you feel like a bigger person now?....
Does it make you feel powerful?
LOL......Whiny little person, you are.
Enjoy your impending time out.

What a fucking rookie mistake LOL gotta save your mod edits and infraction points for the serious insults there rook.
There was a time when he would have been gone for 24 hours. Libbies have gotten a lot of free rides in the last couple years.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
As if we have any reason to believe this vile raghead bitch.
Discrimination my ass. They should deport her ass to whatever shithole she came from where she can get beaten, raped and treated like a damned slave and has no rights at all.
Deport to where?? . :dunno:

She is an American citizen who grew up in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School. ..... :cool:
We can put all the Muslim countries on a Wheel Of Fortune and have her give it a big spin to find out what shit hole she'll be sent to.
How about we send you to whatever incest laden village you emerged from?
Why tip toe around the line, asshole? Out with it. Be a man.
"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger who sat near the Muslim woman on the plane shreds her story to pieces, and given the fact that she’s a known “social justice” activist, it’s not a stretch to believe the newly revealed details, even though they haven’t yet been confirmed."

I don't know if this women was being overly dramatic/looking for trouble or not? That being said, I am not willing to just believe an article whose evidence consists of a post on an airplane forum and is presently unconfirmed.

Hey! Someone said this lady was a liar - AND she's an activist. We know all those activists are prejudiced.
Discrimination my ass. They should deport her ass to whatever shithole she came from where she can get beaten, raped and treated like a damned slave and has no rights at all.
Deport to where?? . :dunno:

She is an American citizen who grew up in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School. ..... :cool:
We can put all the Muslim countries on a Wheel Of Fortune and have her give it a big spin to find out what shit hole she'll be sent to.
How about we send you to whatever incest laden village you emerged from?
Why tip toe around the line, asshole? Out with it. Be a man.
Only a mentally ill or one with diminished mental functioning can be a bigot like you. This woman is a far better person; a far better American than you are. You know nothing about her other than the fact that she is a Muslim. And, to your damaged brain, that makes her somehow inferior to you. And that is the most laughable part; that you think you are better than her. You do not have her education; her accomplishments. All you have is you not being a Muslim. And that means nothing.
You know jack shit about me, asshole. Come on shit head! Man up!
"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger who sat near the Muslim woman on the plane shreds her story to pieces, and given the fact that she’s a known “social justice” activist, it’s not a stretch to believe the newly revealed details, even though they haven’t yet been confirmed."

I don't know if this women was being overly dramatic/looking for trouble or not? That being said, I am not willing to just believe an article whose evidence consists of a post on an airplane forum and is presently unconfirmed.

Hey! Someone said this lady was a liar - AND she's an activist. We know all those activists are prejudiced.
No one in a position to know has said she is a liar; only the fools on here condemning her solely because of her faith. And she is a chaplain at Northwestern.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Cool, at first I was just really impressed with the wide range of opinions and diversity of the members on this site. I find it very interesting.
But now, Now to find out that there are also psychics on here. What fun.
do me next,
what level of education do I have, do I have any degrees? certificates? how many of each and what are they in.
And bonus points for telling me if I am working on a degree right now and what its in.

Im excited, I've never met a real psychic before.

Oh and as far as the coke can goes. I could make a pretty effective weapon with a coke can and a page from the magazine in the back of the seat on the plane.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.

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