Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.
A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion or some other characteristic unrelated to their value as a person is telling me to think for myself? What thought goes into "she's a Muslim therefore, she is lying"?
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Now you are just lying. All that matters to you is her faith. I never once said that I believe her because she is a Muslim. I wrote, repeatedly, that I find her claim credible because she has given the same account, repeatedly; no one has contradicted her account, including the flight attendant; the airline investigated and issued an apology and because she is an accomplished person. Why not share with us what factors cause you to question her credibility?
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.
A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion or some other characteristic unrelated to their value as a person is telling me to think for myself? What thought goes into "she's a Muslim therefore, she is lying"?
Where do you get "A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion"? When did I call her a liar? I did say I was skeptical but never said she was lying.
You, however have not explained why you take her word over the passenger who said he was just being a bitch.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Now you are just lying. All that matters to you is her faith. I never once said that I believe her because she is a Muslim. I wrote, repeatedly, that I find her claim credible because she has given the same account, repeatedly; no one has contradicted her account, including the flight attendant; the airline investigated and issued an apology and because she is an accomplished person. Why not share with us what factors cause you to question her credibility?
Did you actually read the O.P. in this thread and follow the link?

Amazing that I can tell you my thoughts and you can call me a liar! How the fuck do you know what I think or what anyone thinks. What kind of sanctimonious egomaniac are you?
Next, you'll be telling me what my father thinks.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
Because people don't immediately accept your opinion they are all closed minded now?

Your opinion is idiotic. It is wrong. It is cowardly and it is biased.
However, I will not call you closed minded for that would presuppose that you actually possess a mind.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
Because people don't immediately accept your opinion they are all closed minded now?

Your opinion is idiotic. It is wrong. It is cowardly and it is biased.
However, I will not call you closed minded for that would presuppose that you actually possess a mind.
No. You are closed minded because the only reason you question this women is her faith. Bigots are closed minded.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot; to judge a woman you know nothing about as a liar simply because of her faith. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that was some organic reason for your bigotry. Bigotry and low IQ's go together. If, as you claim, you are not a bigot cause you are a moron, then you have no excuse for being to hateful towards a woman based solely on her religion. Explain to me the logic that allows you to conclude she lies simply because she is a Muslim? Use some of those IQ points you seem to have been under-utilizing.
No. I don't disbelieve her based on her religion, but you seem to believe her based on it.
I find it telling that she immediately started spreading her story on social media.
Frankly, I don't know who to believe but I'm sure as hell skeptical of anyone who claims a half can of Coke Zero amounts to discrimination.
Now you are just lying. All that matters to you is her faith. I never once said that I believe her because she is a Muslim. I wrote, repeatedly, that I find her claim credible because she has given the same account, repeatedly; no one has contradicted her account, including the flight attendant; the airline investigated and issued an apology and because she is an accomplished person. Why not share with us what factors cause you to question her credibility?
Did you actually read the O.P. in this thread and follow the link?

Amazing that I can tell you my thoughts and you can call me a liar! How the fuck do you know what I think or what anyone thinks. What kind of sanctimonious egomaniac are you?
Next, you'll be telling me what my father thinks.
When your father posts, I will know what he thinks. Your posts reveal your bigotry. The fact that you have yet to offer a reason why you think she is lying other than her faith tells me what you are thinking.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.
A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion or some other characteristic unrelated to their value as a person is telling me to think for myself? What thought goes into "she's a Muslim therefore, she is lying"?
Where do you get "A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion"? When did I call her a liar? I did say I was skeptical but never said she was lying.
You, however have not explained why you take her word over the passenger who said he was just being a bitch.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
Deport the bitch and let her live in the middle east...Then lets see her scream about how wonderful her filthy religion is!
She was born here. She is more of an American than you could ever hope to be. I would deport you but what country would take you?
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
Because people don't immediately accept your opinion they are all closed minded now?

Your opinion is idiotic. It is wrong. It is cowardly and it is biased.
However, I will not call you closed minded for that would presuppose that you actually possess a mind.
No. You are closed minded because the only reason you question this women is her faith. Bigots are closed minded.
How many fucking times do I have to tell you it has nothing to do with her faith. I questioned Twanna Brawley and Crystal Mangum as well when their stories sounded fishy. Magnum has since been convicted of 2nd degree murder and Brawley has only recently begun paying on the $400,000 settlement to Pagonis
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
Because people don't immediately accept your opinion they are all closed minded now?

Your opinion is idiotic. It is wrong. It is cowardly and it is biased.
However, I will not call you closed minded for that would presuppose that you actually possess a mind.
No. You are closed minded because the only reason you question this women is her faith. Bigots are closed minded.
How many fucking times do I have to tell you it has nothing to do with her faith. I questioned Twanna Brawley and Crystal Mangum as well when their stories sounded fishy. Magnum has since been convicted of 2nd degree murder and Brawley has only recently begun paying on the $400,000 settlement to Pagonis
Yeah. That might be believable if you did not mention her faith. With both of those examples, as ancient as they are, other witnesses contradicted them and those accused denied the accusations. Has that happened here?
Last edited:
I used her faith to differentiate between her and the woman who contradicted her account.

Yes a witness has contradicted her. See post #1 this thread. The airline more or less has to issue an apology regardless. Let her try to sue, however, and you will see 100 witnesses and 4 flight attendants take the stand if the claim is paddymurphy I mean bullshit.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
I hold a BSME and have an IQ likely 30 to 40 points higher than you. I hate no one.
On the other hand, you are incapable of differentiating between an opinion and a threat. Clearly below average in both intellect and logic.
Your continued use of insults like "inbred" and allusions to incest show YOU to be the hateful one here.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.
A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion or some other characteristic unrelated to their value as a person is telling me to think for myself? What thought goes into "she's a Muslim therefore, she is lying"?
Where do you get "A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion"? When did I call her a liar? I did say I was skeptical but never said she was lying.
You, however have not explained why you take her word over the passenger who said he was just being a bitch.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
Right. It takes a great deal of intellect to be a bigot;

It take none to be an idiot. Think for yourself for once. Exercise all three of those remaining brain cells.
A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion or some other characteristic unrelated to their value as a person is telling me to think for myself? What thought goes into "she's a Muslim therefore, she is lying"?
Where do you get "A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion"? When did I call her a liar? I did say I was skeptical but never said she was lying.
You, however have not explained why you take her word over the passenger who said he was just being a bitch.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.

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