Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

Yes.....If it doesn't fit the lib narrative, by God it MUST be a lie...
Stow it
Actually it has nothing to do with the woman's religion.
The fact is that she is a known activist. And activists are the biggest complainers and trouble makers.
Quite frankly most of us Americans are SICK of these people who just happen to be members of these liberal created protected classes who run around looking for shit with which to bother themselves. You libs have pushed too far. The backlash has started.
Better get out of the way
Better get out of the way. Or what. What are whiny, gutless right wingers who are the biggest complainers about unfair treatment going to do? I have no idea what happened on that plane, but, having seen her interviewed it is clear that she is an intelligent, well spoken, rational person (i.e. all of the things you are not) who was truly offended at being treated differently, apparently because of her faith. She has not sued anyone or threatened to do so. Her activism consists of being a Muslim Chaplain at a University.
The fact is she wasn't treated differently...
And the back lash is going to beat back liberal political correctness...That's "or what"...
Liberalism has failed. Liberalism has torn apart the country. its YOUR fault.....You had your time. You're over.
And that "fact" is based on what? Your determination that an anonymous post by someone who claimed to be on the plane is a more credible source than a well respected American educator? Given that most Americans support the Liberal position on most issues, our time will never be over. Are you not paying attention? We won the Presidency twice. We won the most votes in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections and 6 of the last 8 Senate/Congressional elections.
What makes you think the majority of us are liberal when numerous polls indicate that roughly 20% of those polled admit to be liberal in their ideology?..
Who is WE?......Your left wing radicalism has been marginalized....By moderate libs and independents.
The last two elections your side lost seats. Over 600 when combining federal and state elections.
You are arguing just to argue. You have nothing....
Your defense of the indefensible is remarkably irrational.
I never said that the majority identify as liberal; they just seem to support liberal policies. What I have is the unrebutted account of what happened from the person it happened to. What do you have, beyond your irrational hatred of Muslims? What facts can you point to that support your bizarre claim that she made it all up? Give us one fact, from an identifiable source, or crawl back under your rock.
Yeah right. You clearly stated....Do you want me to paste your post here and embarrass the shit out of you.....
Each time, I call you on a previous post you've tried to back pedal...... can insult me now. Because that's all you have.....
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Ahh I see. As a flaming lib, you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE for any member of your left wing protected classes to conjure up a false claim of discrimination....
No, I do not think it is impossible. But, unlike you, I base my opinions on facts, not bigoted views about people who are different from me. On the one hand, we have a well respected educator who has told her story consistently several times; who has not been contradicted or rebutted by anyone known to have been present; and who received an apology from the airline after they completed their investigation. On the other hand we have.... your bigotry and an anonymous facebook post that NOONE has corroborated. You don't believe this American Citizen for one reason and one reason only; you are an ignorant bigot.
yes you do....That's why you're circling the wagons around this woman.
Facts? Please. You would not know a fact if it were hanging out of your ass.
Facts and liberalism are oil and water.
Well respected educator? No one ever heard of this person until she had her hissy fit.
Tell me....Where is the bigotry? You do realize it is bigoted to accuse someone of bigotry without substantiated facts?
And you double down by continuing to play the bigot card....You just ran out of gas...
You are taking up for this woman because she is a member of a liberal PC protected class.
Do not argue with me. You cannot win.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.
Ahh I see. As a flaming lib, you believe it is IMPOSSIBLE for any member of your left wing protected classes to conjure up a false claim of discrimination....
No, I do not think it is impossible. But, unlike you, I base my opinions on facts, not bigoted views about people who are different from me. On the one hand, we have a well respected educator who has told her story consistently several times; who has not been contradicted or rebutted by anyone known to have been present; and who received an apology from the airline after they completed their investigation. On the other hand we have.... your bigotry and an anonymous facebook post that NOONE has corroborated. You don't believe this American Citizen for one reason and one reason only; you are an ignorant bigot.
yes you do....That's why you're circling the wagons around this woman.
Facts? Please. You would not know a fact if it were hanging out of your ass.
Facts and liberalism are oil and water.
Well respected educator? No one ever heard of this person until she had her hissy fit.
Tell me....Where is the bigotry? You do realize it is bigoted to accuse someone of bigotry without substantiated facts?
And you double down by continuing to play the bigot card....You just ran out of gas...
You are taking up for this woman because she is a member of a liberal PC protected class.
Do not argue with me. You cannot win.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
No, I do not think it is impossible. But, unlike you, I base my opinions on facts, not bigoted views about people who are different from me. On the one hand, we have a well respected educator who has told her story consistently several times; who has not been contradicted or rebutted by anyone known to have been present; and who received an apology from the airline after they completed their investigation. On the other hand we have.... your bigotry and an anonymous facebook post that NOONE has corroborated. You don't believe this American Citizen for one reason and one reason only; you are an ignorant bigot.
yes you do....That's why you're circling the wagons around this woman.
Facts? Please. You would not know a fact if it were hanging out of your ass.
Facts and liberalism are oil and water.
Well respected educator? No one ever heard of this person until she had her hissy fit.
Tell me....Where is the bigotry? You do realize it is bigoted to accuse someone of bigotry without substantiated facts?
And you double down by continuing to play the bigot card....You just ran out of gas...
You are taking up for this woman because she is a member of a liberal PC protected class.
Do not argue with me. You cannot win.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?

it's about who i find more credible, not what i want to believe.

she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv, multiple times and consistently.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.
yes you do....That's why you're circling the wagons around this woman.
Facts? Please. You would not know a fact if it were hanging out of your ass.
Facts and liberalism are oil and water.
Well respected educator? No one ever heard of this person until she had her hissy fit.
Tell me....Where is the bigotry? You do realize it is bigoted to accuse someone of bigotry without substantiated facts?
And you double down by continuing to play the bigot card....You just ran out of gas...
You are taking up for this woman because she is a member of a liberal PC protected class.
Do not argue with me. You cannot win.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?

it's about who i find more credible, not what i want to believe.

she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv, multiple times and consistently.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.
Clear to most people, but not to bigots.
yes you do....That's why you're circling the wagons around this woman.
Facts? Please. You would not know a fact if it were hanging out of your ass.
Facts and liberalism are oil and water.
Well respected educator? No one ever heard of this person until she had her hissy fit.
Tell me....Where is the bigotry? You do realize it is bigoted to accuse someone of bigotry without substantiated facts?
And you double down by continuing to play the bigot card....You just ran out of gas...
You are taking up for this woman because she is a member of a liberal PC protected class.
Do not argue with me. You cannot win.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
Better get out of the way. Or what. What are whiny, gutless right wingers who are the biggest complainers about unfair treatment going to do? I have no idea what happened on that plane, but, having seen her interviewed it is clear that she is an intelligent, well spoken, rational person (i.e. all of the things you are not) who was truly offended at being treated differently, apparently because of her faith. She has not sued anyone or threatened to do so. Her activism consists of being a Muslim Chaplain at a University.
The fact is she wasn't treated differently...
And the back lash is going to beat back liberal political correctness...That's "or what"...
Liberalism has failed. Liberalism has torn apart the country. its YOUR fault.....You had your time. You're over.
And that "fact" is based on what? Your determination that an anonymous post by someone who claimed to be on the plane is a more credible source than a well respected American educator? Given that most Americans support the Liberal position on most issues, our time will never be over. Are you not paying attention? We won the Presidency twice. We won the most votes in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections and 6 of the last 8 Senate/Congressional elections.
What makes you think the majority of us are liberal when numerous polls indicate that roughly 20% of those polled admit to be liberal in their ideology?..
Who is WE?......Your left wing radicalism has been marginalized....By moderate libs and independents.
The last two elections your side lost seats. Over 600 when combining federal and state elections.
You are arguing just to argue. You have nothing....
Your defense of the indefensible is remarkably irrational.
I never said that the majority identify as liberal; they just seem to support liberal policies. What I have is the unrebutted account of what happened from the person it happened to. What do you have, beyond your irrational hatred of Muslims? What facts can you point to that support your bizarre claim that she made it all up? Give us one fact, from an identifiable source, or crawl back under your rock.
Yeah right. You clearly stated....Do you want me to paste your post here and embarrass the shit out of you.....
Each time, I call you on a previous post you've tried to back pedal...... can insult me now. Because that's all you have.....
Actually, I have the facts. I have never backpedaled. You are incapable of making me do so because I only post facts and opinions based on those facts. You can cut and past whatever you want and it will not be inconsistent. There is a difference between saying that a majority of Americans consider themselves Liberal, which I never said, and saying that a majority of Americans support the liberal position on a number of issues, which is what I posted. I would suggest that you are embarrassing yourself, but you do not seem bright enough to know when you should be embarrassed.
Do not argue with you because I cannot win? What a fucking moron. You have absolutely nothing to support your claim that she made this up. Nothing. As for her reputation, here is a summary of her achievements.

"Chaplain Tahera Ahmad is a dynamic Muslim “scholar-practioner” who was raised in Morton Grove, IL and graduated from Niles West High School where she played Varsity basketball. Ahmad studied classical Arabic and traditional Islamic Sciences at Al-Diwan and Al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and in Department of Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim Relations and Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Theological Seminary in Connecticut. During Women’s History Month 2014, Chaplain Ahmad was honored at the White House as a leading Muslim female in the United States and recognized among top ten good Muslim stories of 2013.

Ahmad serves on the board of ACURA (Association of College and University Religious Affairs) and is the co-president of the ACMC (Association of College Muslim Chaplains). She has supported leadership for premier Muslim organizations including the Islamic Society of North America, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, and served as the Department Head of Islamic Studies at the Nation’s largest Muslim Schools, the Islamic Foundation, Villa Park IL. Ahmad is a passionate advocate for social justice and works with young adults in the interfaith movement on artistic and athletic projects to help develop a balanced faith identity in a diverse global world.

She has been featured on NPR, Chicago Public Radio, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and recently featured in the national PBS documentary titled The Calling, which portrays the struggle of faith in the 21st century for leaders from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. Ahmad is a renowned speaker and has worked closely with the U.S. State Department through leading international workshops on cultural awareness of Muslims and religious diversity. She was recently recognized and hosted by President Obama at the White House for her interfaith work and collaborative initiatives.

Ahmad has received graduate certification in various religious fields including Applied Spirituality in Women’s Leadership from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary, Ijaazaat or classical certification in Quranic Recitation, Arabic language and Islamic sciences from Al-Diwan in Cairo, Egypt. During her graduate studies at Hartford seminary, she served as the Muslim Chaplain at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Currently she serves as the Director of Interfaith Engagement and Associate Chaplain at Northwestern University."

You got anything like that? You are a bigot because you have decided that she is not telling the truth based solely on her being a Muslim. You cannot point to a single "fact" other than that to support your claim.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
The bitch would seem to be the Flight Attendant and the beer drinking bigot sitting next to her. You seem rather bitch like as well.
No...You cannot win..
You have nothing with which to dispute the passenger's account of the events......You're trying to shoot the messenger. And that is typical of you libs.
If the message violates the narrative, attack the messenger.
The only part of her resume which you decided was SO important to display here was that she had a major freakout on an airplane. Over a fucking can of soda...
If you think educated people cannot act like assholes, you are delusional.
Case closed. You lose.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
The bitch would seem to be the Flight Attendant and the beer drinking bigot sitting next to her. You seem rather bitch like as well.

Interesting that you take the Muslim's word, but not the word of the "beer drinking bigot" without any additional proof.

I myself have no idea what happened.
once again, the only thing that makes you believe the "passenger's" story is you want to believe it.

it could have been written by anyone. could have been written by you. it could have been written by someone on the plane with their own agenda to push.

you're believing that anonymous "passenger" because it's what you want to hear, and that's sad.

And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
The bitch would seem to be the Flight Attendant and the beer drinking bigot sitting next to her. You seem rather bitch like as well.

Interesting that you take the Muslim's word, but not the word of the "beer drinking bigot" without any additional proof.

I myself have no idea what happened.
What "word" of the been drinking bigot? Where is there any indication that the man who got the beer and made a bigoted remark ever made any statement regarding the incident. There is one person who described what happened and plenty of opportunity for others on the plan to contradict her claims. Not one person has done so. Since all we have is the word of this American, upon what do you base your apparent disbelief; other than her being a muslim?
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
And you believe the Muslim woman's account because you want to. You don't think she had an agenda?
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
The bitch would seem to be the Flight Attendant and the beer drinking bigot sitting next to her. You seem rather bitch like as well.

Interesting that you take the Muslim's word, but not the word of the "beer drinking bigot" without any additional proof.

I myself have no idea what happened.
What "word" of the been drinking bigot? Where is there any indication that the man who got the beer and made a bigoted remark ever made any statement regarding the incident. There is one person who described what happened and plenty of opportunity for others on the plan to contradict her claims. Not one person has done so. Since all we have is the word of this American, upon what do you base your apparent disbelief; other than her being a muslim?

Actually, others HAVE done so, you dismissed their comments.

However, I reitereate my question that you have avoided like the plague.

Why in the fuck do you believe you have a right to do business with me, instead of believing that I have a right to tell you I dont want your business?

What kind of bizzaro idiotic liberal "logic" is that?

That's like saying I have a right to tell you to shut up instead of you having a right to free speech.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.
she's made her claims public. attached her name to them. said them live on tv.
the airline apologized, and with the exception of the anonymous post, nobody has contradicted her.

and then we have the anonymous post. no name or reputation to attach to it. no evidence the author was on the plane, or saw what they claimed.

i think it's clear which is more credible.

Of course the airline apologized. They have more important things to do than fight with some bitch who didn't get her way whether they were in the right, or the wrong.
The bitch would seem to be the Flight Attendant and the beer drinking bigot sitting next to her. You seem rather bitch like as well.

Interesting that you take the Muslim's word, but not the word of the "beer drinking bigot" without any additional proof.

I myself have no idea what happened.
What "word" of the been drinking bigot? Where is there any indication that the man who got the beer and made a bigoted remark ever made any statement regarding the incident. There is one person who described what happened and plenty of opportunity for others on the plan to contradict her claims. Not one person has done so. Since all we have is the word of this American, upon what do you base your apparent disbelief; other than her being a muslim?

Actually, others HAVE done so, you dismissed their comments.

However, I reitereate my question that you have avoided like the plague.

Why in the fuck do you believe you have a right to do business with me, instead of believing that I have a right to tell you I dont want your business?

What kind of bizzaro idiotic liberal "logic" is that?

That's like saying I have a right to tell you to shut up instead of you having a right to free speech.[/QUOT

No, dumbass, no one on the plane has given an account that differs from Ms. Ahmad. What idiots like you post on here, based not on facts but, well, your own stupidity and bigotry, is not an account of what happened. As for my right to do business with you, you will find those laws in every state, city and county. You participate in commerce here; you benefit from the laws and infrastructure we all pay for to allow you to have a business, you get to follow those laws or pay up. Quite simple, really. You don't like our laws, move the fuck out.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.
"Either woman"? Only one woman has made a claim. A facebook post is not a woman making a claim. And she posted the account on her facebook page. Had she waited a week or a month you would be on here questioning her credibility because she waited. When does one usually complain about being mistreated by a business the patronize?
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered no actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?
Wow. A claim by a "purported co-passenger." That is certainly an iron clad source.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered not actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?

You are dumb.

You don't have to prove damages in a discrimination suit fool. You only have to proof that you were discriminated against.
Yet you want to accept the Muslim woman as an iron clad source....
I accept the word of an American woman who is a well respected an accomplished educator when no one has actually contradicted her. Why do you question this American when there is no one else claiming that she is not telling the truth?
I accept neither woman's claim, but I do have to wonder why the Muslim woman started crying discrimination immediately after the incident.

As if you didn't know why LOL

Here's a better question. If she was so discriminated against, where is the lawsuit? I mean she definitely seems like the type of woman who would sue if discriminated against.

I imagine the truth is , as it is often is, somewhere in the middle and that the woman was rude so the FA was rude back to her, but there wasn't a bit of discrimination involved, but the woman did as people often do and pumped her story up a little when telling it to her friends to try to garner more sympathy for her side, but things blew up on FB and more people ended up hearing her story than she ever intended. because if all the facts came out (which they would in a discrimination suit) the woman's lies would be known.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid question. Probably no lawsuit because she really suffered not actual damages; just humiliation. Other than her being of the Muslim faith, what facts have allowed you to form your opinion that it did not happen exactly as she said it did?

You are dumb.

You don't have to prove damages in a discrimination suit fool. You only have to proof that you were discriminated against.
Actually, you do. At least you do if you hope to recover anything. Still trying to figure out what "facts" you base your claim that she lied on other than her being an American who happens to be Muslim?

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