Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

Where do you get "A clown who judges people solely by their race, ethnicity, religion"? When did I call her a liar? I did say I was skeptical but never said she was lying.
You, however have not explained why you take her word over the passenger who said he was just being a bitch.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.
Right.....The other person made it all up...And why did she do this? Well she just HAS to be a bigot....
Holy shit. Your credibility is so low, you would be disqualified from Final Jeopardy.
Right. No one ever posts false shit on the Internet.
I am wondering why you keep insisting the account is false?
I read it you dumb fuck. The actual post is there and she did not use her name.
They quoted a post and did not include her personal info. Had they, she would by now, own the site, or don't you believe in the right to privacy?

I'm betting that the airline has her contact info should they need it in a civil action.
You just make more shit up. It was as anonymous as your posts here. If a person is not willing to verify who they are and prove they were there, they have no credibility.
That is you opinion...And your hope.
No. It is a fact.
Your opinions are not facts, no matter how many tears you shed.
I have to ask your age. I see you as at best, 20 years of age. Old enough to believe you know it all and not yet wise enough to know you don't.

Ronald Reagan had you pegged years ago.

Old enough to know Reagan was a moron. Of course you would use him. And the thing I referred to as a fact is that the other account you keep referring to was anonymous. Was it anonymous or not?
Why shouldn't we base our thoughts on her religion when she in fact based her whole complaint on her religion.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
How do you know? You weren't there. And if she weren't invoking her protected class status as a Muslim, why then did she scream at the FA about using the can as a weapon?....Of course she was using her religion to get one over on the FA.....
The bigots around her? There you go again. So now everyone on that aircraft that day that happened to be non muslim is a bigot....
Dude, you cannot even define bigot without looking it up. It's a lib word of choice when they are getting their twat kicked in an argument.
How long have you been so God damned stupid? Do you have to work at it?
I know I was not there. She was. She told her story publicly. No one who was there has contradicted her. I doubt that many on the plane were bigots there are less of you than you think. I would imagine that most had no idea what happened. The two others who made anti-Islamic remarks would not come forward and identify themselves as they would be admitting to being bigots.
Ahh I get it....SHE is 100% infallible and anyone who says anything to the contrary or offers an account with refutes her is a liar and a bigot.....Right.
And we're closed minded.....
This is from a previous post of yours....."the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her".....Then another back track.,...."I doubt that many on the plane were bigots"....
The latter is a direct contradiction of the former.
You cannot even get your bullshit straight.
Look, if you think you can come here to USMB and bully people like I have surmised you are sued to doing, you can forget it.
There are a lot of people on here who are way smarter than you.
Just remember this.. Choose your words carefully lest you get called out on every reversal, every contradiction. Every bullshit story. We GOTCHA.....
So how does it feel to be Oh fer USMB......
When the hell are you going to learn how to reply to a post?

I revise my guess. You are 6.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.
Right.....The other person made it all up...And why did she do this? Well she just HAS to be a bigot....
Holy shit. Your credibility is so low, you would be disqualified from Final Jeopardy.
Right. No one ever posts false shit on the Internet.
I am wondering why you keep insisting the account is false?
I am not insisting it is false. I am saying that unless that person comes forward, it is not credible.
There was no passenger who said she was a bitch. And I have explained why I believe her. If you are fucking stupid to read that comment, your loss.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.
Right.....The other person made it all up...And why did she do this? Well she just HAS to be a bigot....
Holy shit. Your credibility is so low, you would be disqualified from Final Jeopardy.
Right. No one ever posts false shit on the Internet.
Just because you lie, don't assume everyone does, little man.
What have I lied about?
They quoted a post and did not include her personal info. Had they, she would by now, own the site, or don't you believe in the right to privacy?

I'm betting that the airline has her contact info should they need it in a civil action.
You just make more shit up. It was as anonymous as your posts here. If a person is not willing to verify who they are and prove they were there, they have no credibility.
That is you opinion...And your hope.
No. It is a fact.
Your opinions are not facts, no matter how many tears you shed.
I have to ask your age. I see you as at best, 20 years of age. Old enough to believe you know it all and not yet wise enough to know you don't.

Ronald Reagan had you pegged years ago.

Old enough to know Reagan was a moron. Of course you would use him. And the thing I referred to as a fact is that the other account you keep referring to was anonymous. Was it anonymous or not?

Opinions are like assholes...... asshole.

It was not anonymous. It originally appeared on an airline web site. Members may use screen names, but their identities are known to the forum managers.
She based her complaint on being treated differently because of her faith by the Flight Attendant and the bigots around her. Since you are obviously of the same ilk, I can understand why this would be beyond you.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
And you're not closed minded? Please......Go eat soda bread
If the post was not anonymous, what was the poster's name? Or don't you know what anonymous means?
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
You just make more shit up. It was as anonymous as your posts here. If a person is not willing to verify who they are and prove they were there, they have no credibility.
That is you opinion...And your hope.
No. It is a fact.
Your opinions are not facts, no matter how many tears you shed.
I have to ask your age. I see you as at best, 20 years of age. Old enough to believe you know it all and not yet wise enough to know you don't.

Ronald Reagan had you pegged years ago.

Old enough to know Reagan was a moron. Of course you would use him. And the thing I referred to as a fact is that the other account you keep referring to was anonymous. Was it anonymous or not?

Opinions are like assholes...... asshole.

It was not anonymous. It originally appeared on an airline web site. Members may use screen names, but their identities are known to the forum managers.

No, they are not. My identity is not known to anyone here. The identity of comeflywithme33 is not known to anyone. When it is, their account can be considered.
The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA, “What do you think I will use this as a weapon? Why can’t I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name ….” The lady just kept yelling to her, “I need your name … I am being discriminated against.”

If that ain't being a bitch, I don't know how to explain it to you. You want to excuse rude behavior because some entitled minority cried discrimination.

I can explain it to you all night, but, unfortunately, I can't make you grasp logic.
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.
Right.....The other person made it all up...And why did she do this? Well she just HAS to be a bigot....
Holy shit. Your credibility is so low, you would be disqualified from Final Jeopardy.
Right. No one ever posts false shit on the Internet.
Just because you lie, don't assume everyone does, little man.
What have I lied about?
You have stated that your opinions are facts, for one.
You have called several people bigots that have given no indication of bigotry.

Hint: When you support a bitch that throws a hissy fit over a half can of soda and I elect to reserve judgment until I know the facts, that shows prejudice on your part, not mine.
she knew what she was doing when she did it. I would almost bet that these things are done in order to make our society allow the muslims to do whatever they want where and when they want.
as far as me being one of those ilk, maybe, but I dont look at being informed and seeing things for what they are as being bad.
on the other hand, its the cowards like yourself that have brought us to this point in our countries history. If the left would have had some balls right from the start, we would not be trying to define how each race, sex, religion sexual orientation, hair color, weight, mobile ability dog owners, cat owners etc.. be treated differently.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
And you're not closed minded? Please......Go eat soda bread
If the post was not anonymous, what was the poster's name? Or don't you know what anonymous means?
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
I posted the cartoon tongue in cheek, knowing it would get to you.

You have yet to show any bigotry on my part, but you HAVE shown a shit load of prejudice on yours.
Being informed? What a fucking joke. You are not informed; you are closed minded. You consider nothing but your ignorant prejudices. Any information beyond what makes that person different than you is not of interest to you. Actually judging people individually is too intellectually challenge for dolts like you.
And you're not closed minded? Please......Go eat soda bread
If the post was not anonymous, what was the poster's name? Or don't you know what anonymous means?
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
I posted the cartoon tongue in cheek, knowing it would get to you.

You have yet to show any bigotry on my part, but you HAVE shown a shit load of prejudice on yours.
Prejudice to who? Lying, bigoted pricks like you? That is not prejudice, that is sound judgment.
That is you opinion...And your hope.
No. It is a fact.
Your opinions are not facts, no matter how many tears you shed.
I have to ask your age. I see you as at best, 20 years of age. Old enough to believe you know it all and not yet wise enough to know you don't.

Ronald Reagan had you pegged years ago.

Old enough to know Reagan was a moron. Of course you would use him. And the thing I referred to as a fact is that the other account you keep referring to was anonymous. Was it anonymous or not?

Opinions are like assholes...... asshole.

It was not anonymous. It originally appeared on an airline web site. Members may use screen names, but their identities are known to the forum managers.

No, they are not. My identity is not known to anyone here. The identity of comeflywithme33 is not known to anyone. When it is, their account can be considered.

Good bye, asshat. Welcome to oblivion.
And you're not closed minded? Please......Go eat soda bread
If the post was not anonymous, what was the poster's name? Or don't you know what anonymous means?
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
I posted the cartoon tongue in cheek, knowing it would get to you.

You have yet to show any bigotry on my part, but you HAVE shown a shit load of prejudice on yours.
Prejudice to who? Lying, bigoted pricks like you? That is not prejudice, that is sound judgment.
No, to a woman who didn't put her name on an internet site out of fear of retaliation from an obviously unbalanced woman.
Good bye
That is a post on Facebook that is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. But, since that fake post is not from a Muslim, you believe it. What a fucking joke.
Right.....The other person made it all up...And why did she do this? Well she just HAS to be a bigot....
Holy shit. Your credibility is so low, you would be disqualified from Final Jeopardy.
Right. No one ever posts false shit on the Internet.
Just because you lie, don't assume everyone does, little man.
What have I lied about?
You have stated that your opinions are facts, for one.
You have called several people bigots that have given no indication of bigotry.

Hint: When you support a bitch that throws a hissy fit over a half can of soda and I elect to reserve judgment until I know the facts, that shows prejudice on your part, not mine.
I have given my opinions and explained what facts I relied on to form those opinions. You cannot find a single post where I made a factual assertion that was not true. I have called those folks who post anti-Islamic remarks and cartoons bigots.
If the post was not anonymous, what was the poster's name? Or don't you know what anonymous means?
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
I posted the cartoon tongue in cheek, knowing it would get to you.

You have yet to show any bigotry on my part, but you HAVE shown a shit load of prejudice on yours.
Prejudice to who? Lying, bigoted pricks like you? That is not prejudice, that is sound judgment.
No, to a woman who didn't put her name on an internet site out of fear of retaliation from an obviously unbalanced woman.
Good bye
The poster never said if they were male or female. But now we get more bigotry. They are afraid of the Muslim chaplain at Northwestern. Cause, you know, all them Muslims likes to cut off da heads of good christuns..
Hey! Someone said this lady was a liar - AND she's an activist. We know all those activists are prejudiced.
No one in a position to know has said she is a liar; only the fools on here condemning her solely because of her faith. And she is a chaplain at Northwestern.
Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
No one in a position to know has said she is a liar; only the fools on here condemning her solely because of her faith. And she is a chaplain at Northwestern.
Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. XXXXX EXCESSIVE FLAME And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
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Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.

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