Muslim activist woman cries discrimination on plane

Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story

"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger"

Its' credibility thus firmly established...
"It's"? The only credible source, so far, is the one who told the story publicly and has not been contradicted publicly.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
Have to plant with my son. Is that how you respond when you have nothing? Aren't you gonna share with us the facts you relied upon to reach your conclusions?
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story

"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger"

Its' credibility thus firmly established...
She starts a scene over getting half a can of soda and you see her as credible?
You're as dim witted as paddy something or other.

How'bout that? I forgot him already.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
Have to plant with my son. Is that how you respond when you have nothing? Aren't you gonna share with us the facts you relied upon to reach your conclusions?
well, you could always do a google search on her and find out that she is an activist. and most likely looking for trouble.
for instance, the flight attendant handed her a CAN of diet coke, Ms. Activist shoved it back at her and demanded the coke zero. Flight attendant found a coke zero but had a limited supply so instead of giving her the whole can, she gave her a cup of coke zero.
now, common sense (get someone to help you here because you are a liberal) dictates that if there was a concern that the muslim was going to use the coke zero can as a weapon, what was the difference between that can and the diet coke can that she WAS handed in the first place.
is there something special about a coke zero can that I am unaware of? Does the appearance of that can make it look like an assault can? ( liberals do think this way)
the argument that she was discriminated against because they thought a muslim was going to make a weapon with the can falls apart quickly when it is pointed out that she was originally handed a CAN.

now that it has been pointed out, you do see how much of an idiot you are proving to be by believing her side of it, right?
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
Have to plant with my son. Is that how you respond when you have nothing? Aren't you gonna share with us the facts you relied upon to reach your conclusions?
well, you could always do a google search on her and find out that she is an activist. and most likely looking for trouble.
for instance, the flight attendant handed her a CAN of diet coke, Ms. Activist shoved it back at her and demanded the coke zero. Flight attendant found a coke zero but had a limited supply so instead of giving her the whole can, she gave her a cup of coke zero.
now, common sense (get someone to help you here because you are a liberal) dictates that if there was a concern that the muslim was going to use the coke zero can as a weapon, what was the difference between that can and the diet coke can that she WAS handed in the first place.
is there something special about a coke zero can that I am unaware of? Does the appearance of that can make it look like an assault can? ( liberals do think this way)
the argument that she was discriminated against because they thought a muslim was going to make a weapon with the can falls apart quickly when it is pointed out that she was originally handed a CAN.

now that it has been pointed out, you do see how much of an idiot you are proving to be by believing her side of it, right?
What I see is you repeating the same nonsense the other two guys sharing your one brain, Ernie and spoon, have posted for the last day based on what some unnamed person claimed on a message board. No proof she was on the flight and no corroboration of these anonymous claims. And I am well aware of her accomplishments and her work to help fucktards like you and your two brain sharing friends shed your ignorance about Muslims.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story

"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger"

Its' credibility thus firmly established...
She starts a scene over getting half a can of soda and you see her as credible?
You're as dim witted as paddy something or other.

How'bout that? I forgot him already.
Course you did. You hate to be reminded that you have been schooled.
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
Have to plant with my son. Is that how you respond when you have nothing? Aren't you gonna share with us the facts you relied upon to reach your conclusions?
well, you could always do a google search on her and find out that she is an activist. and most likely looking for trouble.
for instance, the flight attendant handed her a CAN of diet coke, Ms. Activist shoved it back at her and demanded the coke zero. Flight attendant found a coke zero but had a limited supply so instead of giving her the whole can, she gave her a cup of coke zero.
now, common sense (get someone to help you here because you are a liberal) dictates that if there was a concern that the muslim was going to use the coke zero can as a weapon, what was the difference between that can and the diet coke can that she WAS handed in the first place.
is there something special about a coke zero can that I am unaware of? Does the appearance of that can make it look like an assault can? ( liberals do think this way)
the argument that she was discriminated against because they thought a muslim was going to make a weapon with the can falls apart quickly when it is pointed out that she was originally handed a CAN.

now that it has been pointed out, you do see how much of an idiot you are proving to be by believing her side of it, right?
What I see is you repeating the same nonsense the other two guys sharing your one brain, Ernie and spoon, have posted for the last day based on what some unnamed person claimed on a message board. No proof she was on the flight and no corroboration of these anonymous claims. And I am well aware of her accomplishments and her work to help fucktards like you and your two brain sharing friends shed your ignorance about Muslims.
It becomes more obvious with each of your posts that you are unable, or unwilling to comprehend the situation for what it was.
lets see, the poor muslim lady is telling the truth, people on the plan and the flight attendant are all liars.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Its a nice day today,
shouldn't you be out riding your bike or something?
Have to plant with my son. Is that how you respond when you have nothing? Aren't you gonna share with us the facts you relied upon to reach your conclusions?
well, you could always do a google search on her and find out that she is an activist. and most likely looking for trouble.
for instance, the flight attendant handed her a CAN of diet coke, Ms. Activist shoved it back at her and demanded the coke zero. Flight attendant found a coke zero but had a limited supply so instead of giving her the whole can, she gave her a cup of coke zero.
now, common sense (get someone to help you here because you are a liberal) dictates that if there was a concern that the muslim was going to use the coke zero can as a weapon, what was the difference between that can and the diet coke can that she WAS handed in the first place.
is there something special about a coke zero can that I am unaware of? Does the appearance of that can make it look like an assault can? ( liberals do think this way)
the argument that she was discriminated against because they thought a muslim was going to make a weapon with the can falls apart quickly when it is pointed out that she was originally handed a CAN.

now that it has been pointed out, you do see how much of an idiot you are proving to be by believing her side of it, right?
What I see is you repeating the same nonsense the other two guys sharing your one brain, Ernie and spoon, have posted for the last day based on what some unnamed person claimed on a message board. No proof she was on the flight and no corroboration of these anonymous claims. And I am well aware of her accomplishments and her work to help fucktards like you and your two brain sharing friends shed your ignorance about Muslims.
It becomes more obvious with each of your posts that you are unable, or unwilling to comprehend the situation for what it was.
lets see, the poor muslim lady is telling the truth, people on the plan and the flight attendant are all liars.
Not a single person on that plane has contradicted a word she said. What part of that is your brain too damaged to understand? I have not said that anyone has lied. No one else has offerred a different account. In fact, the flight attendant, given their apologies, have confirmed her story. There is a principle of evidence that states that if a person stand mute when an accusation is made, that can be argued to be a tacit admission. When there is another side to consider, then you can decide which side you believe. As of now, there is only one side and you refuse to believe her because she is a Muslim.
Last edited:
What I find amazing is how some people simply deny the existence of evidence because a name is missing in a story about the incident.

It is intellectually dishonest to insist the comment from a fellow passenger does not exist when it contains #1, a plausible explanation of events and details not generally known. It would be rational to assume that someone discrediting the account of a Muslim activist would want the protection afforded by anonymity.
If intentional ignorance is winning then we know who to award here.

What I find amazing is how some people simply deny the existence of evidence because a name is missing in a story about the incident.

It is intellectually dishonest to insist the comment from a fellow passenger does not exist when it contains #1, a plausible explanation of events and details not generally known. It would be rational to assume that someone discrediting the account of a Muslim activist would want the protection afforded by anonymity.
If intentional ignorance is winning then we know who to award here.

It is implausible for someone to give more credit to someone who will not provide any proof that they were even present than to the person who told the same story several times, with no inconsistencies and who was determined to have been telling the truth by the airline such that they issued an apology. Actually, it is not implausible if the the one doing so cares only that the woman is a Muslim.
Name withheld for security.
Wouldn't want some Muslim fruitcake beheading her for speaking the truth, would we?

Right. And you are not a bigot. Ignorant fucks like you embarrass normal people.
I posted the cartoon tongue in cheek, knowing it would get to you.

You have yet to show any bigotry on my part, but you HAVE shown a shit load of prejudice on yours.
Prejudice to who? Lying, bigoted pricks like you? That is not prejudice, that is sound judgment.
No, to a woman who didn't put her name on an internet site out of fear of retaliation from an obviously unbalanced woman.
Good bye
The poster never said if they were male or female. But now we get more bigotry. They are afraid of the Muslim chaplain at Northwestern. Cause, you know, all them Muslims likes to cut off da heads of good christuns..
Bigot....Bigot....Bigotry....Bigotry......BLAH BLAH BLAH....
Under boy who cried wolf is your picture...
Just a have been here insisting she is telling the 100% truth. You even went so far as to post her resume in some creepy worship fashion in order to bolster your insistence she is telling the truth.....Now you're pedaling backward.....Typical....Shut it.
Jesus you are a moron. When assessing someone's credibility, the kind of person they are, what they do for a living, what they have accomplished, how they are viewed by others is relevant. Having told the story publicly, repeatedly and without inconsistency is another sign of credibility. Having told the story publicly and having no one come forward and say, " hey. I was there. It did not happen that way" is another sign that she was telling the truth. Anonymous Facebook posts don't count.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
Who says the alleged victim of discrimination never had her credibility questioned?....
I warn you now....Cool it with the sexual innuendos and over the top name calling. Do it again, and I will find a way to have you banned.
I have not gone anywhere near that stuff and I will not tolerate it.....A word to the wise...Cut the shit or pay the price.
What I find amazing is how some people simply deny the existence of evidence because a name is missing in a story about the incident.

It is intellectually dishonest to insist the comment from a fellow passenger does not exist when it contains #1, a plausible explanation of events and details not generally known. It would be rational to assume that someone discrediting the account of a Muslim activist would want the protection afforded by anonymity.
If intentional ignorance is winning then we know who to award here.

It is implausible for someone to give more credit to someone who will not provide any proof that they were even present than to the person who told the same story several times, with no inconsistencies and who was determined to have been telling the truth by the airline such that they issued an apology. Actually, it is not implausible if the the one doing so cares only that the woman is a Muslim.
Stop it....You are a skipping DVD...same thing over and over again....."because she's a Muslim"....Dude....that dog has run away. It no longer applies because you cannot prove it to be the compelling motive behind the commentary.
It's over. Find something else on which to harp about.
Turns out her anger was all a put on....
It is time we stop kowtowing to these politically correct groups and take the country back from this knee jerk hypersensitivity before it destroys the fabric of the nation....
Passenger Allegedly on Plane With Muslim Diet Coke Lady Comes Forward With the REAL Story

"But, according a recent post on an airline forum, new claims from an alleged passenger"

Its' credibility thus firmly established...
No one is claiming that person's story is 100% true.
The frustrating part is while that story is being questioned, the alleged victim's isn't.
Can't have it both ways.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
She has ties to CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Here we go....Another accusation of bigotry....
Ok...Now you WILL provide an example of anyone who has used any word or words that fall into the narrow definition of bigotry.
Disagreement or criticism is NOT bigotry.
All of course your opinion....Gee, what's it like having to be right all the time?.....What's it like insisting your are right all the time....
You must suffer from exhaustion
What is it like to base all opinions on someone's race or religion? Must not take much effort at all.
What's it like to base all opinion on race and religion to the point that you exclude actions from the equation.
I don't know. I have never done that. Ask your butt buddies therisnospoon and Ernie. And what actions have been excluded? You have one on the record account of what happened from a person whose credibility has never been questioned as well as an investigation by the airline that confirmed her account to the point where they apologized and removed the flight attendant. What facts do you have, other than her faith?
since I didn't attribute it to her faith but instead to her terrorist ties and her activist history, What facts do you have other than my posts regarding my opinion.
None you say?

and let me add that your constant insults destroy your credibility in any argument. Im actually afraid to make vulgar comments to you because by your posting method I an only assume that you are 13? maybe 14?
Wouldn't want your mother to come in and find adults conversing with you in an inappropriate manner if you know what I mean. If you don't know, find an adult and ask them to explain it to you.
She has no terrorist ties. That is a lie. She is a chaplain at a University. What activism. You offer a whole lot of conclusions but no facts to back them up. Two days in and you have offered not a single fact. Just typical anti-Islamic bigotry. As for my language, ignorant bigots like you have always pissed me off.
Chaplain?......Muslims do not allow women to be anything but subservient. Therefore she cannot be any kind of spiritual leader in the Muslim faith. She may have honorary title or she may hold a theological certification......It doesn't matter. She like any other person is fallible. You often imply that because of the position she holds she is just the opposite.
Why the creepy worship of this woman? Why are you so adamantly opposing any one who is asking questions?......What's in this for you? On what is your bias toward or in favor of Muslims based? What is you motivation here?......And answers like "fairness" or some such are not acceptable. Tell your story. Explain it.

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