Muslim Americans Open Up About How Islamophobia Has Affected Their Lives

And by slaughtering innocent people in the most barbaric ways they are trying to win us over?
Ah.....that ain't gonna do it.
I feel the pain of the Muslim Community in America.

I grew up in the South in a state in which the Ku Klux Klan was active. Neither my family nor anyone we knew approved of the Klan...but we didn't do anything about them either. Pretty soon, we felt the opprobrium of the rest of the country...directed at the whole Southland and everyone in it and our first reaction was to resent being lumped in with the odious Klan.

And, our next revelation was that we bear the prime responsibility for curing a cancer which has grown up in the very culture we so loved. Thus we did, and in less than a decade the Klan was a farce, fading into an ignominious oblivion.

Islam has a cancer. And the time for Islam denying that, or ignoring over...and we should not let another one into this country until we have some kind of assurance that we won't be in the disastrous shape Europe is now in.

You will note that the Assholes from the Northeast condemned the Southerners as a whole Culture....but they defend the Muslim Culture from any responsibility whatsoever for the Barbarity which is so uniquely Muslim. Islam has a Duty in this matter---to cure, and at the least a key partner in the cure....of a grave evil for which Islam appears to be the Fountainhead.

No more Muslims. No more people from the Middle East, for now thank you....I am not also saying no Buddhists, no Hindus, no Asians, no Indians...they are welcome because they do not have Barbarians in their midst nor people who aide, abet and TOLERATE Barbarians.

That's rich, since, for one example, violence against women in the form of "honor" killings still runs rampant in India.

You choose the monster stories you like -- or more accurately the media chooses the monster stories that will sell. Clearly when you're selling terrorism more buyers prefer the "Muslim" brand. The question is, why are you buying?
I feel the pain of the Muslim Community in America.

I grew up in the South in a state in which the Ku Klux Klan was active. Neither my family nor anyone we knew approved of the Klan...but we didn't do anything about them either. Pretty soon, we felt the opprobrium of the rest of the country...directed at the whole Southland and everyone in it and our first reaction was to resent being lumped in with the odious Klan.

And, our next revelation was that we bear the prime responsibility for curing a cancer which has grown up in the very culture we so loved. Thus we did, and in less than a decade the Klan was a farce, fading into an ignominious oblivion.

Islam has a cancer. And the time for Islam denying that, or ignoring over...and we should not let another one into this country until we have some kind of assurance that we won't be in the disastrous shape Europe is now in.

You will note that the Assholes from the Northeast condemned the Southerners as a whole Culture....but they defend the Muslim Culture from any responsibility whatsoever for the Barbarity which is so uniquely Muslim. Islam has a Duty in this matter---to cure, and at the least a key partner in the cure....of a grave evil for which Islam appears to be the Fountainhead.

No more Muslims. No more people from the Middle East, for now thank you....I am not also saying no Buddhists, no Hindus, no Asians, no Indians...they are welcome because they do not have Barbarians in their midst nor people who aide, abet and TOLERATE Barbarians.

That's rich, since, for one example, violence against women in the form of "honor" killings still runs rampant in India.

You choose the monster stories you like -- or more accurately the media chooses the monster stories that will sell. Clearly when you're selling terrorism more buyers prefer the "Muslim" brand. The question is, why are you buying?

I constantly ridicule you liberal/socialist/loons for never having a real response to any expressed opinion....on this, a Political Discourse Board. All you ever have is name calling...favorites being Racist, Nutter, Hater Dupe, Bigot, Homophobe, Islamophobe...etc.....because you are devoid of any ability to actually support your ridiculous positions.

But, you have at least attempted to respond. Bless your soul for that.

But, your response is, well...senseless and incoherent. The only thing that I think I can properly respond to is that I don't much care what is going on in India (deflection)...the Indians who I have encountered in America are honorable intelligent and peaceful citizens, generally a credit to the community.

The rest....about the monsters...I am afraid I am simply not stupid enough to be able to provide a proper response.
The only thing that I think I can properly respond to is that I don't much care what is going on in India (deflection)...the Indians who I have encountered in America are honorable intelligent and peaceful citizens, generally a credit to the community.

Just to continue the given example --- yes of course they are, and that's the rational view.

But the fact remains that women get pulled out of their homes and killed, even burned to death, regularly in India. It's a tiny minority of culturally-backward rural population, but if the media chose to focus on it rather than the "Islams are bad" meme, your previous post would have said "No more Indians, being a grave evil for which India is the fountainhead". But media doesn't do that --- it milks the Muslim meme, not because it's any more an issue than any other syndrome, but because the Muslim meme sells. In actual fact Islamist extremism accounts for very little of the overall terrorism that takes place, but you'd never know it following commercial media.

Fear sells ratings, and ratings sell commercials. When they find a fear angle that brings ROI, they stay with it as long as it works.

Our job is to recognize that that's what they're doing.

The rest....about the monsters...I am afraid I am simply not stupid enough to be able to provide a proper response.

You just did above. Now apply what you affixed to one group to the other group, check the thread title, and Bob's your uncle.
My Muslim brother-in-law isn't a terrorist, but he used my sister as a punching bag. He throttled her and rammed her head against the wall, giving her a concussion. He threw a vase at her head, and she had to have stitches. And all of that is not against Islam, it actually makes you a GOOD HUSBAND in the eyes of Muslims if you beat your wife.

After the vase throwing incident, my sister left the apartment without her cell phone. She knocked on the doors of her Muslim neighbors' apartments, so she could call the police, but none of them would let her in.

And the Muslims never accepted my sister as one of them, even though she wore that stupid veil, because she was white they would not accept her as one of them.
So it doesn't matter if they're terrorists, there's a lot of bad in Islam, and all are guilty if they believe in Islam and follow it's barbaric teachings.
Oh, PLEASE; muslims are the world's most perpetually butthurt, grievance-mongering crybabies on this planet! They ALWAYS love to portray themselves as woe-as-me sniveling victims. And they succeed because these dumb, stupid, naive, self-hating liberal cretins fall for it EVERY GODDAMNED TIME! Muslims DESERVE to be marginalized for their abhorrent beliefs and values that would repulse anybody who has a conscience.
So are you "for" or "against" muslims?? ....... :dunno:

Sir, I'm against a praised-by-Hitler hate ideology that has killed 300,000,000 people in total and still counting even as I type this sentence.
Fuck Islam. The only thing positive I can say about Muslims is that at least they are not all ni**ers (though a lot are).
My Muslim brother-in-law isn't a terrorist, but he used my sister as a punching bag. He throttled her and rammed her head against the wall, giving her a concussion. He threw a vase at her head, and she had to have stitches. And all of that is not against Islam, it actually makes you a GOOD HUSBAND in the eyes of Muslims if you beat your wife.

After the vase throwing incident, my sister left the apartment without her cell phone. She knocked on the doors of her Muslim neighbors' apartments, so she could call the police, but none of them would let her in.

And the Muslims never accepted my sister as one of them, even though she wore that stupid veil, because she was white they would not accept her as one of them.
Sounds like she was a lot of trouble.

He was lucky to get rid of her. ....... :cool:
All these echo back to the 1930's and 40's. Only it was Jews then.
Oh, PLEASE; muslims are the world's most perpetually butthurt, grievance-mongering crybabies on this planet! They ALWAYS love to portray themselves as woe-as-me sniveling victims. And they succeed because these dumb, stupid, naive, self-hating liberal cretins fall for it EVERY GODDAMNED TIME! Muslims DESERVE to be marginalized for their abhorrent beliefs and values that would repulse anybody who has a conscience.
So are you "for" or "against" muslims?? ....... :dunno:

Sir, I'm against a praised-by-Hitler hate ideology that has killed 300,000,000 people in total and still counting even as I type this sentence.

You think this country killed 300 million Indians? I didn't think there were that many.
My Muslim brother-in-law isn't a terrorist, but he used my sister as a punching bag. He throttled her and rammed her head against the wall, giving her a concussion. He threw a vase at her head, and she had to have stitches. And all of that is not against Islam, it actually makes you a GOOD HUSBAND in the eyes of Muslims if you beat your wife.

After the vase throwing incident, my sister left the apartment without her cell phone. She knocked on the doors of her Muslim neighbors' apartments, so she could call the police, but none of them would let her in.

And the Muslims never accepted my sister as one of them, even though she wore that stupid veil, because she was white they would not accept her as one of them.
so did you kick the fuckers ass or not?....
Oh, PLEASE; muslims are the world's most perpetually butthurt, grievance-mongering crybabies on this planet! They ALWAYS love to portray themselves as woe-as-me sniveling victims. And they succeed because these dumb, stupid, naive, self-hating liberal cretins fall for it EVERY GODDAMNED TIME! Muslims DESERVE to be marginalized for their abhorrent beliefs and values that would repulse anybody who has a conscience.
So are you "for" or "against" muslims?? ....... :dunno:

Sir, I'm against a praised-by-Hitler hate ideology that has killed 300,000,000 people in total and still counting even as I type this sentence.

You think this country killed 300 million Indians? I didn't think there were that many.

WillMunny will learn, if he hasn't already, that you are far too much of a Dumb-Ass to engage in a discussion with. Hint: He's not talking about Indians. Nobody but you are talking about Indians. Indians haven't done anything. The topic is the danger posed the sick culture coming out of the Middle East.
Muslims don't want to leave here, because their ultimate goal is to change all non-Islamic nations to Islamic nations.
It's only a matter of time before the nation will see a new political party created here called the Islamic Party.

LOLOLOL. you know and I know, more than two anything that's a minority is a threat to you cowardly rednecks....imagine a bunch of fuckin muslims actually protesting against this extremist shit, you country fucks would have a panic attack...shit two nigga's in a car is a threat to you red fucks....LIOLOLOLOL
After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times

After reading this the tears came and went....I feel for these people, I really really really do....but those tears were also for those who are dying needlessly at the hands of those who value no Muslim extremist. I'm sorry, but we are afraid. The muslim that smiles at you today, will be the same one who will abandon their infant child and murder a room full of people on a Christmas holiday outing in Ca. If the muslim community can not comprehend that, than we're sorry. You make us nervous.

Oh, I thought this was an OP on something relevant and or important

I hope they continue crying,

Good times


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