Muslim attack in CA just cost Democrats the entire 2016 election.

It all depends............................

If the GOP can scare the population badly enough, they might have a chance in 2016.

It worked to get Jr. elected for a second term.

Well, we all know what happened when the Democrats promised to hand out free stuff.

It worked well enough to get Obama elected twice.

What "free stuff" might that have been? I never heard that campaign promise. Actually the only place I've heard about "free stuff" has been on this message board.

Anybody get "free stuff"? I didn't. :crybaby:
Then you're not paying attention. Bernie Sander's central theme is free stuff and Bill Clinton's wife is doing the same thing. "Free college" "free healthcare".
It all depends............................

If the GOP can scare the population badly enough, they might have a chance in 2016.

It worked to get Jr. elected for a second term.

Well, we all know what happened when the Democrats promised to hand out free stuff.

It worked well enough to get Obama elected twice.

What "free stuff" might that have been? I never heard that campaign promise. Actually the only place I've heard about "free stuff" has been on this message board.

Anybody get "free stuff"? I didn't. :crybaby:
Then you're not paying attention. Bernie Sander's central theme is free stuff and Bill Clinton's wife is doing the same thing. "Free college" "free healthcare".

Actually he said O'bama. 2008 and 2012.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is "plinevirability"?

Now I said on 9-11-01... as the dust from the fallen WTC still blanketed Manhattan, that it was only a matter of time before the Idelogical Left overtly joined with Islam.

Mark this day as the day THAT inevitability came to pass.

And this... Even as the FBI declares that Islam has once again attacked the US and her citizens, here in the United States.
It all depends............................

If the GOP can scare the population badly enough, they might have a chance in 2016.

It worked to get Jr. elected for a second term.

Well, we all know what happened when the Democrats promised to hand out free stuff.

It worked well enough to get Obama elected twice.

What "free stuff" might that have been? I never heard that campaign promise. Actually the only place I've heard about "free stuff" has been on this message board.

Anybody get "free stuff"? I didn't. :crybaby:
Then you're not paying attention. Bernie Sander's central theme is free stuff and Bill Clinton's wife is doing the same thing. "Free college" "free healthcare".

Actually he said O'bama. 2008 and 2012.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is "plinevirability"?
Same thing... Obama is the one that spent 10 trillions dollars on Democrat dead weight
What a sad OP.
Let me translate the title.
"The GOP just won the election thanks to 17 innocent people being murdered."
First the hard right uses the four deaths at Bengazi for political gain. Now they are already planning how they can use the 17 people slaughtered yesterday.
Talk about disgusting.

Disgusting propagandist this lefty is.

It isn't about using the deaths you imbecile, it is about showing what left policy brings America, and you people want more of it.

And as far as the OP. You lefties on here can hold hands on here and sing cum-bay-ya all you want, but the polls show the left is in deep trouble. You can pretend it is not happening, and if it makes you feel good to lie to yourself, go ahead. But unless something changes dramatically, the GOP is going to get the Whitehouse, and are now coming close to 50-50 to hold the senate. Holding the House is a given.

I know, you don't believe it, do you, lololol! You count your supposed states with electoral college votes, scratch your pointy head, and can't figure it all out, lolol. Watch and see. The American people are sooooooooo pissed, and a lot of them Democrats to boot, you guys are going to be washed away by a tsunami like you have never seen before. When it is all said and done, if the correct GOPer wins, there won't even be a lot of the old DEPARTMENTS in DC to hide the libs in anymore! YOU will be out of power for a very long time, because once power is returned to the states, even when a lib is elected to the Presidency, they will have only 1/3 the power that it enjoys now.

You had better enjoy the next 13 or so months, cause I have a feeling, you are going to be crying (politically) for the next 20 years or so, trying to get people elected to state office, since they will have much of the power-)
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?
It all depends............................

If the GOP can scare the population badly enough, they might have a chance in 2016.

It worked to get Jr. elected for a second term.

Well, we all know what happened when the Democrats promised to hand out free stuff.

It worked well enough to get Obama elected twice.

What "free stuff" might that have been? I never heard that campaign promise. Actually the only place I've heard about "free stuff" has been on this message board.

Anybody get "free stuff"? I didn't. :crybaby:
Then you're not paying attention. Bernie Sander's central theme is free stuff and Bill Clinton's wife is doing the same thing. "Free college" "free healthcare".

Actually he said O'bama. 2008 and 2012.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is "plinevirability"?
Same thing... Obama is the one that spent 10 trillions dollars on Democrat dead weight

Yyyyeah uhh... thanks for.... clearing that up. :cuckoo:
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.

You insane? Oh wait, look who I'm posting to...

So tell us o pathetically preposterous pundit --- the effect of Robert Dear was.... what?

Oops -- 'member him?

Doublethink lives.

Still waiting to hear what the cost of the "Christian attack in CO" was ....

Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.

There are literally not enough right wing crackas to elect anyone in the white christer party nationally , so get off that hill billy heroin
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.

Then the question becomes -- 'who created radical Islamic-flavored terrorism?'

The RP would have to make the case that the DP did. Given what's gone down in Iraq over the last dozen years, that may not be a Pandora's Box the RP wants to open.
"Muslim attack"

There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack.'.

Tell that to the 14 dead people's families in San Bernardino.

Non sequitur.

I'm still asking about the "Christian attack" in Colorado a few days prior.

That's a fallacy of course, but the comparison is intentional.

Did he commit his attack in the name of Christianity? The media is reporting today that Malik professed her allegiance to ISIS on her Facebook page. Bit of a difference between the two, don't you think?
"Muslim attack"

There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack.'.

Tell that to the 14 dead people's families in San Bernardino.

Non sequitur.

I'm still asking about the "Christian attack" in Colorado a few days prior.

That's a fallacy of course, but the comparison is intentional.

Did he commit his attack in the name of Christianity? The media is reporting today that Malik professed her allegiance to ISIS on her Facebook page. Bit of a difference between the two, don't you think?

One person who spoke with [Dear] extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings.

The Times reporter also interviewed a close relative of Dear’s Colorado girlfriend Stephanie Bragg, who said the couple were “very religious, read the Bible often and are always talking about scripture.” The two reportedly lived in a trailer marked with a small cross, and that Bragg couldn’t believe Dear was “capable of such things.”

Nevertheless, Bragg told the relative she had a theory as to what drove her boyfriend to murder several people in cold blood: “He believed he was doing God’s will, and I’m sure he probably wanted to die in the process of carrying out what I’m sure he thought was right.”

Yes, The Planned Parenthood Shooter Is A ‘Christian Terrorist’
"Muslim attack"

There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack.'.

Tell that to the 14 dead people's families in San Bernardino.

Non sequitur.

I'm still asking about the "Christian attack" in Colorado a few days prior.

That's a fallacy of course, but the comparison is intentional.
There was no Christian attack in Colorado.

There was a homeless lot lizard attack on the cold ass Colorado street... Who ran into an abortion mill... Who is wholly unaffiliated with Christianity
"Muslim attack"

There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack.'.

Tell that to the 14 dead people's families in San Bernardino.

Non sequitur.

I'm still asking about the "Christian attack" in Colorado a few days prior.

That's a fallacy of course, but the comparison is intentional.

Did he commit his attack in the name of Christianity? The media is reporting today that Malik professed her allegiance to ISIS on her Facebook page. Bit of a difference between the two, don't you think?

One person who spoke with [Dear] extensively about his religious views said Mr. Dear, who is 57, had praised people who attacked abortion providers, saying they were doing “God’s work.” In 2009, said the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for the privacy of the family, Mr. Dear described as “heroes” members of the Army of God, a loosely organized group of anti-abortion extremists that has claimed responsibility for a number of killings and bombings.

The Times reporter also interviewed a close relative of Dear’s Colorado girlfriend Stephanie Bragg, who said the couple were “very religious, read the Bible often and are always talking about scripture.” The two reportedly lived in a trailer marked with a small cross, and that Bragg couldn’t believe Dear was “capable of such things.”

Nevertheless, Bragg told the relative she had a theory as to what drove her boyfriend to murder several people in cold blood: “He believed he was doing God’s will, and I’m sure he probably wanted to die in the process of carrying out what I’m sure he thought was right.”

Yes, The Planned Parenthood Shooter Is A ‘Christian Terrorist’

ROFLMNAO... A lunatic ... Homeless lot lizard. The product of socialist policy. Whose entire life is a blue-print welfare case.

Nothing right wing or Christian about him.

But it is ADORABLE THAT THE LEFT NEEDS TO MAKE THAT CRANK INTO SOME OOSTER CHILD OF THE RIGHT... which rejects every single facet of his life and everything g he stands for.

LOL... Absolutely adorable
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.

You insane? Oh wait, look who I'm posting to...

So tell us o pathetically preposterous pundit --- the effect of Robert Dear was.... what?

Oops -- 'member him?

Doublethink lives.

Robert Dear is that same as a Muslim Terrorist - seeking to kill people due to a fanatic hatred of all other people outside of his religion. The Robert Dears seeking to kill innocents at an abortion clinic or Sayed Farooks who hate non Muslims and seek to kill innocents just because, should both be met with the same: an armed citizen militia seek to protect America. If an anti-abortion terrorist, Muslim terrorist, white supremacist terrorist, or any terrorist seeks to kill innocent Americans, they should have a certain level of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) that they will not accomplish their goal because an armed law abiding citizen will shoot them dead on the spot. We had the 2nd Amendment in place for 171 years of US history and do not see any record of a mass shooting until University of Texas in 1965. Since then, the mass terrorist shootings have sky rockected. Gun free zones and taking guns from law abiding citizens are not going to prevent well motivated and funded terrorists from getting guns and killing innocents. France and Europe have more restrictive gun you think Americans want to go in that direction that left people vulnerable in a theatre to be shot dead by ISIS?

ISIS is a threat. Given this event and Paris, as well as Oklahoma beheading and Fort Hood, an armed citizen militia is the direction Americans are going to want to go.
It all depends............................

If the GOP can scare the population badly enough, they might have a chance in 2016.

It worked to get Jr. elected for a second term.

Well, we all know what happened when the Democrats promised to hand out free stuff.

It worked well enough to get Obama elected twice.

What "free stuff" might that have been? I never heard that campaign promise. Actually the only place I've heard about "free stuff" has been on this message board.

Anybody get "free stuff"? I didn't. :crybaby:
A lot of ticks on the ass of society are getting free healthcare, free rent, free food, free child care, free college and free cell phones.

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