Muslim attack in CA just cost Democrats the entire 2016 election.


Now I said on 9-11-01... as the dust from the fallen WTC still blanketed Manhattan, that it was only a matter of time before the Idelogical Left overtly joined with Islam.

Mark this day as the day THAT inevitability came to pass.

And this... Even as the FBI declares that Islam has once again attacked the US and her citizens, here in the United States.

These morons are sinking any hope of Hillary winning the election. They don't seem to realize that average Americans think they're nuts.
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.

Then the question becomes -- 'who created radical Islamic-flavored terrorism?'

Muslims did, moron. The idea that the U.S.A is responsible for these nutburgers slaughtering hundreds of innocent people doesn't pass the laugh test.

The RP would have to make the case that the DP did. Given what's gone down in Iraq over the last dozen years, that may not be a Pandora's Box the RP wants to open.

You're dumber than I thought. You're only helping to sink any hope Hillary may have had of winning the election.
What a sad OP.
Let me translate the title...

"The GOP just won the election thanks to 17 innocent people being murdered... by those enabled to do so by the ideological Left, which is presently seeking to import HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS JUST LIKE THOSE WHO MURDERED A DOZEN INNOCENT PEOPLE THIS VERY WEEK."

There ya go...

All translated for ya.
"Muslim attack"

There is no such thing as a 'Muslim attack.'.

Tell that to the 14 dead people's families in San Bernardino.

Non sequitur.

I'm still asking about the "Christian attack" in Colorado a few days prior.

That's a fallacy of course, but the comparison is intentional.
There was no Christian attack in Colorado.

There was a homeless lot lizard attack on the cold ass Colorado street... Who ran into an abortion mill... Who is wholly unaffiliated with Christianity

Good. That's step one.
Now go back and apply the same logic to "Muslim attack".
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.

You insane? Oh wait, look who I'm posting to...

So tell us o pathetically preposterous pundit --- the effect of Robert Dear was.... what?

Oops -- 'member him?

Doublethink lives.

Robert Dear is that same as a Muslim Terrorist - seeking to kill people due to a fanatic hatred of all other people outside of his religion. The Robert Dears seeking to kill innocents at an abortion clinic or Sayed Farooks who hate non Muslims and seek to kill innocents just because, should both be met with the same: an armed citizen militia seek to protect America. If an anti-abortion terrorist, Muslim terrorist, white supremacist terrorist, or any terrorist seeks to kill innocent Americans, they should have a certain level of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) that they will not accomplish their goal because an armed law abiding citizen will shoot them dead on the spot. We had the 2nd Amendment in place for 171 years of US history and do not see any record of a mass shooting until University of Texas in 1965. Since then, the mass terrorist shootings have sky rockected. Gun free zones and taking guns from law abiding citizens are not going to prevent well motivated and funded terrorists from getting guns and killing innocents. France and Europe have more restrictive gun you think Americans want to go in that direction that left people vulnerable in a theatre to be shot dead by ISIS?

ISIS is a threat. Given this event and Paris, as well as Oklahoma beheading and Fort Hood, an armed citizen militia is the direction Americans are going to want to go.

I agreed with the first half of this post. Then you went off in tangential directions that have nothing to do with anything I've ever said.
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.
The Democrats had a majority in the US Senate in 2015?
Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.
The Democrats had a majority in the US Senate in 2015?

Liberals placed their bets with their "Hug a Thug" policy regarding radical Muslims and urban street thugs. It has backfired in dramatic fashion.

I fear many more will occur in the next 11 months. And it's gonna cost Democrats dearly.
You think so, eh?

I think the possibility that these kinds of actions can hurt the Democratic Party in the elections next year is very real, yes. Obama and his party can continue to deny all they want about the connections this attack the other day had with radical Islam, but the American people are a lot smarter than that. The majority, including a significant chunk of Democrats, aren't big on that kind of politically correct nonsense and they see right through it. If this becomes the number one issue in next year's elections it can very well cost the Dems the White House and a possible majority in the Senate even if they are running against someone as looney as Trump. Fear has the biggest influence over people.
The Democrats had a majority in the US Senate in 2015?

thanks for clearing that up


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