Muslim flight attendant suspended...

Yet, refuse to issue same sex marriage licenses and you go to jail.

You think the flight attendant should be jailed?
I don't think she should have been terminated. She should be accommodated.
And I don't think the Clerk should have been jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses.

I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Had she done this, she could have asserted her right to “reasonable accommodations” of her religious beliefs. Issuing licenses to gays would consume an insignificant amount of her work schedule. Her county has a population of around 23,000. Many of these are children and only about 5% of the adult population is gay. I don't know what the marriage rate is for gays but I do know that not all gays want to get married. I doubt that even 100 gay couples would apply for marriage licenses each year so having another person perform this task would not be an undue burden. Further, as the supervisor in her office she had the right to assign job duties to her employees. Although gay couples had the right to obtain a marriage license, they had no right to have a specific employee provide this service.

The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible. The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

For the record, I spent a good part of my life defending employees against disciplinary actions and enforcing their rights, including “reasonable accommodations” for various conditions such as handicaps and religious beliefs. I know what “reasonable accommodations” are and they do not include forcing a government agency to cease performing a statutory duty. Anyone who thinks that forcing gay couples to drive to another county to get a marriage license is a “reasonable accommodation” does not know the law.

There is no way in hell she is going to prevail in this matter which is a good thing. If she were allowed to continue her obviously discriminatory practice she could literally bankrupt her county. There will be inevitable lawsuits for which there is no imaginable defense. I wouldn't be surprised if the gay lobby targeted the county for the purpose of filing such lawsuits.
I wonder what the company will do the next time a rag head applies to be a flight attendant?
Company policy is to serve passengers alcohol. She refused to adhere to company policy WHICH SHE KNEW was in place when she applied!
Fire the bitch!
I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.
However, your story is not complete neither.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Read bold letters. you said it yourself, it's her office. Sh'e elected to clerk position by the people.


The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible.
Licenses can be issued by duly elected clerk only. Since it's her office that she was elected to run, ultimately as long she's elected clerk, every license that is issued without her permission, can be null and void and reissued by newly elected clerk.

Now, I am not defending her for not issuing licenses. By refusing to follow judges orders, she IS breaking the law. However, it's completely different issue for not allowing her employees to issue licenses in her name.

The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

Actually, the First Amendment right supersedes the law. She's not booked for breaking the marriage laws, she's locked up for contempt of court.
the baker broke the public accommodation laws.
and no, some things are not up for debate. some things are a matter of record. for instance, it is a fact that the baker discriminated against homosexuals and refused to offer the same products and services offered to heterosexuals. that is a fact. not debatable.

the flight attendant does not wish to handle alcohol. she is not discriminating against anyone. again, a fact, not debatable. she reached an accommodation with her employer, everyone was happy - until the complaint was filed.

No shit, public accommodation laws. It's not that I don't trust you, but if you are referring to a law that baker broke, you should cite that law. Be specific.

Baker did not discriminated against homos. Baker sell all products he makes to everyone. He doesn't sell product he don't make. Due to his religious beliefs, he's not in business of making cakes for homosexual weddings. It's not on the menu.

About flight attendant. You're saying that she's not discrimination against anyone and the base for that are, her religious beliefs. Well, baker has his religious beliefs too and he cant bake homosexual cakes. You may say, perhaps, that his religion is discriminatory, but not him for following his religion.

Stanley, 40, started working for ExpressJet nearly three years ago. About two years ago she converted to Islam. This year she learned her faith prohibits her from not only consuming alcohol but serving it, too, Masri said.

It took her two years to find out Islam relation to alcohol? And what she claims is wrong. Islam does not prohibit serving of alcohol, it discouraging its consumption. Only thing that's obvious here is she's trying to find the way to skim the airline for money.

If the baker makes wedding cakes, and would not sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, how can you say the baker sells all products he makes to everyone? You mention homosexual cakes. What are those? I was unaware cakes had sexual orientations. :lol:

Let's say that someone goes to Home Depot. They ask about buying some lumber and tools. An employee asks what the things are for and the customer tells them it is for a small stage to be made for a gay wedding. The employee tells the customer they do not sell lumber and tools to be used in homosexual weddings. Aren't the lumber and tools just the same as if they were sold for some other purpose?

I agree that it seems kind of silly to not realize your religion prohibits you from serving alcohol for two years. On the other hand, I also find it silly how you claim to know what is or is not required of this woman's particular brand of Islam. Just as Christians cannot agree on many details of their religion, leading to the many different sects, so too I would think that adherents of Islam often disagree about the interpretation of their religion. Any major religion is almost certain to have varied interpretations. I doubt that your personal interpretation of the requirements of Islam hold any particular legal standing. ;)
So simple.

Just reassign the individual to a position where she will not have serving alcohol among her required duties.

For example, surely there is an ongoing need for staff to drain the toilet tanks between flights.
I'm thinking, why suspended? Why not fired?

According to leftist most recent interpretation of the 14th amendment via gay marriage, her refusal to serve alcohol on religious grounds is discrimination against people who drink alcohol.
if you're going to play that game i would say that the right believes that not only should the attendant be allowed to make that decision but that they should be allowed to prevent others on the plane from serving alcohol as well
You would be wrong
If the baker makes wedding cakes, and would not sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, how can you say the baker sells all products he makes to everyone? You mention homosexual cakes. What are those? I was unaware cakes had sexual orientations. :lol:

I wasn't aware neither. Because I have not mentioned homosexual cake. Have I?

Edit: I did say it. I stand corrected. I meant cake for homosexual wedding.

Let's say that someone goes to Home Depot. They ask about buying some lumber and tools. An employee asks what the things are for and the customer tells them it is for a small stage to be made for a gay wedding. The employee tells the customer they do not sell lumber and tools to be used in homosexual weddings. Aren't the lumber and tools just the same as if they were sold for some other purpose?

Employee at Home Depot doesn't create store policy. His religious beliefs are irrelevant due to the bona fide requirement.

I agree that it seems kind of silly to not realize your religion prohibits you from serving alcohol for two years. On the other hand, I also find it silly how you claim to know what is or is not required of this woman's particular brand of Islam. Just as Christians cannot agree on many details of their religion, leading to the many different sects, so too I would think that adherents of Islam often disagree about the interpretation of their religion. Any major religion is almost certain to have varied interpretations. I doubt that your personal interpretation of the requirements of Islam hold any particular legal standing. ;)

All Islam follows one book, Koran, regardless of "brand". According to Koran, and if you want me to quote it I will, consumption of alcohol is not even forbidden, just discouraged.
Last edited:
This is why religion is complete horse shit. All it does is cause strife around the world.
We were getting along just fine in our society until the "I wanna jack off in public" crowd decided to push their gay or anti-Christian agenda on the rest of us.

Oh you mean allowing people to have freedom after a couple centuries of you pushing your Christianity on everybody? I am always amused by how you think you people are the ones being persecuted.
The woman in Kentucky may need to be in jail....but she should be there with the liberal/socialists in San Francisco and other Sanctuary Cities who are also dis-obeying the Law of the Land...and the Muslim flight attendant needs to be sent back to what ever hovel in the desert of Arabia or Africa she came from---unless she is an American citizen, then she should just be fired.
the baker broke the public accommodation laws.
and no, some things are not up for debate. some things are a matter of record. for instance, it is a fact that the baker discriminated against homosexuals and refused to offer the same products and services offered to heterosexuals. that is a fact. not debatable.

the flight attendant does not wish to handle alcohol. she is not discriminating against anyone. again, a fact, not debatable. she reached an accommodation with her employer, everyone was happy - until the complaint was filed.

No shit, public accommodation laws. It's not that I don't trust you, but if you are referring to a law that baker broke, you should cite that law. Be specific.

Baker did not discriminated against homos. Baker sell all products he makes to everyone.
that is factually inaccurate. again, he refused to sell a wedding cake - a product he made - to a couple because they were homosexual. this is a fact, it is not debatable.
He doesn't sell product he don't make. Due to his religious beliefs, he's not in business of making cakes for homosexual weddings. It's not on the menu.
but wedding cakes are. he would not sell a product he made to the couple because they were gay. again, that's a fact. not debatable.

flight attendant. You're saying that she's not discrimination against anyone and the base for that are, her religious beliefs.
no, i'm saying she's not discriminating because she wasn't. she was not going to handle alcohol for anyone no matter who they were. the customer was not discriminated against.
Well, baker has his religious beliefs too and he cant bake homosexual cakes.
what is a homosexual cake?
You may say, perhaps, that his religion is discriminatory, but not him for following his religion.
this sentence makes no sense. if his religious beliefs are discriminatory and he follows them he is discriminatory.

Stanley, 40, started working for ExpressJet nearly three years ago. About two years ago she converted to Islam. This year she learned her faith prohibits her from not only consuming alcohol but serving it, too, Masri said.

It took her two years to find out Islam relation to alcohol? And what she claims is wrong. Islam does not prohibit serving of alcohol, it discouraging its consumption. Only thing that's obvious here is she's trying to find the way to skim the airline for money.[/QUOTE]
she worked for a time without issue not handling alcohol. the airline agreed to the accommodation and then changed their minds. how is she trying to skim money?
I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.
However, your story is not complete neither.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Read bold letters. you said it yourself, it's her office. Sh'e elected to clerk position by the people.


The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible.
Licenses can be issued by duly elected clerk only. Since it's her office that she was elected to run, ultimately as long she's elected clerk, every license that is issued without her permission, can be null and void and reissued by newly elected clerk.

Now, I am not defending her for not issuing licenses. By refusing to follow judges orders, she IS breaking the law. However, it's completely different issue for not allowing her employees to issue licenses in her name.

The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

Actually, the First Amendment right supersedes the law. She's not booked for breaking the marriage laws, she's locked up for contempt of court.
the office of county clerk does not have first amendment rights - and her first amendment rights do not allow her to ignore her oath of office or deny rights to others.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.
However, your story is not complete neither.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Read bold letters. you said it yourself, it's her office. Sh'e elected to clerk position by the people.


The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible.
Licenses can be issued by duly elected clerk only. Since it's her office that she was elected to run, ultimately as long she's elected clerk, every license that is issued without her permission, can be null and void and reissued by newly elected clerk.

Now, I am not defending her for not issuing licenses. By refusing to follow judges orders, she IS breaking the law. However, it's completely different issue for not allowing her employees to issue licenses in her name.

The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

Actually, the First Amendment right supersedes the law. She's not booked for breaking the marriage laws, she's locked up for contempt of court.
the office of county clerk does not have first amendment rights - and her first amendment rights do not allow her to ignore her oath of office or deny rights to others.
Every us citizen enjoyes1st amendment rights regardless of the ir occupation.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.
However, your story is not complete neither.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Read bold letters. you said it yourself, it's her office. Sh'e elected to clerk position by the people.


The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible.
Licenses can be issued by duly elected clerk only. Since it's her office that she was elected to run, ultimately as long she's elected clerk, every license that is issued without her permission, can be null and void and reissued by newly elected clerk.

Now, I am not defending her for not issuing licenses. By refusing to follow judges orders, she IS breaking the law. However, it's completely different issue for not allowing her employees to issue licenses in her name.

The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

Actually, the First Amendment right supersedes the law. She's not booked for breaking the marriage laws, she's locked up for contempt of court.

I put the letters MBA, JD, after my name. The JD means Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. If you think that people cannot legally obtain marriage licenses when the County Clerk is absent due to illness or vacation or (as in this case) when she is incarcerated, you are a fool.
I respectfully disagree. I don't think you have the full story.
However, your story is not complete neither.

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Read bold letters. you said it yourself, it's her office. Sh'e elected to clerk position by the people.


The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible.
Licenses can be issued by duly elected clerk only. Since it's her office that she was elected to run, ultimately as long she's elected clerk, every license that is issued without her permission, can be null and void and reissued by newly elected clerk.

Now, I am not defending her for not issuing licenses. By refusing to follow judges orders, she IS breaking the law. However, it's completely different issue for not allowing her employees to issue licenses in her name.

The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

Actually, the First Amendment right supersedes the law. She's not booked for breaking the marriage laws, she's locked up for contempt of court.

I certainly do have the whole story, and even more importantly – unlike you - I understand the whole story. Also – unlike you – I place the letters MBA, JD after my name. The JD stands for Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. Let me break it down for you. When the law says marriage licenses must be issued by the County Clerk, that does not mean that only the person elected to that position has the authority. It means that the elected person has the duty and authority to perform such ministerial duties and can delegate such authority to others. Further, every government agency has rules to insure the orderly continuation of essential services when an elected official is incapacitated. Do you seriously think that marriage licenses are not processed when the clerk is on vacation or is incapacitated due to illness or injury?

I assure you, sir (or madam as the case may be) that each and every one of the marriage licenses issued by her office while she is incarcerated is just as valid ad those which bear her signature. Now I am done with you. Feel free to continue your senseless rantings unopposed by me.
that is factually inaccurate. again, he refused to sell a wedding cake - a product he made - to a couple because they were homosexual. this is a fact, it is not debatable.

You keep saying that. Just because you think something is a fact, and saying it's not debatable, it doesn't make it so.

You may keep twisting it any way you want, but as I said already, they were not refused service "because they were homosexuals". Baker refused to sell a cake for homosexual wedding, the event that's against bakers religious beliefs.

but wedding cakes are. he would not sell a product he made to the couple because they were gay. again, that's a fact. not debatable.
Nope, not "because they are gay", but what is used for. It's not my problem that you can't see the difference.

no, i'm saying she's not discriminating because she wasn't. she was not going to handle alcohol for anyone no matter who they were. the customer was not discriminated against.

Actually, she was discrimination against people who drink alcohol. Her employer offers alcohol to their customers. Last time I checked, drinking alcohol is not illegal unless you're underage.

what is a homosexual cake?
Yeah, you know exactly what I meant, but you chose to keep playing dumb. Beside, I already explained this earlier.

this sentence makes no sense. if his religious beliefs are discriminatory and he follows them he is discriminatory.
In some way, yes. But if you look little further, the religion was discriminating against gays long before the law was enacted. And we both know what law of the land says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." You keep ignoring that part.

she worked for a time without issue not handling alcohol. the airline agreed to the accommodation and then changed their minds. how is she trying to skim money?

The employer may have agreed to the accommodation, and they may have changed their mind. You see, I have a friends who are an airline pilots. Let's say one of them converted to Islam and due to his newly adopted religious beliefs refused to fly at certain times of day and suddenly demands cockpit accommodation to face Mecca and pray. What's your opinion, should he get it?
I put the letters MBA, JD, after my name. The JD means Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. If you think that people cannot legally obtain marriage licenses when the County Clerk is absent due to illness or vacation or (as in this case) when she is incarcerated, you are a fool.

Frankly, from one MBA to another, you should know the meaning of word "IF" you used. She was not sick, nor on vacation, nor incarcerated at the time. Your JD may give you initial upper hand on legal knowledge, but this MSEE will guarantee you that can find and process information on the subject when its needed. Agree?

Since you're not fool, tell me, is license valid if is not issued by duly elected official's permission? Yes or no.

I certainly do have the whole story, and even more importantly – unlike you - I understand the whole story. Also – unlike you – I place the letters MBA, JD after my name. The JD stands for Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. Let me break it down for you. When the law says marriage licenses must be issued by the County Clerk, that does not mean that only the person elected to that position has the authority. It means that the elected person has the duty and authority to perform such ministerial duties and can delegate such authority to others. Further, every government agency has rules to insure the orderly continuation of essential services when an elected official is incapacitated. Do you seriously think that marriage licenses are not processed when the clerk is on vacation or is incapacitated due to illness or injury?

Read bold, then answer. While she was in the office, did she delegated such authority to others? Yes or no.

I assure you, sir (or madam as the case may be) that each and every one of the marriage licenses issued by her office while she is incarcerated is just as valid ad those which bear her signature. Now I am done with you. Feel free to continue your senseless rantings unopposed by me.

To issue the licenses while she's absent, authority may be delegated to someone else. Who that is depends on rules of that office or voters. Just because she's absent it doesn't mean employees can do whatever they want.
If the baker makes wedding cakes, and would not sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, how can you say the baker sells all products he makes to everyone? You mention homosexual cakes. What are those? I was unaware cakes had sexual orientations. :lol:

I wasn't aware neither. Because I have not mentioned homosexual cake. Have I?

Edit: I did say it. I stand corrected. I meant cake for homosexual wedding.

Let's say that someone goes to Home Depot. They ask about buying some lumber and tools. An employee asks what the things are for and the customer tells them it is for a small stage to be made for a gay wedding. The employee tells the customer they do not sell lumber and tools to be used in homosexual weddings. Aren't the lumber and tools just the same as if they were sold for some other purpose?

Employee at Home Depot doesn't create store policy. His religious beliefs are irrelevant due to the bona fide requirement.

I agree that it seems kind of silly to not realize your religion prohibits you from serving alcohol for two years. On the other hand, I also find it silly how you claim to know what is or is not required of this woman's particular brand of Islam. Just as Christians cannot agree on many details of their religion, leading to the many different sects, so too I would think that adherents of Islam often disagree about the interpretation of their religion. Any major religion is almost certain to have varied interpretations. I doubt that your personal interpretation of the requirements of Islam hold any particular legal standing. ;)

All Islam follows one book, Koran, regardless of "brand". According to Koran, and if you want me to quote it I will, consumption of alcohol is not even forbidden, just discouraged.

*sigh* OK, let's say the owner of a small hardware store decides not to sell the lumber and tools after finding out they are to be used for a homosexual wedding. Are the lumber and tools any different because of what they are to be used for?

Unless you are going to show me a quote from the Koran which says, explicitly, that Muslims are permitted to serve alcohol, I don't see your point. As I said, it's about differing interpretations. In fact, even were you to show me such a passage, I don't doubt that some people would find a way to interpret it to mean something else. If you haven't noticed, that happens with large religions. The same passages mean different things to different people. All the various sects of Christianity follow the Bible, yet still have many disagreements about what that book tells them. What you consider the Koran to be telling Muslims in regards to alcohol is not, obviously, what all Muslims believe.
I put the letters MBA, JD, after my name. The JD means Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. If you think that people cannot legally obtain marriage licenses when the County Clerk is absent due to illness or vacation or (as in this case) when she is incarcerated, you are a fool.

Frankly, from one MBA to another, you should know the meaning of word "IF" you used. She was not sick, nor on vacation, nor incarcerated at the time. Your JD may give you initial upper hand on legal knowledge, but this MSEE will guarantee you that can find and process information on the subject when its needed. Agree?

Since you're not fool, tell me, is license valid if is not issued by duly elected official's permission? Yes or no.

I certainly do have the whole story, and even more importantly – unlike you - I understand the whole story. Also – unlike you – I place the letters MBA, JD after my name. The JD stands for Juris Doctorate or doctorate in law. Let me break it down for you. When the law says marriage licenses must be issued by the County Clerk, that does not mean that only the person elected to that position has the authority. It means that the elected person has the duty and authority to perform such ministerial duties and can delegate such authority to others. Further, every government agency has rules to insure the orderly continuation of essential services when an elected official is incapacitated. Do you seriously think that marriage licenses are not processed when the clerk is on vacation or is incapacitated due to illness or injury?

Read bold, then answer. While she was in the office, did she delegated such authority to others? Yes or no.

I assure you, sir (or madam as the case may be) that each and every one of the marriage licenses issued by her office while she is incarcerated is just as valid ad those which bear her signature. Now I am done with you. Feel free to continue your senseless rantings unopposed by me.

To issue the licenses while she's absent, authority may be delegated to someone else. Who that is depends on rules of that office or voters. Just because she's absent it doesn't mean employees can do whatever they want.

As I understand it the attorney for the county has said that the marriage licenses issued while Mrs. Davis is in prison are legitimate. It certainly doesn't seem to be a case of employees 'doing whatever they want'.
Another religious beliefs case.

Muslim flight attendant says she was suspended for refusing to serve alcohol

A Muslim flight attendant says she was suspended by ExpressJet for refusing to serve alcohol in accordance with her Islamic faith.

In a bid to get her job back, Charee Stanley filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Tuesday for the revocation of a reasonable religious accommodation.

Yeah, like she didn't know that would happen. Put her in jail with Kim Davis. I can't wait until some more opportunists decide to stop issuing gun permits and liquor licenses. Some religious pharmacists refuse to fill contraceptive prescriptions.
Hey, you assholes started this shit.

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