Muslim in Chief Says Nohing About ISIL Slaughtering Christians in Iraq

As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.
So now we are to protect every Christian in da world?? When are they going to learn how to assert themselves??
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As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Oblama really put Christians into re-education camps to die during Nam??
So now we are to protect every Christian in da world?? When are they going to learn how to assert themselves??

When they do, and they eventually will, little fucktards like you will not like it.
As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Mental health facilities for treatment is not camps.
As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Mental health facilities for treatment is not camps.

You're a sad sack piece of shit. You realize this by now right? Shall they wear flair too?
As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Oblama really put Christians into re-education camps to die during Nam??

Yes he as very powerful when he as 7 years old, you know the commie muslim superman thing!!
As awful as this is, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, explains on The Kelly File that something just as fundamentally wrong is happening in the Oval Office:

This administration has been silent continuously when Christians have been persecuted… [it] is more concerned about offending Islamic states and Islamic nations than they are of defending the long standing policy that America has always had — that religious freedom is a human right, not just an American right… I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the atrocities of ISIS or the silence of the Obama administration.”

And when the bastard starts having USA Christians that wont go along with his dictates, he will have them put in camps to re-educate and leave the Bible or they will stay till they die like in Vietnam.

Mental health facilities for treatment is not camps.

thanks for the validation, moron
ISIS is slaughtering Christians and the President MUST acknowledge this, or the US fails in human rights. ISIS may already be heading to an "Armageddon/paradise goal, and stopping them must be a priority.
So now we are to protect every Christian in da world?? When are they going to learn how to assert themselves??

When they do, and they eventually will, little fucktards like you will not like it.

More christian revenge fantasies? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

lol, you libtards claim we are all like the KKK and they were so bad and evil on one hand, then when you get to enjoying the persecution of Christians you downplay it all like Christians will never do the natural thing one day and start going underground.

You are such a fucking idiot, roflmao.
Christians... being slaughtered in a foreign country... is none of America's business. Obama does not need to interfere.

As if, just because they are Christians, they deserve special respect, attention, protection, and privileges from America.

Let them die. They are going to Heaven, are they not? :)
When they do, and they eventually will, little fucktards like you will not like it.

More christian revenge fantasies? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Most Christians stand with Israel, whether you like it or NOT.

guno is just upset that, like homosexuality, Christianity is a choice, not something that someone is born into like Judaism.

Plus, all guno can do is talk, he is a great CBsuperman. He would never actually get out in the real world, outside of his window, and get his hands dirty supporting what he claims to believe in though. :scared1: You have to have a set for that! :lol:

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