Muslim kids in Belgium cheered suicide attacks

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Children don't understand how they can be manipulated. The adults are to blame, not the children.

The indoctrination of children into believing such horrors are to be supported and cheered, this is of course child abuse.
Children don't understand how they can be manipulated. The adults are to blame, not the children.
The children have been indoctrinated and will not change. Kill the radical Muslims...and their children.
I don't agree with killing children. Children are capable of changing.
Then kill all that don't...after you kill their radical Muslim parents.
We must stop ISIS but we won't be able to do that if we succumb to what they want which is a full scale war with Muslims. Most Muslims don't want Armageddon.
Thank you ^^^

So tell us something new now! :biggrin: :dunno:
"Islam is a peaceful religion"
~~G W Bush 9/12/01

Those Muslim kids of course won't be monitored, no that'd be "racist", only those who make Tweets saying they don't want hundreds of thousands so-called "poor refugees" piling in, only those people get monitored as they're obviously "racists"

I think you took Skyes comment in the wrong way.
Children don't understand how they can be manipulated. The adults are to blame, not the children.

The indoctrination of children into believing such horrors are to be supported and cheered, this is of course child abuse.
Same time, during WWII AMERICAN children hated Germans and Japanese. We put our own citizens in internment camps. Those of Japanese ancestry.
I'm all for giving ISIS hell. But full scale Muslim hating, not for me.
Wanting to kill all radical Muslims is not full scale Muslim hating. The radicals are a small part of Islam....a very deadly small group of maniacal misfits. Kill them all.

I respect non-radical Muslims and have several Muslim friends.
Children don't understand how they can be manipulated. The adults are to blame, not the children.
The children have been indoctrinated and will not change. Kill the radical Muslims...and their children.
I don't agree with killing children. Children are capable of changing.
Then kill all that don't...after you kill their radical Muslim parents.
We must stop ISIS but we won't be able to do that if we succumb to what they want which is a full scale war with Muslims. Most Muslims don't want Armageddon.
Quite true. We are at war with RADICAL MUSLIMS...not all Muslims. There are millions upon millions of moderate Muslims that detest radical Muslims.
Children don't understand how they can be manipulated. The adults are to blame, not the children.
The children have been indoctrinated and will not change. Kill the radical Muslims...and their children.
I don't agree with killing children. Children are capable of changing.
Then kill all that don't...after you kill their radical Muslim parents.
We must stop ISIS but we won't be able to do that if we succumb to what they want which is a full scale war with Muslims. Most Muslims don't want Armageddon.
Quite true. We are at war with RADICAL MUSLIMS...not all Muslims. There are millions upon millions of moderate Muslims that detest radical Muslims.
Soon it will be evident even to the most hard headed that we are indeed at war with the entire religion. When that day arrived and we're finally seeing clearly, the remedy will also be clear.
Thank you ^^^

So tell us something new now! :biggrin: :dunno:
"Islam is a peaceful religion"
~~G W Bush 9/12/01

The 9/11 attack would have, nay SHOULD HAVE set the proper tone towards Muslims, but then George W. Bush ruined everything with his idiotic declaration that Islam is a religion of peace.

Everything has been going down hill ever since.

So, for once liberals are correct: It is all Bush's fault.
whatever ... ^^^

lets move on...ok?

Huh? Move on where? I'm perfectly willing to have sensible communcations with you, if you stop the random bitchy stuff that for reasons that baffle me, you feel you need to comment to me.

If you want to be sensible and cordial, then I can also be sensible and cordial also....the term is I think hiding the hatchet.
Burying the hatchet, honey.
So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.





I posted this other post, as of course the usual pro-Islamic apologists might appear, so I parody what they usually rant....the teacher is a "racist Nazi" and the Muslim kids are tolerant and great, seemingly because all Muslims are and they cannot do anything wrong at all ever.

WE are the PROBLEM....NOT the Muslims.

Like Muslims not cheer suicide attacks.....

of course they do darling.

all the time.

Adult Muslims yes, but here we now have CHILDREN in our nations cheering also, and this a suicide attack in nation that they're supposed to be a part of. Of course we know even if born in Belgium, they're not really Belgian are they, their loyalities are why don't they leave and go to that 7th Century Hellhole.
Their parents need looking at.
Little bastards.

If this really occurred, they should throw their little asses out of the country !

As the teacher Tweeted, this after the original Tweet....HE was visited by the police for making the first Tweet....if you read my OP the Tweet of course, lower down it's translated both the Tweets are translated into English.
Another classic bullshit story.
Firstly the guy isnt a teacher it wasnt his class and it was not something he witnessed.
It was just rumours he got off the internet.

He isnt even a Belgian, he lives in Breda, Holland.
Finally the police visited him to ask where he had seen these events happen.

Another bullshit story designed to create hatred.

Google his name and check out his facebook.

This is standard fascist behaviour. Spread lies to create hate and fear.
Another classic bullshit story.
Firstly the guy isnt a teacher it wasnt his class and it was not something he witnessed.
It was just rumours he got off the internet.

He isnt even a Belgian, he lives in Breda, Holland.
Finally the police visited him to ask where he had seen these events happen.

Another bullshit story designed to create hatred.

Google his name and check out his facebook.

This is standard fascist behaviour. Spread lies to create hate and fear.

Ok, maybe so, supply us with the link to the story and we'll move on.
Another classic bullshit story.
Firstly the guy isnt a teacher it wasnt his class and it was not something he witnessed.
It was just rumours he got off the internet.

He isnt even a Belgian, he lives in Breda, Holland.
Finally the police visited him to ask where he had seen these events happen.

Another bullshit story designed to create hatred.

Google his name and check out his facebook.

This is standard fascist behaviour. Spread lies to create hate and fear.

Why don't you Google it and post EVERYTHING here in THIS thread, then we call all check it.
Another classic bullshit story.
Firstly the guy isnt a teacher it wasnt his class and it was not something he witnessed.
It was just rumours he got off the internet.

He isnt even a Belgian, he lives in Breda, Holland.
Finally the police visited him to ask where he had seen these events happen.

Another bullshit story designed to create hatred.

Google his name and check out his facebook.

This is standard fascist behaviour. Spread lies to create hate and fear.

Ok, maybe so, supply us with the link to the story and we'll move on.

The whole story now in UK newspaper, remember this is TODAY Thursday 24th March....I posted my OP yesterday Wednesday 23rd March....before the UK newspaper....THAT'S how much I'm "lying", a major UK newspaper now repeats it:

'How do you teach?' Muslim children 'celebrate' after hearing of Brussels attacks in class

MUSLIM children celebrated after hearing about the Brussels terror attacks while in the classroom, a teacher has claimed on Twitter.

Ivar Mol said Muslim children clapped their hands in both the Belgium capital and in the city of Antwerp after learning of the Islamic State (ISIS) attack.

He tweeted: "How do you teach when there is applause from the Muslim children in your class?"

He also posted the hashtag #zaventem, a reference to the suicide bomb attack at Brussels airport.

Here's the full article:

'How do you teach?' Muslim children 'celebrate' after hearing of Brussels attacks in class
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