Muslim kids in Belgium cheered suicide attacks

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It seems almost peripheral to mention that none of the events in his tweets has been verified.

Lucy - you want to sterilise all black people and ethnically cleanse the world of muslims and jews. Dont feel too bad about being busted telling lies on a website. It really doesnt make people feel any worse about you.
Off topic.

You know, this man needs psychiatric help, he's just not normal.
"Lucy - you want to sterilise all black people and ethnically cleanse the world of muslims and jews"

What does this have to do with this thread? Nothing. The Jews bit is blatant lie.

And NO you haven't proved that you're not telling more bullshit, because the Ivar Mol thing hasn't been busted.
These people will say anything.


Have you EVER read ONE post of mine where I've stated that I want to "cleanse the world of Jews"? I've never made such a post.
"Oven dodgers" -thats what you call them.
What about Blacks do they have to die ?

Why are you totally Off Topic were told yesterday in another thread about being Off Topic. Do you have learning difficulties? You must because you have difficulty understanding.

You on another thread said you were an IRA said you didn't condone SOME of what they did but you were sympathetic to them....ALL the IRA did was murder people, so which murders didn't you condone and which were sort of okay to sympathise with?
Is your google working yet ?

WTF are you babbling about? Also why haven't you posted FULL TRANSLATIONS of all the Dutch things you posted?
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.
It seems almost peripheral to mention that none of the events in his tweets has been verified.

Lucy - you want to sterilise all black people and ethnically cleanse the world of muslims and jews. Dont feel too bad about being busted telling lies on a website. It really doesnt make people feel any worse about you.

"Lucy - you want to sterilise all black people and ethnically cleanse the world of muslims and jews"

What does this have to do with this thread? Nothing. The Jews bit is blatant lie.

And NO you haven't proved that you're not telling more bullshit, because the Ivar Mol thing hasn't been busted.
These people will say anything.


Have you EVER read ONE post of mine where I've stated that I want to "cleanse the world of Jews"? I've never made such a post.
"Oven dodgers" -thats what you call them.
What about Blacks do they have to die ?
Can you stick to the thread topic or piss off???

Let's just let him babble horsecrap to himself and the sock puppet now, he's made a COMPLETE FOOL of himself in this thread.

He's certainly very strange.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
In the mean time American kids weren't too concerned about the carnage in Brussels but they were so traumatized by pro Trump stuff written in chalk at a U.S. college that the dean had to hire counselors. It makes you feel like you are living in an alternate universe.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
You are the OP. Back up your claims.
Another classic bullshit story.
Firstly the guy isnt a teacher it wasnt his class and it was not something he witnessed.
It was just rumours he got off the internet.

He isnt even a Belgian, he lives in Breda, Holland.
Finally the police visited him to ask where he had seen these events happen.

Another bullshit story designed to create hatred.

Google his name and check out his facebook.

This is standard fascist behaviour. Spread lies to create hate and fear.

Ok, maybe so, supply us with the link to the story and we'll move on.

The whole story now in UK newspaper, remember this is TODAY Thursday 24th March....I posted my OP yesterday Wednesday 23rd March....before the UK newspaper....THAT'S how much I'm "lying", a major UK newspaper now repeats it:

'How do you teach?' Muslim children 'celebrate' after hearing of Brussels attacks in class

MUSLIM children celebrated after hearing about the Brussels terror attacks while in the classroom, a teacher has claimed on Twitter.

Ivar Mol said Muslim children clapped their hands in both the Belgium capital and in the city of Antwerp after learning of the Islamic State (ISIS) attack.

He tweeted: "How do you teach when there is applause from the Muslim children in your class?"

He also posted the hashtag #zaventem, a reference to the suicide bomb attack at Brussels airport.

Here's the full article:

'How do you teach?' Muslim children 'celebrate' after hearing of Brussels attacks in class
But it isnt true. Its all made up.
Politie geeft standje na gewetensvraag leraar

Do you speak Dutch?

Apparently he assumes all of us do.
And we all must assume he cut paste the links and never bothered to translate himself.

I hit the link but chose not to translate.

Tommy! Translate the link and get back to us.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
You are the OP. Back up your claims.

I have a newspaper article, a radio interview....Tilly also has backed up my OP.

You have backed NONE of your slanders, all you have done is babble paranoid weird shit from the bubble in your head.

As I said, you are a COMPLETE JOKE.....and an ADMITTED IRA sympathiser, I even post link to you admitting you are. What a freak you are, please you've illustrated that you're not well, you have psychological problems, get help for your own sake.

You have twice in several threads ACTUALLY told people that I'm "building gas chambers in my back garden"....You are a SICK MAN, you need help, please get some.

I pity you because you illustrate that you're NOT a well man in your mind.....for your loved ones sake, seek help.
whatever ... ^^^

lets move on...ok?

Huh? Move on where? I'm perfectly willing to have sensible communcations with you, if you stop the random bitchy stuff that for reasons that baffle me, you feel you need to comment to me.

If you want to be sensible and cordial, then I can also be sensible and cordial also....the term is I think hiding the hatchet.
"Bury the hatchet", Lucy, "bury".
whatever ... ^^^

lets move on...ok?

Huh? Move on where? I'm perfectly willing to have sensible communcations with you, if you stop the random bitchy stuff that for reasons that baffle me, you feel you need to comment to me.

If you want to be sensible and cordial, then I can also be sensible and cordial also....the term is I think hiding the hatchet.
"Bury the hatchet", Lucy, "bury".

Thanks :smile:
You followed up the initial lying post with an escalation designed to inspire hatred.

Those Muslim kids of course won't be monitored, no that'd be "racist", only those who make Tweets saying they don't want hundreds of thousands so-called "poor refugees" piling in, only those people get monitored as they're obviously "racists"

There were no muslim kids.No evidence at all.

The gist is essentially that the TEACHER gets the visit from the police, telling him to stop Tweeting that the Muslim kids in his class were opposed to in NORMAL society, the Muslim kids would have got the visit from the police.

No, they were enquiring into his claims that kids were cheering on the attacks. That doesnt seem to be an unreasonable line to take in the current climate. I would have thought he would have been happy to help them.

I posted this other post, as of course the usual pro-Islamic apologists might appear, so I parody what they usually rant....the teacher is a "racist Nazi" and the Muslim kids are tolerant and great, seemingly because all Muslims are and they cannot do anything wrong at all ever.
WE are the PROBLEM....NOT the Muslims.
He wasnt even the teacher, you made that up.

Adult Muslims yes, but here we now have CHILDREN in our nations cheering also, and this a suicide attack in nation that they're supposed to be a part of. Of course we know even if born in Belgium, they're not really Belgian are they, their loyalities are why don't they leave and go to that 7th Century Hellhole.

Except there is no evidence to suggest this happened.

The indoctrination of children into believing such horrors are to be supported and cheered, this is of course child abuse.

Yes and that works both ways. You know a lot about indoctrination.

As the teacher Tweeted, this after the original Tweet....HE was visited by the police for making the first Tweet....if you read my OP the Tweet of course, lower down it's translated both the Tweets are translated into English.

He wasnt the teacher. You claimed that the kids were in Belgium and the guy lives in Holland.

Ivar Mol is a yoga teacher, he was tweeting what his friend the actual teacher in the class said what the Muslim children were doing, cheering the the story is completely legitimate....only the confusion that people thought he was the classroom teacher, not his friend.
I think we can all see where the confusion came in. Probably when you claimed he was the teacher.

Busted !!:asshole:
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
So lets recap:

OP in black.

So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

Well firstly he wasnt a teacher

Secondly he lives in Holland.

Thirdly it could not have been his class.

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

The police visited him to verify his claims. They would be serious if true. What should the police do ?

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Fail. There is no evidence this event happened.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.

Usual fascist rhetoric on the back of a made up story.

This ISN'T what people asked you to do. You were asked by many in this thread to post FULL TRANSLATIONS of the Dutch language stuff you posted links to.

We have NO interest in the bubble that's in your head spewing horsecrap and pro-Islamic propaganda.
You are the OP. Back up your claims.

Back up your claim, TWICE telling people I'm "building gas chambers"

Latest just yesterday, again you completely Off Topic:

"Get back to building your gas chamber you nazi slag"

Here post 36:

Merkel is guilty of Brusseles
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.

By Arutz Sheva Staff

First Publish: 3/24/2016, 1:58 PM

A woman at a memorial for the victims of the ISIS attack in Brussels ripped up an Israeli flag on live television.

The French TV station RTL was filming visitors gathered at Brussels' Place de la Bourse Square, which was filled with flags from around the world in an expression of solidarity.

One woman, however, preferred to take the opportunity to express her hatred for Israel, rather than her empathy for Belgium.

She lifted an Israeli flag, ripped it up, and hid the remains under a nearby sign. She was not identified, but was seen wearing a hijad and a black-and-white keffiyeh and carrying a Palestinian flag.


Tags:pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

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You followed up the initial lying post with an escalation designed to inspire hatred.

Those Muslim kids of course won't be monitored, no that'd be "racist", only those who make Tweets saying they don't want hundreds of thousands so-called "poor refugees" piling in, only those people get monitored as they're obviously "racists"

There were no muslim kids.No evidence at all.

The gist is essentially that the TEACHER gets the visit from the police, telling him to stop Tweeting that the Muslim kids in his class were opposed to in NORMAL society, the Muslim kids would have got the visit from the police.

No, they were enquiring into his claims that kids were cheering on the attacks. That doesnt seem to be an unreasonable line to take in the current climate. I would have thought he would have been happy to help them.

I posted this other post, as of course the usual pro-Islamic apologists might appear, so I parody what they usually rant....the teacher is a "racist Nazi" and the Muslim kids are tolerant and great, seemingly because all Muslims are and they cannot do anything wrong at all ever.
WE are the PROBLEM....NOT the Muslims.
He wasnt even the teacher, you made that up.

Adult Muslims yes, but here we now have CHILDREN in our nations cheering also, and this a suicide attack in nation that they're supposed to be a part of. Of course we know even if born in Belgium, they're not really Belgian are they, their loyalities are why don't they leave and go to that 7th Century Hellhole.

Except there is no evidence to suggest this happened.

The indoctrination of children into believing such horrors are to be supported and cheered, this is of course child abuse.

Yes and that works both ways. You know a lot about indoctrination.

As the teacher Tweeted, this after the original Tweet....HE was visited by the police for making the first Tweet....if you read my OP the Tweet of course, lower down it's translated both the Tweets are translated into English.

He wasnt the teacher. You claimed that the kids were in Belgium and the guy lives in Holland.

Ivar Mol is a yoga teacher, he was tweeting what his friend the actual teacher in the class said what the Muslim children were doing, cheering the the story is completely legitimate....only the confusion that people thought he was the classroom teacher, not his friend.
I think we can all see where the confusion came in. Probably when you claimed he was the teacher.

Busted !!:asshole:

BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.
pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

Tommy being already pro-Islamic Propagandist, of course will fully agree with this woman in the Hijab, it's the Religion of Peace you know :rolleyes-41:

Whereas yesterday I was admiring how the IDF deals with these filthy beasts and he got all wound up and called me *gasp* a Nazi....go figure.
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.

By Arutz Sheva Staff

First Publish: 3/24/2016, 1:58 PM

A woman at a memorial for the victims of the ISIS attack in Brussels ripped up an Israeli flag on live television.

The French TV station RTL was filming visitors gathered at Brussels' Place de la Bourse Square, which was filled with flags from around the world in an expression of solidarity.

One woman, however, preferred to take the opportunity to express her hatred for Israel, rather than her empathy for Belgium.

She lifted an Israeli flag, ripped it up, and hid the remains under a nearby sign. She was not identified, but was seen wearing a hijad and a black-and-white keffiyeh and carrying a Palestinian flag.


Tags:pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

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I'll tell you, it's good thing I'm expecting Kid C, because if I wasn't this thread might have driven me to drink already :eek-52:
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.
pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

Tommy being already pro-Islamic Propagandist, of course will fully agree with this woman in the Hijab, it's the Religion of Peace you know :rolleyes-41:

Whereas yesterday I was admiring how the IDF deals with these filthy beasts and he got all wound up and called me *gasp* a Nazi....go figure.
Exposing the lies, bigotry, ignorance, and hate common to you and most others on the right is not to be ‘pro-Islamic’; nor is telling the truth ‘propaganda.’
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