Muslim kids in Belgium cheered suicide attacks

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BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.

By Arutz Sheva Staff

First Publish: 3/24/2016, 1:58 PM

A woman at a memorial for the victims of the ISIS attack in Brussels ripped up an Israeli flag on live television.

The French TV station RTL was filming visitors gathered at Brussels' Place de la Bourse Square, which was filled with flags from around the world in an expression of solidarity.

One woman, however, preferred to take the opportunity to express her hatred for Israel, rather than her empathy for Belgium.

She lifted an Israeli flag, ripped it up, and hid the remains under a nearby sign. She was not identified, but was seen wearing a hijad and a black-and-white keffiyeh and carrying a Palestinian flag.


Tags:pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

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Well no, mine was different link and author...had not seen this one
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.
pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

Tommy being already pro-Islamic Propagandist, of course will fully agree with this woman in the Hijab, it's the Religion of Peace you know :rolleyes-41:

Whereas yesterday I was admiring how the IDF deals with these filthy beasts and he got all wound up and called me *gasp* a Nazi....go figure.
Tommy hates Britain, America, and the West in general. But he loves terrorists like the ira, Isis and Hamas.
You followed up the initial lying post with an escalation designed to inspire hatred.

Those Muslim kids of course won't be monitored, no that'd be "racist", only those who make Tweets saying they don't want hundreds of thousands so-called "poor refugees" piling in, only those people get monitored as they're obviously "racists"

There were no muslim kids.No evidence at all.

The gist is essentially that the TEACHER gets the visit from the police, telling him to stop Tweeting that the Muslim kids in his class were opposed to in NORMAL society, the Muslim kids would have got the visit from the police.

No, they were enquiring into his claims that kids were cheering on the attacks. That doesnt seem to be an unreasonable line to take in the current climate. I would have thought he would have been happy to help them.

I posted this other post, as of course the usual pro-Islamic apologists might appear, so I parody what they usually rant....the teacher is a "racist Nazi" and the Muslim kids are tolerant and great, seemingly because all Muslims are and they cannot do anything wrong at all ever.
WE are the PROBLEM....NOT the Muslims.
He wasnt even the teacher, you made that up.

Adult Muslims yes, but here we now have CHILDREN in our nations cheering also, and this a suicide attack in nation that they're supposed to be a part of. Of course we know even if born in Belgium, they're not really Belgian are they, their loyalities are why don't they leave and go to that 7th Century Hellhole.

Except there is no evidence to suggest this happened.

The indoctrination of children into believing such horrors are to be supported and cheered, this is of course child abuse.

Yes and that works both ways. You know a lot about indoctrination.

As the teacher Tweeted, this after the original Tweet....HE was visited by the police for making the first Tweet....if you read my OP the Tweet of course, lower down it's translated both the Tweets are translated into English.

He wasnt the teacher. You claimed that the kids were in Belgium and the guy lives in Holland.

Ivar Mol is a yoga teacher, he was tweeting what his friend the actual teacher in the class said what the Muslim children were doing, cheering the the story is completely legitimate....only the confusion that people thought he was the classroom teacher, not his friend.
I think we can all see where the confusion came in. Probably when you claimed he was the teacher.

Busted !!:asshole:

Tell me Tommy, what do YOU think of Jewish people? I ask this as you have illustrated in about 80% of your posts in threads you arrive in, that you're very pro-Radical Islam, you defend the Islamists whilst trashing everyone who disagrees with you, so with your obvious pro-Islamic view, where do Jewish people fit in?

We know the Radical Islamists that you defend hate both Christians AND Jews and want to kill both of us.
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.
pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

Tommy being already pro-Islamic Propagandist, of course will fully agree with this woman in the Hijab, it's the Religion of Peace you know :rolleyes-41:

Whereas yesterday I was admiring how the IDF deals with these filthy beasts and he got all wound up and called me *gasp* a Nazi....go figure.
Tommy hates Britain, America, and the West in general. But he loves terrorists like the ira, Isis and Hamas.

I have attempted to understand him, but it's all very confusing.

Yesterday was 20th anniversary of IRA bomb in Britain, that killed people, including a young boy and an infant boy. Of course Tommy post thread about the GREAT Johan Cruyff who we lost yesterday....but no thread about 20th anniversary of IRA bomb, we know why of course.
BTW muslims went to one of the memorials and started trashing it...
OMG Do you mean this?

Woman rips up Israeli flag at Brussels memorial
Woman dressed in hijab, keffiyeh enters international display of solidarity with victims to rip up the Israeli flag, hide remains.
pro-Palestinian activistsbrussels bombings

Tommy being already pro-Islamic Propagandist, of course will fully agree with this woman in the Hijab, it's the Religion of Peace you know :rolleyes-41:

Whereas yesterday I was admiring how the IDF deals with these filthy beasts and he got all wound up and called me *gasp* a Nazi....go figure.
Exposing the lies, bigotry, ignorance, and hate common to you and most others on the right is not to be ‘pro-Islamic’; nor is telling the truth ‘propaganda.’

Well you're Far Left, so you're bound to say this. You just hate The Right, we could say the sky is blue, and you'd say it isn't it's purple.
So a teacher in Belgium tweeted that Muslim children in his class cheered when told of the horrific suicide attacks....WOW what a surprise huh?

He then also tweeted that HE was visited by the police and told to stop tweeting about the fact that the Muslim kids were celebrating suicide bombs killing and maiming BELGIAN and OTHER European citizens.

Yes because OMG we can't have people knowing that even children, like the adults are likely to be sympathetic to killing and maiming OUR peoples.

Hey fuck off already back to your 7th Century Hellholes, even if born in Belgium or wherever, we can soon formulate new laws to repatriate them to ORIGINAL nation of Ancestors origin.


Hold the press's!

A "tweet" is fact?
Moderation Message:

Fights breaking out over tweets? Not gonna happen.. It's silly.
And this has become too personal.. Too many side accusations going on here.

Go fight it out in the Flame Zone,. Keep this feud off the main boards.. You know who you are...
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