Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.
Personally, I would refuse to testify against the muslim in court.

And if I was on the jury; I would vote "Not Guilty", which would end up in a mistrial at a minmum and hopefully him being found to be innocent of all charges. :cool:
I agree. All of the Muslims I know, not many, are good folks around this small town. They work hard and cause no problems. Their kids are just like the other kids.
My question is who do they support not only in thought but in ACTION?
Talk is cheap. I go out of my way to protect the rights of everyone.

Don't fool yourself, they think your an infidel and would kill you if sharia was the law. They also think your wife is a slut for dressing the way she does, ditto for your children... To answer your question, they support jihad, don't be fooled again.
I agree. All of the Muslims I know, not many, are good folks around this small town. They work hard and cause no problems. Their kids are just like the other kids.
My question is who do they support not only in thought but in ACTION?
Talk is cheap. I go out of my way to protect the rights of everyone.

Don't fool yourself, they think your an infidel and would kill you if sharia was the law. They also think your wife is a slut for dressing the way she does, ditto for your children... To answer your question, they support jihad, don't be fooled again.

I simply don't believe that. I have Muslim friends who I am quite certain do not believve that I am a 'slut' for the way I dress because they dress pretty darn American themselves. Nor do I have any fear that they would slit my throat in the night or burn my car for that matter if they overheard me telling a joke involving a Muslim or whatever. We have to be careful not to put all people of a group into the same pot. Within every group there are individuals with individual points of view.

At the same time, I strongly resent those who would disallow me to point out the unacceptable and indefensible behavior of some Muslims or any other group who are behaving in indefensible ways. Most especially if they are behaving criminally BECAUSE they are Muslim or a member of whatever other group. Political correctness should never be used to cover up or excuse indefensible behavior.
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I agree. All of the Muslims I know, not many, are good folks around this small town. They work hard and cause no problems. Their kids are just like the other kids.
My question is who do they support not only in thought but in ACTION?
Talk is cheap. I go out of my way to protect the rights of everyone.

Don't fool yourself, they think your an infidel and would kill you if sharia was the law. They also think your wife is a slut for dressing the way she does, ditto for your children... To answer your question, they support jihad, don't be fooled again.

I simply don't believe that. I have Muslim friends who I am quite certain do not believve that I am a 'slut' for the way I dress because they dress pretty darn American themselves. Nor do I have any fear that they would slit my throat in the night or burn my car for that matter if they overheard me telling a joke involving a Muslim or whatever. We have to be careful not to put all people of a group into the same pot. Within every group there are individuals with individual points of view.

At the same time, I strongly resent those who would disallow me to point out the unacceptable and indefensible behavior of some Muslims or any other group who are behaving in indefensible ways. Political correctness should never be used to cover up indefensible behavior.

If your muslim friends dress like a westerner, they'd be whipped or beaten or both, if sharia was the law (and seriously, they don't sound like real muslims to start with). Or do you think all the women in desert countries like to wear a black curtain over themselves? Try it some time and report back.
Don't fool yourself, they think your an infidel and would kill you if sharia was the law. They also think your wife is a slut for dressing the way she does, ditto for your children... To answer your question, they support jihad, don't be fooled again.

I simply don't believe that. I have Muslim friends who I am quite certain do not believve that I am a 'slut' for the way I dress because they dress pretty darn American themselves. Nor do I have any fear that they would slit my throat in the night or burn my car for that matter if they overheard me telling a joke involving a Muslim or whatever. We have to be careful not to put all people of a group into the same pot. Within every group there are individuals with individual points of view.

At the same time, I strongly resent those who would disallow me to point out the unacceptable and indefensible behavior of some Muslims or any other group who are behaving in indefensible ways. Political correctness should never be used to cover up indefensible behavior.

If your muslim friends dress like a westerner, they'd be whipped or beaten or both, if sharia was the law (and seriously, they don't sound like real muslims to start with). Or do you think all the women in desert countries like to wear a black curtain over themselves? Try it some time and report back.

Some of those women do like their method of dress. And some I am sure would ditch it if given the freedom to do so. But it is not my business or my role to question the culture of another country though I would help anybody to escape forced oppression should they wish to do so. I accept there are people who find American culture offensive just as I would want no part of theirs. But the rational principle is to live and let live.

Sharia is not the law in America and though I have never asked them, I believe my Muslim friends are likely grateful for that. But unless you have Muslim friends, you really have no basis on which to tar an entire people with the same brush as being this or that. All Muslims are not alike; all Muslims do not share all values anymore than any other people do.

We cannot demand and speak out for tolerance if we do not practice it ourselves.

At the same time, the issue of whether we will defer to miliant Islam in the matter of free speech remains.
I simply don't believe that. I have Muslim friends who I am quite certain do not believve that I am a 'slut' for the way I dress because they dress pretty darn American themselves. Nor do I have any fear that they would slit my throat in the night or burn my car for that matter if they overheard me telling a joke involving a Muslim or whatever. We have to be careful not to put all people of a group into the same pot. Within every group there are individuals with individual points of view.

At the same time, I strongly resent those who would disallow me to point out the unacceptable and indefensible behavior of some Muslims or any other group who are behaving in indefensible ways. Political correctness should never be used to cover up indefensible behavior.

If your muslim friends dress like a westerner, they'd be whipped or beaten or both, if sharia was the law (and seriously, they don't sound like real muslims to start with). Or do you think all the women in desert countries like to wear a black curtain over themselves? Try it some time and report back.

Some of those women do like their method of dress. And some I am sure would ditch it if given the freedom to do so. But it is not my business or my role to question the culture of another country though I would help anybody to escape forced oppression should they wish to do so. I accept there are people who find American culture offensive just as I would want no part of theirs. But the rational principle is to live and let live.

Sharia is not the law in America and though I have never asked them, I believe my Muslim friends are likely grateful for that. But unless you have Muslim friends, you really have no basis on which to tar an entire people with the same brush as being this or that. All Muslims are not alike; all Muslims do not share all values anymore than any other people do.

We cannot demand and speak out for tolerance if we do not practice it ourselves.

At the same time, the issue of whether we will defer to miliant Islam in the matter of free speech remains.

You say you don't question their culture and then call them oppressed. :D

If your friends don't want to live under sharia law, then they FOR SURE aren't real muslims. case closed.
Don't fool yourself, they think your an infidel and would kill you if sharia was the law. They also think your wife is a slut for dressing the way she does, ditto for your children... To answer your question, they support jihad, don't be fooled again.

I simply don't believe that. I have Muslim friends who I am quite certain do not believve that I am a 'slut' for the way I dress because they dress pretty darn American themselves. Nor do I have any fear that they would slit my throat in the night or burn my car for that matter if they overheard me telling a joke involving a Muslim or whatever. We have to be careful not to put all people of a group into the same pot. Within every group there are individuals with individual points of view.

At the same time, I strongly resent those who would disallow me to point out the unacceptable and indefensible behavior of some Muslims or any other group who are behaving in indefensible ways. Political correctness should never be used to cover up indefensible behavior.

If your muslim friends dress like a westerner, they'd be whipped or beaten or both, if sharia was the law (and seriously, they don't sound like real muslims to start with). Or do you think all the women in desert countries like to wear a black curtain over themselves? Try it some time and report back.

Bullishit. Only one country has full sharia law. That's Saudi Arabia
If your muslim friends dress like a westerner, they'd be whipped or beaten or both, if sharia was the law (and seriously, they don't sound like real muslims to start with). Or do you think all the women in desert countries like to wear a black curtain over themselves? Try it some time and report back.

Some of those women do like their method of dress. And some I am sure would ditch it if given the freedom to do so. But it is not my business or my role to question the culture of another country though I would help anybody to escape forced oppression should they wish to do so. I accept there are people who find American culture offensive just as I would want no part of theirs. But the rational principle is to live and let live.

Sharia is not the law in America and though I have never asked them, I believe my Muslim friends are likely grateful for that. But unless you have Muslim friends, you really have no basis on which to tar an entire people with the same brush as being this or that. All Muslims are not alike; all Muslims do not share all values anymore than any other people do.

We cannot demand and speak out for tolerance if we do not practice it ourselves.

At the same time, the issue of whether we will defer to miliant Islam in the matter of free speech remains.

You say you don't question their culture and then call them oppressed. :D

If your friends don't want to live under sharia law, then they FOR SURE aren't real muslims. case closed.

Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I have Muslim friends that I think I know pretty well. And you obviously don't.
Your neighbor tells another neighbor who is a Muslim "Your religion sucks, Mohammad was a bad and terrible person".
And the Muslim neighbor holds protests in front of the house, burns his car and makes threats.
Which side are you on? Do you go and defend the neighbor who is being assaulted and protect his right to free speech?
Or do you sit by and do nothing to protect the rights of free speech against thug violence?
If you are on a jury do you convict the man that burns the car and makes threats because "my religion was insulted"?
Very easy, simple questions.
I assume that you would help your neighbor against the out of control Muslim neighbor, trstify against that Muslim in court and do everything possible to defend free speech and condemn any and all others be they Muslim, Christian or whatever that demand provoke violence and rage over free speech.
Personally, I would refuse to testify against the muslim in court.

And if I was on the jury; I would vote "Not Guilty", which would end up in a mistrial at a minmum and hopefully him being found to be innocent of all charges. :cool:

But you would testify if a Christian did the same thing.
Your religion is more important than freedom and the law.
You need to move to a country where they support that.
But you would never end up on a jury if you were honest about that in voir dire.
Your religous beliefs disqualify you and because you would only protect the Muslim you are unfit as a neighbor also. You base your allegiance to Islam only and to hell with your neighbor who has every right to say what he wants without the threat of thug violence.
We are in bad shape if everyone acted like you.
Religion is what is fucking up the world.

I disagree. Countries have tried the ban all religion thing and the result was a culture in which tens of thousands were murdered and nobody had any rights. Christianity is a huge modifying factor in much of the world, and those countries in which the majority of citizens at least profess Christianity are almost always more free and more prosperous than those that don't. Certainly if you took all the Christians out of the United States, we would be far worse for it.

The use of religion as a reason to commit violence is indefensible. But if we cannot throw all Muslims or any other group into the same pot and understand that there will be good and bad in all groups, intellectual honesty requires that we do the same with the religious. Even Islam.
But you would testify if a Christian did the same thing.
Your religion is more important than freedom and the law.
You need to move to a country where they support that.
But you would never end up on a jury if you were honest about that in voir dire.
Your religous beliefs disqualify you and because you would only protect the Muslim you are unfit as a neighbor also. You base your allegiance to Islam only and to hell with your neighbor who has every right to say what he wants without the threat of thug violence.
We are in bad shape if everyone acted like you.
We have a time honored tradition in America called "jury nullification".

And as a member of the jury it is my right to cast my vote however I please. :cool:
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Sun, if Islam is so fucking great, why are there tons of muslims emigrating to Western countries? And no non-muslims going to other way except to work?

You may want to check on the history of those countries they are leaving. Many of them are in sorry states due to western interference.

Do you and Sunni actually believe that?

If the white man hadn't invented the automobile, you'd all still be broke camel herders, because for sure muslims haven't invented anything useful in what, 1000 years?
If the white man hadn't invented the automobile, you'd all still be broke camel herders, because for sure muslims haven't invented anything useful in what, 1000 years?
Thanks for finally exposing the underlying racism that motivates your hatred. :thup:
Sunni, you and Obama are the only ones still pushing the movie excuse. The rest of the world knows it was a 911 anniversary present. Nice try though..........
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Then how come the Libyan government said it was based on 9/11?

911 itself was based on an event concerning the Black September islamic group. What you have discovered is that muslims use their own calendar when it suits them but will reject it in favor of a western calendar if that suits them too.
Typical U.S. / Western hubris.

To most muslims 9/11 means nothing to them. Because they use a different calendar based on arabic months/days/years.

Terrorism experts will tell you that most anti western events take place based on Islamic historical dates not western ones. :cool:

Then how come the Libyan government said it was based on 9/11?

911 itself was based on an event concerning the Black September islamic group. What you have discovered is that muslims use their own calendar when it suits them but will reject it in favor of a western calendar if that suits them too.

Wtf are you talking about? Quit talking jibberish are you retarded or something?
But you would testify if a Christian did the same thing.
Your religion is more important than freedom and the law.
You need to move to a country where they support that.
But you would never end up on a jury if you were honest about that in voir dire.
Your religous beliefs disqualify you and because you would only protect the Muslim you are unfit as a neighbor also. You base your allegiance to Islam only and to hell with your neighbor who has every right to say what he wants without the threat of thug violence.
We are in bad shape if everyone acted like you.
We have a time honored tradition in America called "jury nullification".

And as a member of the jury it is my right to cast my vote however I please. :cool:

Not just you, but everyone else on that jury too. In order for a muslim to benefit from jury nullification it would have to be an all muslim jury. Good luck with that.
Lets get this straight shall we??? Muslims dont seem to know how to protest....No what they do is riot like little bitches and hurt and rape people.
If the white man hadn't invented the automobile, you'd all still be broke camel herders, because for sure muslims haven't invented anything useful in what, 1000 years?
Thanks for finally exposing the underlying racism that motivates your hatred. :thup:

I said white man because Henry Ford was white, or didn't you know that? And also to show you that it wasn't an arab who figured out what to do with the oil. Which means that I understand why a fake muslim like you prefers the comforts of the west, muslims couldn't even come up with toilet paper, let alone invent anything useful.

So what motivates YOUR hatred? Your love of a pedophile who wiped the shit from his starfish with a rock and a bare hand? Gee, what a fucking brilliant guy he was. :lmao:

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