Muslim protesting film are defending Human Rights

You should be happy that our Pres. Obama will apologize to the muslim world for the film. :eusa_angel:
You should be happy that our Pres. Obama will apologize to the muslim world for the film. :eusa_angel:

I'm not happy because he is apologizing for our right to freedom of speech, one of the basic human rights. The middle east shouldn't be so violent and hypocritical of themselves.
daveman hates his country. But some countries that hate officially the same things he does will want him. You really need to immigrate because you will find out that the great majority is not going to do what you want reasonable Americans to do: hate others. You need to go join fascists like you outside of our country.

Please get out of my country, now.
Sorry, but I have No reason to leave My country. :eusa_angel:
Except you're dissatisfied with your country.

There are already countries with the conditions and government you want.

Move to one of them. Stop insisting we bend over backwards to appease you. Liberals may get all bendy for you, but conservatives aren't.
We don't care what you think.

We do know what you will do: you will bow before the power of the USA before all of this is over.
Laugh all you want. That is what Saddam did. That is what Osama did. That is what the leadership of al-quada and the taliban. That is what tens of thousands of dead Muslims wannabee terrorists did.

And that is what will continue to happen in the future.
daveman hates his country. But some countries that hate officially the same things he does will want him. You really need to immigrate because you will find out that the great majority is not going to do what you want reasonable Americans to do: hate others. You need to go join fascists like you outside of our country.
I notice you can't help but mindlessly kiss the ass of someone who wants to destroy the Constitution.

I don't hate America, boy. I don't like what you leftists want to turn it into. That's been tried -- the Soviet Union circa 1958 was a failure.

I suggest you learn from history, because those who fail to do so are doomed to vote Democrat.
So you expect American muslims to protest in support of the blasphemy film about the Prophet?? :cuckoo: :lol:

Where are the muslims who support this country and all it has done and what it stands for? American muslims should be supporting their country and have counter demonstration to the America haters around the world. They should be embarrassed by the killing of our ambassador in the name of their religion. Where are the pro American muslims?
Where are the muslims who support this country and all it has done and what it stands for? American muslims should be supporting their country and have counter demonstration to the America haters around the world. They should be embarrassed by the killing of our ambassador in the name of their religion. Where are the pro American muslims?
All of the muslims I know either have jobs or are in college.

Who has time to protest?? :cool:
Where are the muslims who support this country and all it has done and what it stands for? American muslims should be supporting their country and have counter demonstration to the America haters around the world. They should be embarrassed by the killing of our ambassador in the name of their religion. Where are the pro American muslims?
All of the muslims I know either have jobs or are in college.

Who has time to protest?? :redface:

I'm know, driving a cab for 18 hours a day doesn't leave you much time to protest or surf the web. Sunni, what's your excuse for all the free time?
I'm know, driving a cab for 18 hours a day doesn't leave you much time to protest or surf the web. Sunni, what's your excuse for all the free time?
Full time job, taking kids to soccer practice, cleaning the pool, PTA meetings, taking care of the lawn, Cub Scout meetings, going to the mosque,............Who has time to protest?? :cool:
So you expect American muslims to protest in support of the blasphemy film about the Prophet?? :cuckoo: :lol:

I'd expect them to protest for a basic human right, like you claim that they are doing (which they are not doing).

Freedom of speech is a basic human right.

Rioting and making excuses that circumventing freedom of speech in order to give 1 religion a special treatment is not.

Freedom of speech is a basic human right to you. It isn't at all to musims.
As the reasonable people here keep repeating, there is no fundamental human right to not be insulted or offended. So the basic question is whether there is a right to harm those who insult or offend? Whether it is Rush Limbaugh or Chick-fil-a or somebody who insults Mohammed in a cartoon or in a poorly made video, is it ehtical to attempt to harm financially or physically those who exercise their fundamental right to free speech?

A few minutes ago I was watching Megyn Kelly report that the U.S. government has spent $70,000 for ads in Pakistan apologizing for that video. Now against a trillion dollar debt growing at $4+ billion per day, $70k might not sound like a lot. To me, that is a LOT of money and wipes out a lot of years of my taxes paid to the U.S. government.

What have we received for it? Today there is video of Pakistani school children marching in the streets chanting "Death to America! Death to all who blaspheme!"

I really think it is high time we rethink this whole apology thing. It obviously has nothing to do with basic human rights.
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The whole apology thing is a fucking failure, Bush invaded Iraq for Christs sake and we got alot less flack than we are getting now from Muslims for apologizing.

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