Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Police: Man shoots father to death outside Ohio church after Easter services
Source: CBS/AP

April 1, 2013, 4:50 AM
Police: Man shoots father to death outside Ohio church after Easter services

ASHTABULA, Ohio Police in northeast Ohio are investigating a shooting outside a church that left one man dead after Easter services ended.

Authorities the early afternoon shooting occurred at the Hiawatha Church of God in Christ. A suspect was taken into custody.

CBS Cleveland affiliate WOIO-TV cites Ashtabula Police Chief Robert Stell as saying the victim was the alleged shooter's father.

Police say the suspect was outside the church, waiting for the victim to emerge.

One of the church's pastors told the station the gunman went inside and sat down after the shooting.

Read more: Police: Man shoots father to death outside Ohio church after Easter services - CBS News
Huffpost is reporting he shouted Allah or Allah Akbar before the shooting. Shooter was a Muslim with midde eastern name. He must have been a convert like John Walker Lindh?
Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.
Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.

Well, we all know no Christian has ever commited patricide. :doubt:
How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.
Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.

Any Muslim that converts to another religion is condemned to die if they do not repent and rejoin the Muslim faith, a tenant of Islam.
Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.

Any Muslim that converts to another religion is condemned to die if they do not repent and rejoin the Muslim faith, a tenant of Islam.

That is total bull shit. It may be something fundamentalist, extremist Muslims believe, but it is not something the vast majority of Muslims believe in. I KNOW. I've lived and worked in 3 Muslim countries, working with and being friends with many, many Muslims. I've spent 6 years of my life living in Muslim countries. They don't kill people if they convert to another religion. It's something only a nutcase extremist would do. It may be in the Koran, but stoning women who commiit adultry is in the Bible and we don't do that. Modern day Muslims do not follow old, archiac ideas in the Koran any more than modern day Christians follow old, archiac ideas in the Bible.
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How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.

You have one example of a fundamentalist, extremist nutcase psychopath and you want everyone to believe this is how all Muslims behave. You are as bad as any Muslim fundamentalist: full of hate and ignorance.

All Muslims believe Christians must die? How did I manage to live for 6 years in 3 different Muslim countries then? Shouldn't I be dead? Why didn't they kill me? Why didn't they kill the thousands of other Christians living in those countries? Your ignorance knows no bounds.

You people want to be ignorant. You CHOOSE to be ignorant. That is something that is just unfathomable to me. Why would anyone choose ignorance? Why would people choose hate? Not very Christian is it?
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Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.

Any Muslim that converts to another religion is condemned to die if they do not repent and rejoin the Muslim faith, a tenant of Islam.

In this case, the son was the convert. He likely gave his father the three opportunities to convert and when father refused, he became subject to the death penalty according to islamic beliefs.
God Told Her to Smash Her Sons' Skulls

On mother's day weekend in 2003, Deanna Laney received a message. The message she received was a command for her to kill her three sons, Aaron, Luke, and Joshua.

That message came from none other than God Himself.

Being a Christian woman of faith, Deanna Laney could not resist following God's command, at least not for long. As she kept procrastinating, God warned her that each delay would force her sons to die more horribly. Deanna didn't want that, so she figured the best thing to do would be to get it over with:

Laney knew she had to "step out in faith." She had to trust God, and she believed that God would use her brutal deed to do something great. He had done such things in the Bible. Then when Laney woke up before midnight on May 9, she knew that the time was at hand. She had already hidden a rock in Aaron's room, so she went there first.

Lifting the rock, she hit Aaron hard on the skull. He began to cry, alerting her husband, Keith. He asked what was wrong and Laney kept her back to him to prevent him from seeing what she was doing. She assured Keith that everything was okay. But it wasn't okay. Aaron was still breathing, so she put a pillow over his face until she heard him gurgle. She silently told God that He would have to finish the job.

Next Laney went after her other two sons. She took Luke, 6, outside first in his underwear and smashed his skull by hitting him repeatedly with a large rock. Then she dragged him by the feet into the shadows so that Joshua, 8, would not see him. She left the stone, the size of a dinner plate, lying on top of him.

Joshua was next and Laney repeated to him what she had done with Luke, placing them together in a dark area of the yard.

Afterward, she called 911 to report, "I killed my boys."

When the police came, they found Aaron still alive. He was taken away and it eventually became clear that both his vision and motor skills were severely impaired.

Outside, the police saw Laney standing still in blood-stained clothes. She indicated where she had left the boys and they found the bodies lying beneath large rocks. Both boys had serious head wounds. Laney was arrested, leaving her bewildered, horrified husband to wonder what had happened.

Kill The Afterlife: God Told Her to Smash Her Sons' Skulls
The shooter was shouting that this was the will of allah. But you don't see that in the original article.

Police: Son Fatally Shoots Dad During Easter Service, Yells Killing Was ?Will Of Allah? « CBS Cleveland

Adams said Reshad Riddle then continued into the church, still holding the gun, and yelled that the killing was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

This should cause liberals to celebrate. They are finally getting some anti Christian results.

I don't see anyone celebrating this...but I DID see people saying this was a good thing and the doctor deserved it:
How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.

(My bold)

If you change "Allah" to "God", then we'll have something to talk about. No, Christians don't ordinarily refer to Allah @ all, let alone in moments of crisis.

"liberal pop culture" - I see pop culture - the popular culture - as mostly being a commercial construct - jeans, shoes, starter jackets, sunglasses, the right car, drink, acne-preventer, Ipod, laptop, ISP & on & on. That all seems to be about trying to get targeted audiences to buy a good or service, not indoctrination into an ideology.

There are two problems with the last one. Does Islam require that Christians die? Certainly the Salafists act like they expect to triumph in the here & now - gain temporal power over the World, & win all the souls for the Caliphate. I don't know about the rank & file of Islam - most of them seem to be coping with tough economic situations - I don't know that they've given much thought to conquering the World in the name of Allah.

Do "liberals agree with Islam"? On very little. Liberals would probably agree that Christianity - like most organized religion - is losing its grip on Western Civilization. But that's not the same as ill-wishing Christianity. Nor - TMK - are liberals cutting deals with Islam to hasten the end of Christianity. (An aside - you should talk to Prexy Reagan's people, who negotiated with the Ayatollah Khomeini to keep our embassy staff hostage until Prexy Carter was out of office, who later traded weapons & spares with Iran through Israel & directly to supply & fund the Contras in Nacaragua - those people - presumably all God-fearing Christians - were the ones who were trafficking with the devil in human form. In the case of the Contras, twice & thrice over.)
Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.
The shooter was shouting that this was the will of allah. But you don't see that in the original article.

Police: Son Fatally Shoots Dad During Easter Service, Yells Killing Was ?Will Of Allah? « CBS Cleveland

Adams said Reshad Riddle then continued into the church, still holding the gun, and yelled that the killing was “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

This should cause liberals to celebrate. They are finally getting some anti Christian results.

I don't see anyone celebrating this...but I DID see people saying this was a good thing and the doctor deserved it:

At the time, I was horrified at Dr. Tiller's murder. It was an awful awful thing that a true monster did. Over the years, with the arrest of Dr. Tiller's partner and the hearings that took away her medical license it became clear that Dr. Tiller was nothing more than a mass murderer, the same as Dr. Gosnell. Killing Dr. Tiller occupies the same place as if someone had killed the Zodiac or Son of Sam. Time has put Dr. Tiller in perspective. It was a good thing and he most certainly deserved it.
There needs to be tougher laws regulating unhinged black muslim violence..........

Progressive interventionists could have prevented this
There needs to be tougher laws regulating unhinged black muslim violence..........

Progressive interventionists could have prevented this

To liberals, who support this kind of thing, it is freedom of religion. Only the sight of a cross is objectionable.

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