Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

Yes, I'd like to hear Bik explain why a Muslim murdering a christian and trying to shoot other worshipers before they stopped him - while he was shouting it was the will of allah to murder these people - yes, how does that fit in with Islam, Bik. Explain it to us. If you don't know maybe we should ask Rosie. She might be able to give the readers some history on your religion of Islam. How about that?

- Jeremiah
Because the Muslim murdered his father for "allah" therein this was about his religion and the conflict he obviously had with his fathers ( chrisitianity ) Would you prefer to ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room indefinitely? - Jeremiah

No I would prefer conservatives tried to exercise a bit more discretion when referring to minorities so we can all stop being labeled bigots or racists. This mans religion is no more ridiculous than anyone elses.

Wrong. That mans religion just walked into a church and murdered one of my fellow brethren ( a christian ) and he would have killed alot more ( for the sake of allah as he stated....) had the police not shown up and took the gun from him. If you don't like this thread you have an option. Don't read it. - Jeremiah
Because the Muslim murdered his father for "allah" therein this was about his religion and the conflict he obviously had with his fathers ( chrisitianity ) Would you prefer to ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room indefinitely? - Jeremiah, he didn't kill his father for Allah, he killed him because he's an mistaken ignorant uneducated person. It's a tragedy and you're trying to turn it into a political argument while also using it to further demonize the Muslims you want to join Christianity. :cuckoo:

You are out of luck with this one, Bik. He openly stated he did it for Allah. It is directly related to his beliefs - twisted or otherwise - about his religion. - Islam. He would have shot more people - they stopped him after the first murder which happened to be his father. He was going for the whole church. I am watching FOX NEWS right now.

Bullshit double standard. When a Christian, conservative or tea partier commits a crime they are labeled "crazy or off in the head" BY US

So why then when it's someone else do we point to religion or race?
Right. Another insanity plea, eh? Listen, when the same type attacks keep happening, Bik? We call that a "pattern". Your fellow religious brethren have developed a clear cut pattern and it isn't good. Your religion says if a Muslim leaves Islam, Kill him. Isn't that a hadith from your prophet? So maybe you need to suggest some abbrogation on those verses seeing as that provision was given to your book.

As I recall the mass shooting by a Muslim who shouted allah akbar before firing upon a synagogue plead out insanity. Then we have Major Hasan who murdered his own fellow american soldiers on the base while shouting Allah Akbar. His lawyer wanted to plea insanity for him too. So is there a pattern here? Yes, there is. FIX IT! - Jeremiah
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This isn't funny Jeremiah, at my local mosque we had a beautiful converted lady get shot by her husband after he was on several types of severe drugs over the years. It's a random act of violence and it was tragic. I went to her burial and we prayed for and I helped in the process. We've been helping her sons over the years and the Dad used be a normal man until he got addicted to drugs. Actually it wasn't my local mosque. But I used to go there for the holidays.
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She converted to Christianity and he killed her? Because he was on severe drugs or because he lost his mind and went ballistic when she converted to Christianity as you people are known to do?
...........and you're right, Bik! It isn't funny. It isn't funny at all! - Jeremiah
Senate and devout Catholic Christine O' Donnell once said on a talkshow (Politically Incorrect) that she would not have even told a lie to protect Jews from the Nazis just because lying is a sin under any circumstances. There was a nun interviewed on the subject who said that under those circumstances she would have definitely lied.

If we know that not all Christians are strict adherents to all tenets of the faith, how is it fair to treat all of another faith's adherents as if they're going to go by all tenets?

I'm sure there are agnostic Muslims out there, too, just like Christian and Jewish agnostics.
She converted to Christianity and he killed her? Because he was on severe drugs or because he lost his mind and went ballistic when she converted to Christianity as you people are known to do?

No, she converted to Islam from Christianity. He killed her in a family dispute. But it was due to him going crazy because of drug use.
Right. Another insanity plea, eh? Listen, when the same type attacks keep happening, Bik? We call that a "pattern". Your fellow religious brethren have developed a clear cut pattern and it isn't good. Your religion says if a Muslim leaves Islam, Kill him. Isn't that a hadith from your prophet? So maybe you need to suggest some abbrogation on those verses seeing as that provision was given to your book.

As I recall the mass shooting by a Muslim who shouted allah akbar before firing upon a synagogue plead out insanity. Then we have Major Hasan who murdered his own fellow american soldiers on the base while shouting Allah Akbar. His lawyer wanted to plea insanity for him too. So is there a pattern here? Yes, there is. FIX IT! - Jeremiah

You're jumping around several different things here which all require lots of dialogue. Major Hassan is a completely different case then this case. They don't go together. And I don't see the pattern. It's because you choose to look at it in your way. By telling yourself it's due to their religious beliefs when in reality it's one person in a random act of violence it appears.
This crime and this thread are why I personally believe organized religion is a bad thing. It's a power struggle and some people just don't have the mental capacity to see it for what it is and they take it too far.
Senate and devout Catholic Christine O' Donnell once said on a talkshow (Politically Incorrect) that she would not have even told a lie to protect Jews from the Nazis just because lying is a sin under any circumstances. There was a nun interviewed on the subject who said that under those circumstances she would have definitely lied.

If we know that not all Christians are strict adherents to all tenets of the faith, how is it fair to treat all of another faith's adherents as if they're going to go by all tenets?

I'm sure there are agnostic Muslims out there, too, just like Christian and Jewish agnostics.

I'm not a Catholic. I'm an evangelical that believes every word of the bible and commandments of God but you can take it to the bank I'd lie through my teeth and give an academy award worthy performance if it depended on the life of a Jew. Christine O' Donnell isn't being spiritual here. She's being an idiot. Carry on. - Jeremiah
This crime and this thread are why I personally believe organized religion is a bad thing. It's a power struggle and some people just don't have the mental capacity to see it for what it is and they take it too far.

The only one in a power struggle is Islam. Leave the Christians out of this. We have no power struggles going on. We trust in the power of G-d. - Jeremiah
This crime and this thread are why I personally believe organized religion is a bad thing. It's a power struggle and some people just don't have the mental capacity to see it for what it is and they take it too far.

The only one in a power struggle is Islam. Leave the Christians out of this. We have no power struggles going on. We trust in the power of G-d. - Jeremiah

What'd you mean power struggle? Missionary religion?
Senate and devout Catholic Christine O' Donnell once said on a talkshow (Politically Incorrect) that she would not have even told a lie to protect Jews from the Nazis just because lying is a sin under any circumstances. There was a nun interviewed on the subject who said that under those circumstances she would have definitely lied.

If we know that not all Christians are strict adherents to all tenets of the faith, how is it fair to treat all of another faith's adherents as if they're going to go by all tenets?

I'm sure there are agnostic Muslims out there, too, just like Christian and Jewish agnostics.

I'm not a Catholic. I'm an evangelical that believes every word of the bible and commandments of God but you can take it to the bank I'd lie through my teeth and give an academy award worthy performance if it depended on the life of a Jew. Christine O' Donnell isn't being spiritual here. She's being an idiot. Carry on. - Jeremiah

Was saying you wouldn't? Did you even get the point of the post you were replying to? Doesn't appear so.

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