Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

This crime and this thread are why I personally believe organized religion is a bad thing. It's a power struggle and some people just don't have the mental capacity to see it for what it is and they take it too far.

The only one in a power struggle is Islam. Leave the Christians out of this. We have no power struggles going on. We trust in the power of G-d. - Jeremiah

The power struggle is personal. Its not something you can see on the outside. It's individual and those of weak personal character lose. Has nothing to do with one religion over another.
How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.

You have one example of a fundamentalist, extremist nutcase psychopath and you want everyone to believe this is how all Muslims behave. You are as bad as any Muslim fundamentalist: full of hate and ignorance.

All Muslims believe Christians must die? How did I manage to live for 6 years in 3 different Muslim countries then? Shouldn't I be dead? Why didn't they kill me? Why didn't they kill the thousands of other Christians living in those countries? Your ignorance knows no bounds.

You people want to be ignorant. You CHOOSE to be ignorant. That is something that is just unfathomable to me. Why would anyone choose ignorance? Why would people choose hate? Not very Christian is it?

This explains their mentality watch all the way through
on the christian fundamentalist sub culture

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Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah
Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah

Geeez another village idiot for the christer sub culture right on que:eek:
Polkow I don't like generalizing Christians either. A couple people on the Internet don't represent Christian culture. In person you can see that.
Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah

Why are you using the term "insanity plea" in the first place?
How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.


What does that noted liberal Bill Maher say about Islam and Christianity? What kind of person lies about liberals like you do? Do you work for Faux and Fiends or what?

How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.


What does that noted liberal Bill Maher say about Islam and Christianity? What kind of person lies about liberals like you do? Do you work for Faux and Fiends or what?


You shouldn't bother with that idiot, Boo; even internet life is too short for the likes of him.
Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.

Conservative Christians have more in common with Islamic fundamentalist than liberal secularist. Like you who so obviously think nothing of lying to promote your cause.
How many Christians killed their father and screamed that it was the will of allah?

He was a convert and no doubt heavily influenced by liberal pop culture that liberals agree with islam that Christians must die.


What does that noted liberal Bill Maher say about Islam and Christianity? What kind of person lies about liberals like you do? Do you work for Faux and Fiends or what?


You shouldn't bother with that idiot, Boo; even internet life is too short for the likes of him.

It's a she apparently.
So...reading this confirmation bias topic...I am reminded of what I keep saying. If you drop in on a Republican conversation about gays, or blacks, or Muslims, or immigrants, it is not a big mystery why minorities don't vote for a party that so clearly hates them.

But for some weird fricking reason, Republicans think it is somone else's fault they don't get the minority vote! :lol:
What I do not like, Bik, is your refusal to accept responsibility for a religion that has caused more wars - deaths in the 21st century than any other! In our Western culture we are not accustomed to Muslims coming in and shooting a gun into our churches, murdering people. Shooting into synagogues & shouting allah akbar. Nor do we expect Muslims to turn on their fellow soldiers on an american base and gun down over a dozen people. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Your religion is responsible for this mans actions because he took the words of your Koran / prophet literally. Get it?

- Jeremiah
So...reading this confirmation bias topic...I am reminded of what I keep saying. If you drop in on a Republican conversation about gays, or blacks, or Muslims, or immigrants, it is not a big mystery why minorities don't vote for a party that so clearly hates them.

But for some weird fricking reason, Republicans think it is somone else's fault they don't get the minority vote! :lol:

When do you think Barack Hussein might get around to counting the military vote? Any idea on that one? - Jeremiah
Polkow I don't like generalizing Christians either. A couple people on the Internet don't represent Christian culture. In person you can see that.

Of course not! You are just another misunderstood muslim out of 1.2 billion misunderstood muslims. NASA is working on it. Not to worry. - Jeremiah
So...reading this confirmation bias topic...I am reminded of what I keep saying. If you drop in on a Republican conversation about gays, or blacks, or Muslims, or immigrants, it is not a big mystery why minorities don't vote for a party that so clearly hates them.

But for some weird fricking reason, Republicans think it is somone else's fault they don't get the minority vote! :lol:

When do you think Barack Hussein might get around to counting the military vote? Any idea on that one? - Jeremiah

Is this your sad way of excusing the obvious bigotry toward gays, blacks, Muslims, and immigrants?
Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah

Geeez another village idiot for the christer sub culture right on que:eek:

Polkow you are pathetic. You won't even speak up for your own people. Incredible.

- Jeremiah
Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah

How about that anti-Muslim guy who was so fucking retarded he shot up a SIKH temple thinking they were Muslims? :lol:

Friend of yours?
So...reading this confirmation bias topic...I am reminded of what I keep saying. If you drop in on a Republican conversation about gays, or blacks, or Muslims, or immigrants, it is not a big mystery why minorities don't vote for a party that so clearly hates them.

But for some weird fricking reason, Republicans think it is somone else's fault they don't get the minority vote! :lol:

A few bad apples on the internet =/= the republican party
So...reading this confirmation bias topic...I am reminded of what I keep saying. If you drop in on a Republican conversation about gays, or blacks, or Muslims, or immigrants, it is not a big mystery why minorities don't vote for a party that so clearly hates them.

But for some weird fricking reason, Republicans think it is somone else's fault they don't get the minority vote! :lol:

A few bad apples on the internet =/= the republican party

I wish it was just a few. But it isn't.
Because the Muslim murdered his father for "allah" therein this was about his religion and the conflict he obviously had with his fathers ( chrisitianity ) Would you prefer to ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room indefinitely? - Jeremiah

No I would prefer conservatives tried to exercise a bit more discretion when referring to minorities so we can all stop being labeled bigots or racists. This mans religion is no more ridiculous than anyone elses.

Wrong. That mans religion just walked into a church and murdered one of my fellow brethren ( a christian ) and he would have killed alot more ( for the sake of allah as he stated....) had the police not shown up and took the gun from him. If you don't like this thread you have an option. Don't read it. - Jeremiah

Now that's funny. What a maroonie......

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