Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

Think I see what's going on here...

What I do not like, Bik, is your refusal to accept responsibility for a religion that has caused more wars - deaths in the 21st century than any other! In our Western culture we are not accustomed to Muslims coming in and shooting a gun into our churches, murdering people. Shooting into synagogues & shouting allah akbar. Nor do we expect Muslims to turn on their fellow soldiers on an american base and gun down over a dozen people. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Your religion is responsible for this mans actions because he took the words of your Koran / prophet literally. Get it?

- Jeremiah


This poor guy is having one of those persection complexes that a lot of - but by no means all - Christian conservatives are having lately as a result of certain recent elections.
Polkow how do you feel about the Muslim shooter who shot the pregnant woman, the guard and others at the snyagogue in NY. He shouted Allah Akbar, seemed to know exactly what he was doing, knew how to read a map and find the synagogue, etc, so does he get an insanity plea? Is that an abberation of Islam according to your view? What say you? Let's exercise your brain and give it an opportunity to think for a change! - Jeremiah

Geeez another village idiot for the christer sub culture right on que:eek:

Polkow you are pathetic. You won't even speak up for your own people. Incredible.

- Jeremiah

I will not engage in conversation with fundamentalist goyim.
Think I see what's going on here...

What I do not like, Bik, is your refusal to accept responsibility for a religion that has caused more wars - deaths in the 21st century than any other! In our Western culture we are not accustomed to Muslims coming in and shooting a gun into our churches, murdering people. Shooting into synagogues & shouting allah akbar. Nor do we expect Muslims to turn on their fellow soldiers on an american base and gun down over a dozen people. What we have here is a failure to communicate. Your religion is responsible for this mans actions because he took the words of your Koran / prophet literally. Get it?

- Jeremiah


This poor guy is having one of those persection complexes that a lot of - but by no means all - Christian conservatives are having lately as a result of certain recent elections.

lol! Persecution? Hardly! I wouldn't even call it adversity... more like shooting fish in a barrel. ( fun but boring after a while..... ) - Jeremiah
Senate and devout Catholic Christine O' Donnell once said on a talkshow (Politically Incorrect) that she would not have even told a lie to protect Jews from the Nazis just because lying is a sin under any circumstances. There was a nun interviewed on the subject who said that under those circumstances she would have definitely lied.

If we know that not all Christians are strict adherents to all tenets of the faith, how is it fair to treat all of another faith's adherents as if they're going to go by all tenets?

I'm sure there are agnostic Muslims out there, too, just like Christian and Jewish agnostics.

I'm not a Catholic. I'm an evangelical that believes every word of the bible and commandments of God but you can take it to the bank I'd lie through my teeth and give an academy award worthy performance if it depended on the life of a Jew. Christine O' Donnell isn't being spiritual here. She's being an idiot. Carry on. - Jeremiah

So if you purchased your slaves from a resident foreigner can you pass them on to your children in the form of an inheritance?

Everyone knows that if you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years. But are there any exception to this rule from god?
Muslim shoots father to death at Easter Sunday Service

no motive was given, so what is there to discuss - oh, he was a Muslim ... obviously not a practitioner.

Any Muslim that converts to another religion is condemned to die if they do not repent and rejoin the Muslim faith, a tenant of Islam.

That is total bull shit. It may be something fundamentalist, extremist Muslims believe, but it is not something the vast majority of Muslims believe in. I KNOW. I've lived and worked in 3 Muslim countries, working with and being friends with many, many Muslims. I've spent 6 years of my life living in Muslim countries. They don't kill people if they convert to another religion. It's something only a nutcase extremist would do. It may be in the Koran, but stoning women who commiit adultry is in the Bible and we don't do that. Modern day Muslims do not follow old, archiac ideas in the Koran any more than modern day Christians follow old, archiac ideas in the Bible.

Yes, they cultivate people like you. Dumb ass, gullible and weak of moral fiber. Then they get to see their crop bear fruit when chumps like you ignorantly defend them as peaceful, as honorable and as friends. I hope God forgives you because I have no such inclination myself. Dumb ass and proud of it is no way to parade around in life.. Stop parading..
!@#$%^ islamic fanatic savages.

there is no more to say about their kind.
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Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.

What the fuck does liberal or conservative have to do with this topic? How come EVERYTHING has to have a liberal or conservative tag attached to it? As if those are the ONLY types of people in this country, much less this world? Does it make life easier for your to understand or something? If that's what you think, you know nothing about life. Not really.
My first teaching job was in Jefferson, Ohio, about 7 miles south of Ashtabula. Snow capital of Ohio! Pretty fucked up too now that I think on it, but there were some pretty cool people too.
Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.

Conservative Christians have more in common with Islamic fundamentalist than liberal secularist. Like you who so obviously think nothing of lying to promote your cause.

Absolutely. Many fundamentalist and even Christian conservatives show themselves to be as full of hate and vitriol, as ignorant, as mentally and emotionally full of putrefaction as any Muslim fundamentslist/extremist they expresses their hate for and direct their vitriol at. They are like mirror images.
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Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.

What the fuck does liberal or conservative have to do with this topic? How come EVERYTHING has to have a liberal or conservative tag attached to it? As if those are the ONLY types of people in this country, much less this world? Does it make life easier for your to understand or something? If that's what you think, you know nothing about life. Not really.

Exactly. Every topic on this board, for some people, is only about Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives. As if that is how life is, as if it is some fundamental code of existence. But it is only a partisanship issue in America. Liberalism and conservativism mean different things in other countries. Life is not about being a liberal or conservative politically or socially. It is far more complex. Americans who see everything in life as either 'liberal' or conservative are only partially aware and partially alive.
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Liberals will find all kinds of reasons to justify the murder of Christians, mostly by saying that Christianity is so evil it should never have existed in the first place. Democrats and fundamentalist muslims are natural allies in their common war on Christianity and Christian traditions.

The error that liberals make is in imagining that once Christianity is wiped away, muslims will all become good little secular liberals.

What the fuck does liberal or conservative have to do with this topic? How come EVERYTHING has to have a liberal or conservative tag attached to it? As if those are the ONLY types of people in this country, much less this world? Does it make life easier for your to understand or something? If that's what you think, you know nothing about life. Not really.

Exactly. Every topic on this board, for some people, is only about Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives. As if that is how life is, as if it is some fundamental code of existence. But it is only a partisanship issue in America. Liberalism and conservativism mean different things in other countries. Life is not about being a liberal or conservative politically or socially. It is far more complex. Americans who see everything in life as either 'liberal' or conservative are only partially aware and partially alive.

This nation has a two party political system. It is currently being destroyed by the Democratic party and its leadership. That includes Obama the messiah. Get used to those that see his deliberate agenda to weaken this nation for what it is.
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