Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

Yes Albany. This incident is nearly identical. Something happened. A fight. The Mexican started it it appears. And lost. And now are reporting they were racism victims.

Are cops still looking for the other guy? Of course. A full investigation requires that. And if found....if he has PROOF no racial slurs were used....guess who goes to jail??? The Muslim. False police report.

No proof of any racial slurs. All we see is the Mexican starting the verbal contact....starting the physical contact....then getting his ass kicked. Awesome.
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

Yes Albany. This incident is nearly identical. Something happened. A fight. The Mexican started it it appears. And lost. And now are reporting they were racism victims.

Are cops still looking for the other guy? Of course. A full investigation requires that. And if found....if he has PROOF no racial slurs were used....guess who goes to jail??? The Muslim. False police report.

No proof of any racial slurs. All we see is the Mexican starting the verbal contact....starting the physical contact....then getting his ass kicked. Awesome.

For at least the fourth (fifth? sixth?) time ----- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING "Mexican"?

You know what the word "Mexican" means, or not?

Go buy a map of the United States --- Wichita is in KANSAS. Not New York.

South Carolina education....
Pogo keeps doubling down on his denial that this is a hoax. He's like a fish out of water, flopping and flailing all over the place. Grasping at straws, splitting hairs, trying to divert the discussion to the meaning of certain words to avoid addressing the fact that this story is pure bullshit. This is great entertainment. :popcorn:
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

Yes Albany. This incident is nearly identical. Something happened. A fight. The Mexican started it it appears. And lost. And now are reporting they were racism victims.

Are cops still looking for the other guy? Of course. A full investigation requires that. And if found....if he has PROOF no racial slurs were used....guess who goes to jail??? The Muslim. False police report.

No proof of any racial slurs. All we see is the Mexican starting the verbal contact....starting the physical contact....then getting his ass kicked. Awesome.

For at least the fourth (fifth? sixth?) time ----- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING "Mexican"?

You know what the word "Mexican" means, or not?

Go buy a map of the United States --- Wichita is in KANSAS. Not New York.

South Carolina education....

I'm saying it because it pissed you off, obviously. Guess my SC education is "trumping" your Northern temper haha!!

Ok. "Hispanic". Is that better??

Is this still just a story about a Mexican....err....Hispanic....who picked a fight...lost...and the has his Muslim friend trying to stir up rumors of a hate crime?? Just like Albany?
Pogo keeps doubling down on his denial that this is a hoax. He's like a fish out of water, flopping and flailing all over the place. Grasping at straws, splitting hairs, trying to divert the discussion to the meaning of certain words to avoid addressing the fact that this story is pure bullshit. This is great entertainment. :popcorn:

Yyyyyeah unfortunately there's video.

That offer for apologies is still open, so it's actually not too late --- it just gets harder, because you've dug deeper.

Any clue yet on "Mexican" btw?
Any clue yet on said "Mexican" "crying racism"?
Any clue on anything at all here?

Pogo keeps doubling down on his denial that this is a hoax. He's like a fish out of water, flopping and flailing all over the place. Grasping at straws, splitting hairs, trying to divert the discussion to the meaning of certain words to avoid addressing the fact that this story is pure bullshit. This is great entertainment. :popcorn:

Yyyyyeah unfortunately there's video.

That offer for apologies is still open, so it's actually not too late --- it just gets harder, because you've dug deeper.

Any clue yet on "Mexican" btw?
Any clue yet on said "Mexican" "crying racism"?
Any clue on anything at all here?


Yes. Video of a fight the Hispanic started. And then lost.

That's ALL we have.
Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

Yes Albany. This incident is nearly identical. Something happened. A fight. The Mexican started it it appears. And lost. And now are reporting they were racism victims.

Are cops still looking for the other guy? Of course. A full investigation requires that. And if found....if he has PROOF no racial slurs were used....guess who goes to jail??? The Muslim. False police report.

No proof of any racial slurs. All we see is the Mexican starting the verbal contact....starting the physical contact....then getting his ass kicked. Awesome.

For at least the fourth (fifth? sixth?) time ----- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING "Mexican"?

You know what the word "Mexican" means, or not?

Go buy a map of the United States --- Wichita is in KANSAS. Not New York.

South Carolina education....

I'm saying it because it pissed you off, obviously. Guess my SC education is "trumping" your Northern temper haha!!

Ok. "Hispanic". Is that better??

Is this still just a story about a Mexican....err....Hispanic....who picked a fight...lost...and the has his Muslim friend trying to stir up rumors of a hate crime?? Just like Albany?

You're saying it because you're not only too ignorant to know the difference between what's actually in the story and what you pulled out of your own colonic flush, but you're too much of a pussywimp to admit you had it wrong all along.

Segundo -- without audio you don't KNOW who "picked a fight". And we already did this --- yesterday when I posted the video you implied didn't exist about an assault you said didn't exist, and you're too much of a pussywimp to own up to that too.

And thirdly --- there is no "Albany" involved here. Wichita is in KANSAS. There IS NO "Albany" in this story. Anywhere. Just as there is no "Mexican".

Distance from Wichita, KS to Albany, NY

There are 1,287.74 miles from Wichita to Albany and 1,460.52 miles by car.

Wichita and Albany are 21 hours 19 mins far apart (by car).​

I was off by 39.48 miles. But I'll man up and admit it. I take scenic routes anyway.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

Yes Albany. This incident is nearly identical. Something happened. A fight. The Mexican started it it appears. And lost. And now are reporting they were racism victims.

Are cops still looking for the other guy? Of course. A full investigation requires that. And if found....if he has PROOF no racial slurs were used....guess who goes to jail??? The Muslim. False police report.

No proof of any racial slurs. All we see is the Mexican starting the verbal contact....starting the physical contact....then getting his ass kicked. Awesome.

For at least the fourth (fifth? sixth?) time ----- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING "Mexican"?

You know what the word "Mexican" means, or not?

Go buy a map of the United States --- Wichita is in KANSAS. Not New York.

South Carolina education....

I'm saying it because it pissed you off, obviously. Guess my SC education is "trumping" your Northern temper haha!!

Ok. "Hispanic". Is that better??

Is this still just a story about a Mexican....err....Hispanic....who picked a fight...lost...and the has his Muslim friend trying to stir up rumors of a hate crime?? Just like Albany?

You're saying it because you're not only too ignorant to know the difference between what's actually in the story and what you pulled out of your own colonic flush, but you're too much of a pussywimp to admit you had it wrong all along.

Segundo -- without audio you don't KNOW who "picked a fight". And we already did this --- yesterday when I posted the video you implied didn't exist about an assault you said didn't exist, and you're too much of a pussywimp to own up to that too.

And thirdly --- there is no "Albany" involved here. Wichita is in KANSAS. There IS NO "Albany" in this story. Anywhere. Just as there is no "Mexican".

Distance from Wichita, KS to Albany, NY

There are 1,287.74 miles from Wichita to Albany and 1,460.52 miles by car.

Wichita and Albany are 21 hours 19 mins far apart (by car).​

I was off by 39.48 miles. But I'll man up and admit it. I take scenic routes anyway.


Yes. Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity. You libs typically don't get that. Just like you idiots calling anti Muslim speech "racist". I guess Mexicans like you are quite sensitive to this.

The video/ It shows the Hispanic started the verbal contact...then started the physical contact and rolled his sleeves up for a fight...then got beat up. Now the Muslim friend is saying it was a racial incident. NO PROOF of that.

Albany: Maybe you missed the ASU outrage. Black females alleged they were attacked by whites and racial slurs used. VIDEO show the blacks started the fight and did not indicate any racial slurs. SAME THING here.
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video

Yes. The fight is on video. doesn't go how it was reported does it?

Victim started the verbal exchange.
Victim initiated the physical contact.
Victim happened to have fighting skills like yours.

Now victim wants revenge and is pulling an Albany State and making up racial allegations.

Oh....and call your cousins in China and tell them to stop slaughtering house pets for food

My mother is from Singapore, asshole, not China. The two countries aren't anywhere near each other.
Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.
The Mexican struck the innocent biker first. You must be blind.
Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video

Yes. The fight is on video. doesn't go how it was reported does it?

Victim started the verbal exchange.
Victim initiated the physical contact.
Victim happened to have fighting skills like yours.

Now victim wants revenge and is pulling an Albany State and making up racial allegations.

Oh....and call your cousins in China and tell them to stop slaughtering house pets for food

My mother is from Singapore, asshole, not China. The two countries aren't anywhere near each other.

It's all the same Bro.

Yes. Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity. You libs typically don't get that. Just like you idiots calling anti Muslim speech "racist". I guess Mexicans like you are quite sensitive to this.

LINK to where I called anti-Muslim speech "racist" is where? In your anal cavity?

NO SHIT SHERLOCK, Mexican refers to a citizenship, and it's NOWHERE in this story. YOU pulled it from the same anal cranium. And now you're trying to sell that *I* don't get that?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

The video/ It shows the Hispanic started the verbal contact...then started the physical contact and rolled his sleeves up for a fight...then got beat up. Now the Muslim friend is saying it was a racial incident. NO PROOF of that.

The video shows no such thing. The video -- which again for you short-bus kids HAS NO AUDIO --- cannot by definition show what the verbal exchange is, if there is one, or who spoke first, especially when the party/parties being exchanged with are OFF CAMERA. That is another claim you're pulling out of your own ass. Just as the original claim that this was all a "hoax". Same source.

For all we know -- and this is the likely scenario --- the biker who's fucking with the panhandler yellls "what are you lookin' at??" when they're watching what he's doing. And presumably the response would be "leave that guy alone".

You got a problem with that, pussy boi?

Albany: Maybe you missed the ASU outrage. Black females alleged they were attacked by whites and racial slurs used. VIDEO show the blacks started the fight and did not indicate any racial slurs. SAME THING here.

Whatever "ASU" is, yes I did miss it. There is no "ASU" here. There is no "Albany" here. What you're trying to do is cover up your own ass-sourcing by introducing a Red Herring fallacy. Whatever that is has nothing to do with this story, and you fucking know it, you dishonest lying hack who doesn't have the cojones to admit he fucked up.
Yes. Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity. You libs typically don't get that. Just like you idiots calling anti Muslim speech "racist". I guess Mexicans like you are quite sensitive to this.

LINK to where I called anti-Muslim speech "racist" is where? In your anal cavity?

NO SHIT SHERLOCK, Mexican refers to a citizenship, and it's NOWHERE in this story. YOU pulled it from the same anal cranium. And now you're trying to sell that *I* don't get that?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

The video/ It shows the Hispanic started the verbal contact...then started the physical contact and rolled his sleeves up for a fight...then got beat up. Now the Muslim friend is saying it was a racial incident. NO PROOF of that.

The video shows no such thing. The video -- which again for you short-bus kids HAS NO AUDIO --- cannot by definition show what the verbal exchange is, if there is one, or who spoke first, especially when the party/parties being exchanged with are OFF CAMERA. That is another claim you're pulling out of your own ass. Just as the original claim that this was all a "hoax". Same source.

Albany: Maybe you missed the ASU outrage. Black females alleged they were attacked by whites and racial slurs used. VIDEO show the blacks started the fight and did not indicate any racial slurs. SAME THING here.

Whatever "ASU" is, yes I did miss it. There is no "ASU" here. There is no "Albany" here. What you're trying to do is cover up your own ass-sourcing by introducing a Red Herring fallacy. Whatever that is has nothing to do with this story, and you fucking know it, you dishonest lying hack.

AH WELL THEN.....awesome....we've concluded something:

1. By your own words....we cannot determine ANYTHING that was said. we've said...there's absolutely no proof that any racial or political words were used by anyone. Right? Yes of course it's just said so. So...we have a video of 3 idiots in a fight. Yay.

2. OF COURSE you missed the Albany State racial hoax from 2 months ago. OF COURSE you did (I believe you too....but seriously....Google it and then you'll see why we say it's the same).
It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.
The Mexican struck the innocent biker first. You must be blind.

What "Mexican" would this be?
What "innocent biker" would this be? The one who parked his bike in front of the car? That "innocent" one?
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.
The Mexican struck the innocent biker first. You must be blind.

What "Mexican" would this be?
What "innocent biker" would this be? The one who parked his bike in front of the car? That "innocent" one? he's leaving the Mexican is yelling shit at him. Excuse me...the Hispanic. So he stops to see what the fuck they want.

Apparently it was a fight the border jumper wanted.

And he got one hahaha!!
Yes. Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity. You libs typically don't get that. Just like you idiots calling anti Muslim speech "racist". I guess Mexicans like you are quite sensitive to this.

LINK to where I called anti-Muslim speech "racist" is where? In your anal cavity?

NO SHIT SHERLOCK, Mexican refers to a citizenship, and it's NOWHERE in this story. YOU pulled it from the same anal cranium. And now you're trying to sell that *I* don't get that?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

The video/ It shows the Hispanic started the verbal contact...then started the physical contact and rolled his sleeves up for a fight...then got beat up. Now the Muslim friend is saying it was a racial incident. NO PROOF of that.

The video shows no such thing. The video -- which again for you short-bus kids HAS NO AUDIO --- cannot by definition show what the verbal exchange is, if there is one, or who spoke first, especially when the party/parties being exchanged with are OFF CAMERA. That is another claim you're pulling out of your own ass. Just as the original claim that this was all a "hoax". Same source.

Albany: Maybe you missed the ASU outrage. Black females alleged they were attacked by whites and racial slurs used. VIDEO show the blacks started the fight and did not indicate any racial slurs. SAME THING here.

Whatever "ASU" is, yes I did miss it. There is no "ASU" here. There is no "Albany" here. What you're trying to do is cover up your own ass-sourcing by introducing a Red Herring fallacy. Whatever that is has nothing to do with this story, and you fucking know it, you dishonest lying hack.

AH WELL THEN.....awesome....we've concluded something:

1. By your own words....we cannot determine ANYTHING that was said. we've said...there's absolutely no proof that any racial or political words were used by anyone. Right? Yes of course it's just said so. So...we have a video of 3 idiots in a fight. Yay.

2. OF COURSE you missed the Albany State racial hoax from 2 months ago. OF COURSE you did (I believe you too....but seriously....Google it and then you'll see why we say it's the same).

1 -- yes, I've said that from the beginning. Meanwhile what YOU said from the beginning was that it was a "hoax" that "didn't happen".

Guess which one of us was wrong, Sparky.

But here you've finally admitted that you have no such info that the Hispanic "started" it.
All you have to do is articulate that.

But you won't. Because you're a pussywimp.

2 - I don't need to Google it. It's unrelated and you know it. You're desperate. Flailing at anything rather than man up.
Yes. Mexican is a nationality. Hispanic is an ethnicity. You libs typically don't get that. Just like you idiots calling anti Muslim speech "racist". I guess Mexicans like you are quite sensitive to this.

LINK to where I called anti-Muslim speech "racist" is where? In your anal cavity?

NO SHIT SHERLOCK, Mexican refers to a citizenship, and it's NOWHERE in this story. YOU pulled it from the same anal cranium. And now you're trying to sell that *I* don't get that?

What in the fuck is wrong with you?

The video/ It shows the Hispanic started the verbal contact...then started the physical contact and rolled his sleeves up for a fight...then got beat up. Now the Muslim friend is saying it was a racial incident. NO PROOF of that.

The video shows no such thing. The video -- which again for you short-bus kids HAS NO AUDIO --- cannot by definition show what the verbal exchange is, if there is one, or who spoke first, especially when the party/parties being exchanged with are OFF CAMERA. That is another claim you're pulling out of your own ass. Just as the original claim that this was all a "hoax". Same source.

Albany: Maybe you missed the ASU outrage. Black females alleged they were attacked by whites and racial slurs used. VIDEO show the blacks started the fight and did not indicate any racial slurs. SAME THING here.

Whatever "ASU" is, yes I did miss it. There is no "ASU" here. There is no "Albany" here. What you're trying to do is cover up your own ass-sourcing by introducing a Red Herring fallacy. Whatever that is has nothing to do with this story, and you fucking know it, you dishonest lying hack.

AH WELL THEN.....awesome....we've concluded something:

1. By your own words....we cannot determine ANYTHING that was said. we've said...there's absolutely no proof that any racial or political words were used by anyone. Right? Yes of course it's just said so. So...we have a video of 3 idiots in a fight. Yay.

2. OF COURSE you missed the Albany State racial hoax from 2 months ago. OF COURSE you did (I believe you too....but seriously....Google it and then you'll see why we say it's the same).

1 -- yes, I've said that from the beginning. Meanwhile what YOU said from the beginning was that it was a "hoax" that "didn't happen".

Guess which one of us was wrong, Sparky.

2 - I don't need to Google it. It's unrelated and you know it. You're desperate. Flailing at anything rather than man up.'s still a hoax. No hate crime occurred. No racial slurs were used. It was just a collision of it happens thousands of times a day all over America.

A Muslim and Mexican however decided to stir up a fairy tale about a racist Trump chanting Boogeyman because they wanted attention or revenge. EXACTLY like Albany. Copy cat racial lie.
The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.
The Mexican struck the innocent biker first. You must be blind.

What "Mexican" would this be?
What "innocent biker" would this be? The one who parked his bike in front of the car? That "innocent" one? he's leaving the Mexican is yelling shit at him. Excuse me...the Hispanic. So he stops to see what the fuck they want.

Apparently it was a fight the border jumper wanted.

And he got one hahaha!!

"Border jumper"?

Again ----- link?

This is all flying over your pointy white hood, isn't it?
Here Pogo I'll inform you yet again:

Albany and Wichita: Both had a fight. Both had minorities who claimed racist motivations. Video proved in both that the "vicitms" started the aggression and that no evidence showed racial remarks by the whites.

Articles: The Great Racial Hoax of Albany

images-7.jpeg's still a hoax. No hate crime occurred. No racial slurs were used. It was just a collision of it happens thousands of times a day all over America.

Aaaaaaaannd right back to declaring the negative where you started.

--- Link?


Such a cat toy...

A Muslim and Mexican however decided to stir up a fairy tale about a racist Trump chanting Boogeyman because they wanted attention or revenge.

Ah, an assertion of a positive.
Make it two links.

EXACTLY like Albany. Copy cat racial lie.

Link to where either of these guys ever even heard of this "Albany"?

Three strikes and you are out.

Next batter please....

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