Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.

You see the video? They punch like you haha.

If they punched like me that asshole would have needed to be carted away in an ambulance.

Ha!! Yeah right. Maybe from dying of boredom. If anything their striking was slightly better than yours. The Mexicans ground game was certainly a notch or two better than yours.

Where do you get "Mexican"?
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.
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mmhmm Victim gives details of weekend attack by man shouting 'Trump'

Yeah the biker guy "suddenly turned on them" - other than his passenger yelled at him - and "pushed his friend" - who poked the biker first.

Notice how he conveniently leaves off all the "my friend was instigating and pursuing the guy looking for a fight" stuff?

This boys lying, which is stupid cause there's video. Maybe he didn't think there'd be one, but there is no doubt at all that the passenger was picking a fight, even after getting his ass kicked he was /still/ looking for a fight.
mmhmm Victim gives details of weekend attack by man shouting 'Trump'

Yeah the biker guy "suddenly turned on them" - other than his passenger yelled at him - and "pushed his friend" - who poked the biker first.

Notice how he conveniently leaves off all the "my friend was instigating and pursuing the guy looking for a fight" stuff?

This boys lying, which is stupid cause there's video. Maybe he didn't think there'd be one, but there is no doubt at all that the passenger was picking a fight, even after getting his ass kicked he was /still/ looking for a fight.

The aggression had already started. It's off camera. What we do see on the video is a continuation of that aggression, transferred to a new recipient (the first one being out of camera range).

That first incident is exactly what gets the two guys' attention. If there's nothing going on over there ---- THEN THERE'S NOTHING TO LOOK AT. Not rocket surgery.

And the first act of that new-target aggression is --- parking the bike in front of the car. You can ignore that act all you like in your valiant quest against the brown people but that's on video and it's not going away. Period.
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The video proves you are wrong Pogo

Stop freaking out

About what?

About there being a "Mexican" involved? No, that's Sucksoff90. And now S.J. They still can't explain that.

About refuting several idiots' claims that this incident "didn't happen"? Nope. It did.
About the fact that this video DOES exist? Nope. It does.
About this being in Wichita and not Albany? Nope. It was.
About the conduct of the biker who pens in the car, and later kicks its door in? Nope. He did.
About my prediction that once the video came out, Denialists like you would deny what it shows? Nope. You just did.

And yesterday you tried to rewrite this story by posting a video without its context story, even after you yourself had already been in the original threat.

You're busted.

Denialists......... SMFH
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Exactly. Minorities make up stories about racial slurs so often it's almost expected. From the video it's clear that the sand-monkey instigated the whole thing by calling something out to the biker. He started something he couldn't finish. End of story.

The video has no audio. There's no way to know that.

There is backstory in the police report however, involving another person who isn't in the shot, with the biker who's also not in the shot until he pulls in front of the car. That's what they're looking at while pumping gas.

All of which is explained in the original thread on this posted Monday night, which is in my first link. Which also contains a link to the actual newspaper story, which TinkerTank did not provide here, and without which one can only pull such speculations out of one's own colon.
Yes there is a way to know that. The camel lover put his hand to his face in a show of shouting something out to the biker. I know that the biker starting trouble all on his own because he doesn't like the color of the man's skin fits the Leftist narrative, but in real life, the biker didn't have a problem with them until they started one.

Yuh huh. That's why he drove around and parked in front of their car so they couldn't leave.

Yeah, no car in the world can push over a motorcycle on a kick stand.

That's how your world works, is it? Somebody picks a fight, the proper response is to drive over their vehicle?
That's eloquent.
If that's the only escape vector, yeah.
Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.

You answered your own question as to why he hasn't been arrested. Key word being "Hispanic".
[Do you mean like he was after punching the anonymous wetback while his Muslim friend watched?

Republicans can't figure out why they are now losing 80% of Hispanics. It's a real head scratcher.....

Why would Hispanics support a party that expects their own to abide by the law when the other party is willing to reward them for being criminals.
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.

It's not hard for you to believe because you want to believe it. You never considered anything but what you WANT to believe.

There is video of the incident. Try to keep up

The thread is about something that involves AUDIO. Do you have any of that supporting your claim?
So now Liberals are pretending to be Trump supporters and attacking muslims. LOL
It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.

You answered your own question as to why he hasn't been arrested. Key word being "Hispanic".

So "Hispanics" never get arrested.

Ya learn sump'm here every day.

The point stands. If the scenario imagined by the Denialists' Imaginarium actually went down that way ----- they wouldn't have continued looking for the actual perpetrator. And yet -- they did.

And there's not a damn thing in the world the Revisionistas can do about that. Their scenario fails, QED.
It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.

You answered your own question as to why he hasn't been arrested. Key word being "Hispanic".
They usually don't arrest the aggressor if he gets his ass kicked unless the other guy wants to press charges.
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.
Not that hard to believe if you're gullible.

The attack is on video
The alleged slurs are not. Unfortunately it's not a crime to allege racial slurs turning what should be a simple case of assault into a full blown hate crime investigation. It should be.

Correct -- yelling racial slurs is not "assault". So you've just shot the legs off your own allegation (post 181 for example) that the Hispanic started it, because even if we were to imagine that's what he's yelling, for no reason, that is not "assault", and the video clearly shows the biker starting it. So thanks for that.

You liars always twist yourselves into a pretzel.

Want further confirmation?

The police have had and examined the video longer than we have. If the Hispanic started the fight (committed assault) ---- why hasn't he been arrested?

The facts win and --- you lose.

Anybody want some pretzels? There's a lot of 'em.

Racists --- such cat toys.

You answered your own question as to why he hasn't been arrested. Key word being "Hispanic".
They usually don't arrest the aggressor if he gets his ass kicked unless the other guy wants to press charges.

Possibly, in cases where either party "gets their ass kicked". Doesn't even apply here On the contrary they continued to look for the biker --- based on, once again, a "frame by frame" examination of the video, which they were doing before we saw it. Back when you and Sucksoff90 were denying the incident ever happened and coming up with "Mexican".
Ah back to this again.

So based on your logic.....the rednecks coming down from a mountain can claim they saw a Bigfoot...and we must accept it as fact unless we can PROVE they didn't right??

Ummm..... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. The opposite.

What is it about the concept of proving a negative that continues to fly over your head?
You make an assertion --- you take the burden of proof. That's been true as long as the universe has existed. And you want to rescind that with a message board post, do ya?

Here, you made an assertion. Therefore you have the burden. A burden with which you have done..... nothing.

Sorry clowns. These days....when a whiny college student alleges a racial offense....we MUST have concrete proof or remain skeptical.

Fine, remain so.
But you went farther --- you declared it a "hoax". STILL waiting for your evidence.

There's about a 1% chance this actually happened.

Again with the bets. Irrelevant. Appeal to Probability.

BTW....where is that black customer who took the initial brunt of the mystery Trump supporter? You'd think he would have spoken about this.

How the fuck would I know?
Are you now going to assert that that black guy doesn't exist? Because that will be an additional burden, and you haven't done the first one yet.

And....the employees REFUSED to give video to the cops?
And.....the student happened to not get the bikes tag?'s been 2 business days now and the manager STILL hasn't provided video of a horrific racist assault at his store???

(1) As I understand (and previously posted) acquiring the video needs a court order. No big deal to get that, but not a lot of courts are open at 3am on a Saturday morning.

(2) wouldn't know that either. Article doesn't mention either way. Are you about to assert that he did not?
Because that would be Burden Three. Up to you.

(3) From what I read the police are already reviewing it, so that already happened. You DO realize the video goes to the police, and not to satisfy your message board hangups ----- right?

Cmon Pogo. Yall have asked us to believe some shit before. But this is worse than Albany State.

I have no idea what that means.
dude, it's a hoax if no evidence is available. It's very simple.

I do know what THAT means. I've been pointing that out to the denialist since Monday night, and he still can't man up to admit he was wrong.

What I don't follow is his continuous reference to "Albany". Albany and Wichita have gotta be at least 1500 miles apart.

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